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Senior Legacy
Fall and Spring Semester 2015-2016
English IV/ IV AP
This semester you will write your Senior Legacy Book. Throughout this time, you will create eight
attractive chapters for that book. Each chapter will be counted as a daily grade. The final book will be
evaluated for an overall effort and count as a major grade.
Supplies: Create/make a large photo album or binder, glue, scissors, pictures, paper.
The rubric will be based on a creative durable cover, title page, a dedication page, table of contents,
content, conventions, mechanics, neatness and organization. This means that you need to proofread and
edit before turning in chapters for a grade. All pages should be typed and include pictures, items you have
collected over the years, examples of your schoolwork, mementos should illustrate each main idea. Be
thorough; each chapter should be 1-2 pages in length if not more. You will use at least two illustrations for
each chapter.
Early Years:
Chapter 1- “Before I Was, There Were…” Write a description of your ethnic background be sure you
include both parents’ genealogies. Do some research: individuals in your family, family history,
pamphlets from family reunions. Library research: on your name or the country from which your
ancestors came, etc.
Write a brief description of your family tree or include a family chart. Tell about people who were around
before you were born: grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, older siblings. Interview at least two
people in your family who were living before you were born. Include quotes from them within your
chapter. Have one or more relatives write a brief reflection about your family before you were born: your
parents’ marriage, births of older siblings, etc.
Chapter 2- “Suddenly, I Became Me…” When and where were you born? Were there any unusual or
humorous circumstances surrounding your birth? How was your name chosen? What were the first couple
of your years like? Look back at your baby book---First tooth, first step, etc. What memories do you have
of your first five years? Were younger siblings born during that time? Any childhood illnesses? What are
some of the stories your mom tells that you wish she didn’t? Resources: baby book, family members.
Have your mom or dad (or both) write a reflection about the time leading up to your birth, their fears, etc.
Chapter 3- “School Bells…” Write about kindergarten through Grade 5. first day jitters, fears,
anticipation, learning to read and write, special friends, teachers, school programs (did you have a part in a
school play?) Include your favorite childhood activities you enjoyed during this period of your life.
Discuss how you have changed since your early school years. How have you changed physically?
Remember those Bugs Bunny teeth we all had in fourth grade? What new activities have you added? How
has your family changed during the past few years? What do you remember about school, friends, subjects,
teachers, programs, clubs, etc. Resources: family photo albums, school memory books, yearbooks,
parents. Include some of your early schoolwork and artwork. If you are still in touch with any of your
teachers from this period, ask them to write a memory about you.
Chapter 4- “Grew Up Here!” Write a chapter about your home and neighborhood. You may have
moved around a bit; if so, include information about all the homes you’ve lived in. Describe your bedroom
over the years. How did your space change as you grew up? Describe the colors, decorations, etc. of your
various rooms. What was the neighborhood like? Was there one special hangout that all the kids went to?
Make the reader see the various places you lived. Resources: parents, your memories, old pictures of
various places you’ve lived.
Middle School, High School, and Beyond
Chapter 5- “Middle School” Alright, now you’ve grown up some. You are one of the “big kids”. How
was it your first day at middle school? How did you adjust from having one teacher in one classroom to
having several and having to change classes? How did the work change? How did your relationships with
your friends and with the opposite sex change? Tell about your teachers, activities, successes, heartbreaks,
accomplishments, etc. Resources: parents, friends, old pictures, middle school yearbooks. Have one of
your middle school teachers write a favorite memory of you to include in the book.
Chapter 6- “New Kid on the Block” English classes are on the third floor” Hey, mess with me and I’ll give
you five of these.” Wow! Remember those days when YOU were the new kid and it seemed as if
everyone else was a whole foot taller than you? Remember coming to the BIG school and thinking you
would never find your way around? How was your freshman year? What were some of your anxieties?
How was the transition from middle school to high school? What were some of the myths you heard about
high school? Were any of them true? How did you manage to “fit in” to high school life--- pep rallies,
ballgames, homecoming, clubs, new subjects, teachers, new building, new friends? Resources: No one
likes to do it, but you must go back to your freshman yearbook and look at your picture.
Chapter 7- “Sophomore and Junior Years” Do the same thing you did with your freshman year. Only now
you are a little more comfortable. Write about learning to drive, beginning to date, getting that first job,
becoming more involved in school. Have one of your teachers write a memory for your book. Prom, class
rings, moving up the class ladder- still not at the top but within sight of it.
Chapter 8- “At Last, I’m a Senior!” Write a reflection of your senior year- sitting for your portrait, paying
those dues, choosing graduation invitations, getting measured for cap and gown, and your own parking
spot! How did it feel to go through all those “lasts”-last time for summer reading (smile), last pep rally,
last football or basketball game (or any other sport)? Was it everything you expected or a little different?
How did YOU treat this year’s freshmen? What are you feeling now, as you get ready to embark on a new
chapter of your life? Have one or both of your parents write a brief reflection of the past twelve years
and/or have a teacher write a memory to put in your book.
Epilogue- “If I Could Live My Life Over Again, I Would…” or “Why I Would Not Change Anything
About My Life” Write a thoughtful, reflective essay. Each paragraph should contain 8-10 sentences; the
essay should be 5-8 paragraphs, typed double- spaces, size 12 point font with a one-inch margin.
That is it. Put the finishing touches on the book. Decorate the outside to reflect who you are. Have
fun! Remember, this is your legacy!
JUNE 3, 2016
Senior Legacy 2015-2016 Calendar
English IV/ IV AP
Due Date
Oct. 9
Oct. 30
Nov. 19
Jan. 15
Feb. 5
Mar. 31
April 14
May 6
Senior Legacy Book due May 20, 2016
Each category is worth 10% of the total grade.
Cover _____
Table of Contents_____
Title Page_____
Dedication Page_____