Junior High Health Education Tobacco, Alcohol, and Other Drugs Overarching Question: How can tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs affect my wellness? National Health Standards: Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health Priority Benchmarks: Identify and explain influences that lead to tobacco, alcohol, and other drug use Advocate the benefits of remaining drug, alcohol, and tobacco free Concepts/Content Skills Categories of Drugs Addiction and Tolerance Influences on use of Tobacco, Alcohol, and other drug use Effects on Health Triangle Dealing with Peer Pressure situations Effective Communication Relationship between goal-setting and chemical use Natural Highs Compare/Contrast Understand Identify and Explain Identify and Explain Demonstrate Demonstrate Analyze Identify and Explain Guiding Questions: What are the effects of tobacco, alcohol, and other drug use on my personal health triangle? What is the difference between addiction and tolerance? How does remaining chemical free influence my personal health? How can chemical use prevent me from reaching my goals? How does the community influence my decision-making? How can I get high without using tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs? How can I effectively communicate in a peer pressure situation? What can I do to advocate for the benefits of natural highs? Formative Assessment Ideas: Categories of Drugs Use a Venn Diagram comparing stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens, and narcotics (can do inhalants as well). Use a chart of similarities and differences between the categories. Addiction and Tolerance Quick write to determine if they understand what addiction and tolerance really mean. Influences Have them make a small poster with all the influences. Or a graphic organizer.. Effects on Health Triangle Graphic organizer using the 5 areas of health and having them write 1 or 2 effects in each area from the use of ATOD. Peer Pressure/Communication Role play of have students write a script using effective communication and a various way to deal with not taking the drugs. Use Have I Got a Deal For you- plastic bag activity dealing with refusal skills. Goals and Chemical Use Have students write out all their long term goals and then write a short sentence of how ATOD use could impact those goals. Natural Highs Poster or presentation of natural highs. Have individuals come in with a brown bag with all their natural highs in the bag (inside the bag can be pictures, words, or whatever) to describe the natural highs the student has. District Curriculum Recommendations Drug/Alcohol ball Choosing Not To Use: Alcohol, Tobacco and other Drugs Homeless to Harvard- parts around drug use and effects Have I got a deal for You—bag activity Teaming up on technology: lesson for health education Natural High Curriculum binder and DVD Brain Scans binder and DVD Teen Truth: Drug and Alcohol abuse binder and DVD Substance Abuse Pack power point pack Chicken Soup stories Scholastic book- True Confessions TASKS/ASSESSMENTS: Summative Assessment: Letter writing ECA Scholastic Book: Dealing with friends and peers- Your Space Scholastic Book: I did it without thinking Relationships Communication Challenge: mini lesson Activities that Teach- 3 book series This is your life! Hands on Health binder curriculum Fatal Vision Goggles Foundations for a drug free world booklets, curriculum and DVD Draft Updated 6/21/12