Intro. to Criminology

Intro. to Criminology
Society – Nation -- Institutions, Organizations, & Groups
Sociological imagination
Barkan Ch. 1
Criminology (definition)
Sociological approach-- emphasis on social nature (not just individual)
-- on Social Structure/Social Context Key (i.e., instns., orgzns., & groups)
Criminogenic Conditions – esp. social structural conditions –
-- e.g., East Baltimore neighborhood conditions (Moskos, Ch. 1)
-- e.g., in Mexico and Oakland, CA (Rios, Chs.1-11)
Basic Concepts for Criminology (definitions & examples):
 Social Control / Order
 Norms
o Internalization (via Socialization)
 Deviance
 Deviance is Relative (changes over time and place) & normal (exists in all societies & times) &
Inevitable & link to Social Change
 Sanctions
o Deterrence
 Laws
o Felonies vs. Misdemeanors
o Criminal Law vs. Civil Law
 2 forms of Criminal Law
 Substantive Law vs. Procedural Law (& examples of)
[This last part is not in Barkan]
Theoretical Approaches
Consensus approach -- values & norms, Laws & enfmt. neutral; functions of deviance
Conflict Approach
Groups in conflict & competition; power, inequality
Laws & their enforcement not neutral – affects differently the powerful & powerless
Ex.—Bank $ Laundering for drug cartels not prosecuted vs. how low-level street drug dealers are
treated by CJ system.
Research Methods (briefly) How we get information & data on crime and criminal justice system.
Quantitative research--Surveys, govt.stats., experiemnts,
Qualitative research (observations / participant -observation, in-depth interviews, field work), & how
Moskos and Leap books use Qualitative methods to study Police and Gangs.
Moskos (Ch. 1) & Rios (Ch.s 1-11)
• What Criminogenic Conditions are present in Moskos and Rios? How does social context affect crime?
• Common types of crime? Police view residents?
• What qualities are needed for good police work? (Moskos)
• Which theory(s) of crime seems to fit each text? Why?
• What Research Methodology is each using?
• Strength & weakness of it ?
• How did others respond to Moskos?
More On Rios (Chs. 1-11)
The massive criminogenic conditions he and his family face: The initial role of family violence and sexual
violence, effects on his mother & his family, then many more adverse conditions after…
Institutional Breakdown (ala Consensus theory) in his life – family, school, economy, criminal justice system,
and others all do not function well for him, which makes crime more likely.
Unequal treatment of Rios family by authorities & employers (sort of like Conflict Theory)
The Immigration enforcement issue – how they were treated by Border Patrol in crossing, and then threat of
deportation once settled in US, how leads to additional problems, especially labor exploitation.
Why do gangs form? Why did he join gang?
Other thins to be aware of :
Moskos Ch. 1 –
Research methodological issues – Why using mainly qualitative / fieldwork method? What were reactions of
police to him? What is Police culture like? His Work Style -- what good police work looks like (not “cops”
Social Context & Crime – What are social conditions in East Baltimore like, how are they a “scandal” in his view?
“Criminogenic conditions” (ala Barkan)? Main types of crime there, criminalizes large part of pop… What do
people (esp. young people) need in the neighborhood, and what can police provide?