1、 是非題,請統一採用「O」、「X」答題(共10題,每題2分,共20分) ( ) 1

國立臺南大學 99 學年度經 營 與 管 理 學 系
招生考試 管理實務 試題卷
一、 是非題,請統一採用「O」
「X」答題(共 10 題,每題 2 分,共
20 分)
( ) 1. Organizational culture is often the “trap” during the process of organizational
( ) 2. In the long term, firms typically engage in continuous managerial activities to
acquire effectiveness and efficiency. These firms may open up windows on
effectiveness and then end up in efficiency.
( ) 3. Narrower span of control may lead to a decentralized firm with relative multiple
layers of management.
( ) 4. In order to maintain the effective leadership, the leaders should control the
“Dependencies” over the followers.
( ) 5. Venture capital companies invest in new business with rapid growth potential;
however, they do not lend money for new business.
( ) 6. McGregor suggested that Theory Y tend to believe that people are naturally lazy
and uncooperative and must, therefore, be either punished or rewarded to be
made productive.
) 7. Product segmentation is often a method for marketing managers to find their
target customers. However, scenario analysis can provide product
segmentation a supplement aspect to discover the common behavior of
( )8. We can say that “Long-term goals” relate to extended periods of time, typically 5
or more years in all specific environments (industries).
) 9. Weak cultures are cultures in which key values are loosely held and widely held
by the members that foster higher organizational performance by instilling
and promoting employee initiative.
( ) 10. Foreign direct investment (FDI) is one of the international entry modes; it is
characterized by lowest risk, highest cost, and highest involvement.
二、 選擇題,請統一採用「A」
「D」答題(共 15 題,每
題 2 分,共 30 分)
第 1 頁,共 2 頁
( ) 1. There are several car styles in Toyota’s retailers, such as Vios, Yaris, Altis,
Camry, and Wish, we call the above car styles are belong to
of Toyota?
(A) pricing line; (B) pricing mix; (C) product mix; (D) distribution mix.
( ) 2. Which is not the advantage of “Strategic Business Units (SBU) Organization”?
(A) enhanced strategic control of each SBU in portfolio; (B) easy to respond
specific markets or products; (C) increase research and development (R&D)
investments; (D) facilitate to train the potential chief executive officer
( ) 3. Which dimension of organizational culture is not suit to the efficiency-based
firms? (A) outcome orientation; (B) attention to detail; (C) stability; (D)
attention to cost down.
( ) 4. Which is the target discussed by Michael E. Porter’s “Five Forces Analysis”?
(A) cross-national comparison; (B) national environment; (C) specific
industrial environment; (D) internal context of organization.
( ) 5. Which type of strategy is the level of the business units or product lines,
focuses on the company’s competitive position? (A) corporate strategy; (B)
business strategy; (C) functional strategy; (D) diversification strategy.
( ) 6. Which order of entry mode for international business (from highest spillover
effect to lowest spillover effect) is correct? (A) Licensing-> Joint venture
-> Foreign direct investment (FDI); (B) FDI = Joint venture -> Licensing;
(C). Joint venture -> FDI -> Licensing; (D) Licensing = Joint venture ->FDI.
) 7. Which relationship of the basic management skills (Conceptual, Human
Relations, Technical) and level of manager (Top, Middle, First-line) is
correct? (A) Top(Technical) -- Middle(Conceptual) -- First line(Human
Relations); (B) Top(Technical) -- Middle(Conceptual) -- First line(Human
Relations); (C) Top(Conceptual)- Middle(Human Relations) -- First line
(Technical); (D) Top(Human Relations) -- Middle(Technical) -- First line
( ) 8. Which is not the characteristic of the well-designed goals? (A) an explicit
evaluation period; (B) measurable; (C) always allocated by your boss; (D)
challenging but attainable.
) 9. Which is the weakness of Michael E. Porter’s “Five Forces Analysis”,
especially for the R&D-oriented companies? (A) lack of dynamic analysis;
(B) lack of firm cooperation; (C) increase a firm’s bargaining power only; (D)
all of the above.
第 2 頁,共 2 頁
) 10. Which is not the reason for the formation of Matrix Organization? (A)
increasing the flexibility of functional department; (B) enhancing
coordination of the functional department; (C) decreasing employees’’ role
conflicts; (D) enhancing the efficiency of project team.
)11.Which analytic tool guides resource allocation decisions within a
multi-business company on the basis of market share and growth rate of
Strategic Business Units (SBUs)? (A) Boston Consulting Group (BCG)
matrix; (B) SWOT analysis; (C) Porter’s Five Forces Analysis; (D)
Structure-Conduct-Performance(SCP) model.
)12. Especially in the relationship between leader, situation and follower, which
leadership model can explain well? (A) Managerial grid; (B) Trait theories;
(C) The Ohio State Studies; (D) Fiedler model.
( ) 13. Which organizational design may break the “unity of command”? (A) matrix
organization; (B) divisional organization; (C) functional organization; (D)
mechanic organization.
)14. Employees are concerned with both the absolute and relative nature of
organizational rewards. The above is based on what theory? (A) equity
theory; (B) goal-setting theory; (C) Maslow hierarchy of needs theory; (D)
all of the above.
)15. An enthusiastic, self-confident leader whose personality and actions influence
people to behave in certain ways to reach a firm’s goal, we called this is (A)
transformational leadership; (B) transactional leadership; (C) leader
participation; (D) charismatic leadership.
第 3 頁,共 2 頁
三、 問答題(中、英文回答皆可):50%
1. How do entrepreneurial new-venture creation and corporate new-venture creation
differ? (10%)
2. Explain the motivations behind acquisitions and show how they’ve changed over
time. (10%)
3. Define generic strategies and explain how they relate to a firm’s strategic position.
4. Please consider the following situation and answer questions. (20%)
You have been asked by your company’s CEO to find a way to
improve the performance of its teams of Web-design and Web-hosting
specialists and programmers. Each team works on a different aspect of
Web site production, and while each is responsible for the quality of its
own performance, its performance also depends on how well the other
teams perform. You task is to create a control system that will help to
increase the performance of each team separately and facilitate
cooperation among the teams. This is necessary because the various
projects are interlinked and affect one another just as the different parts
of a car must fit together. Since competition in the Web-site production
market is intense, it is imperative that each Web site be up and running
as quickly as possible and incorporate all the latest advances in Web
site software technology.
Q1: What kind of output controls will best facilitate positive interactions
both within the teams and among teams?
Q2: How would you go about helping managers develop a culture to
promote high team performance?
第 4 頁,共 2 頁