Blood Brothers



Write about the friendship between Eddie and Mickey and how it develops and changes

Think about:

Eddie and Mickey as children

How they changed as they grew up

Their relationship as adults

The end of the play

Plan this essay carefully:

Blood Brothers

Exam Essay Preparation

Why do Mickey and Edward become friends?

Why did they admire about each other when they were young?

Why do they appear to have a special bond?

Locate two quotes to emphasise the special childhood bond they had as young children

How do their lives begin to move in opposite directions and suggest reasons why this begins to happen?

Select three events that show how much Mickey and Edward change as they grow up.

Look closely at the conversation between the two characters on pages 59 – 60. Explain in detail why this is a significant moment that changes the relationship between Mickey and Edward.

The end of the play sees the end of the friendship between the boys. Explain what Mickey feels towards Edward as he stands before him with the gun.

Look at the final conversation between the two characters on page 68 -69. What does this reveal about how their friendship changed?

Finally – explain why you feel the fun and lively childhood friendship that Mickey and Edward had at the age of seven led to such a tragic end.
