Illegal Drugs Web Drug Abuse: using a substance that are illegal or are not suppose to be taken into the body. Drug Misuse: Use of a legal drug in an improper way. Stimulants Define: _drugs that speed up the body’s functions_____________ List affects on body _Increases breathing rate & BP, the feel awake and alert. Amphetamines Define: drugs prescribed to Stimulate the Central Nervous System (CNS) Medical Need _Treats ____ _ narcolepsy _________ ___________________ Examples: ______________ _______________________ Cocaine Define: Powerful, illegal stimulant. Affects on Body: exhilaration and burst of energy____ followed by depression_ when the drug wears off Crack Cocaine Define: concentrated form of Of cocaine that is smoked and produces an intense high for seconds. Leads to seizures, heart attack and possibly death. Incredibly addictive Depressants Drugs that slow down the body’s functions and reactions; reduce BP, HR and breathing rate. Used to relieve anxiety, nervousness and sleeplessness Tranquilizers Define: Can help a person Barbiturates Define: Powerful sedatives relax Without making them less alert________________ used for medical purposes _________________________ Examples valium, xanax____ Affects on body _reduces muscular Activity, coordination, attention and Anxiety. Withdrawal can cause tremors And lead to coma and/or death ______________________ ______________________ AKA downers_________ affects on body mood changes and excessive sleep. to coma. Hypnotics Define: very strong___ drugs that bring on__ sleep and reduce anxiety _____________________ _____________________ Affects on body _impairs Can lead coordination and judgment Depresses circulatory and respiratory systems Other Illegal drugs Narcotics Heroin Define: specific drugs that are obtainable only Define: an illegal drug that is made from morphine and is highly by prescription addictive Legal/Illegal? Legal if not misused or abused Effects on body: instant high but short lived; withdrawals are painful Legal use: to treat extreme pain, stop sever coughing, Codeine is a narcotic Marijuana Define: Effects on body: Hallucinogen Define: drugs that distort moods, thoughts and senses Effects on body: affect cerebrum (controls intellect and perception) Affects CNS, increases heart and respiratory rates Hashish: more powerful drug derived from the marijuana plant with higher levels of THC PCP AKA Angel Dust Define:powerful and dangerous hallucinogen whose effects last a long time Effects on body convulsions, heart and lung failure LSD Define: distorts perceptions of sound and color, causes unpredictable behavior Effects on body: unpredictable behavior, flashbacks, false feeling of Violent behavior, temporary psychosis Forms: powder, pills, capsules, liquid How does it enter your body? swallowed, injected or smoked superpowers Forms: tablets, liquid, soaked with paper Designer Drugs/Club Drugs: Define: drugs that are made from chemicals that resemble illegal drugs Ex: ecstasy – most popular designer drug; crystal meth Where are they made? Homemade labs, in basements or ‘crack houses’ Why are they especially harmful and risky to take? You do not know for sure what is in them Effects on body: usually unknown and can be unpredictable Inhalants: Define: substances whose fumes are inhaled or sniffed to give a hallucinogenic like high. Examples are spray paints, glue, white out, gasoline and household cleaners, and laughing gas. Harmful effects: brain damage, kidney and liver failure, damaged nasal passages can lead to convulsions tremors and even death