Mrkt710 - New York Institute of Technology

School of Management
MRKT 710 - International Marketing
Dr. Abram Poczter
Mailing Address:
New York Institute of Technology
School of Management
324 Wisser Library
Old Westbury, NY 11568
Tel: (516) 686-7708 (Voice-mail Box, O.W.)
Fax: (516) 484-8328
Internet E-mail:
Office hours:
Tuesday: 12:30 p.m-1: 30 p.m. @ 324 Wisser Library, O.W.
Tuesday: 4:45-5:45 p.m. @ 324 Wisser Library, O.W
Wednesday: 5:00 p.m.-5:45 p.m. @ 808 Manhattan Campus
Thursday: 12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m. @ 324 Wisser Library, O.W.
Thursday: 4:00 p.m.– 5:00 p.m. @ 324 Wisser Library, O.W.
and by appointment.
The course is designed to develop an understanding of the problems and opportunities
present in the international business environment, and the challenges involved in the
development and implementation of international marketing strategies.
Principally, the course consists of two parts, with about equal time allocation.
Part I of the course will briefly overview the historic background of the international
business and the concept of Corporate/Business Strategy.
However, most of the Part I of the course will be devoted to the analysis of the external
environment of international marketing. Theories and models related to the basic
concepts underlying the trends in, and the dynamic interaction between the economic,
legal, political, cultural, socio-demographic, and competitive elements of the external
environment will be discussed. It will also include a survey of the marketing research
methodology related to the validation of the theoretical concepts as well as the
assessment of the market threats and opportunities in various market segments.
Part II of the course will be devoted to the discussion of the development,
implementation and control of the marketing mix, i.e., Product, Place, Promotion, Price,
for the targeted market segments. This constitutes the essence of Marketing Strategy.
To provide the student with an integrated framework for the marketing decision making
in the field of international marketing. This framework includes understanding of the
inherent differences and similarities in the global marketplace, concepts and tools needed
for market analysis, application of marketing principles for strategic and tactical
planning, implementation and control.
A. Required Textbook:
Kotabe, Masaaki and Kristiaan Helsen. Global Marketing Management. Update 2000,
Wiley, Inc.
B. Recommended Textbooks and Pamphlets:
Cateora, Philip, R., International Marketing, 1996, 9th. Ed., Richard, D. Irwin, Inc.,
Onkvisit, Sak and John J. Shaw, International Marketing; Analysis and Strategy, 1993,
3rd. Edition, Macmillan Publishing Co.,
A standard text. The strength is in a good discussion of the corporate context,
excellent examples and vignettes.
Toyne, Brian and Peter Walters, Global Marketing Management, Allyn and Bacon, 1993
An attempt is made to transcend the standard international marketing approach, but in
spite of the "global" in the title, the authors have not succeeded, in my opinion.
A. Internet Resources:
Some useful cites: – International Business Resources Directory
maintained by CIBER at Michigan State
University (Absolutely Spectacular) – US Customs (import guide)
2 – Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development – US Bureau of Census -- US Department of Commerce – International Trade Administration (US Department of
Commerce) -- United Sates International Trade Commission
USITC analysts and economists investigate and publish reports on U.S. industries and the global trends that
affect them. The agency also updates and publishes the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States. -- World Trade Organization – US Office of Patents and Trademarks – International Monetary Fund – International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development (World Bank) – Central Intelligence Agency (World FactBook) – Any legal topic (including business) USE INSTEAD OF
NTDB (Crazy!!!) – Industry Research Desk -- International Organization for Standardization -- United Nations -- Transparency International Organization
(bribes, corruption, etc)
Allowable types of term project are:
A. A traditional term paper on a selected topic of interest, such as:
Marketing (select a product) In (select an international market) This type of a paper will
contain the analysis of the market environment, proposed market segments and the
marketing mix. One should, at the beginning of the course gather some encyclopedic
information on the market/country of interest, as well as the list of further sources,
references, etc.
Topics and detailed outlines of the papers must be submitted for acceptance prior to the
date of Midterm Evaluation
-ORB. Research Log
Instead of the traditional term paper you may opt for an alternative, I call - Research Log.
Student shall select articles related to the topics covered in this course, from the journals
recommended below.
Research Log will consist of ten (10) units. Each unit will contain:
1. A synopsis of an article (or articles, if you are ambitious)
2. Critical evaluation of the article, in light of the material contained in the class
lectures/discussions, textbook, and outside readings.
Students are encouraged to:
a. Discuss the selected articles with the instructor during the office hours, as well as bring
up comments based on he articles during class lectures/discussions
b. Complete one or two of the Research Log units prior to Midterm, and get a feedback
from the instructor Otherwise, it is sole responsibility of the student to select and process"
articles with a substantial international marketing content.
Term Projects, regardless of the selected type, must comply with the general standards
for term papers in a graduate course, I.E., typed, original, direct citations enclosed into
quotation marks, footnoted, etc.
Projects deadline is the day of the Final Exam. Missing the deadline will result in
issuance of a grade one level below its actual worth.
In search for a topic of the paper as well as a supplementary reading sources the
following, non-exhaustive list of publications should be considered:
Columbia Journal of World Business
European Journal of Marketing
Harvard Business Review
International Marketing Review
Journal of International Business Studies
Journal of International Marketing
MSU Business Topics
Journal of Marketing
Journal of World Business
Of course, a part of your daily/weekly routine is reading of WSJ, and Business Week, so
I just would like to remind you to turn to the international business sections.
There will be two, in-class examinations: Midterm, and a Comprehensive Final.
All exams are multiple choice with an option to qualify any number of answers. In other
words, if you understand a given question, however, none of the alternatives provided
seem to be satisfactory, you may, after selecting the best alternative, further clarify your
answer in a short essay.
EXTRA CREDIT REPORTS. During the course, there will be ample
opportunities for finding relevance of the course material to the events in the
business world, things you observe and/or read about in the business press. Extra
credit report is a short (1 to 3 typewritten pages) description of such a
happening and an interpretation, using the vernacular developed in the course.
Each extra credit report will have a Heading, including: student’s name,
ID (or social security) number. Number and name of the course, course
sections, and the number of the report.
The body of an extra credit report must use sub-heads: Summary and
Here, you are to summarize the
article, happening, event, etc
Here, you are providing the
interpretation using concepts
discussed in class.
Underline the key concepts DISCUSSED IN CLASS and used in the
Submit a copy of the original article, if any, on which the extra credit
report was based.
The extra credit reports could be submitted in person, via fax, and e-mail
(requirement to submit a copy of the article is waved). Subsequent extra
credit reports can not rely on concepts discussed in the previous ones.
There is no limit as to how many reports a students submits.
Suggested sources for Extra Credit reports only, they CAN NOT be used for the
Research Log:
*Business Week (by far the most popular source)
*Wall Street Journal
The extra credit work will be graded between 0% and 3% (Max), and added to
the Midterm score, if submitted on the day of the Midterm, or added to the Final
Exam score, if submitted on the day of the Final Exam.
Extra Credit reports submitted after Midterm must incorporate material covered
after Midterm.
No extra-credit report will be accepted after the date of the Final Exam.
Again, it is advisable to submit a specimen of the extra credit work as soon as
possible. It will be graded and returned to you. All graded and un-graded extra
credit reports must be submitted with the exam papers.
Midterm . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20%
Research Paper . . . .. . . . 40%
Final Exam . . . . . . . . . . 30%
 Unauthorized absence from either Midterm or Final Examinations will automatically
lead to issuance of "W"-grade (Withdrawn).
 The deadline for submission of Term Paper/Research Lag is the last class meeting.
Missing this deadline will result in issuance of "I"-grade (Incomplete), and when
submitted, the Paper/Log will be graded one level below its actual worth.
1. Gaining an understanding of the role International Marketing plays in the overall
corporate/business strategy
2. Familiarization with the theoretical underpinnings of international business, its
historic development, its advantages and disadvantages.
1. Concepts in Corporate/Business/Marketing Strategy, Interaction Between Marketing,
Organizational and Financial Strategies
2. Short history of the international business practice and theory:
 Comparative Advantage,
 Relative Factor Cost and the Leontieff's Paradox,
 Technology and Economies of Scale,
 Linder Theorem
 International Product Life Cycle: patterns of trade and direct investment
 Porter's "Diamond of Competitive Advantage of Nations"
 Economic/Political Co-operation: Worldwide and Regional Agreements its
impact on the marketing strategy of a firm
Text: Chpts: 1,2,10,11
1. Development of understanding of the economic, cultural and political trends in global
2. Development of tools needed to convert the understanding of the external
environment into estimation of market potential and its impact on marketing strategy.
3. Ability to forecast governmental policies (of course, with an error) resulting in
political and economic threats and opportunities.
1. Economic Nature of Foreign Markets, Balance of Payments, Input-Output Analysis,
Estimation of Market Potential
2. Political/Legal Systems and Role of Government, Political Risk assessment and
3. Cultural Environment of International Marketing, Levitt's theory of Globalization of
Markets, "Measurement" of Culture
Text: Chpts: 3,4,5,6,7
MIDTERM EXAM (Date to be announced)
1. Develop familiarity of sources of Data and Information useful for strategic and
tactical decision making
2. Learn to apply the relevant information about the external environment to plan
Product and Promotional strategies.
1. Marketing Information Systems
2. Secondary Data and Primary Research Issues in International Marketing Research.
3. International Product Policy:
 Definition of a "Product",
 Standardization Vs Adaptation,
 International Product Life Cycle (revisited), Portfolio Models, Impact of the
external environment on Product Policy
4. International Promotion:
 Standardization Vs Adaptation,
 Role of culture in copy strategy, media strategy;
 Media costs and availability,
 PR, Publicity and Sales Promotion.
Text: Chpts:: 8,11,16,17
1. Learn about different modes of entry into international Markets, its
advantages/disadvantages and strategic implications
2. Understand the conditions related to the choice of market entry mode
3. Role and functions of channels of distribution
4. Pricing strategies in international marketing
1. Mode of entry:
 licensing, cross-licensing, protection of intellectual property in different legal
 turn-key operations, technology transfer
 joint and mixed ventures
 direct investment economic and political risk
 Export/Import: General types of arrangements: Indirect, Limited Direct, and
Direct Exporting, export flow of products, promotion, ownership and payments,
role of facilitating agents
2. Channels of Distribution: structure and functions
3. Global Logistics
4. Pricing Strategy:
 penetration, skimming, dumping
 Terms of Sale and Payment
 Counter-trade
Text: Chpts:; 12,15,18
FINAL – Date will be announced in class
Attachment I
International Marketing Plan – Outline
I tried to make the outline as generic as possible to make it applicable to any type of
international activity. Obviously, you will need to make an adaptation, depending on the
specifics, such as exporting, licensing, joint venture, of your proposal.
I. Executive Summary
This section, written after the plan is completed, highlights the major assumptions and
features of the Plan
II. Goals and Objectives of the International Business Activity
Goals are open-ended attributes the company wants to use as a be known for, the
direction it wants to pursue. In this case, these are the attributes associated with
exporting, of course, things such:
becoming a major player in a given international market
internationalize technology available in home country
capitalize on economies of scale, synergy, etc., afforded by exporting
smooth-out cyclicality, seasonality.
add to the growth in revenues and profits, decrease dependency on the home (or any
single market
Notice, international activity is a part of corporate strategy, it is a response, a course of
action which is based on strategic audit. Review Ansoff’s framework.
Objectives are the measurable milestones on the road pointed out by the goals. (Who
said business planing can not be poetic!) In other words, objectives are a quantification of
goals. Thus,
Goal of becoming a major player in a given international market, could be translated
into an objective of achieving X% of market share at different points in time
Goal of adding to the growth in revenues and profits, decrease dependency on the
home (or any single market), could be translated into 50% of revenues and 30% of
profits coming from international market. And, no single market should account for
more than 25% in revenues and profits.
III. Target Markets, Market Potential, Goals and Objectives
In this section:
A. Each target segment is evaluated in terms of the external trends:
 Cultural/Social/Demographic, as they affect the demand for product category, and
as they shape the consumer/buyer behavior
 Legal/Political, as they affect export acceptability and operations
 Natural Resources, Infrastructure (Marketing and technological)
 Economic, as they affect the demand and financing
 Competitive environment, including domestic and foreign competition
Note:  Only the relevant trends are discussed
 Trends do interact, for example, due to a worsening Balance of International
payments economic), a country may pass anti-export laws (legal/political),
which may change the nature of competition (competitive)
B. Market Potential (for product/service) is evaluated, based on population/industry
size, growth and reliance on export, etc.
C. Goals and Objectives (in terms of sales, market share, etc.) for each market are
established, based on an attainable competitive advantage.
IV. Marketing Mix
A. Product Decisions:
What do intend to offer for sale, how will the product differ from what you sell
domestically, in terms of brand name, content, packaging, marking, etc. What is
the product positioning.
B. Price Decisions:
What is the pricing strategy within the “Poczter’s Iron Triangle” of cost,
customer, competition. How will the price “behave” over time (penetration,
C. Placement Decisions:
What is your entry strategy: licensing, franchising, indirect/direct exporting, direct
investment/joint venture. What Terms of Sale are you going to use, in case of
exporting. How do you see the channels of distribution in the future.
D. Promotion Decision:
Who is (are) the target audience(s). What promotional mix is going to be utilized
(personal selling, advertising, PR (bribes?), publicity, sales promotion). Who is
going to do what?
V. Financing
What funds do you need to finance the operations, where do they come from.
How will you get paid, how will you protect yourself from exchange and credit