Creating A Fitness Plan - Monona Grove School District

Creating A Fitness Plan
According to the Surgeon General’s report to address physical activity
and health, Americans can substantially improve their health and quality of
life by including moderate amounts of physical activity in their daily
lives. Health benefits from physical activity are achievable, including those
who dislike vigorous exercise and those who may have been previously
discouraged by the difficulty of adhering to an exercise program. For those
who are already achieving regular moderate amounts of activity, additional
benefits can be gained by further increases in activity level.
Since many employees in our district want to become more physically
active, you have just been hired by the Monona Grove School District as a
Personal Trainer for the school district. You will meet with students,
athletes, teachers and administrators and help them create a fitness
You are to conduct a presentation for all district members about
creating a fitness plan. You can create a poster to display in the schools with
information regarding fitness plans or you can create a brochure that can be
given to all the district members so they can learn about creating their own
fitness plan.
In order to complete this assignment, your poster and brochure/paper
must contain the following information.
1. What is the F.I.T.T principle? Define each letter.
2. What is a target heart rate?
3. Provide a graphic of your target heart rate.
4. How can you calculate your target heart rate?
5. What is a warm up?
6. What are the benefits of a warm up?
7. What is a cool down?
8. What are the benefits of a cool down?
9. List the steps of creating a fitness plan.
10. Graphics
The class will be divided into groups of three students. As a group you
will work together. The goal is to learn about becoming F.I.T.T., creating a
fitness plan and to present the information to the school. Your group will be
given a “Research Folder” that will contain all the information you need to
put your presentation together.
Your group will be graded based on a poster presentation or a
brochure. Please see the attached rubrics for a poster presentation or a
brochure presentation.
At the completion of the project, you should have a working knowledge
of “becoming F.I.T.T” and creating a fitness plan and be able to recognize
the symptoms of this condition. You will have an understanding of creating a
fitness plan and it will allow you to demonstrate your learning as individuals
and in a collaborative setting. This exercise will broaden and deepen your
understanding of the information sources and will allow you to examine their
own feelings and opinions about “becoming F.I.T.T”.