Rhetorical Analysis of Online Advertisment

ENGL 211
Rhetorical Analysis of Technology
In our first essay we practiced techniques of criticism and visual analysis by carefully analyzing a
multimodal advertisement as a text. For this assignment, students will apply a similar critical lens to a
technology and the discourse community surrounding that technology.
The assignment:
The purpose of this essay is to think, read and write critically about different modes of communication
and the communities using such communication technologies. By carefully analyzing a technology,
students will identify the audience(s) and better understand the implications of language in regards to
performing and building online identity in such computer-mediated spaces.
Students will choose a technology (a software application, a game, an online society, etc.) to critically
analyze, paying special attention to the shared goals and purposes of those using such technologies
as well as the language and communication conventions. Careful attention should also be paid to the
ways users craft identities through such technologies and ways technologies shape identity.
The final product will be a traditional academic paper (typed, double-spaced, five to seven pages –
1,500-1,800 words). Each essay should include at least three outside sources (at least one will be
used for history/background on the technology and one should be analysis or commentary on the
technology by another scholar). Papers should observe MLA citation style and include a Works Cited
This assignment is worth 25 percent of our course grade.
Things to remember:
-A strong, clear thesis will be key to this assignment. Consider what the audience should learn from
this analysis, the overall judgment regarding the technology, and what argument is being made.
-Think back to our online discussions about ways that discourse communities utilize written and
spoken language and visual markers to communicate among members and with those outside the
community (i.e. commonplaces).
Getting help:
-You will receive feedback from your peer writing/blogging group regarding this essay and you should
feel free to contact me with questions or concerns about the essay, about locating research for the
essay, or citation issues.
Due dates:
A first draft for peer review is due on email to two partners Monday, Oct. 18.
Final draft of the piece is due to Jen via email by Monday, Nov. 1.