Hem Nalini Morzaria Luna

Hem Nalini Morzaria-Luna
Office address: 341 Birge Hall; 430 Lincoln Drive
Madison, WI 53706
Phone: Office (608) 265 9722
E-mail: morzarialuna@wisc.edu
University of Wisconsin-Madison. Dissertator in Botany. Minor in Limnology and Marine Science.
Advisor: Dr. Joy B. Zedler
August 1999- Expected completion July 2004
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur. La Paz, BCS. Mexico. Major: Marine Biology.
August 1993 - December 1997.
Zedler, J.B., H. Morzaria-Luna, and K. Ward. 2003. The challenge of restoring vegetation on tidal,
hypersaline substrates. Plant and Soil 253(1): 259-273
Siqueiros-Beltrones, D.A., and H. Morzaria-Luna. 1999. New records of marine benthic diatom species
for the Northwestern Mexican region. Oceánides, 14(2):89-95
Morzaria-Luna, H., K. Schaepe, L. Cutforth, and R. Veltman. Accepted. Implementation of bioretention
systems: A Wisconsin case study. Journal of the American Water Resources Association.
Morzaria-Luna, H., J.B. Zedler, J.C. Callaway, and G. Sullivan. In review. Relationship between
topographic heterogeneity and vegetation patterns in a Californian salt marsh. Journal of Vegetation
Forshay, K. H. Morzaria-Luna, B. Hale, and K. Predick. In review. An Evaluation of the Wetlands
Reserve Program in Wisconsin. Environmental Management.
NSF Integrative Graduate Research Education and Training program (IGERT): Human Dimensions of
Social and Aquatic System Interactions. Grant 9870703.
University of Wisconsin-Madison.
September 2000- May 2003
Graduate student. Wetland Ecology Laboratory. University of Wisconsin-Madison.
August 1999-To date
Research technician/ senior thesis. Phycological Herbarium of the Universidad Autonoma de Baja
California Sur (FBCS).
October 1993-December 1997
Mexican National Council on Science and Technology (CONACyT). Graduate Scholarship.
NOAA/ National Estuarine Research Reserves Fellowship, NA070R266.
Sigma Delta Epsilon-Graduate Women in Science. Research fellowship .
Society for Wetland Scientists. Students Research Grant.
Garden Club of America. Coastal Wetland Studies Award.
Center for Education and Training for Sustainable Development/School for Field Studies. Summer
Mexican National Council on Science and Technology (CONACyT)/ Mexican National Academy of
Sciences. “5th Summer of Scientific Research” scholarship.
Teaching assistant. BIOCORE 301: Ecology, Genetics, and Evolution. Biology Core Curriculum.
University of Wisconsin-Madison.
September - December 2003
Tutor for Student support services (TRIO). University of Wisconsin-Madison.
January-May, August-December 2000
Teaching assistant. Marine Botany. Department of Marine Biology. UABCS.
August 1998-June 1999
Teaching assistant. Organic Chemistry. Department of Marine Biology. UABCS.
October 1996 - December 1997
January 1998 - June 1998
Editor for the Ecological Society of America 87th Annual meeting. Institute for Environmental Studies.
University of Wisconsin-Madison
March 2002-May 2002
Tutor for Student support services (TRIO). University of Wisconsin-Madison
January-May, August-December 2000
Intern. School for Field Studies, Center for Wetland Studies. Puerto San Carlos. BCS.
January- May, July- August 1998
Assistant: “First Workshop on Management of the Gray Whale Whale-Watching Activities in Puerto San
Carlos and Puerto Adolfo Lopez Mateos.” Organized by PRONATURA Peninsula de Baja California.
October 23 - November 12, 1997
17th Biennial Conference of the Estuarine Research Federation. “Do Hydrochory And Seed Banks Limit
Tidal Marsh Restoration?” Morzaria-Luna, H., and J.B. Zedler.
. September 14-18, 2003
87th Annual Meeting Ecological Society of America. “Competitive outcomes between halophytes shift
when N and water levels are varied.” Morzaria-Luna, H. and J.B. Zedler.
August 4-9, 2002
Baja California Botanical Symposium V. “Interacciones interespecíficas y estructura comunitaria en
Bahía de San Quintin, México”. Morzaria-Luna, H., J.B. Zedler, J.C. Callaway, and G. Sullivan.
July 12-14, 2002
I Congreso de Investigadores de Bahía San Quintín 2002. Poster. “Vegetation patterns and spatial
scaling in San Quintin Bay, México”. Morzaria-Luna, H., J.B. Zedler, J.C. Callaway, and G. Sullivan.
April 14-17, 2002
16th Biennial Conference of the Estuarine Research Federation. Poster. “Spatial patterns of salt marsh
vegetation.” Morzaria-Luna, H., J.B. Zedler, J.C. Callaway, and G. Sullivan. November 4- 8, 2001
VII Congress of the Association of Researchers of the Sea of Cortes. Poster. New records of marine
benthic diatoms for the northwestern region of Mexico. Siqueiros Beltrones, D.A., and H. Morzaria-Luna.
Analysis of the spatial distribution of benthic diatom associations at different levels of taxonomic
sufficiency. Morzaria-Luna H., D.A. Siqueiros Beltrones, and G. de la Cruz-Aguero
May 25-28, 1999
XI International Marine Biology Symposium. "Effect of different concentrations of a commercial
detergent in the oxygen consumption of Brandothuria (Holothuria) Arenicola (Holothuroidea,
Echinodermata)" Morzaria-Luna, H. Cruz-Piñon, C., & Salazar A.
August 1996
Reviewer for:
Journal of Vegetation Science
Plant Ecology
Restoration Ecology
Southwestern Naturalist
Professional affiliations:
Graduate Women in Science. Sigma Delta Epsilon chapter
Madison Ecology Group
Wisconsin Wetlands Association Student Chapter.
Estuarine Research Federation.