Essay Assignment- Gilgamesh

US History 3rd Quarter Individual Project – Atomic Bomb Essay
Points: 60
DIRECTIONS: Research the use of the atomic bomb by the United States in WWII.
Then, answer the following question: Was the US justified in its use of the Atomic
bomb to force Japan’s surrender in WWII? The essay should have a clearly-stated
thesis sentence in the introductory paragraph.
Essays must be typed, double-spaced, and contain MLA- formatted in-text citation and a
works cited page. I expect a minimum of three sources in addition to your book. The
essay should be three pages in length.
MLA Citation Guidelines
Citation – author known (author page#)
Human beings have been described as "symbol-using animals" (Burke 3).
Citation- author unknown, article (shortened title in quotes page#)
Human beings have been described as “symbol-using animals” (“Language”
Citation- author unknown, book (shortened title in italics or underlined, page#)
Human beings have been described as “symbol-using animals” (Language
Works Cited
Burke, Kenneth. Language as Symbolic Action: Essays on Life,
Literature, and Method. Berkeley: U of California P, 1966.
Entire Web Site
Felluga, Dino. Guide to Literary and Critical Theory. 28 Nov. 2003.
Purdue University. 10 May 2006
Web Site- One Page
"Caret." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. 28 April 2006. 10 May 2006
Poniewozik, James. "TV Makes a Too-Close Call." Time 20 Nov. 2000: 70-71.
Rubric- Essay
Essay follows proper structure
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(Intro, body paragraphs, conclusion)
Thesis is clear, appropriate
In-text citation is correct
12 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Works Cited page is complete, correct
Grammar and usage correct
Three appropriate sources used
Content is correct
Conclusions are logical
TOTAL- /60
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10