Five-paragraph Essay Packet Island of the Blue Dolphins Name Date Period This paper will be structured using five paragraphs, including an introduction, conclusion and three body paragraphs that all support the Island of the Blue Dolphins theme of preserving nature. This is a challenging writing assignment that requires higher level thinking and interpretation of the text, as well as clear, organized writing skills. The information you need to support your ideas in this essay is not clearly stated in the book. You will have to analyze the text and reflect on your reading. Do not expect the ideas to be obvious. Your final should be neatly written in pen or word processed. One to two pages in length. Final paper due Background homework Before class on December 10, please read the following interview excerpts about Island of the Blue Dolphins author Scott O'Dell. Vocabulary to think about: nature, conservation, environment, resources Come prepared to discuss this material during class. Use the space below for notes. 1 Five-paragraph Essay Packet Island of the Blue Dolphins My Beliefs -- nature and the environment How do you feel about man's relationship with the environment? What are your thoughts about nature and conservation? Does man use his environment wisely? Give examples. What specific experiences with nature, the environment, hunting, animals, the outdoors, camping, hiking, etc. have you and your family experienced? Share your thoughts and experiences with your group. What thoughts do other people in your group have? Are they similar or different from yours? Write a final statement that expresses your beliefs about man's relationship with nature and the environment. 2 Five-paragraph Essay Packet Island of the Blue Dolphins I believe. . . After careful reflection I . . . 3 Five-paragraph Essay Packet Island of the Blue Dolphins Scott O'Dell's Beliefs -- nature and the environment Based on the ideas and themes in Island of the Blue Dolphins, explain Scott O'Dell's attitude toward the environment. Use your notes, conversations, discussion, the book to help you. Write a final statement that expresses Scott O'Dell's ideas about man's relationship with his nature and the environment. Scott O'Dell believes. . . All of the evidence indicates. . . 4 Five-paragraph Essay Packet Island of the Blue Dolphins Specific examples of Scott O'Dell's attitude about nature from Island of the Blue Dolphins 1. List one way that Scott O'Dell deals with the theme of nature and the environment in his book. Be specific. Tell the page number and explain how the characters deal with this issue. Try this format! An example is when does . 2. List a second way that Scott O'Dell deals with the theme of nature and the environment in his book. the page number and explain how the characters deal with this issue. 5 Be specific. Tell Five-paragraph Essay Packet Island of the Blue Dolphins Introduction Write an introductory paragraph that expresses your ideas about nature. Also include Scott O'Dell's feelings about nature, based on your interpretation of Island of the Blue Dolphins. Three to four sentences. Try this format! explains my idea about nature. Similarly / On the other hand, Scott O'Dell believes Readers know this because . . Conclusion Write a concluding paragraph explaining how Scott O'Dell's ideas about nature are the same or different from your own. Three to four sentences. Try this format! I believe 6 about the environment. This is similar to / different from Scott O'Dell because . Five-paragraph Essay Packet Island of the Blue Dolphins Learning Targets & Rubric 4 ANALYSIS I can analyze an author's approach to a specific theme using sources. CONVENTIONS I can write using correct conventions including capitalization, punctuation, spelling and paragraph breaks. WRITING I can organize my writing with transitions in a structure that helps move the reader smoothly from one idea to the next. LITERATURE I can connect the writing to my personal experience and evaluate the author's intended purpose. READING I can determine a theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details. 7 3 2 1 Five-paragraph Essay Packet Island of the Blue Dolphins 8