Kerala Financial Corporation Head Office: Vellayambalam,Thiruvananthapuram-33 ANNUAL PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL FORMAT FOR OFFICERS ( Part A to be filled in by the officer concerned, Part B by the reporting officer and Part C by the reviewing officer. Additional sheets may be used if required) Part - A For the year: Name Designation Qualifications Details of Training/Seminars attended during the period (Dates, Name of programme, Organising Institution, venue etc.) Posts held during the year under report Functions and responsibilities (inputs can be taken from Part-B) Page 1 Annual Performance Appraisal Format for Officers Details of accomplishments during the year (inputs can be taken from Part-B) Whether targets given are achieved If not achieved, reasons Awards/ appreciation /punishments/ enquiry/ memos received if any Any other professional accomplishments Strengths & Weaknesses, as you perceive ( Personal & Professional) In which all areas you think you need training? Do you like to move to another area of work or office in the Corporation? If so, Why & Where? Signature of the officer with name and Date: Page 2 of 10 Annual Performance Appraisal Format for Officers Part - B The Reporting Officer has to give justification for rating as 1 and 10 as they are the extremes. 1. A. Assessment of Personal and General Traits: (Put a tick mark in the relevant column. A weightage of 25% is assigned to this item.) Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Traits 1 Reporting Officer’s Assessment 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Attitude towards Work & Customers Initiative and drive Ability to work in team Ability to lead & motivate Ability to be fair and impartial in dealing with team members Information Technology Skills Co-ordination skills Communication – Oral Communication - Written Integrity Punctuality Quality of work output Timely completion Ability to take on exceptional works Trustworthiness Clarity of notes and opinion Maintenance of desk Maintains proper records General awareness relating to our activities Identifying Business opportunities / threats Total ticks under each column Multiplied by 1 2 Products Total (A) (Out of 200) Score 25%of A (Out of 50) Page 3 of 10 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Annual Performance Appraisal Format for Officers 2. Assessment of work: The Reporting Officer has to give justification for rating as Poor and Outstanding as they are the extremes. Please see explanation given below: Poor Average Good Very Good Outstanding = = = = = Does not meet the minimum performance standard expected. Undistinguished, nothing to recommend. Above average achievement. High level of achievement, consistently displayed. Exceptionally high level of achievement, consistently displayed. (Any 5 indicators relating to the work of the officer need be judged from the entire list below. Put a tick mark in the relevant column. A weightage of 75% is assigned to this item.) Key Indicators of Performance INDICATORS ZM/BM/CM Supervise, Control and Manage the affairs of BO/ZO Compliance of HO orders and report Achievement of Sanction and Disbursement targets Achievement of Principal Recovery targets Achievement of Interest Income targets Motivate the Officers and Staff Maintaining Customer relation and feed back. Generation of other income through new areas of business like sale of insurance, mutual funds, Rating Services, Consultancy Services etc. CUSTOMER RELATIONS Maintaining Customer relation and feed back. Awareness of schemes Compliance of KYC and AML Policy Canvassing new clients and converting enquiry to loan proposals. Conduct Client meets / Seminars / Discussion Follow-up the proposal with the appraisal team ACCOUNTS Supervise, control and manage affairs of the Department Knowledge of policy & procedures Ledger scrutiny & reconciliation Analysis of income & expenditure Page 4 of 10 1 2 3 4 5 Poor Avera ge Good Very Good Outsta nding Annual Performance Appraisal Format for Officers Preparation of Balance Sheet and P/L Account Analysis of Schedules Furnish reports to SIDBI, Plg. Board , Govt. etc. Availing of rebate from SIDBI on time Timely submission of statutory returns and other reports Timely payment of principal and interest on LOC from SIDBI & banks, guarantee commission etc. Co-ordination with Auditors, other departments, BOs, ZOs Maintenance of Fixed Assets Register/Share Register etc. Maintenance of Books of Accounts of PF Trust. Fund Management Reconciliation of Bank and Cash accounts Reconciliation of LOC statements Disposal of TA bills, Medical bills, Bills of concurrent auditors, staff loans, payment of arrears etc. on time Initiative for cost control Preparation and submission of BPRF statements Deduction and payment of statutory dues Payment of interest on Bonds, Redemption of Bonds on time Timely payment of statutory dues, Rent, Telephone, Tax etc. Preparation of TDS statement , remittance on time, e-filing etc. Intimation of fund requirements to HO on time NPA provisioning Attend cash / cheque transactions and prepare statement Maintenance of vouchers Processing of interest notices CONSULTANCY & TRAINING DIVISION Supervise, control and manage affairs of the Department Revival and rehabilitation of Sick Units Canvassing new consultancy work , interaction with consultants, Conduct meeting, Seminars etc. Preparation of Project reports, land valuation reports, Operational Analysis, Due diligence analysis etc. Generation of other income through new areas of business Maintaining training related records Providing training solutions for trainees, entrepreneurs, staff, non finance person etc. Page 5 of 10 Annual Performance Appraisal Format for Officers Coordinating the training activities (Internal & external) ISO/ RTI Dissemination of Quality Policy and Objectives to all employees through in-house training programes and other appropriate means Co-ordinating in preparation and documentation of procedures and organization of infrastructure for documentation Monitoring and ensure implementation of procedures and work instructions as documented. Organize and conduct ISO Quality Audit and take corrective and remedial actions Conducting MR meeting – Preparation of minutes Circulation Maintenance of registers, file and receipt of all requests for information under RTI Act – Verification – Drafting – final disposal Preparation of Annual Report to Government under RTI Act and State Information Commission, Correspondence / Clarification to Branch Offices etc. INTERNAL AUDIT Supervise, control and manage affairs of the Department Conducting of Branch audit and follow-up. Convening Audit Committee meeting. Co-ordination with concurrent auditors Preparation of notes to Audit Committee/ Board Preparation of compliance report to Govt., A.G., SIDBI etc. RECOVERY & REHABILITATION Supervise, control and manage affairs of the recovery wing and Field Officers No. of units rehabilitated / revived No. of units upgraded Achievement of targets Quality & frequency of follow up Liaison with RR wing Knowledge of the job Inspection of units Preparation of OTS notes / Recovery statements/subsidy notes/BIFR statements/SURP notes Release/ adjustment/follow up of subsidy amounts Valuation of Assets. Co-ordination of all files from Branch Offices coming Page 6 of 10 Annual Performance Appraisal Format for Officers under Central Zone. Placing of OTS cases before H.O OTS committee, preparation of minutes and follow – up. Preparation of Board / Executive Committee / Settlement committee notes and following up. Analysis of loan accounts – Standard D2, D3 and follow-up with Branch Offices for achieving the targets. Review of cases at Branch Office under Central Zone Work related with BIFR APPRAISAL & MONITORING Ability to appraise project proposals Clarity of reports & recommendation Interpretation of financials Timely completion of work Quality of Appraisal notes Maintenance of loan files Timely intimation of fund requirement for disbursement. Review of UDC PERSONNEL & ADMINISTRATION Supervise, control and manage affairs of the Department Knowledge of service Rules Timely reporting to Govt. KPSC etc. House keeping General Administration Organising ability Procurement of office equipment, stationary and consumables Maintenance leave records Maintenance service books Maintenance of disciplinary action files Fixation of pay and increments Preparation of notes for Selection Committee Preparation of Board/ EC Agenda in time Co-ordination of Board / EC meeting LEGAL Supervise, control and manage affairs of the Department Knowledge of legal matters Review of cases Preparation of statement of facts Rapport with advocates & follow-up Page 7 of 10 Annual Performance Appraisal Format for Officers Preparation of appeals relating to crown debts to HPC. Clarity of legal opinion Contribution in various committees Valuation of security Legal scrutiny and documentation Maintenance of legal records Misc. works such as release of documents, issuance of clearance certificates, partial release, creation of second charge, filing of charge with ROC etc. TECHNICAL Supervise, control and manage affairs of the Department Knowledge of guidelines on valuation Ability to suggest in revival proposals Appraisal of projects Maintenance of office building & Vehicles Contribution in various Committees. Preparation of project reports. Prepare TFR within time limit Conduct inspection / Asset valuation relating to Disbursement and Recovery Technical guidance to entrepreneurs as and when required SYSTEMS Supervise, control and manage affairs of the Department Ability to modify programs Programming skill on latest computer languages (Desktop and Web based application development using .NET/JAVA, PERL / PHP etc) Skills in Managing Legacy systems Interest to update knowledge on Latest trends and technologies Interest in R & D activities and implement new ideas in corporation Project Management Skills ( Knowledge in various levels of Software Engineering principles includes Study, Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation & Maintenance of Software system ) Networking Administrations (Managing HO & Branch networks and its configuration and maintenance) Database Administrations (Knowledge in Relational databases like Oracle and MySQL) System Administrations (Installation and Maintenance of Servers & Desktop Page 8 of 10 Annual Performance Appraisal Format for Officers computers, Operating system and other Software installation and configuration etc) IT business analysis (skills around managing IT with finance in mind) Open source Initiative (Knowledge in GNU,Linux and other open source software and its implementation and maintenance) IT Certifications/Degrees (Initiative to take certifications and IT related degrees on System, Network and Database Administrations) Initiative to improve the IT skills among KFC staff Total ticks Multiplied by Products Sum of Products (B) (Out of 200) 8 16 24 32 Score 75%of B (Out of 150) Grand Total : Score of (A + B) = /200 Rating : Below 40 Poor 41-80 Average 81-120 Good RATING GIVEN Justification for Rating (to be given if the rating is Poor or Outstanding) Signature, Name and designation of the Reporting Officer Date Page 9 of 10 121-160 Very Good 161 to 200 Outstanding 40 Annual Performance Appraisal Format for Officers Part - C (To be filled by the Reviewing Officer) Do you feel whether the assessment of leadership qualifies, motivational abilities, suitability for promotion, capability to take greater responsibilities and the rating given for appraisee by the reporting officer is justified? If not give reasons and new rating Rating (Modified) Signature, Name and designation of the Reviewing Officer Date Page 10 of 10