
Schleicher p.1
Controversial Issue Essay
Michael Schleicher
Mr. Martinez
Honors Civics
21 November 2010
Schleicher p.2
Controversial Issue Essay: Illegal Immigration
In the United States there is a constant growing problem of illegal immigration. In
the United States statistics show that in 2009 1.1 million illegal immigrants were
recorded: 60 percent came from Mexico, 20 percent came from other part of Latin
America, 11 percent from Asia, and 8 percent from Africa, Europe, Canada, and
elsewhere (Tara Bahrampour, paragraph 8). In Colorado alone the USCIS estimates
156,000 illegal immigrants (US Immigrant Support org. paragraph 4).Although illegal
immigrants take up areas of living that could be places for Americans to live, they take
the jobs that no one prefers, the taxes that pay on necessities is like a bonus to the
revenue collected by the Government, and deporting the illegal immigrants would be
more trouble than what it is worth to deport them.
A. Illegal immigrants usually take entry level jobs.
1. Example: Lawn care
2. Example: “up to 70 percent of U.S. farm workers are estimated to be
undocumented…” (Daniel Gross)
B. The tax dollars from illegal aliens goes to the revenue of the government as a
1. Illegal immigrants pay about one-third the amount of federal taxes (Bob
2. Could eliminate Americas debt
C. Deporting illegal immigrants would be more trouble than what it is worth.
1. For example: according to John McCain it would take 200000 buses
stretched out 1700 miles to deport 11million people assuming we would find them all
(paragraph 3 of
Schleicher p.3
2. A lot of information would be needed to find every single illegal alien
D. Although illegal immigrants do take up space that could be used for Americans
to live, there is enough space of the illegal immigrants and American citizens to live.
1. In Colorado alone the amount of land that is not used is about 13200000
acres of land that could be used to make livening spaces for people to live (Washington
Post, Paragraph 3).
2. Also there are areas in other states where illegal immigrants could go in
live as well.
Even if illegal immigrants take up space that could be used for Americans to live,
they take the jobs that no one prefers, the taxes that pay on necessities is like a bonus to
the revenue collected by the Government, and deporting the illegal immigrants would be
more trouble than what it is worth to deport them. The problem of immigration of illegal
aliens to America is a problem that is going to stay for along time, so why not embrace
the problem rather than evading it.
Schleicher p.4
Michael Schleicher
Mr. Martinez
Honors Civics
21 November 2010
Controversial Issue Essay: Illegal Immigration
In the United States there is a constant growing problem of illegal immigration. In
the United States statistics show that in 2009 1.1 million illegal immigrants were
recorded: 60 percent came from Mexico, 20 percent came from other part of Latin
America, 11 percent from Asia, and 8 percent from Africa, Europe, Canada, and
elsewhere (Tara Bahrampour, paragraph 8). In Colorado alone the USCIS estimates
156,000 illegal immigrants (US Immigrant Support org. paragraph 4).Although illegal
immigrants take up areas of living that could be places for Americans to live, they take
the jobs that no one prefers, the taxes that pay on necessities is like a bonus to the
revenue collected by the Government, and deporting the illegal immigrants would be
more trouble than what it is worth to deport them.
Illegal immigrants usually take the entry level positions that require a nonadvanced degree in education, and pays minimal wage. An example of this would be:
some illegal immigrants would go and do lawn care which includes: mowing, trimming
bushes and hedges, landscaping, and edging. They do this type of work because it takes
no former education and it pays minimal wage. Another example would be: "up to 70
percent of U.S. farm workers are estimated to be undocumented…” (Daniel Gross
paragraph 3). They work on these farms because all they have to do is take the produce
they pick and put it into a truck where it is shipped across the States to grocery stores. An
Schleicher p.5
entry level that takes a non-advanced degree in education, and pays minimal wage are the
types of jobs illegal immigrants usually do.
The tax dollars that illegal immigrant’s pay on necessities or cars or a house goes
to the revenue of the government as a bonus. For example: Illegal households only pay
about one-third the amount of federal taxes (Bob Livingston, paragraph 4). So if 12
million illegal immigrants pay 1/3 of a federal tax of 1,117 dollars is $4467960000 that
could be a bonus in the revenue of the government. That type of extra money could
abolish that 13 trillion dollar debt from China and still have money left over to support
schools, government officials, fund new technology, ect. So with the necessities and
federal tax illegal immigrants pay adds to revenue of the government as a bonus.
By deporting illegal immigrants it would be more trouble than what is worth to do
so. For example: according to John McCain it would take 200000 buses stretched out
1700 miles to deport 11million people assuming we would find them all (paragraph 3 of information needed to be known is where every single illegal
immigrant spread across to United States lives, where they work, relatives, and country of
origin. If the United States is paying people to locate all of them would be a waste of
money and time because an illegal alien is not going tell if they are illegal or not because
the like living in America and don’t want to give up there freedom. Deporting illegal
aliens would be more trouble than what it is worth to deport them.
Although illegal immigrants do take up space that could be used for Americans to
live, there is enough space of the illegal immigrants and American citizens to live. In
Colorado alone the amount of land that is not used is about 13200000 acres of land that
could be used to make livening spaces for people to live (Washington Post, Paragraph 3).
Schleicher p.6
That gives plenty of space for people to live and grow. Also there are areas in other states
where illegal immigrants could go in live as well. Even though illegal immigrants do take
up space there is enough space for Americans to live.
The problem of immigration of illegal aliens to America is a problem that is
going to stay for along time, so why not embrace the problem rather than evading it. The
illegal immigrant’s taxes should be considered a bonus, they take the unwanted jobs,
deporting them would be more trouble than what it is worth, and the illegal aliens do not
take up a lot of space that could be used for Americans. The issue of illegal immigration
is not a bad thing, so why do Americans not just let the problem be?
Schleicher p.7
Work Cited:
Herald, Maimi. Politics AP. 10 Jan. 2009. Web. 14 Nov. 2010.
"Top 10 Pros And Cons." 13 Apr. 2009. Web. 14 Nov. 2010.
Gross, Daniel. "Dirty Work." Slate. 12 Jan. 2007. Web. 14 Nov. 2010.