Purpose We tested what type of parachute shape takes the longest time to land, when attached to a 5 gram mass. We tried to simulate real parachutes by using nylon fabric for the parachutes. Nylon is a thermoplastic, silky material. The shape of a parachute affects its terminal velocity and landing speed. Terminal velocity is the constant maximum velocity reached by a body falling through the atmosphere, under the attraction of gravity. Landing speed can be calculated in the formula: speed= distance/time. The aim of a parachute is to reduce the landing speed of an object and thereby also reducing the momentum by which an object hits the earth. The greater the impact with the earth, the greater the momentum and therefore the more damage caused to a person’s body. Momentum is the product of a body’s mass and its velocity and can be calculated using this formula Momentum: mass x velocity. Hypothesis The round parachute will take longer to land than the square and rectangular parachutes because in real life people mostly use round parachutes and the shape will slow the object down most. My independent variables are square, rectangle, and round parachute shapes. The dependent variables are we are going to test the time it takes a parachute to land, the construction of the parachute was also the same. Controls We dropped a 5g mass without a parachute and we timed it. We did 5 trial runs with the 5g, and calculated the average. Constants The height that the parachutes were dropped is 5.70 centimeters. The surface area of all the parachutes is 9.38 centimeters. The parachute fabric is called nylon. The length of the parachute is 59 centimeters. The weight of the parachute without a 5g mass is 6.68 grams. Materials 1. A 5 gram weight for each parachute 2. 1 square meter of Nylon 3. 2 meters of thread 4. 1 measuring tape 5. A pair of scissors 6. A camera 7. A stopwatch 8. A roll of clear cello tape 9. Ruler 10. Hole punch 11. Sharpie 12. Protractor Procedure 1. Use a protractor to make a circle with a radius of 17.3cm πr2 on the nylon fabric. 2. Cut out the round parachute. 3. Use the formula πr2 = π 17.32 = 94cm2 to determine the surface area of the round parachute. 4. Use the formula Area= bxh to determine the length of the sides of the square parachute 9.402= lxl= 31cm2. Measure out this length on the nylon fabric and cut the square parachute. 5. Use the formula BxH to determine the length of the sides of the rectangular parachute. 940cm2= 59cm x w, so bxw w= 16cm 6. Tie the string to the weight and the round parachute. 7. Using a measuring tape, measure the height between Mrs. Stacy’s office to the ground. 8. Drop the round parachute from Mrs. Stacy’s office ensuring that no extra force is used to throw it. 9. Record the time it takes to fall from the person’s hand to the ground. 10. Repeat steps 6-9 with the square parachute. 11. Repeat steps 6-9 with the rectangular parachute 12. When we were done we calculated the average for 20 trial runs each. Results Table1: Time it takes for the parachute to drop from a height of 5.2 meters Parachute shapes Average times Round parachute 2.646 seconds Rectangular parachute 3.462 seconds Square parachute 3.092 seconds Control 1.178 seconds Table 2: Final velocity calculated for each type of parachute shape Parachute shapes Average velocities in m/s Round parachute 1.96 m/s Rectangular parachute 1.50 m/s Square parachute 1.68 m/s Control 4.41 m/s Velocity was calculated for each, using the formula v=d/t for example 5.2/2.642=1.96 m/s Table 3: Final momentum calculated for each type of parachute shape Parachute shapes Average momentum in kgm/s Round parachute 0.0098 Rectangular parachute 0.0075 Square parachute 0.0084 Control 0.0205 Momentum was calculated for each using the formula: momentum=m x v For example 0.005 X 1.96 m/s = 0.0098 kgm/s Analysis Graph 1 Graph 2 Graph 3 Conclusion Our Hypothesis was not correct because we said that the round parachute was supposed to slow the object down the most but the rectangular one had better results. We could have improved this experiment by using more parachute shapes. We could have changed the weight that was tied to the parachute. We could have extended our experiment by doing more trial runs for each parachute and also by dropping the parachute from a higher distance. The average time taken for the rectangular parachute is 3.4625 sec. the round parachute had the highest momentum with 0.0098 kg m/s. The rectangular parachute had lowest momentum with 0.0075kg m/s. These results show that the rectangular parachute performed the best. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1)"Parachute Shape and Falling Speed." NEWTON, Ask a Scientist at Argonne National Labs! Andrew Skipor, 14 Feb. 2011. Wed. 19 Feb. 2012. <http://www.newton.dep.anl.gov/askasci/gen06/gen0 6452.htm 2)"Parachute." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Wed. 19 Feb. 2012. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parachute 3) Potvin, Dr. Jean. "Parachute Inflation." Parks College Parachute Research Group. Dr. Jean Potvin. Wed. 19 Feb. 2012. <http://www.pcprg.com/inflate.htm 4) 1945, August. "Nylon." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Wed. 19 Feb. 2012. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nylon 5)"Parachute Materials - Parachute Fabric." Buzzle Web Portal: Intelligent Life on the Web. 2000. Web. 19 Feb. 2012. <http://www.buzzle.com/articles/parachutematerials-parachute-fabric.html 6)"How to Make a Parachute, Parachute Bridle, Semiellipsoid - Fruity Chutes." Rocket Parachute Manufacturer, TARC, Altimeters, Research Balloon UAV Recovery - Fruity Chutes. Wed. 19 Feb. 2012. <http://fruitychutes.com/how_to_make_a_parachute.ht m 7) Contributor, an EHow. "How to Make Mini Parachutes | EHow.com." EHow | How to Videos, Articles & More - Discover the Expert in You. | EHow.com. 1999. Web. 19 Feb. 2012. <http://www.ehow.com/how_2272749_make-miniparachutes.html