View Minutes - Township of Mahwah




APRIL 14, 2008



The combined public/work session meeting of the Planning Board of the Township of

Mahwah held at the Municipal Building, 475 Corporate Dr., Mahwah, N.J. was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Dr. Ross, Chairman. The Opening Statement was read according to the Sunshine Law followed by the flag salute and roll call.

These minutes are a synopsis of the meeting. A verbatim audio tape recording is on file with the Board Secretary at the Planning Board Office, 475 Corporate Dr., Mahwah, N. J.

Copies of the tapes may be purchased for a fee.

PRESENT: Mr. Brotherton, Mr. DaPuzzo, Mr. Jandris, Mayor Martel, Dr. Ross, Mr.

Spiech, Mr. Crean, Mr. Donigian (8:00), Mr. Rudolph, Mr. Sherer, Mr. Williams

PROFESSIONALS: Peter J. Scandariato, Esq., Mike Kelly, P.E., Joe Burgis, P.P.


4/8/08 Peter J. Scandariato, Esq. $400.00

3/17/08 Burgis Associates, Inc. $200.00

A motion to approve the bills was made by Mr. DaPuzzo and seconded by Mr. Spiech.

All voted in favor.


A motion to approve the minutes of March 24, 2008 was made by Mr. Brotherton and seconded by Mr. Rudolph. All voted in favor.





Planning Board Minutes

April 14, 2008

Page 2.

A motion to approve was made by Mr. Brotherton and seconded by Mr. Spiech. A roll call of eligible members revealed 6 aye votes by Mr. Brotherton, Mayor Martel, Dr. Ross,

Mr. Spiech, Mr. Rudolph and Mr. Williams.


A motion to open the meeting to the Public was made by Mr. DaPuzzo and seconded by

Mr. Spiech. All voted in favor.

A motion to close was made by Mr. Rudolph and seconded by Mr. Jandris. All voted in favor.



Mayor Martel recused himself.

Judith Reilly, Attorney for the Applicant appeared before the Board. This hearing is a continuation from March 10, 2008. Ms. Reilly stated that they have revised plans based on comments from the Board members.

Ms. Reilly recalled Robert Costa, P.E. to address the revised plans. They have moved the lot lines and removed the den addition. The proposed lot 14 was 27,782 square feet and the current proposal is 32,094 square feet. Lot 13 will be 42,644 square feet. They have revised the zoning tables accordingly. They have now eliminated the variance for lot width by moving the lot line. They are still seeking the lot area and lot depth variance, front yard setback, side yard setback which are all pre-existing. None of these pre-existing conditions are being increased.

They are also asking for a variance to leave the shed at its present location which is 8-1/2 feet from the property line where 15 feet is required.

Mike Kelly asked if the applicant would consider putting in landscape buffering south and west of the proposed building addition. The applicant agrees to this. They also agree to staggered evergreens in that area. Mike stated that the applicant has provided testimony that they would address any of the items in his report which were minor in nature. Mike also indicated that one of the biggest things the Board needs to consider is creating this additional lot where they will increase the house size and not meet the required front and side yard setbacks for the existing portion of the dwelling that is there.

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April 14, 2008

Page 3.

A motion to open the meeting to the public was made by Mr. Jandris and seconded by

Mr. Rudolph. All voted in favor.

George Wagner, 26 Bartholf Lane appeared before the Board. He questioned the accuracy of the distance from the dwelling. Mr. Costa stated that if there is an error they will correct it.

A motion to close was made by Mr. Spiech and seconded by Mr. Williams. All voted in favor.

Ms. Reilly recalled Joseph Bruno, Architect to address the revisions made to the proposed plans. They eliminated the den at the southwest corner of the house and reduced the floor area. The existing 1 st

floor area is 737 sq. ft., existing second floor living area is 1300 sq. ft and the garage is 563 sq. ft. The additional proposed new 1 st floor living area is 1117 sq. ft. and the additional proposed 2 nd

floor living area is 990 sq. ft. The proposed area of living space will be 4144 sq. ft exclusive of the garage and wrap around porch. The total building area including the garage and porch is 5664 sq. ft. Of that, 3374 sq. ft. is the total footprint.

A motion to open the meeting to the public was made by Mr. Rudolph and seconded by

Mr. Williams. All voted in favor.

George Wagner, 26 Bartholf Lane addressed the architectural renderings of the house.

Mr. Bruno stated all the calculations are correct.

Richard Knapp, 14 Bartholf Lane questioned the front of the house. Mr. Bruno indicated that the street address will be Bartholf Lane. Mr. Costa stated that the new addition will meet the front yard setbacks. He also stated that they are within the allowable lot coverage.

A motion to close was made by Mr. Rudolph and seconded by Mr. Williams. All voted in favor.

John Rokoszak, 136 Youngs Rd. was sworn in. Under questioning by Ms. Reilly, Mr.

Rokoszak described the plans for the property. He plans on expanding the lower house in order for him to move into it with his family. He explained that his Mother has lived with him for the last 12 years and is completely dependant upon him.

Mr. Rokoszak presented a photo of the house at 8 Bartholf Lane which was built in 1951 which consists of 2 bedrooms only. He described the house explaining that they would like to maintain the character of the house with the addition. He indicated that the reason for wanting to keep the play shed was an emotional one explaining the background of the

Planning Board Minutes

April 14, 2008

Page 4. shed. He had other photos of the house and the area. He also indicated that by removing the den they were able to save some trees. This was an important factor in making his decision. Mr. Scandariato marked these photos as “A-3”.

A motion to open the meeting to the Public was made by Mr. Jandris and seconded by

Mr. Rudolph. All voted in favor.

A motion to close was made by Mr. Rudolph and seconded by Mr. Williams. All voted in favor.

The meeting was opened to the Public for statements and comments.

George Wagner, 26 Bartholf Lane was sworn in. He stated that he was vehemently opposed to the project. He gave a history of Bartholf Lane. He indicated that it was his feeling that this would be a massive and intensive use of the property.

Joanne Bleeker, 9 Bartholf Lane was sworn in. She stated that the only objection to the project is the size of the house. She feels it would be too large for the size of the lot on a very small lane.

A motion to close was made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Spiech. All voted in favor.

Dr. Ross indicated that he would like to see a landscape plan prior to approval. The

Board members were in favor of this. The architect will confer with Mr. Kelly regarding the landscaping.

Public Hearing is continued on May 12, 2008.


Chuck Jandris recused himself.

Bruce Whitaker, Attorney for the Applicant appeared before the Board. This is a continuation of the public hearing. Mr. Whitaker stated that based on comments from the

Board at the last hearing, they have revised the plans.

Mr. Whitaker recalled Michael McGowan, P.E. Mr. McGowan addressed the revised plans with a revision date of April 2, 2008. They have increased the landscaping along

Stag Hill Rd. They have also included sidewalks as per the Board’s request. In answer to Mike Kelly’s question, Mr. Whitaker stated they will contribute to the sidewalk bank for any portion that cannot be built due to the wetlands.

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April 14, 2008

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Mr. McGowan stated that there is a reduction in size, approximately ½ acre taken off the project. They are now down to approximately 3.6 acres out of a 15.2 acre site. The

5,000 square foot building located in the center of the property has now been eliminated.

The only structure proposed at this point is now an 8 x 10 foot guardhouse to provide security for the site. The fencing will be 4 feet in height. They have eliminated the porous pavement and are now going with the standard pavement design. There will be 2 parking spaces for the guardhouse, one standard and one handicap; 760 car storage spaces; a loading area for unloading cars. The drainage system has been designed in accordance with his review and discussion with Dr. Pazwash of Boswell Engineering.

They will provide a revised soil movement application. The previous application had a soil movement of about 17,550 cubic yards based upon porous pavement. The new application will be approximately 1/4 to 1/3 of this amount.

Regarding lighting, Mr. Brotherton had a concern with the type of lighting that will be provided from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. Mr. McGowan indicated that they would conform to the

Mahwah Police Department recommendations for security purposes. They have reduced the lighting from 2-1/2 foot to 1 foot candles from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Mr. Whitaker stated that they would review the lighting to see if 1.5 foot candles with lower poles would work. He will also contact the Police Department to see what type of lighting they would require.

Mr. DaPuzzo addressed the issue of parking lot landscaping. Mr. Whitaker believes none is required for outdoor storage. Mr. Burgis indicated that whether it is outdoor storage or a parking lot the issue is the same. There is a large expansive of paved surface that the ordinance is trying to break up by requiring 5% of the lot to be landscaped. The applicant should provide the calculation to show that at least 5% of the area is landscaped. Mr.

Whitaker indicated that the landscaping should be around the perimeter of the property.

Mr. Burgis agreed.

Mr. DaPuzzo indicated that he would like to see curbing around the entire perimeter of the lot to prevent water from running off the pavement and into the aquifer. Mr.

McGowan stated that they have designed the grades to provide significant slopes and to provide inlets on the interior of the property to collect the water so that it doesn’t go to the exterior of the property. Mike Kelly stated that the plan as proposed can meet the water quality requirements of the State. He also stated that he reviewed the drainage with his drainage expert and he is in agreement with the concept. Mike Kelly indicated that the applicant needs to demonstrate to his satisfaction the depth to the water table. They need to prove that the drainage as proposed can be installed correctly.

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April 14, 2008

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Mr. Donigian questioned the facilities for the 10 x 8 ft. guardhouse. Mr. McGowan stated that Malcolm Pirnie requested that any bathroom facilities be tied into the manhole. No septic system is proposed.

Mr. Sherer questioned the monitoring wells. Mr. McGowan stated that the 6 monitoring wells will be maintained and the ones that are within the paved area will be graded and capped at the proposed grade. The ones that are outside of the proposed area of disturbance will be maintained. There will be access.

Mr. Crean questioned sight distance. Mr. McGowan indicated that their plan (Sheet T-1) shows the sight distance from both points of ingress, egress and the required sight distance at both locations. Mike Kelly indicated that the Police Dept. has noted that there is limited sight distance to the east. Mr. McGowan stated that whatever needs to be cleared will be cleared.

A motion to open to the Public was made by Mr. DaPuzzo and seconded by Mr.

Brotherton. All voted in favor.

Greg Haner, 10 Split Rock Rd. appeared before the Board. He questioned the number of vehicles to be stored.

Richard Palasek, 64 Stag Hill Rd. appeared before the Board. He questioned the turning radius pertaining to tractor trailers. Mr. McGowan stated there is approximately a 35 foot curb radius and feels they should be able to make the turn. In answer to Mr. Palasek’s questioning regarding road improvements, Mr. McGowan stated they have no plans to make any and that the trip generation was not significant.

Ann Marie Morris, 21 Spruce Rd. appeared before the Board. She questioned the flooding problem at the bottom of Stag Hill Rd. Mr. McGowan explained how they will be handling the runoff and the fact that they will be putting in some drainage on their side of the street that does not exist at this time.

A motion to close was made by Mr. Brotherton and seconded by Mr. Donigian. All voted in favor.

Carlos Gerard, 1096 Route 17 North, Ramsey, N. J. was sworn in. Under questioning by

Mr. Whitaker, Mr. Gerard stated that 80% of the vehicles being stored are new and the balance will be off-lease. Mr. Gerard explained how the vehicles are brought to the site.

The first inspection is done by the port that ships the car and the second inspection is done by Prestige at the lot. If there are any problems with the vehicles they will be brought to the service center at McKee Dr. in Mahwah. No maintenance is done on this site. Hours of operation are 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

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April 14, 2008

Page 7.

Under questioning by Mr. Donigian, Mr. Gerard stated that there are 760 parking spaces.

At this time they anticipate 400 to 500 new cars and 80 to 150 off-lease. He also indicated that there is a great turnover and cars do not stay on the lot too long. Mr.

Donigian also had a concern about trucks arriving early and queuing. Mr. Whitaker suggested they could revise the entrance/exit and put in a gate for the truck to pull in.

The Board thought it a good idea.

Mr. Spiech was still questioning the location of the plume. Mike Kelly received a submission from the Board of Health which included a report that was submitted by the property owner to the east (Shore Co.) D.E.P. had some comments and Mike will review this and provide the Board with a memo. The sample dates were October 10 & 11, 2007 and the submission to the DEP was November 15, 2007.

A motion to open to the Public was made by Mr. Crean and seconded by Mr. Rudolph.

All voted in favor.

Ann Marie Morris, 21 Spruce Rd. questioned the amount of trucks going in and out of the lot each day. She also questioned snow removal in the winter months.

Chuck Jandris, 25 Stone Fence Rd. asked if there would be traded vehicles stored on site.

Mr. Gerard answered “no”.

A motion to close was made by Mr. Donigian and seconded by Mr. Brotherton.

Mr. Donigian asked if there was a problem with the turning radius at the interchange of

Stag Hill and Mountainside Rd. would the applicant be required to make some off-site improvements to be able to make that turn. Mr. Scandariato stated that the applicant is not required to do off-site improvements unless it is necessitated by his development.

However if he cannot provide safe access into the site it is another issue.

Public Hearing is continued on April 28, 2008.



1. TA-08-0014 (AMENDED TA-08-0006) – LEIGHTON REALTY, LLC. 10


Mr. DaPuzzo recused himself.

Planning Board Minutes

April 14, 2008

Page 8.

Douglas Bern, Attorney for the Applicant appeared before the Board. This is a continuation of a work session hearing in February, 2008.

Mr. Bern stated that they are modifying the existing parking waiver. They are reducing the square footage of the warehouse/office and putting in a gym (approximately 9,600 square feet). By doing so they are reducing the parking needs for the site. Mr. Grobman purchased the building in 2006 and the parking requirement for office/warehouse was

136 spaces. They have 58 spaces available. The new tenant mix reduces the requirement to 104 spaces.

Mr. Jandris indicated that previously this building was a gym and there was not enough parking for the clientele. Mr. Bern stated that there will only be 9,600 square feet utilized for the proposed gym and not the entire building as before which was a 24,000 square foot gymnasium. Mr. Bern indicated that they had a parking waiver for the site. The ordinance has a greater requirement for office and warehouse then it does for gymnasium/health club facility. They are reducing the intensity of the use, reducing the amount of square footage dedicated to the warehouse/office use.

Mr. Burgis indicated that the parking standard for warehouse space is 4 per thousand and the parking standard for health/fitness clubs is 5-1/2 per thousand which increases the parking standard.

Louis Luglio, traffic expert appeared before the Board. Mr. Luglio stated that the amount of parking spaces used for this office/warehouse is 2 spaces. The rest of the parking spaces are vacant. They have photos and aerial photos for the last 2 years including this date showing this. There are 52 stripped parking spaces one of which is a handicapped space. There are 3 spaces not stripped and there could be an additional 5 spaces that are stripped out behind the loading dock area behind the building for a total of 60 spaces.

Mr. Luglio stated that based on the 2 spaces needed for the warehouse there would be 58 spaces available which would be enough spaces for the fitness club to operate on the site based on the 5.5 spaces per 1,000 square feet.

Mayor Martel indicated that the criteria is not how much is being used but what is necessary according to the ordinance. Mike Kelly indicated they would need 105 parking spaces based on the square footage of the office/warehouse and the health club.

Mr. Spiech voiced his concern regarding future parking if another permitted use should go into the warehouse space. The other Board members had the same concern. Dr. Ross indicated that the only way this could possibly be approved would be if the applicant can justify the fact that they would have enough space for a full build out for future parking.

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April 14, 2008

Page 9.

Mr. Scandariato suggested the applicant show the Resolution which was adopted by the

Planning Board in 2006 to Joe Burgis for his recommendations. Dr. Ross asked that the applicant file an amended site plan application so that Mr. Burgis can review this.

Mike Kelly asked that the applicant submit a site plan that accurately depicts the number of parking spaces at the site, any additional parking spaces that are proposed. He also asked that they review the floor area definition in the town code for required parking spaces.

The hearing will continue on May 12, 2008.


Mike Kelly reviewed the letter from Gary Montroy, Construction Official. Mr. Montroy had some concerns with the Russo application. There is a Developer’s Agreement prepared based on the revised plans that was submitted to the Board. Mr. Montroy wants the Town’s Water & Sewer Consultant to inspect all water and sanitary sewer facilities on site. There will be some revisions to the Developer’s Agreement which will be presented to Russo. Mr. Montroy indicated that he is okay with them proceeding with the footings and foundations at their own risk. Mike feels it is reasonable at this time. They are coming back to the Board at the next meeting to address the noise and generator issues.



There are plenty of parking spaces on site. The use is strictly office and no retail sales will be going on.

A motion to approve was made by Mr. Crean and seconded by Mr. Jandris. A roll call revealed 9 aye votes by Mr. Brotherton, Mr. Jandris, Mayor Martel, Dr. Ross, Mr.

Spiech, Mr. Crean, Mr. Donigian, Mr. Rudolph, Mr. DaPuzzo.



The Board is requiring the applicant to enclose the dumpster with a stockade fence.

A motion to approve was made by Mr. Brotherton and seconded by Mr. Jandris. A roll call revealed 9 aye votes by Mr. Brotherton, Mr. Jandris, Mayor Martel, Dr. Ross, Mr.

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April 14, 2008

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Spiech, Mr. Crean, Mr. Donigian, Mr. Rudolph, Mr. Sherer. Mr. DaPuzzo recused himself.


A motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Crean and seconded by Mr. Brotherton. All voted in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m.

These minutes were prepared by Rosalie DeMartino.
