Review Sheet for Othello:

Review Sheet for Othello:
Act One:
1/ What are three reasons Iago gives for his plans for revenge on the Moor?
2/ What character traits is Othello shown to have? Please use quotes with line numbers to justify your
3/ What is Othello’s position in society? Again use quotes with line numbers to justify your response.
4/ How would you characterize the city of Venice?
3/ What character traits does Desdemona display? Please justify your response.
4/ How will Iago use Roderigo? Why is Roderigo willing to be used?
Act Two:
1/ How are the Turks defeated?
2/ Describe Cassio’s character. Please use quotes with line numbers to justify your response.
3/ How does Iago plan to use his character?
4/ How is Othello viewed by the people of Cyprus? Use quotes to justify your response?
5/ What is Iago’s attitude toward women?
6/ Characterize the Othello’s and Desdemona’s relationship. Use quotes to back it up.
7/ What are the differences in Iago’s and Cassio’s views of reputation?
Act Three:
1/ What are some of Desdemona’s character traits as described in this act? Use specific quotes with line
numbers to justify your response.
2/ How does Iago begin to undermine Othello’s trust in Desdemona? Please use quotes with line numbers.
3/ What does Iago say about reputation?
What does he say about appearance and reality?
What does he say about jealousy?
4/ Why is Othello open to Iago’s insinuations? Again use quotes to back up your assertions.
5/ How does Othello’s handkerchief push the plot?
6/ What is the climax of the play? The turning point?
Act Four:
1/ What sort if imagery dominates the language in Act IV? Please give examples to back up your assertion.
2/ Compare Othello now to his behavior in Act One. What are some of the differences? Use quote to justify
your response.
3/ What can you say about Desdemona’s character as illustrated in this act? Please use quotes to justify your
4/ How does Roderigo turn on Iago? How does Iago deal with the crisis?
5/ Describe the different attitudes shown about fidelity by Emilia and Desdemona. Use quotes.
Act Five:
1/ Describe in a step by step manner how Iago’s plot begins to be revealed.
2/ What reasons does Othello give for murdering Desdemona? (Use quotes) What does this say about his
3/ What does the manner of Desdemona’s death reveal about her character?
4/ What does Othello’s final speech reveal about his character?
6/ How does Othello fit (or not) the six traits of a tragic hero?
a/Jealousy and Trust:
b/ Themes: