Title: Les Differences Teacher: Madame Wandro Grade & Subject: French II 7th/8th Grade Dates of Implementation: Q3 Number of School Days: Benchmark Exam (underline): 1 2 3 4 DESIRED RESULTS Standards LISTENING L4a: SWBAT use evidence (context clues & cognates) and Unit 4 vocabulary to answer questions from a listening passage. L4b: SWBAT identify Unit 4 vocabulary when presented orally out of context. READING R4a: SWBAT read a novel in the target language and answer factual and personal questions in the target language. R4b: SWBAT read lyrics of a song in target language and answer factual and personal questions in the target language. WRITING W4a: SWBAT write a 150-word summary of a text in target language. W4b: SWBAT write a 175-word letter in target language. W4c: SWBAT write a 200-word essay analyzing text in target language. SPEAKING S4a: SWBAT hold a basic conversation for at least 1.5 minutes in target language about random topic relating to text. CULTURE C4a: SWBAT C4b: SWBAT Enduring Understandings What do we want students to understand and be able to use several years from now, after they have forgotten the details? Essential Questions What questions will students grapple with that will lead them to these enduring understandings? Students will understand that… - When we treat each other with respect the world is a better place. - What happens when we each other with respect? - Learning about something new might be scary, but helps us understand the world and ourselves. - Why does understanding and knowing someone different matter? - Understanding another culture can help you understand your own. - How is Mauritania similar to/different from the USA? What misunderstandings are predictable? Students forming generalizations and stereotypes about Africa as a continent based on experience with Fama. Key Knowledge Key Skills What key knowledge, facts, and vocabulary will students acquire as a result of this unit? What key skills will students be able to perform as a result of this unit? Students will know that… Students will be able to… NEED TO KNOW: NICE TO KNOW: (optional) NEED TO BE ABLE TO: …why some African countries, like Mauritania, speak French. …identifying francophone countries on a map of Africa. …describe colonialism. …basic principles of Islam. NICE TO BE ABLE TO: (optional) …answer factual and personal questions about Fama. … describe Islam …characteristics of racism and stereotypes. …describe and make connections between racism in the book and racism in their lives. …why people react with racism and stereotypes. …answer the unit question in 5 paragraph, 200 word essay in French. ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE Formative Assessments How will students be asked to exhibit their understanding throughout this unit? How will you communicate their progress? - Students will compare and contrast Mauritania and the USA using idea diagram. - Students will turn their idea diagrams into 200 word essays in French comparing and contrasting Mauritania with the USA. Summative Assessments How will you evaluate the learning that has taken place at the end of the unit? STUDENT INVESTMENT FRAMING THE UNIT *How will the new unit of study be framed for the students so that they know where they are headed (learning goals), why the material is important to study, what will be required of them (projects, etc.), and so that they are hooked? KEY LEARNING ACTIVITIES The disposition to be broad and generative The disposition to build explanations, understandings, and connections The disposition to wonder, to identify problems, to investigate The disposition to make plans and be strategic The disposition to be intellectually careful and precise The disposition to seek and evaluate reasons The disposition to be meta-cognitive Learning Activities: Daily Objectives/Learning Goals How will you sequence your daily objectives (know/do) so that they lead to the desired understandings? Cut and paste from the “Skills” section above. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,