BLACK HISTORY MONTH OCTOBER 2011 The following lists are based on a selection of adult titles on Black themes currently in stock. They may be reserved at any Merton Library. History and current issues 968.9105 Barclay, Philip Zimbabwe: years of hope and despair 306.3620 Black, Jeremy A brief history of slavery 940.53 Bourne, Stephen Mother country: Britain’s black community on the Home Front 1935-45 362.7609 Brookes, Harmony Nowhere to belong: punished for the colour of her skin 364.1523 Carlson, Joseph Voodoo killers, slavery, sorcery and the supernatural 967.5 Dallaire, Romeo They fight like soldiers, they die like children 972.94 Girard, Philippe Paradise lost: Haiti’s tumultuous journey 968.066 Johnson, R W South Africa’s brave new world 328.4409 Jordan, Michael The great abolition scam: the true story of the end of the British slave trade 968.4045 Knight, Ian Zulu rising: Isandlwana and Rourke’s Drift 909.0971 Kwarteng, Kwasi Ghosts of empire 305.8009 Mahamdallie, Hassan Defending multiculturalism 304.663 Olusoga, David The Kaiser’s holocaust 962.05 Osman, Tarek Egypt on the brink 973.903 Parker, Matthew The sugar barons (Caribbean plantations and slavery) 326.0972 Prince, Mary History of Mary Prince: a West African slave 940.5318 Reynolds, Z Black victims of the Nazis 974.71 Rhodes-Pitts, Sharifa Harlem is nowhere: a journey to the Mecca of Black America 305.8966 Steinberg, Jonny Little Liberia: an African odyssey in New York 364.164 Tinniswood, Adrian Pirates of Barbary 362.7330 Williams, Precious Precious: a true story 947.0609 972.9106 968.9105 320.546 305.8960 323.1196 961.2042 968.0609 Civil rights and politics Barnes, Hugh Gannibal: the Moor of Petersburg Castro, Fidel My life Freeth, Ben Mugabe and the white African Gormley, Beatrice Malcolm X: a revolutionary voice Grant, Colin Negro with a hat: the rise and fall of Marcus Garvey Hodgson, Godfrey Martin Luther King Kawczynski, Daniel Seeking Gaddafi Mandela, Nelson Conversations with myself 323.092 973.932 Naidu, Samantha Remnick, David 323.1109 Steele, Philip 509.6 704.0396 391.4340 746.096 509.22 599.9380 610.7309 708 709.22 782.4216 781.6509 782.4216 791.4509 828.9202 782.4216 782.4215 305.8960 782.4216 782.4216 791.4302 782.4216 782.4216 Navi Pillay: realising human rights for all The bridge: the life and rise of Barack Obama First December 1955: Rosa Parks and her protest Art, science and medicine Abrams, Dennis George Washington Carver: scientist and educator Barson, Tanya Afro modern: journeys through the Black Atlantic Finley, Carol The art of African masks Gillow, John African textiles Hudson, Wade Book of black heroes, scientists, healers and inventors Meredith, Martin Born in Africa: the quest for the origins of human life Robinson, Jane Mary Seacole: the heroine of the Crimea Spalding, Julian The best art you’ve never seen: 100 hidden treasures from around the world Weidemann, C. 50 contemporary artists you should know Music and entertainment Black, Pauline Black by design (British women singers) Brothers, Thomas D Louis Armstrong’s New Orleans Easlea, Daryl Crazy in love: the Beyonce Knowles biography Goddard, Trisha A life less ordinary Goldberg, Whoopi Is it just me? Or is it nuts out there? Jackson, Jermaine You are not alone: Michael through a brother’s eyes Lynskey, Dorian 33 revolutions per minute: a history of protest songs Rose, Tricia The Hip-Hop wars Sheridan, Maureen Bob Marley: the stories behind every song Taraborrelli, J. Randy Diana Ross Tracy, Kathleen Morgan Freeman Unterberger, Richie The rough guide to Jimi Hendrix Williams, John Miss Shirley Bassey 796.8309 Ali, Muhammad 796.0922 Callow, Nick 796.3340 Coomber, Richard 796.8309 Froch, Carl 796.8309 Mailer, Norman 796.3580 Olonga, Henry Sport The soul of a butterfly The greatest 100 Olympians and Paralympians Lucas: from the streets of Soweto to soccer superstar The Cobra (Niall Hickman, boxer) The fight (Ali v. Foreman) Blood, sweat and treason (cricketer, Zimbabwe) 796.3340 Regis, Cyrille 796.7209 796.3340 796.3420 796.4809 641.5973 641.595 641.5964 641.595 Rogers, Gareth Walcott, Theo Williams, Serena Wilson, Neil Angelou, Maya Baljekar, Mridula Basan, Ghille Dhillon, Kris 641.5784 Foreman, George 641.555 641.5972 641.59 641.5 641.6383 641.5968 Harriott, Ainsley Lee, Rustie Mendez, Sean Pascale, Lorraine Roots, Levi Vera, Barry My story: the autobiography of the first black icon of British football Lewis Hamilton Growing up fast My life: queen of the court The greatest British Olympians Cookery Halleluja! The welcome table 500 curries: discover a world of spice Flavours of Morocco Curries and spicy dishes for your slow cooker George Foreman’s indoor grilling made easy 100 meals in minutes A taste of the Caribbean Kids cook the world Baking made easy Spice it up Springbok and spices: tastes from a South African kitchen Health and beauty Feed me! Writers dish about food, eating, weight and body image 616.1527 Gillie, Oliver Sickle cell disorder 646.724 Gittens, Sandra African-Caribbean hairdressing 613.7042 Holmes, Kelly Get your kids fit 646.72 Iman The beauty of colour: the ultimate beauty guide for skin of colour 613.715 King, Jamie Rock your body: the ultimate hip-hop inspired “dance as sport” guide 616.0277 Skloot, Rebecca The immortal life of Henrietta Lacks 362.1 Steinberg, Jonny Three letter plague 155.91 Brown, Harriet Literature and poetry 823.914 Achebe, Chinua The education of a British-protected child 818.5409 Angelou, Maya The collected autobiographies 811 Dawes, Kwame So much things to say 820.9896 George, Kadija Write black, write British: from post colonial to black British literature 811 Hughes, Langston Dream keeper and other poems 818.5409 Jackson, Michael Dancing the dream: poems and reflections 824.914 Okri, Ben A time for new dreams 824.92 Phillips, Caryl Colour me English 824.914 Smith, Zadie Changing my mind: occasional essays 813.54 Walker, Alice The chicken chronicles 821.914 Zephaniah, Benjamin Kung fu trip Aboulela, Leila Alers, Rochelle Barry, Angela Bedford, Simi Billingsley, ReShonda Tate Bryant, Niobia Carew, Jan Carter, Latrese Chikwava, Brian Clark, Wahida Edugyan, Esi Edwards, Yvette Ervin, Keisha Evaristo, Bernadine Forna, Aminatta Galgut, Damon Gappah, Petina Griffin, Bettye Griggs, Vanessa Davis Haley, Patricia Hill, Donna Hughes, Langston James, Marlon King, Aliya S Lalami, Laila Levy, Andrea Lewis, Erica McBride, James Mohamed, Nadifa Nwaubani, Adaobi Tricia Nunn, Malla Okereke, Chimoa Parkes, Nii Ayikwei Phillips, Delores Renfroe, Paula Sabatini, Irene Saville, Guy Selvon, Samuel Shoneyin, Titilola Alexandrah Smith, Zadie Thompson, Faye Thompson, Maxine Underwood, Blair Various Authors Wheatle, Alex Winters, Angela Whitehead, Colson Fiction Lyrics alley Harvest moon Goree: point of departure Not with silver Holly rollers Live and learn Wild coast Liar, liar Harare North Payback is a mutha Half blood blues A cupboard full of coats Gunz and roses Lara The memory of love The imposter An elegy for Easterly Once upon a project Strongholds Chosen Heart’s reward Not without laughter The book of night women Platinum Secret son The long song Darkness in the mirror Song yet sung Black Mamba boy I do not come to you by chance Let the dead lie Bitter leaf Tail of the blue bird The darkest child The cheating curve The boy next door The Afrika Reich The lonely Londoners The secret lives of Baba Segi’s wives White teeth Cheesecake and teardrops L.A. blues From Cape Town with love To see the mountain and other stories (Caine Prize for African writing 2011) Brenton Brown View Park Sag Harbor