IST 396 Educational Uses of Microcomputers and Related


IST 396

Educational Uses of Microcomputers and Related Technologies

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4 Credit Hours * Ledong Li, Ph.D.

Winter 2013 (IST 396 / Course #13237) *

Online Course

Office Hours: By Appointment



Office: 490F PH

Phone: (248) 370-4373 e-mail:

Course Moodle Site:

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Text: Online materials. (No textbooks are required.)

Prerequisites: Admission to Major, FE 310, FE 315.

Course Description:

“Basic computer literacy course. Focuses on educational applications. Prepares students to use computers and related technologies for career and personal goals.”

(OU Undergraduate Catalog 2012-2013, p.515)

Course Overview:

IST 396 is a requirement of elementary education majors. It utilizes personal computers and a variety of educational software programs and hardware equipments.

This course also incorporates Web-based components, and Internet access is required.

Students need to activate an OU email/web account for course related activities.

Course Objectives (Based on Michigan Teacher Technology Standards):

The overall objective of this course is to develop an ability to use information and communication technologies to enhance learning as well as improve personal and professional productivity. Specific proficiencies include:

Design, develop, and implement student-learning activities that integrate information technology for a variety of student grouping strategies and diverse student populations.

Identify and apply resources for staying current in applications of information and communication technologies in education.

Demonstrate knowledge of multimedia, hypermedia, telecommunications, and distance learning to support teaching/learning.

Demonstrate knowledge about instructional management resources that assist in such activities as writing and updating curriculum; creating lesson plans and tests; and promoting, reinforcing, and organizing data regarding student performance.

Use information technologies to support student problem solving, data collection, information management, communications, presentations, and decision-making, including using word processing, database management, spreadsheets, and graphic utilities.

Demonstrate appreciation of equity, ethical, legal, social, physical, and psychological issues concerning use of technology.

Use information and communication technologies to enhance continuing professional development as an educator.

Course Requirements:

IST 396 / OU / Li 1

IST 396

Educational Uses of Microcomputers and Related Technologies

(Details of assessment criteria will be given with each assignment.)

1. Moodle Forum Assignments (20%)

Students are required to fulfill weekly forum assignments on Moodle and participate in online discussions.

2. Exam (5%)

There will be an exam (with essay questions), based upon students’ reading assignments, online discussions, hands-on experiences, and personal understandings of technology integration in education.

3. Activities (30%)

Students will individually complete several activities focusing on information and communication technology applications:

Activity #1: Microsoft Word

Activity #2: Microsoft Excel

Activity #3: Inspiration

Activity #4: PowerPoint Show

Activity #5: EBlogger

Activity #6: Web Search

Activity #7: OU OakShare

4. Projects (45%)

Project #1: Non-Linear PowerPoint Project

Students will individually create a teaching/learning project using PowerPoint that will incorporate non-linear features and multimedia elements including graphics, texts, animations, sounds, navigational links, video clips, etc.

Project #2: WebQuest Project

Students will individually create an instructional unit integrating Web-based resources. The unit should include the following sections: Introduction, Task,

Process/Resources, Evaluation, Conclusion, and Credits. The completed project should be published on OU Oakshare.

Project #3: Digital Storytelling (Movie) Project

Each student will construct a digital storytelling project using available video tools. The story should include the student’s personal reflections on why and how to become an educator. The completed project should be posted on OU OakShare to share with the class.

Note: The instr uctor’s subjective evaluation of a student’s participation in online discussions, performance on learning tasks and developing knowledge throughout the course may raise or lower final grades by .2 on a 4.0 scale.

Course Schedule:

Session 1 / January 5

IST 396 / OU / Li 2

IST 396

Educational Uses of Microcomputers and Related Technologies

Forum #1: Sharing Personal Experiences in Using Technology

Activity #1: Microsoft Word

Activity #2: Microsoft Excel

Session 2 / January 12

Forum #2: Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants

Activity #3: Inspiration

Session 3 / January 19

Forum #3: Web 2.0 / Literacy 2.0

Activity #4: PowerPoint Show

Session 4 / January 26

Forum #4: Becoming Network Wise

Activity #5: EBlogger

Session 5 / February 2

Forum #5: Sharing Educational PowerPoint Resources

Project #1: Non-Linear PowerPoint Project (Assignment)

Session 6 / February 9

Forum #6: Creativity and School Reform

Project #1: Non-Linear PowerPoint Project (Due on Saturday February 16 th )

Winter Recess February 16 through February 25 (No Assignments)

Session 7 / March 2

Forum #7: Learn about WebQuest

Project #2: WebQuest Project (Assignment)

Activity #6: Web Search

Download SeaMonkey and Get Familiar with SeaMonkey Composer

Session 8 / March 9

Forum #8: Copyright Issues

Project #2: WebQuest Project (Continued)

Session 9 / March 16

Forum #9: Sharing WebQuest Resources

Project #2: WebQuest Project (Due on Saturday March 23 rd )

Activity #7: OU OakShare (Post Your WebQuest Project on OakShare)

Session 10 / March 23

Forum #10: Questions for Teacher Candidates

WebQuest Project Self-Evaluation and Peer-Review

Exam: Essay Questions

IST 396 / OU / Li 3

IST 396

Educational Uses of Microcomputers and Related Technologies

Session 11 / March 30

Forum #11: Sharing Digital Storytelling Resources

Project #3: Digital Storytelling (Assignment)

Session 12 / April 6

Forum #12: Sharing Your Thoughts

Project #3: Digital Storytelling (Continued)

Session 13 / April 13

Course Conclusion

Digital Storytelling Project (Due)

All Coursework Due

NOTE: With appropriate notification, changes may be made in course schedule, content, activities, assignments, etc.

Academic Honesty: Do n’t Cheat! – Cheating and plagiarism are considered serious at

Oakland University. All allegations of academic misconduct will be reported to the

Dean of Students and to the Academic Conduct Committee as necessary. Anyone found guilty of cheating in this course may receive a course grade of 0.0 and be dropped from the elementary education program in addition to any penalty assigned by the Academic Conduct Committee.

Course Related URLs:

-OU Information Technology Site:

-OU Oakshare Tutorial:

-Download SeaMonkey:

-The WebQuest Site:

-Download Inspiration (or Kidspiration) Free Trial:

-National Educational Technology Standards for Students and Teachers:

-Free Online Dictionary of Computing:

Ledong Li’s Education Philosophy

View on Teaching and Learning:

“Tell me and I forget;

Teach me and I remember;

Involve me and I learn.”

IST 396 / OU / Li 4

View on Problem-Solving:

“Where one door shuts, another opens.”

IST 396

Educational Uses of Microcomputers and Related Technologies

Enjoy IST 396!

IST 396 / OU / Li 5
