Proprietary University of New Brunswick, Dalhousie University, Université de Moncton DRAFT SCHEDULE 2 - STATEMENT OF WORK The Communication Networks and Services Research (CNSR) Project Approved under the first Request for Project Proposals under the Atlantic Innovation Fund Project #1004974-1 1. Description of the Work This project focusses on communication networks and services, with a particular emphasis on wireless communications and tool development for increased efficiencies in delivery of Internet-based communication services. Three universities, five principal researchers and seven industrial partners have formed a strong team to deliver research results in the following component areas: (a) integration of radio frequency and digital signal processing designs using software radios (Ilow, component A), (b) generic smart transceiver systems for wireless communications (Chen, component B), (c) next generation wireless telecommunications systems for mobility (Kurz, component E), (d) Internet data traffic analysis and tools development (Almhana, component H), and (e) adaptive websites (Ghorbani, component I). Working together over four and one-half years (until March 31, 2007), we plan to hold five annual conferences (in May of each year) to showcase the research taking place within our project as well as to provide a professional venue for presentation of international research results in the area of communication networks and services. Our primary objective is reflected in the CNSR Mission Statement, which is DRAFT AIF CNSR Project (#1004974-1) Statement of Work page 1 of 10 Proprietary University of New Brunswick, Dalhousie University, Université de Moncton Proprietary University of New Brunswick, Dalhousie University, Université de Moncton “To successfully carry out industrially significant research, development and education in the areas of communication networks and services, thus contributing to the growth of globally competitive communication networks and services companies in Atlantic Canada.” Seven new products and/or processes are identified. These include (1) A simulator for digital audio broadcast transmitters and receivers, (2) Generic transceiver architectures for direct radio frequency (RF) wireless communication systems, (3) Two complete transceiver systems using direct RF technology (one at 2.4 GHz, one at 5GHz) for wireless communications, including prototype hardware and software, (4) A computer software tool for analysis of and planning for Internet protocol (IP) communication networks carrying voice and data traffic, (5) Advanced routing schemes for quality of service (QoS)-enabled traffic on three-tier wireless networks for voice communication, (6) Physical layer designs and prototype implementations (using hardware and software) for an optimal maximum number of users in a three-tier wireless communication network, and (7) An adaptive website computer program that predicts a web client’s activities and adapts to previously unseen patterns of client interaction to increase the productivity of user interaction with a web site. 2. Description of Major Activities Table 1 below summarizes the objectively verifiable project indicators for the CNSR Project. DRAFT AIF CNSR Project (#1004974-1) Statement of Work page 2 of 10 Proprietary University of New Brunswick, Dalhousie University, Université de Moncton Proprietary University of New Brunswick, Dalhousie University, Université de Moncton Table 1. Objectively verifiable project indicators for the CNSR Project. Ilow Ojective Comp.A New Ph.D. positions (FTEs) New Master's positions (FTEs) 1 New Bachelor's positions (FTEs) New "Other" positions (FTEs) New graduate student positions 6 New specialized equipment yes New discoveries New technology disclosures 1 New referred papers 6 New licenses New patents 1 New products/processes New or expanded companies New alliances/partnerships with regional private firms 1 New alliances/partnerships with national private firms 1 New alliances/partnerships with international private firms 1 New alliances with regional research institutions New alliances with national research institutions New alliances with international research institutions New funding expected to be obtained from national R&D programs yes 2.1 Chen Comp.B Kurz Comp.E 2 Almhana Ghorbani Comp.H Comp.I 1 1 1 2 6 yes 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 22 yes 6 1 1 12 3 2 1 1 1 yes 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 yes 1 5 1 1 Total 4 1 1 4 39 8 3 31 2 6 5 2 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 2 0 yes yes yes Major Activities The major activities include an annual CNSR Conference, planned to be held on the following dates: (a) May 19 – 20, 2003, (b) May 17 - 18, 2004, (c) May 16 – 18, 2005, (d) May 15 – 17, 2006, and (e) May 14 – 18, 2007. The CNSR Annual Conference will be held in Atlantic Canada each year, and will provide a forum for publication (in a prepublished conference proceedings) of peer-reviewed research papers in the field of communication networks and services. Challenges include (a) properly organizing a professional scientific conference with sufficient advance notice to attract international participation, (b) finding a solid program committee able to review all submitted papers efficiently and fairly, and (c) engaging a proceedings publisher (e.g. IEEE) who can publish the proceedings in a timely fashion. We plan for the CNSR Project Manager to coordinate the annual conferences so that we will have a professional approach to the CNSR Annual Conference organization. Performance goals include (a) paper rejection rate of at least 30% by the 2007 Annual Conference, (b) conference attendance of at least DRAFT AIF CNSR Project (#1004974-1) Statement of Work page 3 of 10 Proprietary University of New Brunswick, Dalhousie University, Université de Moncton Proprietary University of New Brunswick, Dalhousie University, Université de Moncton 140 paid conference attendees by the 2007 Annual Conference, and (c) international participation of at least 20% of paid attendees by the 2007 Annual Conference. Besides the annual conferences, each of the five CNSR Project components has their own major activities. These are described in the attached Appendices 1 through 5. 3. Key Project Collaborator(s) Key project collaborators include the five principal investigators (one for each CNSR Project Component) and the CNSR Project Manager. The key project collaborators are (a) Jacek Ilow, Dalhousie University, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, principal investigator responsible for the major activities and milestones of CNSR Project Component A. (b) Zhizhang (David) Chen, Dalhousie University, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, principal investigator responsible for the major activities and milestones of CNSR Project Component B. (c) Bernd Kurz, University of New Brunswick, Faculty of Computer Science, principal investigator responsible for the major activities and milestones of CNSR Project Component E. (d) Jalal Almhana, Université de Moncton, Département d'Informatique, principal investigator responsible for the major activities and milestones of CNSR Project Component H. (e) Ali Ghorbani, University of New Brunswick, Faculty of Computer Science, principal investigator responsible for the major activities and milestones of CNSR Project Component I. (f) CNSR Project Manager, University of New Brunswick, Faculty of Computer Science, Information Technology Centre, responsible for (i) accurate tracking of all CNSR Project deliverables, (ii) preparing the CNSR Project quarterly and annual reports, (iii) preparing for and holding the CNSR Project Annual Conferences and Project Review Committee meetings, (iv) managing the commercial exploitation of the CNSR Project research in a timely manner, (v) coordinating interaction among all CNSR Project components, (vi) implementing a project management methodology to ensure the success of the CNSR Project, (vii) developing and maintaining a CNSR Project web site that serves as a public record of the CNSR Project results and activities, and (viii) increasing international visibility of the communication networks and services research activities within Atlantic Canada. 4. Project Location(s) The work locations are as follows: (a) Fredericton, N.B., work by CNSR components E (Kurz) and I (Ghorbani), plus some of component B (Chen), plus overall CNSR Project management. DRAFT AIF CNSR Project (#1004974-1) Statement of Work page 4 of 10 Proprietary University of New Brunswick, Dalhousie University, Université de Moncton Proprietary University of New Brunswick, Dalhousie University, Université de Moncton (b) Halifax, N.S., work by CNSR components A (Ilow), Chen (B) plus some of component E (Kurz) and some of component I (Almhana). (c) Moncton, N.B., work by CNSR component H (Almhana). (d) Raleigh, North Carolina, U.S.A., work by CNSR component H (Almhana) with Nortel Networks. (e) Saint John, N.B., work by CNSR component E (Kurz) with Innovatia. (f) Cambridge, Ontario, possible work by CNSR component E (Kurz) with Axio Wireless. (g) California, U.S.A., possible work by CNSR component E (Kurz) with Axio Wireless. (h) Nortel Network customer sites in North America, Europe and Asia (to be determined), possible work by CNSR component I (Almhana). (i) Other Atlantic Canada locations appropriate to hold the CNSR Annual Conference during the month of May. 5. Project Schedule Form “A” below shows the major project milestones for the CNSR annual conferences. Each component of the CNSR Project has a unique set of milestones as given in Appendices 1 through 5. 6. Milestones Form “B” below shows the major milestones and indicators of achievements. Each component in Appendices 1 through 5 also has milestones and indicators of achievements listed. 7. Cost Breakdown Table 2 below shows the overall funding breakdown for the CNSR Project. Table 2. Project funding breakdown for the CNSR Project. Component Admin A B E H I Totals PI, Location 2@UNB, 1@Dal Ilow, Dal Chen, Dal Kurz, UNB Almhana, UdM Ghorbani, UNB AIF Funding Eligible Matching $1,453,327 $448,500 $1,223,753 $1,658,690 $1,038,781 $576,950 $6,400,001 DRAFT AIF CNSR Project (#1004974-1) Statement of Work $485,082 $523,000 $937,939 $530,000 $518,613 $474,310 $3,468,944 Total $1,938,409 $971,500 $2,161,692 $2,188,690 $1,557,394 $1,051,260 $9,868,945 page 5 of 10 Proprietary University of New Brunswick, Dalhousie University, Université de Moncton Proprietary University of New Brunswick, Dalhousie University, Université de Moncton 7.1 Project Cost and Financing Form “C” (see below) shows the CNSR project cost and financing, including all components and the Admin component. Appendices 1 through 5 provide project cost and financing details for each component of the CNSR Project. 7.2 Detailed Cost Breakdown by Category Form “D” (see below), shows the CNSR project detailed cost breakdown by category for the entire CNSR Project. Appendices 1 through 5 provide detailed project cost breakdowns by category for each component of the CNSR Project. DRAFT AIF CNSR Project (#1004974-1) Statement of Work page 6 of 10 Proprietary University of New Brunswick, Dalhousie University, Université de Moncton Proprietary University of New Brunswick, Dalhousie University, Université de Moncton FORM “A” A - PROJECT SCHEDULE PROPONENT NAME: PROJECT NUMBER: University of New Brunswick 1004974-1 FORM “B” DRAFT AIF CNSR Project (#1004974-1) Statement of Work page 7 of 10 Proprietary University of New Brunswick, Dalhousie University, Université de Moncton Proprietary University of New Brunswick, Dalhousie University, Université de Moncton B - MILESTONES PROPONENT NAME: PROJECT NUMBER: University of New Brunswick 1004974-1 KEY PROJECT MILESTONE INDICATOR OF ACHIEVEMENT DATE 1 CNSR Project Manager and CNSR Project Financial Coordinator hired and actively working Two key CNSR Project team members in Dec. 31, 2002 place and working at the University of New Brunswick 2 CNSR Conference 2003 completed 25 paid attendees, 12 papers presented, prepublished proceedings May 20, 2003 3 CNSR Conference 2004 completed 50 paid attendees, 25 papers presented, prepublished proceedings, paper reject rate of 5%, 2% international participation May 18, 2004 4 CNSR Conference 2005 completed 80 paid attendees, 40 papers presented, prepublished proceedings, paper reject rate of 10%, 5% international participation May 18, 2005 5 CNSR Conference 2006 completed 110 paid attendees, 50 papers presented, May 17, 2006 prepublished proceedings, paper reject rate of 20%, 10% international participation 6 CNSR Conference 2007 completed 140 paid attendees, 60 papers presented, May 16, 2007 prepublished proceedings, paper reject rate of 30%, 20% international participation DRAFT AIF CNSR Project (#1004974-1) Statement of Work page 8 of 10 Proprietary University of New Brunswick, Dalhousie University, Université de Moncton Proprietary University of New Brunswick, Dalhousie University, Université de Moncton FORM “C” C - PROJECT COST AND FINANCING PROPONENT NAME: PROJECT NUMBER: University of New Brunswick 1004974-1 PROJECT COSTS Eligible Costs: Building and Major Renovations Other Capital Costs Wages and Salaries, including payroll burden Direct Materials PROJECT FINANCING Total $10,000 $1,279,431 $4,467,614 $295,450 Subcontracts and Consultants Overhead Other Direct Costs Total Eligible Cost Non-Eligible Costs: In-Kind Salary $173,091 $1,071,264 $619,255 $7,916,105 Cash Contributions: AIF Contribution Proponent Contribution (List other federal funding such as CFI, NSERC, IRAP, TPC, etc.) (List separately support from Private Sector by indicating name of Company) (List separately support from NonCommercial partners by indicating name of Org.) Total Cash Contributions In-Kind Other Total Non-Eligible Costs Non-Cash Contributions: In-Kind Salary (UNB, UdeM, Dal, $905,234 industrial partners) $1,047,606 In-Kind Other $1,952,840 Total Non-Cash Contributions Total Project Costs $9,868,945 Total Project Financing DRAFT AIF CNSR Project (#1004974-1) Statement of Work Total $6,400,001 $99,990 $459,500 $494,500 $0 $7,453,991 $1,085,909 $1,329,045 $2,414,954 $9,868,945 page 9 of 10 Proprietary University of New Brunswick, Dalhousie University, Université de Moncton Proprietary University of New Brunswick, Dalhousie University, Université de Moncton FORM “D” D - DETAILED BREAKDOWN OF ELIGIBLE PROJECT COSTS PROPONENT NAME: PROJECT NUMBER: University of New Brunswick 1004974-1 Description Building and Major Renovations: antenna laboratory (partial cost) Origin of Non-Cash Transactions** Total Estimated Eligible Costs $10,000 Other Capital Costs: computer and electronic equipment $1,279,431 Wages and Salaries, including payroll burden: graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, research assistants project manager, financial coordinator Direct Materials: printing, publishing, Internet traffic data collection Subcontracts and Consultants: testing services, conference coordination field programmable gate array design, curcuit design and fabricate Overhead: $4,467,614 Other Direct Costs: patents, travel, training, annual conference Total Eligible Costs $295,450 $173,091 $1,071,264 $619,255 $7,916,105 ** In cases where costs are assumed by a third party and/or collaborator (i.e., there is no cash disbursement required by the Proponent), indicate the name of the organisation transferring these assets and/or resources to the project. DRAFT AIF CNSR Project (#1004974-1) Statement of Work page 10 of 10 Proprietary University of New Brunswick, Dalhousie University, Université de Moncton