29HO16178 Gnat-Hill MICKEY-ET*TV*TY By: Mitch Amundson Pedigree: Dotson x Goldwyn x Outside x Rudolph Pedigree Information Sire: TOMLU OMAN DOTSON-ET Dam: WEAVERSTYLE GLDWN MARJI-ET VG-87 DOM 02-00 3X 365d 23160M 4.1% 956F 3.2% 748P MGD: SPRINGWAY WS MUSIC-ET EX-90 DOM 03-09 2X 365d 32560M 3.8% 1233F 3.0% 986P 3rd Dam: SPRINGWAY RUDOLPH RHYME-ET EX-91 03-05 2X 365d 30700M 5.5% 1694F 3.0% 920P 29HO16178 MICKEY Daughter Dairy Ave Mickey 11086 Owned by Richie Oppedyk, Corcoran, CA Component improver for increased profit Calving ease sire for use in heifer pens Sound feet and legs for good mobility Family Information MICKEY hails from a tremendous maternal line known for high type scores and high fat production. His Goldwyn dam, Marji, scored VG-87 and her next 8 dams are scored Excellent with multiple Dam of Merit and Gold Medal Dam designations. MICKEY is sired by Dotson, who was one of the very first high ranking Oman sons to graduate and was outstanding for Calving Ease and Protein production. MICKEY has truly combined the best of both family lines and will sire daughters that excel in fertility and production while also looking the part. Daughter Information MICKEY sires daughters with sound feet and legs. They have a great set to the hock, a steep foot angle and walk straight when viewed from behind. Daughters have plenty of height and width to the rear udder. MICKEY will correct high pins as he sires more slope to the rump. Mating Information MICKEY will run well in herds using the following GMS options: Durability and CM$.