Science 8 – Fluids Project – ELO#6

Science 8 – Fluids Project – ELO#6
You are the lead writer of the scientific monthly magazine “Fluids”. Your objective is to
design this month’s edition of the magazine focusing on fluid systems. You must research
information concerning 4 types of fluid systems and/or technological applications related to
fluid systems and relay your information through scientific articles.
Your magazine must include at least one article related to constructed fluid systems, and one
article related to natural fluid systems. Afterwards, place this information in a magazine
format and hand it in to the executive editor (your teacher).
Researching Scientific Content
Using a variety of sources (i.e. books, magazines, periodicals, Internet, etc.) research
information related to fluid systems and/or technological applications related to fluid
systems. A list is provided below to give you some ideas about possible content you may
wish to add to your magazine.
Constructed Fluid Systems incl. Technological Applications
Pumps, reservoirs, valves, syringes, drills, piston systems, vehicle brake systems, vacuum
cleaners, paintball guns, jackhammers, airbags, “Jaws of Life”, thermal fluid heaters, hair
mousse containers, hovercrafts, hydraulic “car jumping” systems, oil production systems,
sphygmomanometers, geothermal plants, tidal wave power plants, etc.
Natural Fluid Systems
Circulatory system, respiratory system, gall bladder, superfluids, weather systems,
hurricanes, tornadoes, springs, geysers, volcanoes, insect defence systems, etc.
You must include the following information about the fluid system:
 A brief history of the system (if applicable)
 A physical description of the fluid system
 How the system functions (i.e. an explanation of the basic physics which govern how
the system operates)
 How the system benefits/hurts mankind
 Any other information which you deem to be important or interesting for the
magazine readers
Scientific Articles
Write an in-depth magazine article about the fluid systems you have researched. You should
read a few scientific magazines such as Scientific American, Astronomy, Popular Mechanics,
etc, so that you can get an idea of the style of writing required for the magazine. You may
also want to design the magazine as a scientific magazine for kids. If you do so, make sure to
change the writing style of your articles to accommodate a younger reader.
Magazine Format
During the production of your magazine, remember that magazines follow a general format
which include page numbering, a catchy title page, diagrams, cartoon sketches, etc. You will
want to include all of these aspects of a scientific magazine into your magazine; especially
pictures of your fluid systems and/or pictures which help to explain the physics of your
systems. Again, make sure that your pictures are appropriate for your content and audience.
Bibliography/Marking Key/Due Date
Make sure you include a bibliography section noting all the sources used for your article and
pictures. You must use a specific bibliographic format (ex. MLA, APA) for your
bibliography. A detailed marking key will be given soon. Simply start your assignment off,
with the previously mentioned criteria in mind. The project is due April 12, 2007.