1 COLLEGE OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES California State University, Long Beach Health Care Administration Department HCA 202 – Health Care in America Spring, 2016 Instructor: Richard L. Tradewell, Ph.D. E-mail: richard.tradewell@csulb.edu Office Hours: 9-11amW; 2-6pmTh HCA Office Location: HHS2-118 Phone: 949-400-0960 (Text for appt.) Class Number: 1678 Class Meets: M/W 11-12:15pm Room: HHS1-200 HCA Department Administrative Coordinator: Deby McGill: deby.mcgill@csulb.edu Tel. 562/985-5694; fax 562/985-5886 Course/Catalog Description: Prerequisites: Completion of GE Foundation requirements. U.S. health care system with its delivery and financing mechanisms, as well as the technical, economic, political and social forces responsible for changes in the health care system. Contemporary issues such as access, cost and quality, health disparities among minority groups as well as gender disparities including sexual orientation. Letter grade only (A-F). Expected Learning Objectives & Outcomes; Activities, Assignments & Assessments. The Health Care Administration Department has adopted a competency-based curriculum, based on the American College of Health Care Executives (ACHE) Competencies Assessment Tool and the Healthcare Leadership Alliance (HLA) Competency Directory. The emphasis in this course is on acquiring competencies in HLA Domain 4, knowledge of the healthcare environment. Learning Objective Domain Competency Activities (A1) , Assignments (A2) & Assessments (A3) Describe how environmental, economic, social and political forces affect access to health care in America. Identify the components of the health care continuum. 4Knowledge of the hc environment Socioeconomic environment in which the organization functions A2: Critical essay paper and presentation 4Knowledge of the hc environment 4Knowledge Organization and delivery of healthcare A3: Quizzes and final exam Managed care models, structures, A1: In-class exercise: debate Discuss the pros and cons of integrated and 2 Learning Objective Domain managed care delivery systems of the hc environment 4Knowledge of the hc environment Examine the influence of gender, race gender, and ethnicity and one or more additional markers of social difference in the USA within both the U.S. health care system and the general society Discuss the problems of the uninsured in accessing care and efforts to expand health insurance coverage Explain the reasons for the long term increase in health care costs Distinguish between public health and personal medical care and explain the distinct role of each in life expectancy and infant mortality Appreciate how terrorism and emergency preparedness have increased the importance of partnerships between public health and public and voluntary agencies Define the major health care professions and the role of health care administrators within each Competency Activities (A1) , Assignments (A2) & Assessments (A3) (Focus discussion question #9) Community standards of care A2: Critical essay paper and presentation 4Knowledge of the hc environment 4Knowledge of the hc environment 4Knowledge of the hc environment The interrelationships among access, quality, cost, resource allocation, accountability and community Funding and payment mechanisms of the healthcare system A1: Focus discussion question #2 Interaction and integration among healthcare sectors A1: Focus discussion question #4 4Knowledge of the hc environment Interaction and integration among healthcare sectors A1: Focus discussion question #15 4Knowledge of the hc environment Role of non-clinical professionals in the healthcare system A1: Focus discussion question #5 A1: Focus discussion questions #6, 13 3 Text: Shi, L. & Singh, D.A. (2017). Essentials of the US Health Care System (Fourth Ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett. Goldhill, David. (2013). New York: Vintage. Catastrophic Care: Why Everything We Think We Know about Health Care Is Wrong (Paperback; used about $8.00). http://www.amazon.com/gp/offerlisting/034580273X/ref=tmm_pap_used_olp_sr?ie=UTF8&condition=used&qid=145 2026451&sr=1-1 Raube, Kristina. September 15, 2014. “Castlight Health: Disrupting the Healthcare Industry.” Case B-5817. University of California, Berkeley/ Haas School of Business Style Guide Reference: American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association. Washington, D.C.: Author. Supplemental required readings Austin, A and V. Wetle. 2010. The United States Health Care System, Chapter 12, the Public Health System. Pearson. Page 159 (posted on BeachBoard). American Academy of Family Physicians, American Academy of Pediatrics, American College of Physicians, American Osteopathic Association. (2007, March). Joint principles of the patient-centered home. Retrieved from: http://www.medicalhomeinfo.org/downloads/pdfs/jointstatement.pdf. Goldhill, D. (2009, September). How American health care killed my father. The Atlantic. Retrieved from: http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2009/09/how-americanhealth-care-killed-my-father/7617/ Medical Home Data.Org. (n.d.) Data resource center for child and adolescent health. Retrieved from: http://medicalhomedata.org/content/Default.aspx. National Center for Medical Home Implementation (n.d.). Children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN). Retrieved from: http://medicalhomeinfo.org/quick_links/cyshcn.aspx. Newhouse, J. (2010, September). Assessing health reform’s impact on four key groups of Americans. Health Affairs Web First 29:9, 1-11. Retrieved from: http://content.healthaffairs.org/cgi/content/abstract/hlthaff.2010.0595 Stonebraker, R. J. (2010, 11 March). Health care. In The Joy of Economics: Making Sense Out of Life. Retrieved from: http://faculty.winthrop.edu/stonebrakerr/book/medicalcare.htm. 4 Video materials “Sick in America” John Stossel, ABC 20/20 Special Programming https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvJHUVAEU44 “Remaking American Medicine”: PBS Home Video. You are tested on all four segments of the series. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ER1whkSvCps Additional Information Resources: All Healthcare: Making It in Medicine – health career information: http://allhealthcare.monster.com/ Course Assignments: Critical Essay Essay presentation: Each student will briefly (5-10 minutes) present the key findings of his or her paper. See posted rubric for grading criteria. Quizzes: There will be 6 short, 10 question, multiple choice/true-false, online quizzes on materials from the required readings and lectures. Attendance: You must sign in for every class. A pattern of poor attendance will be taken as evidence of lack of interest in class. Class discussions: Most weeks there will be at least one Focus Discussion Question (FDQ) based on the assigned readings. Be prepared to say something to contribute to the discussion either on your own or when called on! A thoughtful, substantive response will earn 1 point per class, up to a maximum of 30 points. Students’ names will be drawn randomly to answer questions each week. Final exam: The final exam will be 40 questions, or equal to two quizzes. Unlike the quizzes, the final score cannot be dropped. Half the exam is a recap of the previous six quizzes and half is new material. Summary: Course Assignments, Due Dates and Grade Weights Item Due Date Points % of Grade Critical analysis essay March 23 50 17 Essay paper class presentation Weeks 8-14 10 3 Quizzes 6@20pts ea; drop the lowest score Varies 100 33 Attendance Quizzes 12@10pts; drop low two Weekly 100 33 Final exam (40 questions) May 4 40 14 Total 300 100 5 Course grade thresholds: 90%= A; 80%= B; 70%= C; 60%= D; 50%= F. The total # of points determines your percentage and grade. There will be no curving. Grading Policies Rubrics (grading score sheets) will be provided for the written assignment. Late papers are subject to a 10 percent deduction. No paper that is over a week late is accepted. There are absolutely no quiz or exam make-ups. Dropping the lowest quiz allows you to cover one unavoidable emergency absence. Disabled students that qualify for alternative testing arrangements, please advise the instructor at least 2 weeks prior to the exam. Attendance Quizzes For twelve of the sixteen weeks there will be an attendance quiz that you will write in class, and hand in immediately following my lecture and our class discussion. Each quiz is worth ten points; I drop your lowest two scores. There are normally four-six questions on a duplexed handout sheet that I distribute at beginning of class. Space is left for your short answers. The purpose of the Attendance Quizzes is to encourage class attendance and to help me focus with you on critical issues. After I enter your grade, the quiz is returned to you for help in preparing for the six Scheduled Quizzes. Critical Essay Guidelines Introduction The heart of this class is the short critical essay. Many of us today are overwhelmed with electronic media, have the attention span of a nanosecond and have lost, or you never developed, the ability to think deeply and analyze critical options. Google lists 6,120,000 entries on the subject of “health care reform.” The internet is drinking from a fire hose. It is not scholarship. The future requires thinkers. In this class you will demonstrate critical thinking. What is a critical essay? A critical essay reflects critical thinking http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_thinking. It forces you to ponder. It provokes and reflects thought. It examines solutions from multiple perspectives. It thinks through both market and government failure, including how a program is implemented and how and how it is evaluated for cost-effectiveness. Look at Both Sides: Look for What Journalists Call the “Fight” or Key Conflict Use competing journal articles, competing views from think tanks, competing views in political debates, etc. Most of us read only liberal or conservative blogs that reflect that biases. The truth is more complicated. You must make yourself see the other side. 6 Presenting Your Analysis You will be orally summarizing your position and findings in a short essay for your classmates that ends by asking them a question for discussion. Outline your key points on a single sheet to hand to me prior to your talk. These presentations must be short (5 minutes or less) and allow no more than five minutes for discussion. Length and Format Take a chance and buy a print newspaper. Look at the page opposite to the editorial page of the Los Angeles Times or the Wall Street Journal. These “op-ed” pieces are often great examples of fact and data-based argument. We are not interested in cheap polemics, but in strong supported reasoning. So three-four pages double-spaced (your references add a fifth page) should be adequate to present your argument. Be brief but specific and make your report data and factladen. Limit personal opinion. I love charts and graphs that illustrate your point. References You must include at least two academic (peer reviewed) references (books, journal articles) in addition to the text. Use a consistent and standard reference protocol, APA is preferred. Newspaper and magazine articles that inform your understanding may be cited but do not count toward journal article requirement. Our health care Librarian will visit class to get you acquainted with Health Affairs and other journals of the health care field. Essay Topics Concerning the Historic Obama-Era Health Care Reform: You may choose any topic that is covered in the text. These are a few ideas: 1. The U.S. has no Long Term Care program following the failure of the CLASS Act. Based on what has been successful in other nations, what do you suggest we do? 2. Arguably, ObamaCare’s chief failure is in controlling healthcare costs that now consume nearly 20% of GDP and imperil our economic standard of living. What would you do? (Focus; be specific; avoid opinion; cite evidence). 3. Prices of drugs, medical equipment, and most procedures in the U.S. are at least twice that of most nations. How would you make consumer aware of, and concerned with, price shopping and comparison? 4. Hospital prices in U.S. are a mystery – compared to shopping at a market where prices are unavailable and but where you get a check six months after the fact for whatever you bought. What can be done? 5. The FDA has been blamed for high drug prices in the U.S. How would you reform the drug approval process? 6. Seniors in the U.S. use Medicaid, the program for the poor, to pay for nursing home costs. What are the implications? What can be done? 7. Overtreatment and medical error take the lives of some 400,000 people in the U.S. annually. Is that a good estimate? What can be done? 8. Goldhill fights the conventional wisdom that high treatment prices in the U.S. are a result of high technology. (He argues technology, when coupled with right incentives, lowers prices). Argue both sides. 7 9. What is the future of managed care in U.S.? Why hasn’t it brought prices down? Can Accountable Care Organizations do it better? 10. If you are convinced that ObamaCare will not solve our problems, what will? Analyze a national health system that has the answers figured out. Expectations of Student Skill Performance Write clearly and concisely, using correct grammar, punctuation and spelling. Cite all references using APA style. Communicate articulately in oral presentations; use appropriate audio-visual aids. Search the web and research publications and apply the information found. Analyze information, both numeric and text; don’t just present data. Apply internationally-accepted metrics to compare health and healthcare systems. Synthesize information about factors that impact health and healthcare systems. Compare and contrast countries, situations, historic and current times. Participate in class discussions. Submit all assignments on time through BeachBoard Assignments. Student Responsibilities and University Policies Cheating and Plagiarism. Please be aware of and ensure that your behavior conforms to University Policy, as contained in the California State University, Long Beach Policy Statement. Although the University catalog does not cover this aspect of plagiarism, please be aware that it is NOT acceptable to submit the same paper for two courses. If you want to write a paper on the same topic area for two different courses, you must submit two different papers. If I discover that you have submitted the same paper for another course, you will receive an “F” for your paper in this course. Disabilities. Please notify the instructor immediately if you need accommodation for any type of condition. Instructor may require confirmation of disability and evaluation of accommodation request from Disabled Student Services. Withdrawal policy. Withdrawal is the responsibility of student. Per University policy: http://www.csulb.edu/divisions/aa/grad_undergrad/senate/documents/policy /2002/02/. Withdrawal after 2nd week and before final 3 weeks “permissible for serious and compelling reasons;” instructor will evaluate student withdrawal requests on a case by case basis. Communications: Students are expected to check email and BeachBoard accounts regularly for class announcements and their standing in the course. 8 Commitment to Inclusion California State University, Long Beach is committed to maintaining an inclusive learning community that values diversity and fosters mutual respect. All students have the right to participate fully in university programs and activities free from discrimination, harassment, sexual violence, and retaliation. Students who believe they have been subjected to discrimination, harassment, sexual violence, or retaliation on the basis of a protected status such as age, disability, gender, gender identity/expression, sexual orientation, race, color, ethnicity, religion, national origin, veteran/veteran status or any other status protected by law, should contact the Office of Equity and Diversity at (562) 985-8256, University Student Union (USU) Suite 301, http://www.csulb.edu/depts/oed. Class Rules Turn off and put away laptops, cell phones or other electronic devices before class begins. No eating during class. Arrive on time Actively participate in all classroom activities and discussions. Be respectful of others’ opinions and perspectives. You are responsible for ALL weekly reading assignments and are expected to have read the chapter prior to attending the lecture. Check BeachBoard regularly, including the gradebook. If there is any discrepancy between the posted grades and your records, advise the instructor immediately. Rules on academic dishonesty will be strictly enforced. See “cheating and plagiarism” above. Text messaging during a quiz or exam will result in your exam being voided for presumed cheating and a grade of 0 points. Rules of the college catalog apply in this classroom. Week 1 2 3 4 5 Class Schedule Spring 2016 Introduction, course overview Market, single payer, and mandate health systems around the world Health system overview; market vs. social justice Finance and Irrationality Quiz 1 Paying for Health Care Health care foundation Health care history Public Heath Providers & professionals Quiz 2 Public Health “Ten Characteristics” PowerPoint Ch. 1 and 2 Ch. 6; Stonebraker Tradewell class handout Ch. 3 Austin/Wetle text Ch. 4 Turn in student information sheet from syllabus FDQ #1 – Market and Government Failure in health care FDQ #2 – US healthcare system problems FDQ #2 – Health care costs and payment systems FDQ #3 – Healthcare as public or private good FDQ #4 – Acute/PH history FDQ #5 – HC careers Quiz 2 9 6 Technology; Ch. 5 7 Financing & payment Ch. 6; article by Stonebraker Video: “IOU USA” Outpatient & primary care 8 Quiz 3 Primary care/Tech Hospitals 9 Ch. 7; AAFP et al. Joint principles; Medicaldata.org FDQ # 6 – Technology cost Quiz #2 – Chapters 4-6 FDQ #8 – Medical home Ch. 8 FDQ #9 – Hospital safety Ch. 9 FDQ #10 – Managed care debate DRAFT ESSAY DUE 10 Managed care & integrated systems Quiz 4 Hospitals/Mang. Care SPRING BREAK Long-term care; drugs Quiz 5 LTC; Drugs Cost, access, quality 11 12 13 Health policy 14 Quiz 6: Quality Future outlook 15 Final exam review 16 Final Exam Ch. 10 Ch. 12; Johnson et al. article Ch. 13; Newhouse article Ch. 14 Readings in Content ENJOY FDQ #11 – LTC choices HDP presentations FDQ #13 – Cost control Quiz #4: Chapters 10-12 FDQ #14 – Health reform HDP presentations HDP presentations FDQ #15 – Bioterrorism HDP presentations HDP presentations Focus discussion questions week by week: The questions below relate to the week’s reading assignments. Be prepared to answer them! Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 Questions Do you know the cost of anything in health care? Cost of office visit? Cost of an MRI if you are injured? Have you even compared prices? Do Americans personally pay for health care? Has the out of pocket portion of the total bill increased or decreased in recent years? What does it do to costs when somebody else pays the bill? Is healthcare a right? Is healthcare a public or a private good? Who should pay for it? Can government successfully provide health care to all citizens? How high should taxes be raised to pay for this care? Why do acute medical care (body repair) and public health have such different histories and cultures? What skills and competencies are required for various health care jobs? What are the growth projections for health care employment? Is high technology the primary reason health costs are out of control? Is 10 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 all technology created equal or is some technology more cost beneficial than others? Why is the US health care market referred to as "imperfect"? How did some of these imperfections result in poor care for Mr Goldhill’s father? What is a medical home? Do you or does any member of your family have one? Why would a medical home be especially important for children with special health care needs? How well does California meet medical home criteria for children with and without special health care needs? Are hospitals at the heart of health care problems of cost and quality? Do you feel safe going into a hospital? Having surgery there? How can consumers learn how safe a given hospital is? Is managed care the answer to cost control? Does managed care sacrifice quality of care to cost control? Why are nursing homes often so poorly run? What are some alternatives to nursing home placement for an extremely frail or disabled person? Why are some groups of health care patients considered vulnerable populations? What makes them What special protections do they enjoy? Why are health care prices so much higher in the U.S. than in Europe or Japan? What attempts have been made to bring prices down? What do you see as the primary benefits and risks of the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act? How has the fear of bioterrorism transformed the image of public health? Information Resources Selected Health Administration & Policy Journals: American Journal of Managed Care American Journal of Medical Quality American Journal of Public Health Business and Health Harvard Business Review Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics Health Affairs Health Care Financing Review Health Policy Health Services Research Health Technology Trends Inquiry Journal of the American Medical Assn. J of Health Services Research & Policy Journal of Health, Politics, Policy and Law Medical Care Medicine and Health Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly New England Journal of Medicine J of HC for the Poor & Underserved Public Health Reports Journal of Public Health Policy Journal of Ambulatory Care Management Social Science and Medicine Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics Medical Care Research and Review Policy Studies Journal Modern Healthcare1 Web sites: Topic Health policy (national) 1 Web Sites Department of Health and Human Services: www.hhs.gov/ Healthcare.gov: www.healthcare.gov/index.html Medicare: www.medicare.gov Free student subscription available at: http://www.aupha.org/i4a/forms/form.cfm?id=51&pageid=3829&showTitle=1 11 Topic Health policy (California) Information resources Health policy formation, agenda setting Policy implementation & modification Financing health services Managed care, insurance & benefits Ambulatory health services Hospitals & health systems Long Term Care; Politics of Aging & Disability Web Sites Office of Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight: www.hhs.gov/ociio/index.html Kaiser Family Foundation: www.kff.org Center for Health Improvement: www.healthpolicyguide.org Academy for Health Services Research & Health Policy: www.academyhealth.org/ Health Hippo: hippo.findlaw.com/hippohome.html CATO Institute http://www.cato.org/health-welfare-entitlements http://www.downsizinggovernment.org/hhs California HealthCare Foundation: www.chcf.org Insure The Uninsured Project: www.itup.org Health Access: health-access.org/ Public Policy Institute of CA: www.ppic.org National Library of Medicine: www.nlm.nih.gov Virtual reference style manuals: www.csulb.edu/library/eref/vref/style.html APA electronic citations: www.apastyle.org/apa-style-help.aspx. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: www.rwjf.org The Urban Institute: www.urban.org; Families USA: www.familiesusa.org Center for Health Care Strategies: www.chcs.org Center for Studying Health System Change: www.hschange.com National Academy for State Health Policy: www.nashp.org UCLA Center for Health Policy Research: www.healthpolicy.ucla.edu California HealthCare Foundation: www.chcf.org Kaiser Family Foundation: www.kff.org; Rand Corporation: www.rand.org Mathematica Policy Research: www.mathematica-mpr.com/ The Commonwealth Fund: www.commonwealthfund.org/HealthReform.aspx Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services: www.cms.gov Center on Budget & Policy Priorities: www.cbpp.org Kaiser Family Foundation: www.kff.org CA Legislative Analyst's Office: www.lao.ca.gov Healthcare Financial Management Assn: www.hfma.org Employee Benefits Research Institute: www.ebri.org America’s Health Insurance Plans: www.ahip.org CA Assn. Of Health Plans: www.calhealthplans.com CA Dept. of Managed Health Care: www.dmhc.ca.gov CA Office of the Patient Advocate: www.opa.ca.gov/index.aspx National Governors Association: www.nga.org/ National Association of Insurance Commissioners: www.naic.org/ American Academy of Urgent Care Medicine: www.aaumc.com National Association for Ambulatory Care: http://www.urgentcare.org/ Medical Group Management Association: www.mgma.com American Hospital Assn.: www.aha.org Blue Cross/Blue Shield Assn.: www.bluecares.com Kaiser Permanente: www.kaiserpermanente.org/ American Association of Retired Persons: www.aarp.org Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund: www.dredf.org 12 Topic Mental health Pharmaceuticals Public health Health professionals Quality of care Ethical issues Web Sites National Institute of Mental Health: www.nimh.nih.gov Bazelon Center for MH Law: www.bazelon.org Medline Plus: www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/mentalhealth.html Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America: www.phrma.org American Society of Health-System Pharmacists: www.ashp.org/ Centers for Disease Control & Prevention: www.cdc.gov American Public Health Association: www.apha.org Am. Medical Assn.: www.ama-assn.org; Am. Nurses Assn. www.ana.org Am. Academy of Physician Assistants: www.aapa.org Am. Pharmaceutical Assn.: www.pharmacist.com Institute of Medicine: www.iom.edu National Committee for Quality Assurance: www.ncqa.org Joint Commission (accreditation): www.jointcommission.org California Healthcare Foundation Quality Initiative: www.chcf.org Alliance for Health Reform: www.allhealth.org Hastings Center: www.thehastingscenter.org 13 STUDENT INFORMATION SHEET HCA 202 – Spring 2016 (TURN IN TO INSTRUCTOR) Name___________________________________________________________ Name you prefer to use____________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Phone(s):________________________________________________________ Best time/place to reach you:_______________________________________ E-mail address:__________________________________________________ Please describe briefly: a. Your educational background and work experience: b. Future educational and career plans: c. Your reasons for taking this course, what you hope to learn from it: d. Other HCA classes you are taking or have completed: Special condition/disability accommodation needs? Questions or concerns about this class?