Psychology: Neuroscience Introduction Grade Level: Multi Subject: Psychology Prepared By: L. Korpics 10/6-10 Do Now: Overview- Your brain is the Whitehouse of the Nation of your Body! All communication from and to your body and brain are chemical, and electric. There are many parts of your brain- all of which play a unique role in who “YOU” are. Education Standards Addressed APA (American Psychological Association) Standards for High School Psychology Curricula. Do Now: Student Guide Has anyone ever had a concussion? If so, what was your experience like? Teacher Objectives SWBAT: understand the basic anatomy of the brain. Explain how your Central Nervous System (CNS) is in some ways considered “The seat of your soul”. Notes: Brain Diagram *Discuss Project Information (Give and/or demonstrate necessary information) Verification (Steps to check for student understanding) SWBAT: identify hemispheres, lobes (parietal, temporal, frontal, medulla oblongata, cerebelleum, Cerebral Cortex, brain stem, Corpus Collasum, etc.). Understand how the impact of the part of the brain sloshed against the skull in the cerebrospinal fluid determines your head injury, NOT the bump itself. Readings: Phineas Gage: A Study in Frontal Lobe Damage My Lobotomy SWBAT: draw important locations on Brain Diagram Intro Lesson Materials Needed Pen Notebook Text: “Psychology and You” Reading: Phineas Gage – A study in Frontal Lobe Damage. Other Resources Virtual Brain Online Brain Dissection Best Brain Competition 2011! Activity PowerPoint: Virtual Brain Dissection Intro Lesson Peer Review: Brain Diagram with PowerPoint Brain. HW: Chapter 3 The Brain – Vocabulary. BEST BRAIN COMPETITION 2011 Assessment: TEST: Neuroscience (1 week)