Bible Definitions 2013 This Document is being edited. This version is prepared for Janie 7/27/12. Red text shows that I have more finely edited texts in more recent times. (Just symbols I find NOTE: Some footnote topics cover numerous texts. They have been useful) recorded, and will be copied into documents discussing those topics. If you see footnote repetition from one text to another, this will explain ñāăäàáēĕèéīĭōŏūŭ why. äō Regarding the accuracy of these conclusions: Were I gifted by the Spirit of Yehovah to do this work, it would be infallible, as was the case for all ministerially gifted persons in the Bible. No true prophet of God ever erred while prophesying. No true teacher of God ever taught any erroneous teaching. The standards of God have not changed, and the Spirit of God hasn’t weakened over the centuries. Since I am not gifted, my conclusions contain numerous errors, and must be considered and challenged if you (the reader) will not be deceived. I know some answers are correct, but I will have to change some answers as I learn more and as folks like you show me that my proposed answers need changing. If you don’t like this factor of uncertainty, ask Yehovah to give me a ministerial gift along these lines in His Word so that I can give infallible responses. If He does so, you will then be responsible to believe whatever He communicates through me. In the meantime, don’t be a sucker. Regarding Hebrew words: If you see what appears to be computer nonsense (like this: !@#I~`{O$%*) when a Hebrew word is being discussed, your computer does not have the font to view it. If you desire to see the same article with the Hebrew word being visible and correct, let me know; I will send you a PDF form of the same document. (You will need an Adobe Acrobat reader to see it, which is freely available from the Adobe web site.) Abhor Furiously despise; find repugnant and/or disgustingly outrageous Abide to remain; in reference to place: to sojourn, tarry, not to depart; to continue to be present; to be held, kept continually; in reference to time: to continue to be, not to perish, to last, endure; of persons: to survive, live; in reference to state or condition: to remain as one, not to become another or different; to wait for, await one. It describes anything or anyone who remains, endures and continues in a location or a state (a condition, a faith, a viewpoint, etc.) without deviation for a time. The word abide does not automatically imply forever. Abominate To abominate is to consider something or someone morally and/or ethically reprehensible, contemptible. Abomination Anything morally or ethically disgusting; a title for an idol. Yehovah regards an abominable act as potentially damnable. Above, upon, Above and upon are the same Hebrew word. It also means concerning, almost like the word about, but in a much stronger way as concerning, by 2 Bible Definitions 2013 in this statement: “She mourned about her husband,” which is stronger in “She mourned concerning her husband.” The Hebrew would support “She mourned upon her husband,” but that would give the picture that she was physically on top of him while she mourned. That will work in some texts! One more acceptation is by. Standing by someone in Hebrew would be expressed as standing upon the person. This is another ‘childism’ (an expression that a child would more easily understand), since a young child would consider being by an adult akin to being held by the adult, and thus being upon the adult. Absolute That which is certain and unchangeable from Yehovah’s perspective (see Hope) Absolve, naki hqn, nakah has the following acceptations: to be empty, be clear, be pure, be free, be innocent, be desolate, be cut off; be clean; be purged out; be exempt from punishment, obligation; to leave unpunished. The word absolve seems to best fit this. Act This word rooted in , paal is the most basic verb in Hebrew, since it is the prototype for all verb forms. (You may remember me mentioning the hiphil form, the pual form, the piel form, etc.) These Hebrew names of forms all derive from the verb paal meaning to act (as in to take action). This word rooted in , paal is the most basic verb in Hebrew, since it is the prototype for all verb forms. (You may remember me mentioning the hiphil form, the pual form, the piel form, etc.) These Hebrew names of forms all derive from the verb paal meaning to act (as in to take action). Activities, capriciousness The curious Hebrew verb behind activities (lle, alal) has the following acceptations: wantonness, deed (including evil), doing, practices. The verb root behind it has the following acceptations: to act severely, deal with severely, make a fool of someone; to busy oneself, divert oneself, deal wantonly, deal ruthlessly, abuse (by thrusting through); thrust forth, in, upon (in wickedness); to glean; to act or play the child. I looked carefully at this word, unconvinced that these acceptations were correct. I determined that this word describes the activities of a child in that very young toddlers are quick, unpredictable, seemingly wild, arising from hyperactivity and a desire to be doing things. Then I considered Yehovah. All that He does is deliberate and wise. How could this verb be used to describe Him? But then, I thought of what He will be doing during the Tribulation, and the various ways He will rescue some and will foil the evil plots of others. This verb became more and more reasonable for Yehovah and His unpredictability when dealing with enemies. I thought of how mountains would be strategically moved in an instant, how the oceans would be moved, how landmarks would be changed, etc. I began to see that this verb perfectly describes His works at this time. Use 3 Bible Definitions 2013 unpredictabilities or better, capriciousness in texts. I did not capitalize ‘adam’ because the text is referring to a generic man, not to the specific first-created human. I did not write ‘man’ because the Hebrew has two other words that are almost always rendered man, but that signify different aspects. This word is the most generic of the terms, referring to anyone who is from Adam’s lineage. Adam Adamah, Blood Red, The color red ( , adumah) derives from , adam meaning man. Yehovah originally made man to be red in color, from which all other skin tones derive. Another relative of this word is , däm meaning blood, which again is due to its redness. Adar, Rank Fail, Add, again Dig, עדר, adar carries the idea of arranging or being arranged. This fits all the texts that I tried. (See ‘Adar’ document.) increase, The often used Hebrew word Poy, yasaf has the following lexicographic acceptations: to add, increase, do again; to join, join oneself to; to be joined, be added to; to cause to add, increase; to do more. I will sometimes use the word redouble to express this word. Adjective with (Technical Explanation) Translators ignored the Hebrew construction pronominal ending of the noun , kodesh followed by an adjective with a connected pronominal ending, choosing to render it as if it were a noun with a pronominal ending followed by an adjective. This ignores Biblical Hebrew grammar rules. The adjective that has a pronominal ending becomes a nominal adjective (an adjective that behaves as a noun). An English example of this is the adjective green. “The grass was green.” Yet it can become as a noun: “They golfed on the green.” I maintain that the two following examples greatly differ: His Holy mountain Mountain of His Holy-[one] The first describes who owns the holy mountain. The second shows that the holy one that he owns in turn owns the mountain. I do not know why translators have traditionally ignored the Hebrew grammar. I refuse to ignore what I see in the Hebrew. I believe that the Word of God (in the original manuscripts) is infallible. Why should I ignore anything? Adjudicate* Enter into a formal court session in order to rule on any action Administrations Ministerial Assignments, Responsibilities Adoption Scripturally, the Greek word behind this word never means adoption. Instead, it indicates the process of being placed a blood-born child with full inheritance rights. It is completely distinct from the institution Bible Definitions 2013 of normal adoption in all societies. I render this word sonshipment. Adorn rap, paar has the following acceptations: to glorify, beautify, adorn; to go over the boughs. I don’t know about going over any boughs, but another Hebrew word covers glorify, and yet another beauty; but adorn may fit this well. The noun form has the following acceptations: headdress, ornament, turban. Those are adorning items. The feminine form means bough, branch, shoot, all adorning trees and plants. Adversary One who hassles another; an antagonist. Satan is Hebrew for a male adversary, while sitnah is a female adversary. Advocate Lawyer; one who speaks and intercedes on behalf of another Affections Fervent motivating inclinations that draw one toward something or someone. (Those who have Spiritual affections toward God will be constantly, consistently, consciously and unconsciously drawing toward God, the knowledge of His Word, and the living–out of His Justice, Righteousness, Selflessness and Love of Grace by their actions, not just their mouths. See also Grace.) Creatures show their affections by their behavior, what they seek, and what they most value. Afflict To cause harm, bring about loss, and/or cause mental suffering to an individual or group over a period of time. Do not confuse this with humble. (Translators often translate the verb to humble as to afflict.) Afflicted Harmed, suffering loss and/or mental anguish over a period of time. The afflicter could be another, God, a disease organism, a chemical imbalance, etc. Afflicter An afflicter is one who puts another into a bind (related to the word for tying up). This bind is very troublesome and continuous, not occasional. After-ward After-ward doesn’t refer to time, but to direction. I could have rendered this backward, but the implication might have been that they were being returned facing backward, or that the basic meaning of this word refers to the back. It’s meaning is in the word after. What is after me is indeed behind me (either in space or time). English sometimes confuses this concept. “She was born after me” has the right idea. Those who are returned after or returned afterward are (a) being turned around from their original goal, and being caused to go back to where they started, and (b) are being caused to face the direction opposite to their going forward or frontward. This is also a way to describe flight from battle out of fear. Age Age is the word aiwn, aion from which we get eon. Its acceptations include forever, an unbroken age, perpetuity of time, eternity; the worlds, universe; period of time, age. The first acceptations obviously 4 Bible Definitions 2013 don’t fit this text, since this age won’t last forever. Worlds and universe don’t fit. If I choose age, I have answered circularly, identifying this age as this age. The following text gives a clue: Luke 21:24 And they shall fall by the edge of the sword and shall be led away captive into all nations. And Jerusalem shall be trodden down by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. Gentiles means races. The times of the Gentiles are defined in this verse: the time periods during which Jerusalem is ‘trodden down’ (walked all over with liberty and/or contempt) by the Gentiles. The times of the Gentiles began with the Babylonian captivity, and will continue until Messiah Himself returns. Periods of time will see the Jews temporarily holding Jerusalem, but these periods will be followed again by Gentile attempts to take and hold the city, nearly all attempts being successful. This age will be followed by the Millennium (the thousand-year rule of Messiah over all Israel and the world), the age of the Kingdom. Agitate rke, akhar has the acceptations to trouble, stir up, disturb, make (someone) taboo [devoted]. The main idea is found in an agitator who exacerbates a situation, and in agitation. Aharon Aharon means “Alas! Conception!” and must describe the feelings that Aharon’s mother had when she realized she was pregnant! Aid The word hewvt, Tshuah is related to the word for salvation (ewvy, yeshuah), but has a different set of acceptations. Gesenius’ lexicon has the following acceptations: salvation, deliverance (usually by God through human agency); salvation (spiritual in sense). Gesenius was not correct, however, since the other word (yeshuah) covers these aspects. A better rendering is aid as long as the reader realizes how strong this word is when used in the Bible. It is far greater than help since aid will always reach the full goal. Almond dqv, shakad meaning ready-to-act. It describes the almond tree that appears to be ready to act by putting forth leaves earliest in the spring of the flowering trees. Altar A structure made of stone or earth upon which wood is stacked and a sacrifice or something else that is a type (like a drink pouring) is set into the fire, after which the product is eaten by the participants (except in the case of a drink pouring). If the sacrifice is an animal sacrifice, the animal is pieced according to certain types, and is cooked and eaten. The altar is an extension of the soil upon which the altar stands. Therefore, the altar (I propose) typifies the land upon which the sacrifices are performed. Thus, when the blood is poured out at the base of the altar, it pictures the blood of innocent ones entering into 5 Bible Definitions 2013 the soil at that location. An altar is raised up rather than digging a pit because bowing toward the altar isn’t part of the type. The altar is raised so that an approacher can approach standing and walking. Amatz, Resolute Uma, amatz supposedly has the acceptations of Amen Faithful, certain. When said by witnesses to a prayer, they are asking that the prayer be certainly and faithfully done. Amon Amon literally means people, named when one of Lot’s daughters became pregnant by getting her father drunk and having sexual intercourse with him in order to preserve seed. She determined to bring a people from him, and she did so. They are never friendly to Israel. Angel, messenger The same Hebrew word (Kalm, malakh) means angel and messenger. No distinction is made between human and non-human messengers without the addition of other descriptions. Anoint To formally assign one to a certain task, (for good or evil) usually by pouring oil over the head Anoint, anointed To anoint is to identify (usually by pouring oil over the head) one as determined and fully equipped by a god for a particular work/function (whether good or bad). The oil pouring is a picture. Some shepherds put oil over the heads and in the ears of sheep to minimize bug problems so that the sheep can graze with fewer distractions and irritations, so that they can produce more wool and milk. A person who is anointed will also be less distracted by external forces in the assigned field of service (or evil) than would normally be the case. Anointed One One formally assigned to a certain task; Messiah (Heb.) or Christ (Gk.) = anointed one Anxiety gad, daag, from which comes the name Doeg (the evil Edomite): to be strong, alert, courageous, brave, stout, bold, solid, hard; secure (for oneself), harden (heart), make firm, make obstinate, assure; to be determined, to make oneself alert, confirm oneself, persist in, prove superior to; bay, dappled, piebald (of colour). Combine with this being sharp, eager, alacrity with an undaunted spirit, resolute. I will choose this last acceptation: resolute. This word indicates anxiety, which is a fearful and indistinct undercurrent. The person who has anxiety doesn’t know exactly what to fear. Apologist* One who gives reason and evidence for a particular view Apology A doctrinal statement of a particular view with evidence to back it up 6 Bible Definitions 2013 Apostle Appointment Approach Missionary (sometimes referring to one who has seen Messiah); one who is sent with the Gospel The word , mōād has the following lexicographic acceptations: appointed place, appointed time, meeting; sacred season, set feast, appointed season; appointed sign or signal; tent of meeting. It doesn’t truly describe the tent of meeting, but instead always refers to an appointment, a designated and pre-established time of a meeting or an event. More specifically, it is a specific event promised by Yehovah/Yeshua that will occur at a declared or an undeclared time with a purpose to miraculously harm or to miraculously benefit, or both miraculously harm one group and miraculously benefit another. The word brq, kerev comes from the root verb karav, meaning to come or draw near, approach, enter into; to be brought near; to cause to approach, bring near, cause to draw near; bring, present. (Another word better represents a present.) The word Corban (Mark 7:11) is directly related to this word. Translators and readers of Hebrew assume that the approach consists of the inwards (‘innards’)—the internal organs. Since the word means the approach, however, and is often used in sacrifices for those approaching to Yehovah, I am calling it what it is: the approach. Throughout the Teaching, some form of the word approach is used, showing the importance of approaching to Yehovah/to Yeshua. No one can go all the way to Him; He must bring the person the rest of the way to Him. Yeshua once explained, John 14:6 Yeshua says to him, “I am the way, the Truth, and the life! No man comes to the Father except by me!” Another text explains, Ephesians 2:18 For we both have access unto the Father by one Spirit through Him. The approach is the initial step to Yehovah; Yeshua uses His Spirit to bring the person the rest of the way. Archangel The highest rank of angel—the ‘arch’ referring to the highest position Arm The word arm is a ‘childism’ in Hebrew, a word that a child would understand with greater ease. Since the arm represents strength and stability to a child, breaking the arm destroys all the strength of the adult. Young children often delight in being supported in a sitting position on an adult’s arm. 7 Bible Definitions 2013 Arm of Yehovah Messiah (Isaiah 53:1) Ascender The Hebrew word for Ascender is ma-yeel. Its root means to ascend; to go up. Its form describes causing something or someone to ascend. Again, the garment part will be described later. I propose that this describes Messiah Yeshua causing those who are His friends to ascend Mount Zion so that they will be in a place of refuge and safety. Ashamed swb, boosh Disappointed, disconcerted: the result of relying upon an untrustworthy object (idol) or person, often accompanied by facial redness and consternation Assembly Called-together group OR Witnessing group (depending on the word used in the Hebrew); congregation; church Atonement A coined word which combines the terms ‘at + one’ with ment added on. Supposedly one becomes at one with God. In the Tenakh, the Hebrew word is ‘cover’ which does not imply at one ment. Thus it is to cover one who has sinned from the wrath of God. In the ‘New Testament’, the words propitiation and mercyseat are the same and should always be rendered ‘cover’. Atzam, Atsam, Mue, atzam has the acceptations to be vast, be numerous, be or Entrenched make mighty; to make strong; to shut or close (the eyes); bone, essence, substance; body, limbs, members; self; defense, argument. It signifies a strong and defensible part of a whole. Bones produce the defense for the whole body (in the marrow), and support the whole body. Thus, it indicates being strongly defended, or entrenched. ātzel lua, ‘atsal: The lexicon gives the following acceptations: to lay aside, reserve, withdraw, withhold. I have found that withdraw fits best in most texts. The word also has the connotation of nearness. Avel עול, Avir, Flying-one , avel: This word has the following acceptations: to turn away; to distort. It shows a kind of perversion by which one does wrong. Psalm 7:3-4 shows that this word indicates doing dirt to one who was at peace with another. This can include drawing off the shoe of a tribulator by refusing to do what is right toward him, such that the person is worthy of being spat in the face by the tribulator. aveer has been assigned the following lexicographic acceptations: strong, mighty-used only to describe God; the Strongold name for God (poetic). The root verb is rba, avar supposedly meaning to fly (move wings), or pinion, wing. Yet, somehow, lexicographers gave the same word ( ) these acceptations: mighty, valiant: of men, of angels, of animals, of enemies, of princes, of sacrificial objects; obstinate (fig.). Where did they get valiant, 8 9 Bible Definitions 2013 mighty when the word represents some form of flight and pinions of wings? A much more reasonable acceptation is therefore Flying[One]. Avnate Belt used for girding and even for external support. This form of the word avnate is curious because it seems to have four root letters. A four-letter root to a Hebrew word is most unusual. I have seen where words supposedly had five root letters, and I knew that wasn’t correct. Ones with four have the appearance of being correct, but I am still suspicious. Thus, I took avnate and divided it into two separate twoletter words. The first is av meaning father. The second is , nate, which would come from the root , natah, meaning to incline, to bend downward. This is often found in the expression, “incline thine ear unto me.” It shows a careful listening to a soft voice. If the two are put together, the statement, “father, incline” appears in the two. Since this is referring to a belt with which one is girded, consider the text that refers to the whole armour of God: Ephesians 6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in Yehovah and in the power of His might. 11Put on the whole armour of God so that ye will be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in the heights. 13Therefore take unto you the whole armour of God so that ye will be able to withstand and to stand in the bad day, having done all. 14Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastcloth of righteousness, 15and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace, 16above all taking the shield of faith with which ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the bad-[one]. 17And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the saying of God, 18praying always with all prayer and supplication and watching unto this via the Spirit, with all perseverance and supplication for all saints, 19and for me—that utterance will be given unto me so that I will open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel 20for which I am an ambassador in bonds, that I may speak boldly in this as I owe to speak. The above text is future prophetic. The message of the Spirit of Yehovah through Paul was sent many centuries before its arrival time during the Tribulation. Readers who understand the Tribulation and the events of the Salvation of Jews and Jewish children will read this text and will know that it refers to safety precautions and weapons that won’t fail during that time. For example, “loins girded with truth” isn’t some type of figurative language; it is literal. Yeshua Himself said, “inasmuch as ye have done to one of the least of these my brethren, ye had done unto me.” One of the least or the little is a child. If a person risks his life and the lives of his family members to carry a 10 Bible Definitions 2013 Jewish child back to Mount Zion, carrying that child on his/her loins, that person has hearkened to the avnate: “father, incline”, and thus has put on Messiah, the Truth by doing so. Ayfod Ayfod is from the root padah, which I have understood to describe redemption by force (as distinct from redemption by payment). The word redemption means rescuing anything or anyone who is being held prisoner or as a slave. This type if redemption is by force rather than by paying a price. If this is correct, this article of clothing typifies what the Messiah will do: He will rescue those who are His from their enemies by forcefully stopping the enemies and freeing those who are His. That forceful stopping of enemies will include killing them at times and fooling them to go in the wrong direction at other times (thus giving some of the enemies the opportunity to turn and to live). Finally, though, all who remain enemies will be destroyed, and all those who belong to Messiah Yeshua will be brought to the place of refuge: to Mount Zion. As for how it looks, the text will describe that later. Backsliding Bad Turning away from Yehovah; turning away from a faith to which one supposedly adhered at one time The Hebrew word , ra means bad, and refers to any type of harm or destruction. It never refers to moral or ethical evil. Moral and ethical Evil is expressed in the Hebrew word tlwa, pronounced ‘evelet,’ from the root pronounced ‘evil’ (believe it or not!). It is used far less than ra, bad. If a city is destroyed, bad would be used. If a person’s finances go to indebtedness, bad would be used. The results of sin are bad. Sin itself is a great evil. While bad does not indicate moral/ethical evil, it certainly can accompany it and can occur with it! Bad (Greek) ponhroterov, poneroteros supposedly means more evil, but is from ponhrov, poneros that has the following acceptations: full of or harassed by labour pains, annoyances, hardships; bringing toils, perils; of a bad nature or condition in a physical sense: diseased or blind; in an ethical sense: evil wicked, bad. It is derived from ponov, ponos with the acceptations great trouble, intense desire; labour pain. This in turn is derived from penhv, penes meaning to toil for daily subsistence; labour-pained. A being described by this word is both troubled and a troubler of others, causing perils and labour pains to others because of personal lusts. Thus, it corresponds to the Hebrew word , ra defined Bible Definitions 2013 above. kakov, kakos has the acceptations of a bad nature; not such as it ought to be; of a mode of thinking, feeling, acting; base, wrong, wicked; troublesome, injurious, pernicious, destructive, baneful. Thus, it corresponds to tlwa, evelet that always describes moral/ethical evil. Bal I underscored and italicized this word because of the Hebrew use of , bäl, a strong negator (making something the opposite). glb, balag indicates an intensifying of anything, whether good or Balag, Intensify bad. Baptism Immersion for any purpose Beast A domestic or wild animal Beast, livestock cattle, The Hebrew word hmhb, behemah, means beast, cattle, livestock. It is translated beast when referring to any animal generically, and is translated cattle when referring to animals that are either domesticated herd animals of the non-sheep variety, or wild animals that are known for congregating into herds. Being The being comprises the body, soul and spirit. It refers to all three in some texts, to two of the three in other texts, and mainly to only one of the three in a few texts. Most translators thought it primarily referred to the soul, but another Hebrew word covers just the true soul alone. This word being is like that used in English in the expression, “She is a human being.” It is not akin to being in the expression, “He challenged my existence and argued against my being” where being is akin to existence. The being comprises a person or group (and also can refer to a location that the Bible shows are alive, as well as an animal; for animals also have beings). Believe To fully rely upon a command, statement or promise of one who is (hopefully) faithful (as Yehovah), and to consistently live in accordance with that reliance without proof to others that the command, promise or statement will come to pass or is right Beseech To fervently request Besiege, tribulation Tribulation has the flavour of a tight squeeze: being put into a bind, being under continuous pressure to live and do what is not pleasant (like run, hide, withstand terrible treatment or die, etc.). The idea is to get the other side to surrender. Between between and Biblical Hebrew uses between twice rather than once as in English. Using it twice specifies exactly what two items or persons are in mind. 11 Bible Definitions 2013 Bitterness Bitterness, Rebellion Blanket-cover An internal desire for vengeance because of a personal hurt, often leading to its twin: rebellion); the True End of unresolved anger. Or, the resulting lasting pain of a great loss resulting in mourning and depression (this latter not being wrong or sinful) as in Naomi’s case Bitterness may seem far less serious than rebellion. Rather than being far less serious, however, it is different. Rebellion is taking a stand against authority. It isn’t merely disobeying that authority, but taking a stand against it. Bitterness is the result of a lasting hurt or offense, and can be accompanied by an unrelenting anger. Most bitterness is destructive. An exception occurs with Naomi (Book of Ruth) whose bitterness leads to Ruth’s Salvation and the lineage of King David (and thus, the Messiah). Apart from such an exception, bitterness that is not put away often leads to sin and to the determination to harm the innocent. Bitterness is the cause of some Moslems’ becoming suicide destroyers. Their deity has not taken action the way they thought, so they have determined in their bitterness to help their deity, and supposedly to obtain a reward. Almost all acts of violence arise from bitterness. Thus, rebellion’s initial seed is bitterness. hok, casah has the acceptations: hide; clothe; conceal; to cover to cover over, spread over, overwhelm; to cover (for protection); to be covered, to be clothed, to cover oneself, clothe oneself. I have rendered it blanket-cover to distinguish it from rpk, caphar, meaning cover, but referring to the covering of a full payment. A blanket-coverer is something or someone that/who covers like a blanket (a different word than the one used in the Day of the Coverings). Here are some texts where this word is used; see if you can figure out what this word typifies (what it pictures): Psalm 32:1 Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered! Psalms 85:2 Thou hast forgiven the iniquity of Thy people! Thou hast covered all their sin! Psalms 143:9 Deliver me, Yehovah, from my enemies! I flee unto Thee to cover me! Isaiah 51:16 And I put my words into thy mouth! And I blanketed thee in the shadow of my hand to plant heavens and to foundation land and to say to Zion, “Thou art my People!” Isaiah 58:6 Is not this the fast that I have chosen: to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke? 7Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? When thou seest the naked, that thou cover him, and that 12 Bible Definitions 2013 thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh? I propose that the blanket-coverer refers to a person or a group that has determined to heroically cover others who are in some need of covering at the time when this will be fulfilled (during the Tribulation), whether that covering will be with clothing for those who are naked or need more because of the cold or rain, or whether that covering has to do with providing shelter for those who have been thrown out of their homes, etc. There can be many forms of covering that folks require when they are either being mistreated or have become very poor. Because this blanket-coverer is part of a sacrifice, that tells me that the person or group representing the blanket-coverer has been put to death. Blaspheme To (knowingly or accidentally) attribute to Yehovah that which an adversary has done, or vice versa; Or to belittle Yehovah; or to give credit to a man for something which only Yehovah can do (Mat. 9:3) Blasphemy Blasphemy is attributing to someone what the person knows that person didn’t do, or vice versa; or speaking of another in a strong reviling/insulting way. Thayer’s Lexicon states that it is slander, detraction, speech injurious, to another’s good name; impious and reproachful speech injurious to divine majesty. Speaking lightly of God is another form of blasphemy. Blasphemy of Knowingly accusing Yehovah the Holy Spirit of evil, resulting in the the blasphemer’s certain damnation (for example, those who accused the Messiah of doing His miracles by the power of Beelzebub) Bless To cause to kneel (often accompanied by laying on hands); to invoke (call for something or declare something on another) in order to give benefits, cause to inherit, prophesy, and even declare hard truth (See Genesis 49). Job’s wife did not tempt him to curse God and die, but to invoke Him and die. (See the following definitions.) To bless is to give something or someone to another so that what is given will be used to benefit others (besides the person to whom the blessing was given). This is not the same as gift-giving, since a gift is given for the person's own usage, and not for the benefit of others. Thus, a blessing may have only a little benefit on the one to whom it was given, but it will potentially greatly benefit others. Blessings always come with responsibilities. They must be used in the right way. Blessed To have benefits (good things) which have not been earned; to be content in life Blessing Blessing has knee built into it. Some Biblical, Godly fathers had their 13 Bible Definitions 2013 sons kneel before them. They laid hands on their sons’ heads. They prophesied over them. These prophecies (most good, some bad) were called kneelings (blessings). They are also invokings, since they prophetically invoke (call in) Yehovah to act. One can also bless without involving a god/God. Voluntarily benefiting another is blessing that person. Every blessing without exception is given so that the recipient can benefit others. The act of blessing is not the same as giving a gift (like a necklace). It comes with a motive: to enable the recipient to provide benefits for others. When an evildoer blesses (in a religious sense), he is also invoking a god/God. His blessing is an insult to Yehovah. Blood Leviticus 17:11 The life of the flesh is in the blood. And I have given it to you upon the altar to make a covering for your beings. For it is the blood that makes a covering for the being. Mmd, damam is one root verb, and carries the following acceptations: to be silent, be still, wait, be or grow dumb; die; destroyed; to make quiet; to make silent (cause to die). hmd, damah is another root verb, carrying the acceptations to be like, resemble; to liken, compare; to imagine, think; to make oneself like; and also to perish; to cease or cause to cease, destroy; to be cut off; to be undone. Blood therefore typifies the life as well as silence, resemblance and being cut off. It is also directly related to Mda, adam meaning man, which in turn is directly related to the word for red. Thus, blood pictures life or death, redness and man. Bloods Bloods is plural, because the killing of one person also destroys all that person’s potential offspring (having different bloods—Yehovah knew that different persons had different blood types and different genetic compositions). The killing of many is the destruction of bloods. A man of bloods is a man who either delights in shedding blood or has been a successful warrior. King David was a man of bloods without being guilty before Yehovah in his legitimate warfare. Blue In typology, this typifies the heavenlies. If it is the shell fish cerulean purple type of blue, it typifies completion (as in, it is finished). Book of life A book written from the foundation of the world (with no new entries ever being made) recording all who shall live, with blotting of those who die in unbelief. See ‘Lamb’s Book of Life’ for another book without further entries or deletions. Bowels Heart (emotionally): the seat of compassion Brass** See copper 14 Bible Definitions 2013 Bread Bread is used both for the items with which we are familiar (grain products such as wheat, barley or rye, etc. that has been leavened or left unleavened) and for food in general. It is used of food in general at least as often as it refers to wheat, barley or rye products. Break down The Hebrew word orh, haras, has the following acceptations: to tear down, break down or through, overthrow, beat down, break, break through, destroy, pluck down, pull down, throw down, break away. It describes both a direction (down) and a change (break). Picture its action in the breaking of pottery. Buildings, foundations and settings (I propose that these refer to footings in construction) can also be broken down. Brethren Depending on context, Saints, Jews, physical siblings, members of one race, tribe or family, or compatriots in any goal Broaden-Tribulation Broadened and Tribulation have a common concept. Tribulation has the flavour of a tight squeeze: being put into a bind. Broadening, on the other hand, has the opposite flavour. This is the provision of an escape so that the bind and tight squeeze are (at least temporarily) stopped. The Hebrew word for broadway or boulevard is the noun form of this word. Bronze** See copper Bull (typifies:) A bull is a bigger animal, and is therefore heavier. The idea of bigness has to do with higher rank (as in, “You think you’re big!”). The idea of heaviness has to do with importance. The bull typifies one who is higher in rank and greater in importance (because of the greater responsibilities that the person must carry). Since Aharon and his sons will carry great responsibilities for Israel as priests, the bull will be part of the sacrifices that must be done for them. Also, these sacrificial animals, like the bull, the sheep, etc., can at times typify groups; the various parts of the animal will also typify different things (which is why they are separated out and treated separately). The bull is a clean animal, and will typify a righteous person or group. It will be slaughtered in innocence, typifying a person or group that will be also slaughtered in innocence and as a sacrifice (through which action others, innocent or not, will have their lives saved). Thus, the bull will typify heroism. The Hebrew word parar, one root of the word par (meaning bull in Hebrew), means to break, break apart, frustrate, violate, make ineffectual; shatter; to split, divide; crack through. Another directly related root is parah, and means to bear fruit, be fruitful, branch off. Now, consider these together. The first set of meanings has to do with stopping some plan by breaking it and bringing division. The second set of meanings has to do with bearing fruit, which assumes good 15 16 Bible Definitions 2013 fruit, and also branching off (in good ways). This describes what the Saints will do during the Tribulation. Some Israeli non-Saints will desire to unite all Israel together under what the Bible will consider very evil leadership. The Saints will ruin these plans, breaking up the various groups by the righteousness that the Saints will do. The Saints will also bear good fruit, and others will join them who were previously minded to unite under the evil leadership. If the bull is the son of a herd, it is as if it is extracted from the group with the group being the parent of the bull. I see Yeshua as being a Son of Adam, and a Son of the herd of Israel. If I view Israel as being the herd, the bull that is the son of the herd will typify a person or a group that is the son of the group of Israel who will be sacrificed, the person or group being innocent. Connect this with the priestly tribe in Israel, since the bull seems most often to be associated with the priests of the Levites. This indicates either that priests of the Levites will be the ones sacrificed or that priests of the Levites will be doing the sacrifice of the bull group or person (this seems more likely). The person or group typified by the bull will be under accusation of wrongdoing when that person or group is actually right-doing (as in the case of the accusations of Saul of Tarshish before he met Yeshua). Bunch Burning, heat Since hdga, agudah has the following acceptations, I chose bunch in the rendering (as do other translations): band, binding; cords, thongs (metaphorical of slavery); bunch of hyssop; band of men, troops; vault (of the heavens), firmament (binding earth to the heavens). Bunch does not refer to an amount (as if it were the same as a lot), but rather to a bunching of the plant. This word ( , kharōn, the singular form, or , kharay, the plural form) has the following root meaning: to be hot with vexation, furious, burn, become angry, be kindled, be incensed. It is combined with the nose to describe great anger. The heat of the nose is a ‘childism’ (a word or expression that a child can understand more easily than an adult), since a child held close can feel the heat of an adult’s nose. This also pictures an angry bull on a cool day, with the heat of its nose being one of the major symptoms of its anger. The English expression, “He has his nose out of joint” at least brings the nose into the picture, and “Man, is he hot!” combines heat with anger. Yehovah’s anger is shown through His nose. Even Leviathan’s fury doesn’t match this! Another Hebrew word is hmx, chemah meaning heat; fever; venom, poison (fig.); burning anger, rage, and coming from the root Mxy, yacham meaning to be or become hot, conceive; to mate (of animals). Burnt offering Ascending sacrifice Bible Definitions 2013 Byssus Byssus is a fine linen cloth. Linen is made from flax, a plant that produces fibers that can be used for thread. Byssus typifies the righteousness of Saints. Cakhad, Expunge The Hebrew word dxk, Cakhad has the following acceptations: to hide, conceal, cut off, cut down, make desolate, kick, be effaced, be destroyed, to cover, to efface, annihilate. I chose expunged because of its flavour of to strike out, obliterate, or mark for deletion, to efface completely, destroy (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). Calamity The Hebrew word is cleemah. I quickly saw the sound-relationship between cleemah and calamity. I thus render this as calamity. Calf lge, egel comes from a root meaning to revolve, be round. This is also the word used for a ring, a hoop, an earring. (Cattle sometimes have a nose ring making guiding them and getting them to move easier.) Gesenius is convinced that this animal in untrained to the yoke. Related to this is the cart or wagon (which requires an animal in order for it to be subdued and roadworthy). The idea of rolling is built into the word via the last two letters (gal). Maagol (lgem) is a track or rut made by cartwheels passing over it many times. Call Call is the correct flavour of this word. The modern understanding of cry is more akin to weep, and has nothing to do with this word. The acceptation of cry that means to call loudly is also the correct flavour in some cases, but call is the best. To be called is to have one’s attention captured during which an assignment is conferred. Came to pass, shall Normally rendered, “And it came to pass,” the Hebrew literally states, “And he was” with the he often referring to the situation about to be come to pass described. Normally rendered, “And it shall come to pass,” the Hebrew literally states, “And he will be” with the he often referring to the situation about to be described. Capheer This is , capheer, referring to a lion that is particularly strong and bold, probably because of its youth. It is no cub. Capriciousness See activities above for lle, alal. Carnal Sensual, following one’s feelings; unregenerate; pursuing sinful lusts; secular Cart-Path xra, orakh has the following acceptations: way, path, road; passing of life (fig.); way of living (fig.); traveller, wayfarer (meton). I did not agree with these acceptations since another Hebrew word used far more often takes the meaning way, road. More research in Gesenius’ 17 Bible Definitions 2013 lexicon showed that this word referred to a path worn by cart wheels. It is a cart-path, and therefore shows much usage since a number of carts must go down the same path before the ruts and ridges are worn into the ground forming a cart-path. Cast, throw lwj, tool means to hurl, cast; to throw, throw away or down; carry away. It is a violent action. Cattle All land grazers Cedar zra, ‘erez appears to come from the verb root hzr razah meaning to be or become or grow or make lean. Yehovah twice states, Isaiah 17:4 And in that day it shall come to pass that the glory of Jacob shall be made thin, and the fatness of his flesh shall wax lean <07329>. Zephaniah 2:11 Yehovah will be terrible unto them! For He will famish <07329> all the gods of the earth. And men shall worship Him—every one from his place—even all the coastlands of the races. In the Bible, the cedar tree is compared to a man in different places. It is straight and tall, and known for being very tall in Lebanon. It is durable and fragrant. The Hebrew word for wood is the same as the word for tree. The word for cedar in Hebrew is araz, and this seems directly related to raz in Aramaic, meaning to be secret; hidden. If this is the case, the word araz means, “I will be secret,” or, “I will secret…” The cedar tree is known for its potentially great height and strength. If a person is compared to a cedar, the person is being described as very tough and hearty. Cedars of Lebanon Very tall evergreen trees, the Lebanese equivalents of the great Redwoods. Cedars sometimes typify leaders of great prominence or the righteous (Psalm 92:12), etc. Chaff Chaff is made of the very light, dried parts of plants that are separated from the seeds (as in wheat seeds or wheat kernels) by rubbing them and tossing them into the air; even small breezes will blow the dried chaff parts away from the kernels of wheat. Charismatic* Gifted Chaste* Properly reared and correct in all behavior Chastise To correct and/or to teach how to do something properly Cheat hny, yanah supposedly means, to oppress, suppress, treat violently, maltreat, vex, do wrong. I propose that the real flavour of the word is to cheat since oppressing is covered by another word, as well as 18 19 Bible Definitions 2013 violence and vexation. Cherub Angel of the highest rank (see archangel) Cherubim These are not angels in Ezekiel’s first chapters, but are part of the appearances of Yehovah (and are thus as much a part of Yehovah as Yeshua is). The same is true of the two Cherubim who are fixed to the lid of the Ark of the Testimony. Cherub is singular; Cherubim is plural. Child I have coined the verb to child in order to show how the Hebrew looks and feels. I could have rendered it bear (as in bearing a child), but this wouldn’t show the relationship between the word child and the word bear. The Hebrew is simple, and designed for children. Thus, in Hebrew, one ‘childs a child’. Children A group of individuals with at least one parent, grandparent, great grandparent, etc. in common; immature humans Children of Zion Israelis Children, sons Read children ( , buneem) as sons or as sons and daughters in the Bible. Never read children as youths, as if children , generic;, refers to age; this will be covered by masculine or , and, youths, feminine; youths, masculine nä´är, youth, youth, or mixed; feminine. The Hebrew always uses another word or word modifier to describe youthfulness. Do not see , yeled in its plurally (, children as the plural of child (represented by various forms). When this word is used yělädeem), I will render it children, but I will also footnote that it truly means young humans. Children indicate either genetic offspring or folks who act like genetic offspring. Christ Greek for anointed one (Kristos). Hebrew: Messiah (See Anointed) Christian A focus on the mysteries of Yehovah and His workings in our lives. (This can be a good or bad practice, often giving entrance into the occult.) Church An assembly, a Body of individuals; any assembly consisting of all who participate in any event, good or bad Circle-Dance Acceptations of the word lyg (geel) or lwg (gool) supposedly include to rejoice, exult, be glad, to tremble (from fear). I disagree. I Bible Definitions 2013 maintain that the root actually is llg, galal, meaning to roll, roll away, roll down, roll together, and in this form meaning to roll-dance or to circle-dance. I especially found this connection in the famous modern Hebrew song, “Hava, Nagilla” meaning “Come-on! We will circledance!” with nagilla being (I propose) from the root above. Circle-dancing is a group expression of joy. Circumcision The act of cutting off the foreskin of the penis; the act of cutting off the filth of the flesh (the filth being caused by sinning) Clay** In typology, demonstrating an inability to adhere and capable of being broken (after being fired in an oven) or molded (before firing) Clean Physically, regarding humans, to be uncontaminated by anything which would disallow an Israeli from participating in a congregational event (see Unclean). In typology, to be in an acceptable state to come before Yehovah as a non-supplicant (that is, as one who isn't asking for anything). A supplicant (one who is asking for something) may always come to Yehovah. The opposite is being unclean. That does not imply being dirty; it instead indicates that the person has come into contact with someone or has experienced something by which the person must now refrain from coming into any congregation of Israel until he/she becomes clean. A clean vessel is a container that has not been rendered unclean by contact with anything unclean (like a dead animal, dead bug, dead human, etc.). Clean animals can be used in sacrifices and as food. Clean land animals must (1) have a split hoof, (2) the split hoof must be divided into two totally separated toes, and (3) the animal must bring up a pellet of partially digested food. Clean sea creatures must have both fins and scales. Clean birds must be individually described. There is only one clean insect: the locust. Come versus go “Come unto Pharaoh” is not the same as “Go unto Pharaoh” found in many translations. “Go unto Pharaoh” means leaving this place, and Yehovah, and traveling to where Pharaoh is. “Come unto Pharaoh” means that Yehovah who is present while speaking with Moshe is also already present with Pharaoh! Comforter A consolator; one who takes consoling or retributive action as a result of grief Commandment An order to be done and not violated 20 Bible Definitions 2013 Commend Praise; Recommend; Applaud; to commit and entrust to one’s care; to deliver over to another’s care Committed Giving Absolute priority to something or someone; demonstrating complete dedication Communicate To pass over to another; give, share with another Communion The act of communicating—giving or sharing with another to further a common goal Comparing samakh, xms, samakh has the acceptations rejoice, be glad, be merry, mirth, alatz, alaz and soos gaiety. Ule, alatz has the acceptations to rejoice, exult, triumph. zle, alaz has the acceptations to rejoice, exult, triumph (as if it were exactly the same as alatz above). sws, soos has the acceptations exult, rejoice, gladness. What are the differences? xms, samakh is more gentle. It describes having a good time; being gay, full of mirth. Ule, alatz is more about being victorious in a game or in battle. zle, alaz is more about being jubilant, shouting for joy. sws, soos is more of the exultation, the extreme joy that comes from a much greater and deeper delight. I will standardize these: xms, samakh: rejoice. Ule, alatz: revel. zle, alaz: jubilate. sws, soos: exult. Concubine A woman who has a legal and moral relationship with a man and may bear him children without having inheritance rights. The man is obliged to her as her husband. (This is illegal in many countries today) Condemn To witness against with accusations; to pronounce guilty; to blame; to pronounce a sentence after declaring guilty Confess This Hebrew word is normally rendered thank, give thanks, or praise. Yet these do not cover what is behind this word. One lexicon has the following acceptations: to throw, shoot, cast (cast down, throw down); to give thanks, laud, praise, to confess, confess (as the name of God). The act of thanking is far less important and serious than confessing 21 Bible Definitions 2013 (voluntarily and truthfully admitting something to be or not be the case). Confessing Yehovah’s Name is vital: 1 Kings 8:1 Kings 8:33 When thy people Israel is smitten down before the enemy because they have sinned against Thee, and shall turn again to Thee and confess Thy Name, and pray and make supplication unto Thee in this House… Confessing sins and transgressions is important for Israel (and for individuals who will turn from sin and transgression). Praise and laud are well covered in another word. Giving thanks is a form of confession, since the person thanking is confessing that the other person has done well and has done a kindness. The reciprocal is not necessarily true, however; a person who is confessing is not necessarily thanking. I always render this word with something akin to confession. Confess Congregation To admit that something is true or false, usually inferiorly rendered ‘thanksgiving’ This word ( , kahal) indicates an assembly, congregation, gathering. This connects to body in the New Testament. There is no connection (that we could find) between the Greek root for body, which is to save, rescue and the Hebrew root, meaning to congregate. The word witness in Hebrew (wrongly rendered congregation) corresponds to ekklesia in Greek, rendered church. Consecrate To equip with knowledge, equipment, assignments and all abilities to do a task or tasks Contemn To contemn is to demonstrate open contempt. Conversation Lifestyle; how one normally behaves Convert One who turns or returns. Conversion is the act of returning, or turning to a faith. (See Backsliding for the contrast) Copper Most translators will render this bronze or brass. The following text, among others, dissuaded me from this metal being either: Deuteronomy 8:9 A land wherein thou shalt eat bread without scarceness, thou shalt not lack any thing in it; a land whose stones are iron, and out of whose hills thou mayest dig brass. (Technical) I am not aware that alloys are mined from the ground! Since this species is listed with mined elements and not alloys, I have understood that copper was in mind. While the softness of copper would be a hurtle against this view, I was once taught that unalloyed 22 Bible Definitions 2013 copper, made very hard by a presently unknown process, existed in history. In any case, I have no reason to take this any other way except copper. (Typology) Copper is a significant Biblical type, a real item that pictures another real, and far more important item. I have seen copper associated with judgment and wrath. Copper** In typology, typical of judgment. Most renderings have either brass or bronze. Corrupters Destroyers Corruption Destruction or deterioration Cotton Cottonet has the signification of cotton as clearly seen in the Hebrew word itself. This word appears to be made of the comparative ( ﬤmeaning like, as, according to) and תנתas if it were from the root נתן, natan, from which the name Nathan is derived, and meaning to give. The two together would then be as giving (this is only a proposal). If this is correct, the priest must be one whose principle function is to give, quite the opposite of the functions of priests of false gods who seem to have the main function of taking or receiving from religious adherents. Counsel Counsel (hue, aytzah) has a different meaning in Biblical Hebrew. In English, it means advice. In Hebrew, it always means advice combined with obtaining the responsibility to carry out that advice. Thus, a counselor (Uewy, yo-aytz) is always a participant in carrying out his own counsel and is responsible for its results. Counsel (the noun) Plan or purpose always combined with execution of the plan. This does not mean advice. Joseph counseled Pharaoh. Covenant A vow that something will or will not be done, usually sealed by cutting (shedding an animal’s blood, killing it) the Covenant. The vow may be unilateral (by one party only). Covenant tyrb, breet has the acceptations covenant, alliance, pledge; between men, it is a treaty, alliance, league (man to man); a constitution, ordinance (monarch to subjects); an agreement, pledge (man to man); an alliance of friendship, an alliance of marriage. Between God and man, it is an alliance of friendship, a covenant (divine ordinance with signs or pledges). Many of these give a wrong impression. A covenant first and foremost is a vow. It differs from a vow because it includes more, usually including a sacrifice in the vow. It is always made before a god/Yehovah who then becomes the vouchsafe for that vow. Most vows are not covenants because they do not imply a sacrifice in blood, though both a covenant and a vow include a god/Yehovah as the guard of the covenant or vow. Again, not all covenants involve a sacrifice with blood, but all covenants 23 Bible Definitions 2013 require some type of sign. Covenants are not made in Hebrew, but are cut, a direct reference to a sacrifice. A covenant by its nature may be conditional, the fulfillment resting upon another or other factors according to the one cutting the covenant. I know of no conditional covenant that Yehovah has ever made since He knows the end from the beginning. An unconditional covenant can have more than one outcome of its fulfillment depending on conditions set by the vower. Yehovah gave an unconditional Covenant to Avraham and then added to it to Israel. It contained conditions of blessings or cursings, but the Covenant itself is unconditional (meaning that Yehovah will not disengage from the Covenant based on Israel’s behaviour). Cover rpk, caphar means to cover. It is used when placing pitch to waterproof a vessel. It is not the same as blanket-covering something (used for warmth, or determining how many can be fed in a meal). It is used to block out something (like when it is pitch or a lid). It is also used to designate the full price (like “He covered the meal”). It never means atonement, a coined word that has no Biblically correct meaning coming from “at” + “one” + “ment”. It is used to describe a village as covering an area. It never means to propitiate since this violates all texts in which it is used. (Propitiation is the act of calming down a very angry creature.) Beings are usually covered, indicating that they are included in some grouping that is for life and/or for protection. It is not like insurance that gives a payment if a problem arises; it is the type of coverage that saves from a problem. Blood of a perfect sacrifice covers a being from the wrath of God. No animal sacrifice ever truly covered a human, but instead portrayed a picture that teaches about the true Covering. The Day of the Coverings refers to an event yet to come in which the Israelis will be covered in various ways from various destructions. One of those ways is from sin, but other ways will be from enemies. The covering acts like a shield, not like a blanket. Covet To enviously desire something that belongs to another with the willingness to acquire it by unlawful means given the opportunity Cow, Heifer , parah is a cow, whereas a , par is a bull. The root of this noun is , parar with the following acceptations: to break, frustrate, violate, make ineffectual; to be frustrated; to be broken; to break to bits, shatter; to split, divide, crack through; to break apart. The animal will typify what this verb describes. The Israelis will view those who believe in Yeshua as breaking the continuity of Israel’s faith, of frustrating Israel’s stand before Yehovah, 24 Bible Definitions 2013 of violating Israel’s future, of making Israel ineffectual before Yehovah, of splitting the Israelis into weak fragments, of dividing between family members, of cracking through the Ethics of the Fathers. Thus, the bull will picture them, and the priests of Israel will participate in going after this group to kill them, viewing them as being a needed ‘sacrifice’ for the sin of Israel. They will be doing the opposite: setting up all Israel for faith in the Messiah (in Yeshua), for the testimony of the heroes and heroines will come to remembrance. The same thing happened to Saul of Tarshish, who himself is a type of all Israel in the End Times. Craft vrx, Create To cause something to come into existence from nothing (as differentiated from make which is to form something from existing material) Crimson Earthworm: the color derived from the earthworm Cross over, pass While passed is a good rendering for this word, it hides what is behind it. The very word Hebrew is derived from this verb, which means to cross over. The original crossing of the Red Sea gave this picture. Crossing over is a constantly recurring theme of the Bible. Crossing from death to life, for example, is central to Salvation. Crushed One who is crushed has been rendered unable to stand. (If bones are crushed, the body cannot be supported.) Circumstances under which this can occur greatly vary. Destroying one’s will is one way to crush a person. Doing certain types of bodily damage is another way. Cry Call out, announce (never akin to weep) Culpable Culpable indicates guilt/responsibility for an act (usually bad) at any level of guilt. A person who spills sugar is culpable of spilling sugar; a charash or kharash has the acceptations to cut in, plough, engrave, devise; to plot evil; to be silent, be dumb, be speechless, be deaf; keep quiet. It is an onomatopoetic word (a word that sounds like what it describes). A similarly spelled Hebrew word has the acceptations earthenware, clay pottery, shard, potsherd, earthen vessel. Thus, it describes the action of a potter while making a vessel, and the sound of the wheel that is spinning. Likewise, the adverb form of this word supposedly means silently, secretly; magic art, magician, but describes the sound of the potter’s wheel: a whisper-like sound. Another noun form of the same spelling has the acceptations wood, wooded height, forest, wooded area, since the wind blowing through the trees has a similar sound. Thus, the engraving acceptation is a quiet form, not the chisel device. Yet another Hebrew word of the same spelling holds the acceptations craftsman, artisan, engraver, graver, artificer; skillful to destroy (warriors) (fig.). Thus, one who does expert, quiet work can be described by this word. I will render it to craft. 25 Bible Definitions 2013 person who murders thousands is culpable of murdering thousands. Culpability does not indicate intensity. Folks who actually murder others are culpable; folks who could have rescued some who were murdered, but didn’t, are also culpable. A culpable one is a person who is guilty at any level of guilt. That guilt can be minor (“Who spilled this milk?”) or major (“Who murdered these villagers?”). Biblical culpability is always major, and the culprits are always direct enemies of Yehovah. Culpable Guilty at any level (either of a minor action or a major deed) for any reason Cult* The original strict definition was “any system of belief or religious practice.” The common understanding today is “a group devoted to an individual, or to a set of unorthodox beliefs which will lead a person to a wrong view of Salvation or which will stunt spiritual growth.” Curse, cursing Cursing in Hebrew never means cussing. A curse is the invocating (calling upon) of a god to do harm or destruction. Some curses sound as if no god is involved (like this: “May your camels be barren and your house be flattened!”), but a god is still involved. If a person could affect a curse without a god, the words would be meaningless and superfluous, or would be an act of direct vengeance. See oath. Cut off from If a being is cut off from Israel or from her peoples, the real person is damned! The being will experience no resurrection until life. Daily and night English would demand nightly instead of night. I found the Hebrew to consistently use the formula, ‘daily and night’. The word daily looks like the spelling for ‘their day’, which I found interesting (so that it could read, “he will meditate their day and night in His Teaching.” This was an observation, but I am not convinced that it is the case. I am convinced that ‘daily and night’ is correct, and that it gives information about that night that nightly would not and could not give. Daily indicates a continuance in each day: ‘every day’. Night, on the other hand, speaks of only one night, as if it is referring to one specific night. Other Biblical texts speak of that night: John 9:4 The night cometh, when no man can work. Dam, channel The word qypa, apheek was assigned the following acceptations: channel; ravine; of hollow bones (fig.). I don’t go for figurative language. A channel, a ravine and a hollow of bones are all like restrained or dammed waters. Consider the verbal root’s acceptations: to hold, be strong, restrain, hold back; to restrain oneself, refrain; to force, compel oneself. Thus, either channel or dam would work. 26 Bible Definitions 2013 Damn The Hebrew word dba, avad has the following acceptations according to the lexicon: perish, vanish, go astray, be destroyed, be exterminated, to blot out, do away with. Since another word rightly covers blot out, I have chosen another acceptation that combines perish with do away with. This is to damn. This word goes beyond execution, having to do with the everlasting state of destruction for some, and the total destruction for objects. Perish doesn’t quite have the force of this word. Damn To sentence to permanent punishment. Biblically, the Saints and Yehovah (depending on the judgment) will pass sentences on the ungodly with varying degrees of damnation. Damnation is only afforded to volunteers who have determined to ignore or spurn the Grace of Yehovah and thus to side with Haylayl (the Devil). Darkness, Arafel ערפל, arafel is from a compound of two words: ,עררarar, to be destitute, forlorn, forsaken, from the idea of being naked. The second part, I propose, is from פלל, palal, to judge, with the idea of separating, cutting, taking away, rolling, revolving; even the word interceding can be a flavour of this word. When this darkness comes, it is as if those in the darkness become destitute, forlorn, forsaken, and are being judged as separated, cut away from the rest, being rolled out as if being carefully considered, etc. It therefore is a kind of darkness that is used in judgment so that no one is able to gain support from others. I have rendered this word as gloom; yet, I am thinking that this is the kind of darkness that will be in the Lake of Fire and Sulfur. Daughter of This expression, in reference to cities or states, indicates future timing and offspring in the same way that Son of David can indicate an offspring who will live much later in the future (Messiah). The Daughter of Babylon indicates the rebuilt city of Babylon located in the same place where Babylon was first built. Daughter of Zion The Kingdom of Israel. She has bars and gates. People enter into her. She suffers exile, and will be restored. David David literally means beloved, but comes from a root supposedly meaning to boil. It is more like a lover, showing intense passion (not necessarily bad if the relationship is appropriate). Day of Yehovah The period of time commencing with the Tribulation and never ending Deceive To intentionally give the wrong impression to another regarding any issue Decree A statute (a law or rule often designed to promote consideration and kindness toward others or toward God) from the word carve (as ‘carved in stone’); a proclamation of a potentate 27 Bible Definitions 2013 Deep, depth , tahōm has the following acceptations: deep, depths, deep places, abyss, the deep, sea; deep (of subterranean waters); abysses (of sea); primeval ocean; depth (of river); abyss, the grave. Discount grave, another word covering that. This is a very strong word for depth or the depths. Delight Delight is no weak word. Anyone who delights in something will pursue it with great zeal on as continual a basis as possible. Deposit, Depose txn, nakhat indicates a deposit or depositing of something or someone into another place. It can also mean to depose as if one is being deposited off of a throne. Desert , mēdbär has the following lexicographic acceptations: pasture, uninhabited land, wilderness; large tracts of wilderness (around cities); wilderness (fig.); mouth (as organ of speech). The root supposedly is davar, to speak. I consider its origins different, associating it with rbd, dever meaning pestilence, plague; murrain, cattle disease, cattle-plague. When a dever occurs, the animal’s strength is leeched until it dies. The type of land known as , mēdbär will have the same effect on cattle if they are not led to good water and pasturage. Wilderness can mean wild lands, and those types of lands can be very good pasturage without assistance from the leading of man. I have chosen to call this type of land desert to portray the harsh and usually very dry conditions that exist in it, usually having rainfall that does not exceed 10 inches a year, often much less. Desolate Lifeless, a waste Devote To utterly destroy all living humans and cattle, and to bring any valuables to the Temple or Tabernacle Diaspora, Golah Diminish The word , golah means to uncover, to make bare. This is what occurs when a city’s inhabitants are taken captive and the city is left bare. Those who are taken are then in the golah, the uncovering (of the land). At the same time, the captives are themselves uncovered, their secrets of warfare and their weapons being removed. They are now at the mercy of their captors. The word Diaspora covers this term, indicating a dispersion from off the land of Israel and a scattering to other places. eqv, shaka has the acceptations to sink, sink down, subside; collapse; cause to settle. I prefer diminish for this word, since that seems to best fit texts. Direct To direct is from the Hebrew verb Krd, darakh, and appears directly 28 Bible Definitions 2013 related to the English words direct, directly, direction. Discernment Ability to make a distinction between two or more very similar things. This includes judging others using Biblically allowable proof Disciple Student, follower for purpose of learning Disconcert, baat teb, baat means to terrify, startle, fall upon, dismay, be overtaken by sudden terror; overwhelm. I have chosen disconcert for this word’s definition. Discriminate, Segregate The Hebrew word hlp, päläh, has the following lexicographic acceptations: to be distinct, marked out, be separated, be distinguished; to be wonderful; to make separate, set apart. Since wonderful is actually from another spelling, I can eliminate that. The flavour of this word is found in segregate, discriminate. Dispensation The right to sell drugs over the counter (oops! wrong kind!); Yehovah’s giving out new or additional information regarding His plan and His work, always accompanied by greater (new) responsibility on the part of His saints who have this knowledge Dispensationalism The doctrinal persuasion that all time periods from creation to the destruction of the earth can be divided into sections during which different responsibilities are given to man and different actions and truths are demonstrated by God Disregard, Defiance hbd, dibbah is a word meaning disregard, defiance as in gliding over what another says. Jacob’s sons treated Jacob in this way, scorning and spurning his teachings and instructions. Diviner The word Mjrx, khartom, has the acceptations of diviner, magician, astrologer, engraver, writer (only in derivative sense of one possessed of occult knowledge). This person writes information obtained by occult (hidden) means, making contact with spirits (demons playing the role of dead folks, etc.). Door** Literally, opening—often typical of Messiah Dophi, Setup Shove; A ypd, dophi is from hpd, dophah meaning to thrust, to push so as to make one fall. The idea of an evil report, slander comes directly from this. It is setting one up to be ruined. Doubled pronouns, Past- and future-tense verbs have built-in pronouns. I note when a repeated pronouns pronoun is supplied in addition to the built-in pronoun by placing the two same pronouns. Thus doubling is a great emphasizer (that translators just ignored). Doublemindedness; divided mind Peo, saaph or saaf indicates division as in a branch, and therefore branching, being forked. It pictures double-mindedness. 29 Bible Definitions 2013 Dove The word for dove in Hebrew is yonah, and I am proposing that it is a combination of Yo, being a contraction for Yehovah, and na, being a particle that acts as a softener in communication. If this is the case, a son of a Yona is a son of Yehovah, na. Thus, this describes one who is both a son of Yehovah and who speaks respectfully and gently to and of Yehovah. Draw The Hebrew word Kvm, mashakh has the following acceptations: to draw (and lifted out, down, off), drag, seize; lead along, down; to draw (the bow); to proceed, march; prolong, continue; to trail (seed in sowing); to cheer, attract, gratify; be postponed, be deferred; to be tall. Dross Scum which collects on the surface when metal is liquefied through heating and resulting from the separation of unwanted and polluting substances fit only to be discarded Due [time] Proper, appropriate, suitable Ear Ear is a coined word (a word I made up). While the ear of a human or animal is a noun, this is a verb in the Hebrew. Any noun in Hebrew can be made into a verb, and vice versa! This is intentional and part of Yehovah’s design of the language. To ear is to cause one’s own ear(s) to pick up what is being communicated, and it also causes one’s own internal ear (of the mind) to pick up the message being communicated. Early-rise The Hebrew root Mkv, shäkhäm, has the following lexicographic acceptations: to rise or start early. Its meaning is a combination of earliness and arising. Earthworm This is one of the lowliest creatures that produces a red blood substance. It is an almost powerless (feeble) creature, and despised; yet, it goes through soil with great power. East; anticipate Edify kedem; The Hebrew word ynwmdq, kadmonee carries the following acceptations: former, ancient, eastern. How can one tell if it means ancient or eastern in a text? Translators didn’t always know which to use. I could tell in this case because the gate was modified with “that turns eastward” telling me that it was an eastern gate; this didn’t need to be said twice. The Hebrew word kadmonee is rooted in the verb Mdq, kedem having the acceptations to meet, come or be in front, confront, go before; come to meet, receive; to lead, be beforehand, anticipate, forestall. The very acceptations of this word describe Messiah’s return (since He will come from the east, and all who will receive Him, anticipate Him, meet Him who will be alive at the time of His return will do so as He comes from the east). To strengthen the foundation of what one already has; to build up. This is not the same as to grow (though it is included in growth). 30 Bible Definitions 2013 Egress , to depart from something, to turn away, like from evil. Eisegesis The technique of starting with a conclusion, then developing that conclusion using texts from the Scriptures—an illegitimate way of handling the Bible El Shaddai Mighty-One My-Breasts is El Shaddai. El means mighty one, and can refer to great humans or to Yehovah. It is used far more of Yehovah, but it is also used of a mighty human. My Breasts shows Yehovah’s providing for those who cannot provide for themselves, as a mother does for her breastfeeding child. (Some have claimed that Shaddai means ‘who is enough,’ but this is a diminutive of Yehovah; He isn’t merely enough, but is all in all.) Elder, elders Elders in the Bible indicate two states at once: older age and the ability to give counsel. Elect Chosen (often referring to Saints) Elohim Elohim means gods. When Elohim refers to Yehovah, it is describing Him as being all the true Gods there are. He is God of the mountains, God of the heavens, God of the seas, God of fruitfulness, God of justice, etc. The word is still plural, but normally demands a singular verb. When elohim refers to false gods, it can also take a singular verb (when those referring to elohim are speaking of their gods), but often takes plural verb forms. Elyon Elyon is the highest referring to rank and to altitude. Emptiness Emptiness (Hebrew, reek) is one of several descriptions of an idol! Emptiness, vanity Terms of emptiness and vanity ( , shav) always refer to idolatry in the Bible (unless a container is being discussed). Idols are even called the vanity of the races. Any plot against Yehovah is considered an emptiness since it is an idolatrous plot that will never go anywhere. Enclean A made-up word that means to render or declare anything or anyone clean (versus unclean). It has nothing to do with being grimy or soiled. It is spiritual concept, not a description of hygiene. Endurance It is being able to hold out as long as one needs to hold out, while being true to the person’s good character. End Outcome, fulfillment End, bring to an The Hebrew word , gamar, has the following lexicographic end, gamar acceptations: to end, come to an end, complete, cease; be no more; complete. Since cease is best found in shabbat, I take it as to finish as in the sentence, “The criminal didn’t know it, but he finished his 31 Bible Definitions 2013 career!” It is a slightly divergent use of finish, but this fits all the texts using this word. Enemy One who stands against Enjoined Commanded Entreat The Hebrew word rte, atar, has the following acceptations: to pray, entreat, supplicate, plead. It is a very strong type of a request. Envision Lexicographic acceptations for the word hzx, khazah, are to see, perceive, look, behold, prophesy, provide; to see as a seer in the ecstatic state; perceive with the intelligence, by experience. These acceptations miss a vital aspect, however. The word vision is the noun form of this word. When a person had a vision from Yehovah, the clarity of that vision was greater than if the person had seen it normally! Using words like perceive give a shadowy flavour to this word, and the Hebrew does not support this. When Yehovah envisions something, He is participating in it, just as the prophets who envisioned participated. Envy versus To envy someone is to desire that person’s position, relationship, jealousy and standing, reputation, and/or advantages. covetousness To be jealous of a person is to desire what that person has in the way of possessions and/or abilities, or the person’s position and/or relationship. This word also has everything to do with zeal, since the words zealous and jealous are exactly the same in Hebrew. A person who is jealous of another has a zeal for what that person has. To covet is to desire an object, an ability, or a person with extreme desire. All three of these words can refer to a good behaviour as well as to a destructive behaviour; none of these three is inherently wrong. Any of these can be sinful if who is being envied, of whom one jealous, or what a person is coveting is disallowed by morality and/or ethics. Ephah, Aiphah Baker, a volume measure used by a baker. It is a baler: a bundle. The Hebrew word איפה, aiphah, is spelled exactly the same as another word that literally means, “Where here?” which is taken to mean, “Where…?” Yet, the two separated words that are sewn together to make this one word also can be אי, island, and ,פהhere, indicating, “An Island is here!” These things are important for typological consideration! Ephes kee The Hebrew phrase, , ephes kee, means nothing because. This doesn’t make sense in English. Ephes indicates nothing, nought. Kee means because, for. Start reading “Nothing, 32 Bible Definitions 2013 because thou contemned the enemies of Yehovah” as “Nevertheless because thou contemned the enemies of Yehovah...” I think you will find that it makes some sense. Ephod dwpa, I-Will-Redeem [I have proposed that this type of redemption uses force, like a rescue, though some texts seem to indicate a payment.] Ephraim One of the tribes of Israel also representing the northern kingdom of divided Israel whose capital was Samaria and whose principle ruling tribe was Ephraim Equity Literally straightness—that which is straight (right) before Yehovah, according to His system of justice (versus something crooked) Equivocation The use of deception and partial truth to cause another to believe a lie. The intent often is to save one’s self or another person from trouble. Eschew The lexicographic acceptations of this word (rwo, soor) are to turn or put aside, depart, turn in unto, avoid, to be removed, to come to an end, take away, put away, depose, leave undone, retract, reject, abolish. These don’t really give the flavour of this word, however. The word eschew is much better, having the idea of strongly turning away from something, avoiding it, spurning it, or in the causative form, causing to strongly turn away, expel it, or avoid something. Establish The English verb to establish comes from the Hebrew Nwk, coon. It is different from another word meaning foundation (doy, yasad), to establish a footing for a building of some type. It is directly related to the normal Hebrew word for yes (Nk, can) actually meaning established! Esteem To view oneself in comparison with others; to place a value on another Eternal Without beginning and ending Ethics Right actions and behaviour in one’s work and culture—whatever is proper and legal. Evangelist One who delivers good news Evening The verb(s) behind the noun meaning evening is/are quite various. The following shows the various lexicographic acceptations: to pledge, exchange, mortgage, engage, occupy, undertake for, give pledges, be or become surety, take on pledge, give in pledge; to have fellowship with, share; to be pleasant, be sweet, be pleasing; to become evening, grow dark; to mix, join together. The way I think, I endeavour to put all these together to consider a time when folks will 33 Bible Definitions 2013 Pledge to each other; Exchange goods with each other; Occupy and join with each other; Become surety for each other; Show real fellowship with each other; Show true and unfeigned sweetness and pleasantness toward each other. I also consider a time when things will grow dark. This sounds like the Saints during the beginning of the Tribulation, and Israelis later in the Tribulation. Evening, between The evenings are the barriers to a complete day. The day always the evenings starts in the evening, and the next day begins at the next evening. Thus, a 24-hour period is designated by between the evenings. Everlasting With a beginning and no ending Evil Moral and ethical Evil is expressed in the Hebrew word אולת, pronounced ‘evelet,’ from the root pronounced ‘evil’ (ay-veel). It is used far less than ra, bad. This is the worst type of evil. It is a moral and/or ethical violation of justice and righteousness. Every sin that is considered an evil is evil according to the deity or the ranking person defining something as sin and as an evil. Evil (as truly bad, That which is destructive or injurious if from the Hebrew word רע, rather than moral) literally meaning ‘bad’. If from the Hebrew word אולת, or a related form, it refers to moral/ethical violence (see above definition). Evil, bad The word kakov, kakos has the acceptations, of a bad nature; not such as it ought to be; of a mode of thinking, feeling, acting; base, wrong, wicked; troublesome, injurious, pernicious, destructive, baneful. It exactly corresponds to the Hebrew word רע, ra meaning bad. It is not the same as moral or ethical evil, another word indicating that (see above definitions). A person doing this type of bad is doing harm, injury or death to others or structures. Evil as in Aval The word עׇוׇל, aval (with an ayn) has the acceptations to turn away, to distort; to be wrong, perverse, wicked. It is to turn aside (from right), to be unrighteous. It is a strong word; it cannot be used in cases where the wrong is small. The masculine noun form is עׇוׇל, avel, having the acceptations wrong, wickedness, iniquity, and including unjust gain; yet, I protest against the acceptation iniquity since this is well-covered by another Hebrew word ()און. 34 Bible Definitions 2013 The feminine noun form is עׇוׇלׇה, avlah, has the acceptation of wickedness. I will render this word in its forms as to do wickedly; wicked; wickedness. It is therefore doing exactly what is wrong and what will result in moral and/or ethical evil. Exalt To elevate another in the eyes of one’s self and/or others Exegesis Properly using Scriptures to explain Scriptures; explaining using other texts and the text itself in context Exhortation A strong warning against a potential behaviour or decision, or a rebuke concerning what has occurred Excess Existence The word , toosheah is from the same root from which the name Jesse derives. This verb means to exist. I propose that this word is the substantive (the noun form) meaning existence. It is the opposite of being blotted out. It is improperly rendered as sound wisdom. Experience The acquisition of knowledge and all related learning by living through something or practicing it Exterminate dmv, shamad holds the following acceptations: to destroy, exterminate, be destroyed, be exterminated; to be annihilated, devastated; to annihilate. Extermination seems to be the best acceptation for this word. Extinction hwh, extinction, referring to the verb to be in the past tense. Exult Exult (zle, alaz) means to leap for joy in English, and to very strongly celebrate an event (like a victory) in the Hebrew. Exult To rejoice with fervour Eyelids , öphöpheem, comes from the root verb Eyelids, Pwe, ooph, to fly! Eyes, in the eyes of The expression, in the eyes of, is almost constantly used in Biblical Hebrew. It is a ‘childism’ (an expression that children can more easily understand), because children view the world through their eyes (if they can see, or through the eyes of their minds if they cannot). Faces Faces is always plural in Hebrew; every living thing has more than one face (depending on the being’s rank, responsibility, mood, etc.), and the singular of face would mean turn (as in “He turned a corner”). 35 Bible Definitions 2013 Faith is the assurance of things expected, the conviction of things not seen. Assurance is certainty. Expectation must always be based upon the nature of the one from whom the expectation will come. That person or group must have proven always to be true to his/her nature. Conviction is the result of personal certainty, but it is not transferable to another person. Each one must be convicted/convinced on his own. Things not seen are things that have not yet been realized in life. They are expected to come, but they have not yet occurred. Thus, reworded, faith is the certainty of things expected to occur or not occur, the conviction of things that haven’t yet been seen or realized. Faith Faith, therefore, must be based on a command, a promise, or a statement of one who is always consistent in bringing events to pass when promised. Once the item of faith has been fully realized, faith disappears regarding that item. Faith is exactly the same as belief. (See Superstition for a contrast; also see Hope.) pistov, pistos means faithful in the secular and Biblical sense. In Faithful the secular sense, it refers to one demonstrating a character in which others can be convinced and be totally confident (in a good or bad sense). For example, one might be a faithful liar such that others are confident that person will lie, or one might be faithful to working ethically, doing the best quality. In the Biblical sense, one who is faithful shows a character in faith such that others can know that person will not turn from the practice of Godliness, but will only do what is right. Falling faces on one’s Falling on one’s faces is similar to passing out, but rarely includes unconsciousness. It is more like ‘hitting the dirt’, going face down to the soil because of the enormity of emotions. Familiar Spirit A spirit with which one claims familiarity; a demon that imitates a deceased human Fat This word either describes productivity (as in the case of a field) or abundance (either plenty or too much, but in a good way). It signifies the rich excess and increase to Yehovah. The Israelis are not allowed to eat fat from any animal species that is a sacrificial variety; such fat belongs to Yehovah. Genesis 45:18 And take your father and your households, and come unto me: and I will give you the good of the land of Egypt, and ye shall eat the fat of the land. He values the fat because it is rich and it is an excess or increase for use during lean times and for other valuable things. The fat of the sacrifices is burned on the altar, giving a very good aroma as the 36 Bible Definitions 2013 smoke ascends toward the heavens; that fat belongs to Yehovah. Good works will produce good fat! Fatherless Orphans (whether by death of parents, abandonment or any other means) Favour (Verb:) To bestow benefits; (Noun:) A benefit or gift Fear Fear is a strong and often emotional reaction and response to consequences or danger (known or unknown). A person who fears considers consequences, dangers and responsibility. A person who is without fear has no concern over consequences, danger, and/or personal responsibility. The fear of Yehovah is the reaction and response to consequences of doing right and/or doing wrong before Him, knowing that Yehovah will certainly judge and consider both in His judgment. He also chastens and rewards. Those are worthy of fear. Fear from the faces ‘Fear from the faces of’ is strange wording in English, but is necessary of wording in Hebrew. Most would translate it with something akin to ‘fear before’ as in ‘fear in front of,’ but that does not give the personal sense that ‘from the faces of’ gives. While Pharaoh and his servants didn’t personally see Yehovah or His faces, their experiences will teach them that Yehovah’s faces are directly where they are. He is watching them very personally. This will either make for fear (resulting in righteousness or resulting in attempting to hide), or it will make for paranoia! They will fear from His faces, but they will have to feel His watching them in anger for a little while before they will finally believe Moshe’s words. Fear of God Fearer of Yehovah Fear (as of God) in the Bible never means ‘reverential awe’ since this is far too weak a definition. It is a very strong emotional and ethical response against bringing wrath against oneself by displeasing another, along with a knowledge of what terrible things that other can do, and is often combined with a very strong emotional and ethical desire to please another if that other is good, along with a knowledge of the good things that other can do. The proper fear of Yehovah always prods a person to refuse to sin, and to do good works. One who knows that he must give an account of all he has said and done in the flesh to an omnipotent (all–powerful), omniscient (all– knowing), omnivident (all-seeing), all holy and immutable (unchanging) God, and responds according to this knowledge. The fearer knows that this God has promised provision of everything needed to fulfill His commands and that he will be rewarded, taught, protected, corrected and maintained by Yehovah. He knows that Yehovah knows all, has all power and is everywhere. He also knows that Yehovah will do exactly as He said He will do. A Fearer of 37 Bible Definitions 2013 Yehovah always hates evil. Fellowship A coordinated working together for a common goal. A wagon–wheel has rounded sections which are the fellows. (See a large dictionary for the parts of a wagon wheel) Feminine Gender (Technical Explanation) Imperative forms often have what Gesenius (a lexicographer) called a hey paragogic, the letter hey that was Imperatives added for beauty or sound, but had no meaning. I do not agree with this ‘frill’ explanation. I maintain that Yehovah put letters where He desired, but always for purpose. The letter hey on the end is normally an indication of the feminine gender or a feminine pronoun. The form Koomah used in this verse looks like the feminine imperative, as if Yehovah were feminine in gender. The next verb uses the masculine imperative, however: “Save {masc.} me, Elohim!” While Yehovah is ultimately neither feminine nor masculine, He made man in His image, and He made man masculine and feminine in gender. Aspects of Yehovah are in the feminine gender. Wisdom, Who is the Messiah, is feminine throughout the Bible (she is especially featured in Proverbs). I propose that the feminine imperative is being used in this verse to focus on some character of Yehovah Who will arise at this time. The Spirit of Yehovah is sometimes feminine in gender. Fiery Poisonous Figure A type (see Type) Fill the Hand This means to give one all that he/she needs, including equipment, training and testing, so that he/she can work in a particular field as an expert. Finger The word for finger has the appearance of being a future-tense verb form meaning I will wet/dye. Thus, “his finger” is spelled the same as the expression, I will wet/dye him. It is a type. I propose that the finger typifies the work of Yehovah to dye something to that crimson color of blood. Firmament Firmament gives no clue to its English meaning. It isn’t ‘firm’, and it isn’t like some type of a visibly established structure. Yet it is real, and very, very strong, bringing order to this world and the universe in many ways. It is an invisible supporting structural plate (as if made of a metal that is thinly beaten, but not actually metal) that holds major items in place. The firmament holds tons of water in mid-air in the form of clouds. The firmament holds planets in their orbits, and the rocks, gases and dust of the rings of planets in their formations (like the rings of Saturn). The firmament holds the moon in place (even though it has been struck multiple times by huge meteors). Every gravitationally held item is balanced like a baseball on the head of a pin! Thus, every orbit should be deteriorating. The firmament prevents this from occurring. The firmament also extends throughout space, 38 Bible Definitions 2013 holding stars in their orderly motions. Yet the hold of the firmament is such that an astronaut who traveled to Saturn could take one of those rocks in the rings, and easily pull it into the spacecraft. A jet liner easily pierces the firmament to enter the clouds. Birds fly upon the firmament, using it to maintain themselves aloft in the winds. Tornadoes pierce the firmament, but eventually retire back into it. The firmament seems also to hold the Gulf stream in place. Without it, the variously temperatured waters would mix as the waters whirled. Certain species of insects live on the first layer of the firmament in the air, and certain species of spiders catch them there! The flatness of the bottoms of clouds demonstrates the firmament, as does the flatness of the tops of some. Firmament The invisible thin plate that separates layers in the heavens, suspends clouds and stars and separates atmospheric waters from ground waters Fix, Stare hev, sha‘ah has the following acceptations: to look at or to, look about; regard, gaze at or about (in or not in anxiety); behold; look away, cause gaze to turn away; to look in dismay. I considered some texts and arrived at the acceptations to fix (a gaze), to stare (in shock or in wonder). Flesh Flip-over Flour, Solet 1) The unregenerate non–spiritual aspect of a person; 2) The source of that which is sinful; 3) The layers under the skin including the layers around the organs; 4) The good, soft quality of a regenerate heart denoting life (in opposition to a stony heart) The word , nehpakh, literally means flipped over. It is used often, always carrying this meaning. It shows a sudden turn in the opposite direction. The Hebrew word solet, tlo means flour, of course. But what is the root of this word? The lexicographers didn’t know. They thought it meant to strip, but that doesn’t make any sense. I noticed that the tof on the end is often a feminine-word replacement letter for the letter hay in Hebrew. This word is hlo, salah with the following acceptations: to make light of, toss aside; to flout, reject; to weigh, balance; to be weighed. It is a very legitimate procedure in solving types to go for the root verb and directly related spellings of words to find types. If the above is true, flour typifies a group that is made light of, rejected, weighed (as being tried by a court), and considered of little or no value: as raca, worthless. Yet it makes bread and is an essence of life, found in both matzah and leavened bread. It is also related to the word selah describing road building. What is considered of little worth can be vital for building a road. This roadway 39 Bible Definitions 2013 will make ways to arrive at Mount Zion. We propose that this solet typifies folks who are considered of little worth, and yet who set the foundation for the road leading to Mount Zion. They can be the sheep in the sheep/goat Judgment since they will be part of that roadway to Mount Zion providing necessities of life to weary travelers. Thus, this text may be describing a large number of inconspicuous helpers who will be heroes and heroines; they will be separate individuals who together will make a piece of matzah later when they have been made free of sin. These folks are sinners at the beginning, but they have a lust in them to help the Israelis and their friends on their way to Mount Zion. They can be Israelis who have little or no higher rank in Israel who will be setting the foundations for other Israelis to come to faith (and eventually to Mount Zion) even after these heroic low-ranking Israelis have died. Flour mingled in oil This typifies low-ranking persons who will be given the needed excess of power in order to do what is necessary to save lives and to accomplish the works of God. See what flour typifies above, and what oil typifies, and combine the two to obtain this understanding of the type. Folks לאם, leum, means a folk group; a common-cultured group that is known for holding together in life and ceremonies. (For example, the Travelers/Gypsies would be such a group.) Fool One who has contempt for Yehovah and Godly things, despising Wisdom or ignoring Her. There are four different Hebrew words , caseel—a spiritually, ethically or morally intentionally stupid person; , naval—a senseless, vile, thoughtless, cruel person; , sakhal—a sucker, unwise in making decisions, or feigning to be senseless; , eveel—a denoting a fool: licentious, quarrelsome, violent, mocking hater of wisdom and doer of evil. Fool, folly Two distinct Hebrew words are rendered fool, each representing a different type of a fool. One word is lbn, nabal meaning foolish, senseless, coming from the root meaning to be senseless, be foolish; to sink or drop down, languish, wither and fall, fade; to droop. Yehovah uses this word for a carcass, a corpse of humans, as well as idols, animals. Thus, fools of this type show the same amount of sense as a corpse. Another word is lko, sakhal, meaning to be foolish, be a fool and the verb form of a much more popular relative, 40 Bible Definitions 2013 lok, khasal meaning both stupid and foolish. The noun form refers to one who is a fool, stupid fellow, dullard, simpleton, arrogant one. This person is a stupid, arrogant, unlearning sucker in the worst sense. Being stupid in the Bible has terrible implications. It has nothing to do with intelligence and everything to do with spiritual things. One who does not fear Yehovah is quite stupid in this way. Forbear To decisively refuse to immediately condemn or take action against a wrong in order to give opportunity for correction of the wrong or for another (not the wrongdoer) to escape Forbid To refuse to do anything because of an ethical/moral persuasion; to refuse to allow another to do anything Foreigner The word foreigner used in this way designates one who is foreign to Yehovah. Even a sojourner (from another country and/or race) can partake in the Passover, but no son of a foreigner may do so! Foreskin A foreskin is a male that still has his foreskin! Yehovah consistently calls that person a foreskin! Forever The Hebrew word o7k¨g (olam) means hidden, concealed, and o7k¨g0k (le-olam) means to hidden [time], with time implied. This expression is used to view the time period between Genesis 1:2, the recreation on earth, and the time of the judgment of all man just before the earth is burned with fire and the New Earth is occupied. Forever The Hebrew word , naytzakh, can truly mean forever (as distinct from , olam, which means hider, either referring to the past/future time outside of revealed time, and thus the opposite of hidden, or to the One Who Hides both Himself and the times outside of the revealed section of time). It has other acceptations, but in this case this acceptation will be the best (I propose). Forgive The Hebrew verb to carry is also the verb to forgive. This is because when one agrees to forgive another for an offense against him, he is agreeing to carry the offense and all of its damages to him in order to bring a state of peace. The only one who has the right to forgive is the one against whom a wrong was done. No person can forgive someone on behalf of another. The person being forgiven must desire the forgiveness (that is, must desire that the offended person carry the offense and its damages). No one has the right or the power to forgive someone who has no desire to be forgiven (who, for example, doesn’t agree that an offense was committed). Using the Hebrew word, no one has the right to take hold of an offense of another (who sees no offense) in order to carry 41 42 Bible Definitions 2013 it; that only makes for another offense. Forgiveness and forgetting are not related, and forgetting does not have to follow forgiveness. Forgiveness can be rescinded. Yehovah Himself promises to reverse forgiveness under some circumstances. (See Matthew 18, especially verse 35.) Forgive To voluntarily carry damages caused by an offender without bitterness, grudge or debt maintenance in order to have a restored relationship, or to construct a new, proper relationship free of offense. Forgiveness granted where confession has not first occurred is a declaration of deity, for God alone can do this: Then said Jesus, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34); Take heed to yourselves: If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive him (Luke 17:3). Fornication Sexual intercourse between a man and a woman not married to each other or anyone else. Adultery is not a form of fornication. Forsake To abandon or ignore For-the-sake-of For-the-sake-of in English means for the benefit of, but the Hebrew does not necessarily mean that. It also carries the flavour, ‘in order to teach a lesson to’ or ‘to take vengeance on’. Forty** In typology, typical of probation, universal testing Foundation The English coined verb foundation (doy, yasad) is very useful in the Bible. It means to establish a footing for a building of some type. Had I used establish instead, the idea of a foundation would have been lost. Another Hebrew word (Nwk, coon) means to establish. Four** In typology, typical of universality (shown in such things as direction: north, south, east and west) Frankincense This typifies the memorial of a fragrance of restfulness. Leviticus 2:2 And he shall bring it to Aaron’s sons the priests: and he shall take thereout his handful of the flour thereof, and of the oil thereof, with all the frankincense thereof; and the priest shall burn the memorial of it upon the altar, to be an offering made by fire, of a sweet savour [fragrance of restfulness] unto Yehovah. Leviticus 6:15 And he shall take of it his handful, of the flour of the meat offering, and of the oil thereof, and all the frankincense which is upon the meat offering, and shall burn it upon the altar for a sweet savour [fragrance of restfulness], even the memorial of it, unto Yehovah. Bible Definitions 2013 Free Choice What is free choice? First, free indicates no restraint or limitation. Choice implies something that is given, for no slave automatically has choices. All humans are slaves. Most are slaves to sin. Some are slaves to other humans. Some few are slaves of righteousness. Choices must therefore be given, since they are not inherent rights. From with While “from with” doesn’t make good English grammar, it is very important in Hebrew. It indicates that Moshe was right there with Pharaoh, and he went from him. From without with could indicate a person’s or an object’s being sent, though that person or object never was with the sender. Frontlets The word hpjwj, totephah has the following acceptations: bands, phylacteries, frontlets, marks. These do not really explain the word. It is supposedly from an unused root indicating binding, winding around. hwj means to spin, and Pj means children, little children, little ones, especially referring to toddlers. Put together, the two words indicate the spinning of a toddler (feminine). Fruit (good fruit) That which the Saint produces after much labour and with patience, which, if a sinner eats, will give everlasting life; the same as the fruit of the Tree of Life. The productivity of a Saint does not depend on the number of eaters, but on the quality of fruit produced. Future-tense tense Gamal, requite Past- Whenever a past-tense verb immediately follows a future-tense verb in a related sequence in Hebrew, the past-tense verb shows result and will certainly follow once the future act is done. For example, one might say in English, “I will go to the store, and I will pick up some bread.” Biblical Hebrew would word it, “I will go to the store, and I have picked up some bread.” This construction shows certainty that the past-tense action will follow the future-tense action. lmg, gamal has the following acceptations: to deal fully with, recompense; to deal out to, do to; to deal bountifully with; repay, requite; to wean a child (Niphal) to be weaned; to ripen, bear ripe (almonds). The word recompense (to give something to by way of compensation [as for a service rendered or damage incurred]; to pay for; to return in kind; requite) or better, requite (to make return for; repay; to make retaliation for; avenge; to make suitable return to for a benefit or service or for an injury) best covers this word. (The last two definitions are from Merriam-Webster Online.) Gaon, Gaah Nwag, gaon and its related verb hag, gaah have the following acceptations: majesty, exaltation, excellence; pride, arrogance; to rise up in rank, grow up in rank, be exalted in triumph. It is just plainly arrogance when used of man, and it is true and proper exaltation and highness when used of God. Garment dgb, beged means garment, and comes from the root verb of the same spelling having the lexicographic acceptations to act or deal 43 Bible Definitions 2013 treacherously, deceitfully, faithlessly; offend. Nothing fools others like clothing. Matthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep‘s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Gather Lexicographic acceptations for this word (Poa, asaf) include the following: to gather, collect; to gather (an individual into company of others); to bring up the rear; to gather and take away, remove, withdraw; to assemble, be gathered; to be gathered to one’s fathers; to be brought in or into (association with others); to be taken away, removed, perish; to gather (harvest); to take in, receive into; rearguard, rearward (subst); to gather oneself or themselves. As you can see, gather is the main flavour of this word. Gehenna From the Hebrew Geh Hinnom, the Valley of Hinnom where sacrifices of babies were done; A typological picture of the Lake of Fire and sulphur Generation If the Hebrew word is דור, dor, it refers to an administration or administrations that are continuing the same policies and viewpoints. A generation of this nature can last as much as 100 years, and certainly the 40 years example when the Israelis came out of Egypt. Yehovah took down one entire generation. When the new generation arose, the leaders had a very different perspective regarding the way Israel would be run. Such a generation includes both young and old. Yehovah’s cut-off point in the destruction of this generation was 19 years and down. Those who were 20 years and older were cut off. “Generation and generation” is similar to “from one generation to another” with one difference: it is a statement of everlastingness. Gentile Age The time period beginning with Nebuchadnezzar’s taking captive the remainder of Israel and ending after the Tribulation. During this time, the Kingdom of God (Kingdom of Israel) is in exile, the King Messiah being in exile from the earth. Gerund followed by The expression of a verb in Hebrew in which that verb first is in a future gerund form (ending with ‘ing’) followed by a future of the same verb shows absolute certainty and guarantee. Gift A bribe or a voluntarily given item without compensation Gift A gift is an item, power, ability, person or knowledge that is not inherent in the recipient and that cannot be learned or obtained by natural means, and that is given by another to be used to profit others, including saving their lives. The rod of Aharon that bloomed, budded and fruited was an item. 44 Bible Definitions 2013 Samson’s physical ability was a supernatural power. Moshe led the Israelis for 40 years; that was an ability that was impossible. Yeshua Himself is a person given to many and for many. All prophets gave knowledge to hearkeners. Solomon used knowledge. Gift-Ministry An unlearned Supernatural ability given by Yehovah to be exercised for the benefit or destruction of others Give, gave This word is used so often in the Bible and in so many ways, that translators seemed to freely choose which English word to put for it. I disagree with such sloppiness. The following is a list of lexicographic acceptations: to give, put, set, bestow, grant, permit, ascribe, employ, devote, consecrate, dedicate, pay wages, sell, exchange, lend, commit, entrust, give over, deliver up, yield produce, occasion, produce, requite to, report, mention, utter, stretch out, extend, put on, put upon, appoint, assign, designate, to make, constitute, provide, issue, publish, utter, inflict, deliver to, to be put upon. Too many meanings cause great an uncertainty. I will rather choose what it actually means: give, then I will explain. Gloom The Hebrew word , aphaylah carries the acceptations of darkness, gloominess, calamity. (Calamity is better covered by another word.) It is a type of darkness that brings a terrible depression and hopelessness. Glorify This is from the same verbal root that the regular word glory comes, having the acceptations: to be or make heavy, be weighty, be grievous, be hard, be rich, be or make honourable, honour, honoured; be glorious, gain glory, glorify; be burdensome, be; be or make insensible, be dull; be made abundant; make unresponsive; make oneself dense, make oneself numerous. The basic flavour is found in being heavy, important. Glorify To declare important; giving something weight (either physically or in rank); slang: heavy Glory Glory (dwbk, cävōd) means weight or importance. Its use is exactly like the English idiom, “Man, that’s heavy!” used by Hippies, and showing that something was important. Glory ), or brightness () Weight or importance ( Goat A sacrificially clean animal distinct from a sheep. It typifies strength. 45 Bible Definitions 2013 Now, goats don’t have much strength, but they use what they have! Thus, they typify a little strength! Gold** In typology, typical of incorruption, everlastingness Goodness Showing Godly Character above reproach Gospel Beneficial proclamation a better rendering than gospel. No gospel is merely ‘good news’ as the majority has claimed, for every ‘good news’ portion is accompanied by ‘bad news’ for folks who reject it and who fight against it. The Greek word euaggelion, evangelion has two parts. The first is eu, and has the acceptations to be well off, fare well, prosper; acting well. I saw this as being beneficial if it is toward another person. The second part of the word is aggelov, angelos from which comes angel, meaning messenger. Such a being proclaims/announces a message. Thus, I placed beneficial with proclamation. Gospel Good news often accompanied by warnings Gospel of Peace The declaration that one may have peace with Yehovah on His terms Grace A fervent (gutsy and strong) and ardent (intensely burning) zeal (intense stand) by which one is motivated to action toward another, positively or negatively (as a mother who is protecting her child and warding off an attacker at the same time) Grace A graced-one is a person who has received the Grace of God unto Salvation. Grace is a fervent, ardent zeal by which one is actuated. Defined a little simpler, grace is a very strong, burning zeal (conviction and drive to do something) by which one is motivated to take action regarding anything. That action can be on behalf of someone or something, or it can be against someone or something. It is like a mother who is both protecting her baby from an attacker (grace toward her baby) and is attacking the attacker at the same time (grace against the attacker). Many have rightly heard that Salvation is by grace (though few know what this means), but very few know that damnation is by the very same grace! Yehovah’s fervency and zeal is against those who spurn the price He paid in His grace, and who spurn His grace. A graced-one, then, is one who has received that fervent zeal of Yehovah, and is also of that same type of zeal toward what is right. Grip Grow To grip ( , khäzäk) is to hold fast, hold tight. When a heart (mind) grips, it is firmly resolved to cling to an idea regardless of evidence or proof against it. Increase (referring to size and/or strength—not the same as edify) 46 Bible Definitions 2013 Guard, keep Lexicographic acceptations to this word (rmv, shamar) include the following: to keep, guard, observe, give heed, have charge of, keep watch and ward, protect, save life, to watch for, wait for, retain, treasure up (in memory), restrain, celebrate, perform (vow), preserve, protect, reserve, to be on one’s guard, take heed, take care, beware, to keep oneself, refrain, abstain. (Another Hebrew word, xun, natsakh, seems to cover similar territory, but is used in a very different way with a different meaning, and much less frequently.) The word shamar is used in expressions describing ‘keeping’ the commandments, but better describes guarding them by first knowing them, then by retaining them in memory, then behaving according to the knowledge of them. Guitars I chose strummed-instruments since the Hebrew word indicated something strummed. The timing of the text will determine instrumental availability and existence. Habitation, dwell house- hwn, navah has the acceptations of to beautify; adorn; to dwell, abide, keep at home; rest. The main flavour of this word is habitation, which is similar to abode. An abode is a place where a person or animal abides, resides for a time (long or short). A habitation is a place that a person or animal inhabits, occupies; a livingquarters. Navah connects more with home than with abode (an abode doesn’t have to be a home). Thus, I chose house-dwelt. Hallelujah 1) hallelu - plural Hebrew command, to praise; 2) jah - a contraction for Yehovah [Warning: Using Yehovah’s name as an expletive (declaring Hallelujah!) is a form of taking His Name in vain] Hand The word hand is used so often in the Bible in so many ways! It is a ‘childism’, a word that will be better understood by a child than by most adults. A child sees the hand as a tool of power. Children who can see (who are not blind) watch the hands of others to determine what they are going to do, to take, to give, etc. A child will send the hand on errands to touch, to take, to feel, etc. The hand that can open or move something large demonstrates both strength and power. The size of the hand reflects its power. The hand of Yehovah is connected to the arm of Yehovah (another ‘childism’) identified as the Messiah of Yehovah. Handbreadth The Hebrew word for handbreadth has the following acceptations: to extend, spread, trip, take quick little steps; to spread out; to carry on the palms, dandle; to rear children. The word has everything to do with very young children. Even the word dandle pertains to children, since it means to move a baby or child up and down lightly on one’s knee or in one’s arm (from Hand is A continuation of destruction from 47 Bible Definitions 2013 Happiness A good situation Happy Happy gives the sense of this word more than blessed, since blessed is covered with a much more frequently used different word. While some find fault with the origins of the word happy, it is a good word, describing one who is content, settled and pleased. Haran Fury (Genesis 11:31) Harem The Hebrew word Mrx, kharem has the following supposed acceptations: a thing devoted, thing dedicated, ban, devotion; a net, thing perforated; have been utterly destroyed, (appointed to) utter destruction. The root verb has the following acceptations: to ban, devote, destroy utterly, dedicate for destruction, exterminate; to prohibit (for common use); to consecrate; be forfeited; to split, slit, mutilate (a part of the body); to mutilate; to divide. The main flavour is in devoting to unredeemable property. The Arabic concept of a harem derives directly from this. Women in the harem are totally devoted to one man; if that devotion is broken, they are destroyed. When Yehovah commanded that anything be harem, that meant that if it were a non-living property, it became Yehovah’s property (and thus would go to the Tabernacle/Temple); if it were living, it would become Yehovah’s property in specific cases, or would be killed in other cases. See pertinent texts for examples. Hate I propose that this word means to desire to see another or an object damaged or killed, or to refuse to aid another or to preserve an object when aiding that person or object would be both to that other person’s or object’s benefit and would be to the best interest of the person or object. Hate The desire to see anyone destroyed, harmed or have needs gone unmet; refusing help when it could be granted. Intense enmity toward anything; standing as an enemy against an intentional doer of harm to the object of one’s love. Haughty High-minded, unjustly status-oriented, disdainfully proud Hava, Render, Yield Acceptations to this word include to give, provide, ascribe, come, to set, place, to provide (with reflexive), to ascribe (glory), to grant, permit, come now. Too many of these acceptations are much better covered by other Hebrew words. I prefer render to all these, where a person is either voluntarily yielding something to someone else (as glory, permission, etc.) or is voluntarily yielding to do something (like dancing in ‘Hava, Nagilla’, “Come-on, we will dance!” or more literally, “Yield! We will dance!”). 48 Bible Definitions 2013 Havah, Disaster hwh, havah holds the acceptations desire (in bad sense); chasm (fig. of destruction); engulfing ruin, disaster, destruction, calamity. It is related to ywh, meaning ah!, alas!, ha!, ho!, O!, woe! I will render it disaster. Head, first Hearken Head ( , rōsh) and first ( , reeshōn) are directly related. Acceptations to rosh include the following: head, top, summit, upper part, chief, total, sum, height, front, beginning; head (of man, animals, city, nation, place, family, priest); tip (of mountain); height (of stars); choicest, best; division, company, band. Acceptations to reeshon include first, primary, former (of rank, time or objects); ancestors; foremost (of location); first (in time); first, chief (in degree); as an adverb, first, before, formerly, at first. Thus, the head of the months indicates first in both rank and time among the months. Hearken is not the same as hear; it also includes doing. The Hebrew uses a verb form of ear, also, which is more akin to hearing. Yet, it must be translated heard in some texts in order to make sense in English. Hearken is often followed by into, showing that a person or group not only hears, but hears deeply and obeys. The Spanish idiom that matches this word is hacer caso (a alguien), which literally means, “make as important” – pay attention (to someone). The opposite of this is hacer caso omiso, which means, to not mind (someone) at all. Hearken Listen and do Heart The center of thinking and willing: the Mind; the center of anything Heart The heart is either the center of something or it is the mind of a person or a group. (The Bible often refers to a group as if it is one being. While translators almost always ignored this, readers who desire to understand the Bible must pay careful attention to this.) One thinks with the heart in Hebrew. Emotions are centered in the bowels. Biblical Greek expresses thinking either with the heart or with the mind, depending on whether the audience is primarily non-Jewish or Jewish, and whether what is being expressed is primarily a quote of a Hebrew text or an explanation to non-Jews. Heathen Races (other than Israel); nations (Pagans is not implied.) Heavens Where Yehovah’s throne is; all space from the ground up. The first heaven is the atmosphere where men and animals live and breathe. The second heaven is outer space. The third heaven is the temporary place of the throne of the Messiah transferred to earth in the Millennium. Heavied The Hebrew word dbk, cavad has the following lexicographic acceptations: to be or make heavy, be made heavy; be weighty, be 49 50 Bible Definitions 2013 grievous, be hard, be rich, be honourable, enjoy honour, honoured; be glorious, be burdensome, be or make insensible, be or make dull; be made abundant; to get oneself glory or honour, gain glory or glorify; make unresponsive, make oneself dense, make oneself numerous. Its basic flavour is found in weight, importance, glory. Heed Give serious attention, thought and obedient action Heel, behind On the heel that employs the word , ekev, literally meaning heel. It is considered the most behind part of the human body in Hebrew. (The tuchus, the person’s rear end, is considered the under part, tuchus coming from takhat meaning under.) The expression indicates the natural result of what was previously done. Hell (1) When referring to Sheol, the location in the heart of the earth where the dead await judgment, consisting of two compartments (one for saints and the other for non-saints) separated by a great gulf where some demons are chained. The Saints’ compartment is empty at this time having been transferred to the heavens. (2) The fallen (demonic) angel herself who is in charge of Sheol the compartment (3), Sometimes referring to the Lake of fire (Gehenna) (4) Once referring to Tartarus (see definition) Hider While this translation doesn’t seem correct, consider its root. Translators thought it meant forever, but they had no warrant for that. , olam, supposedly means: long duration, antiquity, futurity, forever, ever, everlasting, evermore, perpetual, old, ancient, world, always, continuous existence, indefinite or unending future, eternity. The root verb is , alam, which has the following acceptations: to conceal or be concealed, to hide or be hidden, be secret. The noun virgin comes from this root, because a virgin is one who has not known another (sexually), and therefore has been concealed, hidden from another in this intimacy. When I looked at olam above, I found little connection. Biblical Hebrew words always maintain their connections to their root verbs. Since olam is in the form of a present participle, I chose hider as its acceptation. That still would not explain what this word means. Since olam can be used of the distant past or of the distant future, I considered one of the purposes of the Bible itself. It is designed to reveal the plan of God and the way things are. If one attempts to know what is beyond what is revealed by either delving into the past beyond the Bible or into the future beyond the Bible, that person will be leaving what is revealed and will be entering what is concealed. This is Yehovah’s territory; He is the One Who has hidden this information; He is the Hider of it. He is the and the , the aleph and Bible Definitions 2013 the tof (put into Greek as the alpha and omega). Before Avraham was, He is. Thus, if a person goes beyond revealed time, that person will come to the Hider Who hasn’t revealed what is coming or what transpired before the Biblical record. At least one text expresses both extremes: Psalm 103:17 And the Grace of Yehovah is from olam (Hider) and unto olam (Hider) upon His fearers. And His righteousness is to children of children 18to guards of His Covenant and rememberers of His visitations to do them. Thus, I propose that olam reflects both a time (that time beyond what has been revealed) and a person (Yehovah, the One Who was and Who will be, the beginning and the ending). Hiding faces, hidden Hiding faces is a ‘childism’ in the Bible: an expression to which a child faces would relate and more easily understand than an adult. A child observing an adult who is even looking the other way while being in the same room sees that adult’s face as somewhere else. Thus, in the game ‘hide and seek,’ if an adult covers her face, the child knows that the adult is as good as hidden and not seeing the child. It appears that Yehovah hides His faces (face is always plural in the Bible, since everyone has more than one face, depending on the role and mood of the person, and the turns of the actual face, the Hebrew words for turn and faces being almost the same). If Yehovah does not immediately react or respond to a situation, it seems that His faces are hidden. High, height This word has the following lexicographic acceptations: height, elevation, elevated place. It indicates a very high location, not a small elevation on land. It is often attached with rank, as in the English language’s usage of ‘high rank’. Highness, pride Nwag, gäōn has the following acceptations: exaltation, majesty, pride; majesty, exaltation, excellence; of nations; of God; of the Jordan; pride, arrogance (bad sense). When it describes Yehovah, exaltation and highness fit well. Yehovah does not have arrogance or pride. Yet this word indicates exactly that when used of evildoers. Yehovah has no need to arrogate anything to Himself; all things are His. Yet enemies will witness the appearance of arrogance and pride 51 Bible Definitions 2013 as Yehovah demonstrates that He is the Greatest. Hin 52 , hin has a relationship to wine, I propose. The word for wine is , yayin. Thus, I propose that this was a wine measure— perhaps the normal amount that is set in a skin bottle. Hod dwh, hod has splendor as its main acceptation. It does relate to majesty, but splendor seems best. Holy Exactly the same as Sanctified, private property of and for private use of another or an institution; not for public use. This is the opposite of profane (see definition). Holy vdq, kadash has been given the acceptations of to consecrate, sanctify, prepare, dedicate, be hallowed, be holy, be sanctified, be separate; to be set apart, tabooed; to show oneself sacred or majestic; to be honoured; devote. Too many definitions confuse a word’s meaning. Biblical usage is the best way to obtain a word’s meaning if the word is often used, as this word is. While holy and sacred (same meaning from two different languages) perfectly cover this word, one must still define holy/sacred as used in the Bible. It means to be the property of; owned; for the use of. To sanctify is to cause something or someone to become owned. The opposite is profane, secular having the basic meaning of unowned, for public use. Being holy has nothing to do with purity, maturity, spirituality or righteousness (as it is used in the Bible), but with ownership. Thus, a woman who is owned by a pagan temple for prostitution for fundraising is called a holy woman (kadayshah) and a male homosexual ‘prostitute’ is called a holy man (kadaysh). Judah send a friend to find such a woman to pay her. Yehovah commands the Israelis to be holy because He Himself is holy. Thus, He is owned: “I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob.” He is owned as their God. Thus, He stipulates, “Be ye holy unto me. No such stipulation would be necessary of one could not be holy to others. Marriage is properly called holy matrimony since husband and wife become each other’s property for (good) use. Holy Convocation, Nearly all translations render , mikra-kodesh holy one as “holy convocation” or something akin to that (“holy assembly,” for example). In the majority of Biblical cases (in my observation), holy in this construction is used as a substantive (like a noun), not as an adjective (a description), especially as if it is describing a person, not modifying (describing) the convocation (calling together). This becomes obvious when holy takes on a gender or number that does 53 Bible Definitions 2013 not correspond to what it supposedly is describing (this happens often!). Thus, I determined that it must be describing a person, and I have rendered it that way. Holy one In the majority of Biblical cases (in my observation), holy ( , kodesh) in this construction is used as a substantive (like a noun), not as an adjective (a description), especially as if it is describing a person, not modifying (describing) the convocation (calling together). This becomes obvious when holy takes on a gender or number that does not correspond to what it supposedly is describing (this happens often!). Thus, I determined that it must be describing a person, and I have rendered it that way. Holy One of Israel Messiah, Is. 47:4, as one owned by all Israel Honor, honour rdh, hadar has the following acceptations: ornament, splendour, honour; majesty; glory. But that sounds too much like another Hebrew word with a different root. The verb root for this word has the acceptations to honour, adorn, glorify, be high; to swell; swelling (pass participle); show partiality. Honour seems the best for this word. Honour Recognizing rank or bestowing favour upon (verb); splendour, pomp, majesty, magnificence, preciousness of a person or an object (noun) Horn The word keren (from which the name Karen comes) means a horn (like a musical instrument, or the horn of an animal) and can also refer to very bright rays of light: to intense shining, and to a container for oil. An animal’s horn is used to show rank and power; it is an authority structure. A military horn is used to make an announcement to muster troops. The bright rays of light that are called horns make sight difficult, and show the radiance of someone in the Bible. A horn that is an oil flask is used to anoint someone: to assign someone to a particular position and responsibility. The horns on the altar of Yehovah combine rank, power, and authority with the announcement (when Messiah physically begins to come to Earth to judge) and with the bright rays of light that Messiah will produce as He comes. Also, Messiah will anoint others in the four directions that the altar faces (north, south, east and west), and to which the horns therefore point, giving them their assignments. Hope Having certain knowledge and trust that something will be, often associated with patient waiting and endurance, distinguished from 54 Bible Definitions 2013 wishful thinking and presumption. Hosanna Hebrew for Help! Save, pray thee! Host Army, array House House normally refers to the Temple/Tabernacle of Yehovah when it is not modified or identified in some other way. House of A larger family unit; often referring to a ruling family (as in the expression House of David) Humble, humility Biblical Hebrew employs the very same word for both humble and humiliate, the first being voluntary and the second forced. Translators often rendered the noun form of this word as afflicted. That never fits. Using afflicted changes the meanings of texts to such a degree that it automatically assumes that folks who are afflicted are Godly. On one Biblical Holy Day (Yom HaKippurim, Day of the Coverings, known commonly as Yom Kippur, and wrongly rendered Day of Atonement), ‘afflicting one’s soul’ is the chief end (do to this misunderstanding), when the chief end and goal should be to humble one’s being before Yehovah. A humble person is one who knows his true rank and responsibility before God and men, and lives according to that responsibility. In this text, a humble one is a person who has humbled himself/herself before Yehovah and man (since humans are made in the image of God). Anyone who is humble consistently thinks in terms of personal responsibility rather than personal rights. Humble/Answer The same Hebrew word that means answer also means humble (both verbs). Context normally distinguishes between two definitions of words that are spelled the same way, but I have found numerous texts using this word in which I cannot distinguish; they are both equally true! Yehovah designed the language, and He sovereignly made sure those two words were that closely linked. Thus, I now frequently render that Hebrew word with ‘answer/humble’ or ‘humble/answer’ so that the reader can see this. Humility Knowing and living according to one’s standing, responsibility before Yehovah and man, opposite of pride Husband, Baal This word truly means husband. It also means master, and is the same word as the name of the false god, Baal! Thus, a worshipper of Baal is worshipping the husband-god (who is always associated with sexual pornography). Hypocrite In the ‘New Testament’, one who feigns being who and what he is not. In the ‘Old Testament’, secular as opposed to holy. Apply the ‘Old Testament’ definition to the ‘New’. rank and 55 Bible Definitions 2013 Hyssop (Technical derivation and explanation) Hyssop must be a type, an item that is real in itself while picturing another item that is both real and more important. Finding an object’s type can be difficult, requiring much thought. When the antitype (the answer to the type) isn’t intuitive, I start with a consideration of the definition of the object’s , ayzov, so I started by searching both and its root, . I found no such root. name. The Hebrew word for hyssop is When this occurs, I next begin dividing the word to see if it is a contraction of two words. I started with the word for fly (as in housefly). It is , zvoov, an onomatopoetic word (a word that sounds like what it is) that describes the sound of the flying of a housefly. The can be a contraction for the prefix , ē with the following acceptations: where? whence? which? how? or for a separate, complete word meaning not; alas! woe! When I combined the unabbreviated forms, I got -, ēzavoov with two possible acceptations: “Where is a fly?” (a perfect name for a fly swatter) or “not a fly!” which would convey the same idea as “Where is a fly?”. Since one false god is named bwbz-leb, Baal-zvoov, or as translators have penned it, Beelzebub, meaning Lord Fly, I determined that this was not unreasonable. During the Millennium, all demons will be locked up in Sheol. Thus, Satan (who is personally identified as Lord Fly) will not be found on the surface of the earth or in the heavens during that time. So I proposed that when the blood of the True Sacrifice at Passover is applied just before the Millennium, that will finally place Satan and all the fallen angels into their prison, so that the question, “Where is a fly?” or the statement, “Not a fly!” will be literally fulfilled. If this is the case, meaning hyssop is actually prophetic: “There is no fly!” When I checked back on my work, I saw that this would not fit. So I began looking again. I found the following: bwz, zowb is a noun meaning a flow, issue, discharge (semen, blood), flux. It comes from a root verb meaning to flow, gush, issue, discharge; pine away (fig.). If this is the case, means I will discharge (that is, cause something to be given off as if menstrual blood). This would fit how hyssop was used to apply the blood of the lambs and goats to the openings of the houses in the first Passover. Since menstruation cleanses a woman of her uncleanness by giving off the menstrual blood, hyssop, I propose, is a type of such a discharge of Israelis who will stay unclean while the rest of the body becomes clean. Bible Definitions 2013 Idolatry Adhering to, worshipping, enjoying, ‘putting stock in,’ believing in, participating in any other deity, force, idol, image or god except Yehovah. Any being or force from which one obtains fulfillment and security in life is an idol (including the view that one’s self is the cause of one’s success and power in the world, as in humanism). Idols, Rollers The word lwlg, gilool has been given the acceptation of idol. Since several Hebrew words are translated idol, Yehovah is making distinctions. This word comes from the root llg, galal meaning to roll (up, away, down, together); to flow down. From it derives the word for dung ball, excrement because of the rolling motion (consider goat excrement that easily rolls). Thus, Yehovah is calling these idols dung balls, or more blatantly, little shits. This gives the force of Yehovah’s contempt for these idols. (Hebrew is very blatant, designed by Yehovah to be that way.) If Version 1: While the word if is normally employed as it is in English (showing either supposition or a condition for something occurring), it is also employed as a very strong negator! (English also uses if in a similar way in one case: “See if I care!” which means, “I certainly don’t care!”) Start with this usage of if, then subtract the word see. Understand “If I care!” to mean, “I certainly don’t care!” You will then understand the Hebrew expression of this verse. Version 2: When if is used in this way in Hebrew, it is a very strong negator: Not! It is used much like the modern colloquialism used in the following sentence: “I will come to the party.—Not!” Another English colloquialism is found in this statement: “See if I care.” That if means, “I don’t care!” Immerse, baptize Imperative tense I set immerse for the Hebrew word , taval because it holds the following lexicographic acceptations: to dip, dip into, plunge; to dip oneself, be dipped. This describes immersion. The Greek word from which baptize comes is baptw, bapto meaning to dip, dip in, immerse; to dip into dye, to dye, colour. It has the same acceptations. The directly related word baptizw, baptizo has the following acceptations: to dip repeatedly, to immerse, to submerge (of vessels sunk); to cleanse by dipping or submerging, to wash, to make clean with water, to wash one’s self, bathe; to overwhelm. Dipping and immersing are maintained. I have thus connected the Hebrew and Greek words. Past Whenever a past-tense verb immediately follows an imperative in a related sequence in Hebrew, the past-tense verb shows result and will certainly follow once the future act is done. For example, one might say in English, “Go to the store and pick up some bread.” Biblical Hebrew would word it, “Go to the store, and thou hast picked up some bread.” This construction shows certainty that the past-tense action 56 57 Bible Definitions 2013 will result from the imperative. Imprudence The Hebrew word hggv, shagagah means to go astray, to wander, including to sin in the process of going astray and wandering. It shows that a person is not being attentive to what the person is doing. It does not show intentionality. Some translations render this word as ignorance, but this is wrong. A person who has complete knowledge in any area can still easy behave imprudently by not being attentive. Impute To set something to the account of another as if he were responsible Incense** In typology, typical of prayer Incorruptible Mtk, khetem supposedly means to be stained, be defiled, be deeply stained. Yet it is used in only one text: Jeremiah 2:22 For though thou wash thee with nitre and take thee much soap, yet thine iniquity is marked <03799> before me, saith the Lord Yehovah. I propose that this word means incorruptible: that is, it lasts. The word khetem even has perfect built into it. Indignation To foam at the mouth; to be very angry; to detest Infuriate oek, caas carries the following acceptations: to be angry, be vexed, be indignant, be wroth, be grieved, provoke to anger and wrath; to provoke to anger; to vex. I have chosen infuriate for this word. Inhabitant, dweller, Inhabitant ( , yoshev) is masculine in this text. (Another text sitter will have a feminine inhabitant.) Inhabitant is the same thing as dweller and sitter in Hebrew. Iniquity Genuinely guilty of sin before God, having unremoved sin Iniquity Iniquity consists of valid guilt remaining after one has sinned unless or until forgiveness is extended. Iniquity (NOT!) The word (aven) has the following acceptations, according to the lexicon: trouble, wickedness, sorrow, idolatry. Yet, other Hebrew words carried these definitions. I sought a related word to find what it actually meant, and found (eevah) meaning desire, lust, will, and not necessarily with an evil connotation (used one time of Yehovah!). Yet (aven) always carries an evil connotation. Thus, I propose that this word means willful-lust in an evil sense, that extremely strong desire to have one’s own way at 58 Bible Definitions 2013 any cost to anyone and everyone else. This is the basis and foundation of all idolatry! Insight The ability to usefully see beyond the surface with clarity Instruction Teaching accompanied by correction, reformation, adjustment Instrument Tool Intercession Prayer for or representation of another Iron** In typology, typical of strength (breaker and subduer) Israel The land promised to Avraham, the descendants of Jacob; Jacob himself; the Northern section of the divided kingdom of Israel Jacob, He-Will-Heel He-Will-Heel (referring to the heel of the foot) gives a picture that derives from the heel. It is the most afterward part of the human body. When Jacob (‘He-Will-Heel’) was born, he took hold of his brother’s heel. Thus, he was born: Genesis 25:26, literally: And after establishment his brother exited. And his hand is grasping into a heel of Hairy. And he called his name He-will-Heel. Thus, Jacob was a latecomer in birth, and took hold of another to be born. This is what will happen in the future. Jealous Scripturally, same as zealous; see zeal Jehovah Yehovah, a contraction of the verb forms ‘He will be, is, was’ (See Yehovah) Jehovah of Hosts Messiah, Is. 44:6, portraying Yehovah as captain over armies Jerusalem Jerusalem comes from two words: They shall teach () and peace (, ). Jesus Yeshua; Hebrew for Salvation (distinct from Joshua) Joy A consequence of the knowledge that the Saint is doing right and enduring Judah One of the tribes of Israel; the southern kingdom whose capital is Jerusalem and includes Benjamin; definitionally, a praiser of Yehovah Judge A judge is one who renders a decision based on presented evidence. A judge who has the Spirit of Yehovah is one who renders a right decision based on Truth (which includes all the facts). To judge, then, is to render a right decision based on Truth (the facts). If one rightly judges an innocent person who is poverty-stricken, that person will be helped if at all possible. If one rightly judges an orphan (who is not Bible Definitions 2013 among doers of evil), that orphan will be taken in and treated right, not cheated. Judge One who is responsible to render a right decision based upon facts Judgment The rendering of a right decision based upon all known facts Just Righteous Justice Justice (secularly) is rendering a decision based on known facts. Biblical justice is rendering the right and appropriate decision based on all facts and the Truth. This can only be accomplished by Yehovah or by one who is being aided by the Spirit of Yehovah. (Being in right standing before Yehovah) This word is often rendered judgment, from which I refrain because of its flavour normally being condemnatory. This type of judgment (in the Bible) is what a person does on a regular and daily basis. It is not the same as the word representing a formal court session, though a judge in Israel regularly gives rulings and sentences. Yehovah’s justices are His decisions and what He does to carry them out. The Bible gives a large number of examples of these. Justices of the races are based on false gods and false premises. Justice The rendering of a right decision based upon all known facts (judgment) Justified Rendered or declared righteous Justify The Hebrew verb is qdu, tsadak indicating being plumb before a god/God or a person. Justification either indicates that a person who is already plumb (righteous) is declared so, or it indicates that a person who has formerly been anything but plumb (and therefore unrighteous) is now turned into a righteous person. Both these acceptations are frequently used in the Bible. Keekar, Kheekar Kikker, rkk, keekar refers to a talent weight, and is thus measured by weight. See Revelation 6:6 where grain is measured. Yehovah gives gifts by measure: 1 Corinthians 12:11 But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will. I propose that this bread refers to persons who have been given measures of the Spirit of God to do ministerial works. Keep Know and do; watch closely, guard (as commandments) Khafar, Khaphar; rpx, khafar has the acceptations to be ashamed, be confounded, be Confounded or feel abashed, embarrassed; cause embarrassment; to dig; to search, search out, explore. The idea of hollowing something so that it has no substance is inherent in this word. Yet, the idea of blushing, 59 Bible Definitions 2013 reddening is also part of this word. It shows a hope that has been hollowed out, and is only a shell. Thus, confounded is what I will choose. Khallah, Challah hlx, khallah means pierced as if run through with a sword. I propose and Oiled Khallah that this unleavened bread pictures heroes and heroines who will be raped and/or slain during the Tribulation while doing their heroic works. Nmv, shemen means oil. Oil is used in anointing. Oiled bread is anointed bread. Oiled pierced bread refers to those who are anointed to give their lives so that others will live (since bread gives life). Khapas spx, Kharavot חרבות, khaphas is to go under cover. kharavot has the acceptations indicating dryness. It is used when Yehovah dried the seabed for the Israelis to cross over. Khoshen, Silencer- Nvx, khoshen is related to the verb hvx, khooshah having the Hastener acceptations to be or make silent, quiet, still, inactive; to show inactivity, be inactive. Then, along with this is another verb, vwx, khoosh, meaning to haste, make haste, hurry; act quickly, come quickly; to enjoy, be excited. Thus, both ‘Silencer’ and ‘Haste’ are built into this word. It is third section of the name zb vx llv rhm, Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz. Thus, it refers to some event that requires both silence and hurrying. I will render this word as Silencer-Hastener. Kidney, kidneys Kill, murder The Hebrew word translated kidneys is twylk, cleeyot, and has the following lexicographic acceptations: kidneys; of physical organ (lit.); of seat of emotion and affection (fig.); of sacrificial animals; reins. The root is hlk, calah holding the basic meaning of complete, end, finish, accomplish, fulfill, fail, waste away. Thus, the plural noun would indicate completions, endings, finishings, fulfillments. The Hebrew word , harag, carries the following acceptations: to kill, slay, murder, destroy, murderer, ruin. I don’t agree with ruin, because it is covered in another Hebrew word. Kill is problematic, since slaughtering an animal for food is killing, but it isn’t murder. But then, not all killings are murder, and this word appropriately covers all killings of humans, whether murderous, in war, in appropriate execution, etc. The translator must determine which acceptation to use according to the text. Translators used kill in the ‘Ten Commandments’ texts, opening the interpretation of that commandment to any form of execution including appropriate capital punishment. They should have employed murder, but how were they to know how folks would twist the text? Please be aware of this word’s acceptations. 60 61 Bible Definitions 2013 Kingdom A kingdom is a governmental form in which a king is the ruler. A kingdom always consists of four parts. If any of these four parts is missing, the kingdom will self-destruct: A King A land over which the kingdom rules A people or peoples over which the king rules A rule of law by which the kingdom is run These become important in texts referring to seeking the kingdom. Kingdom of heaven or Kingdom heavens of Same as the Kingdom of God, this refers to King Yehovah’s voluntarily exiled throne in the heavens, awaiting His return to rule and reign on earth on Mount Zion. the Kingdom of God Knowledge True and complete information from Yehovah’s perspective Labour pain Nwbue, ētzavōn—This word has the acceptations of pain, labour, hardship, sorrow, toil, coming from the verb root meaning to hurt, pain, grieve, displease, vex, wrest; torture; to shape, fashion, make, form, stretch into shape, copy. I render it labour-pain, referring to the pain that a woman has when a baby is being born, and the pain a man has when doing his work. It is not the same as the Hebrew word , amal, which has the following acceptations: toil, trouble, labour, mischief. That type of labour pain (not found in this word in this text) is that type of labour and accompanying suffering that is not for the worker’s benefit, but rather to the increase of the worker’s trouble. It is not a profitable type of labour and labour pain. (As an example, think of the work that workers were forced to do in concentration camps.) Think of this word in the present text as beneficial and profitable labour pain, even if it is painful, unless it refers to idols. Labour pain The Hebrew word , amal, has the following acceptations: toil, trouble, labour, mischief. The root verb has the same meaning. It differs from another Hebrew word with similar acceptations (Nwbue, ētzavōn) in that it is not describing either birth labour/labour pain or regular work labour, but that type of labour and accompanying suffering that is not for the worker’s benefit, but rather to the increase of the worker’s trouble. It is not a profitable type of labour and labour Bible Definitions 2013 pain. (As an example, think of the work that workers were forced to do in concentration camps.) Lake of Fire The eternal location of evil angels and people who side with demons by choice or refusal to turn to God from idols Lamb The Hebrew word כבשׂ, kevass, appears totally related to the same word with the letter ‘sheen’ in Hebrew rather than ‘seen’ in Hebrew ()כבשׁ. The word kavash means to subject, subdue, force, keep under, bring into bondage; make subservient; violate, dominate, tread down. This is the way that sheep are often treated, including human sheep. I propose that the word for sheep in Hebrew and the animal itself typifies this type of treatment. If this is the case, a lamb typifies a human of lower rank that is part of a flock and that has a shepherd who rules over the flock with this human. In typology, the lamb can typify a group of persons who are of this lower rank, under authority of those in high rank who are responsible to shepherd this group. Lamb’s Book of Life A book written from the foundation of the earth that contains names of all Saints who will ever live. No names are added or blotted out. Rev.13:8, 17:8. (See Book of Life, a different record) Lament, grieve To lament (dpo, safad) is to express an outcry of grief; to wail. Another Hebrew word (lba, ayvel) expresses mourning, the general expression of a time of grief. Another word is rdq, kadar, meaning to mourn, be dark indicating a depression, gloom. Lamp A lamp is not the same as a light. A lamp is a mechanism for giving off light, while the light is itself the source. Land This Hebrew word means land. Translators often rendered it earth as if it referred to the whole planet, but it only means land. It can refer to all the land (above the water) on the earth, or it can refer to a particular land. It usually refers to Israel when it is not modified. Law Torah: Teaching—principles Law of Christ Doctrine of Messiah, Law of Moses Law of Moses See Law of Yehovah given by examples and types portraying righteousness and sin, the roles and works of Messiah, redemption, salvation, good works, man’s history and Israel’s future, etc. The Torah was added to Avraham’s Covenant because of transgressions, and includes Genesis through Joshua (see the last chapter of Joshua). It will not be abolished. The term Law (Torah) may be extended to all the Bible, since all the Bible is a teaching. See John 10:34 and its Psalm reference. 62 Bible Definitions 2013 Leah Weary Leave vjn, natash has the following acceptations: to leave, permit, forsake, cast off or away, reject, suffer, join, spread out or abroad, be loosed, cease, abandon, quit, hang loose, cast down, make a raid, lie fallow, let fall, forgo, draw; to leave, let alone, lie fallow, entrust to; to forsake, abandon; to permit; to be forsaken; to be loosened, be loose; to be let go, spread abroad; to be abandoned, be deserted. The main flavour is found in leaving, but not in forsaking or abandoning in the strictly negative sense (since these are covered by other words). This leaving may result in bad, but the word itself is not automatically bad. Leaven Gesenius’ lexicon gives leaven as the only acceptation for , say-or. It supposedly comes from a verb root meaning to remain, be left over, be left behind; be left alive, survive; remainder, remnant (participle); spare; to leave or keep over; to have left. (Be sure to view the next footnote for the other Hebrew word translators viewed as leaven.) Let In the ‘New Testament’, to permit or to disallow something (thus, opposite in meanings). It is always the wrong rendering when used in a permissive verb form, and should be re-written in the definite future. In Hosea 6:1, for example, Come, and let us return unto the LORD should be rendered Go! And we shall return unto Yehovah. Lie Three Hebrew words mean lie in English, being distinguished by the type of lie they represent. One is the word bzk, khazav meaning a spoken lie, untruth, falsehood, deceptive thing from the verbal root meaning to lie, tell a lie, be a liar, be found a liar, be in vain, fail; deceive; to disappoint. This has more to do with words. Another is the word rqv shäkĕr meaning to do or deal falsely, be false, trick, cheat and showing the following actions: lie, actional deception, falsehood or betrayal; fraud. This has more to do with words + actions intended to deceive and betray. The third is vxk, cakhash, cahash, khakhash which has to do with feigning. Lie (rqv shäkĕr) is almost always singular in the Bible. The Bible often refers to one particular lie. We researched this lie, and determined (to our satisfaction) that it referred to the original lie: that man, by knowing good and evil, can be as Elohim (Gods). Determine this for yourself. Limited Atonement* The teaching that Messiah Jesus died only for those who would be saved. 1 John 2:2 denies this. Lintel The lintel is the upper beam over the door that connects the top of the 63 Bible Definitions 2013 doorposts. Lion Three Hebrew words are used for lion. They are found in one verse spoken by the ill-informed Eliphaz: Job 4:10 The roaring of the lion, and the voice of the fierce lion, and the teeth of the young lions, are broken. The first word for lion in that verse is ארי, aree, supposedly derived from to pluck, gather. I assume that this refers to extracting a member of a herd for prey (perhaps in pursuit). The second word for lion in that verse is ,שחלshakhal, from two words combined: שחח, meaning to crouch, to prostrate, and חלל, meaning to bore through, pierce, slay. If this is correct, it describes the lion as crouching and then attacking and piercing the herd and the victim (perhaps describing pouncing). The third word for lion in that verse is ,כפירcaphir, which I am thinking comes from the verb , פורpor, meaning to break, crush, and with the comparative gninaem ,כas, so that the two combine to form as breaking, as crushing (perhaps describing a lion that is eating). When all three are combined, the animal is described as plucking, gathering; boring through, crouching, prostrating, piercing, slaying; breaking (bones), crushing (bones): the three functions of the lion with separate words describing what the lion is doing at any time. Lip The lip of a body of water is the shore consisting of sand. It is the part that stays wet, like the lips, being watered by the ocean of the mouth! Lodge Log The word comes from a verb meaning to be deep as in the sea or as in a container. This reminds me of two certain miracles of the multiplication of oil in 1 Kings 17 and 2 Kings 4. This is also a type showing that this small volume of oil will last and last until it isn't needed. Loins Kidneys, referring to the center of human physical strength Loins The loins seem difficult to describe and define. I propose that this inkwell is not located inside the man’s loins (that is, inside his muscle tissue), but is bound up in his clothing. If this is the case, the loins include the clothing next to them. The loins seem to include the hips. The Hebrew word mättän is from the verb to give, and therefore seems to refer to a gift. Its duality shows that two are being considered (I propose the left and the right hip area). This area is girded, and therefore must represent the hips and waist. Longsuffering Continued patient restraint when dealing with others (not including the tolerance of sin) 64 Bible Definitions 2013 Lords Lords is plural because that master’s position rules over every area of the slave. If it is singular, the master is only ‘lord’ over one area. Humans can be called ‘lords’, and Yehovah is often called ‘my Lords’ or ‘our Lords’. Love Total dedication to someone or something; seeking the highest best interest of another without regard to self or feelings—opposite of selfishness. Saints are responsible to love Saints, neighbours and Israel; not people Yehovah hates. (Grace is different and is to be shown to all.) Lowly Humble Lucifer The highest-ranking angel in the classification cherub, the anointed cherub that covereth (Ezekiel 28:14). See Archangel. He is a fallen angel whose high rank is maintained. He, like all angels, can only be in one place at one time (contrasted to the Angel Yehovah Who is omnipresent). His actual name is Hayleel, ‘the Scream.’ His plan is to overthrow Yehovah. He will lose. (Place your bets now) Lust Lust is not always destructive and bad in the Bible. One can lust for something beneficial, and can lust for it in a beneficial way. Lust-after To plot to acquire something not permitted at the expense/harm of another; to earnestly desire something permitted with willingness to pay the price (used of good desires in the Bible) Maintain rjn, natar supposedly means to to keep, keep guard, reserve, maintain. Two other Hebrew words take the acceptations for guarding. Maintenance, however, is different, and is what I propose to be the flavour of this word. Majestic ryda, adeer has been assigned the following acceptations: great, majestic; of waters of sea; of a tree; of kings, nations, gods; great one, majestic one; of nobles, chieftains, servants. It comes from the verbal root with the following acceptations: to be great, be majestic, wide, noble (poetic); glorious. The main flavour of this word is majestic. Majesty , nedar has the following lexicographic acceptations: to be great, be majestic, wide, noble (poetic); majestic, glorious (participle); make glorious. Since glorious and to be great are covered elsewhere in other Hebrew words, majesty is left. The MerriamWebster dictionary defines majesty with the following: major, greater; sovereign power, authority, or dignity; used in addressing or referring to reigning sovereigns and their consorts <Your Majesty> <Her Majesty's Government>; royal bearing or aspect, grandeur; greatness or splendor of quality or character. 65 Bible Definitions 2013 Make Same as do, to build something using existing materials. (See create) Make Mention Remind Materialism, Materialistic dlx, kheled, khalad indicates materialism, secularism, I propose, being a word combined of two elements: llx [prophane, secular] and dly [to child, bear children]. If I am correct on this, it describes what is necessarily materialistic, the need to gain items for survival, obtaining food, etc. Matzah, matzoh Matzos or matzahs are pieces of unleavened bread (made only of flour and water, the water being baked out). Meat Bread, grain, meal (not including animal parts, called flesh) Meditate, Meditation A meditation is usually a deep, relaxed thought. It is sometimes pictured by rumination in ruminants (like sheep and cattle) that chew, swallow, then bring up what they swallow into another stomach area to again ingest more. One who Biblically meditates on the Word of God thinks carefully about it literally, desiring to understand its implications and connections. In other texts, however, it is a deep thought that precedes and accompanies a plot. Two separate words indicate similar meanings. I will divide them at this point: hgh, hagah has the following acceptations: to moan, roar, groan, growl, utter, muse, mutter, meditate, devise, plot, speak; to imagine. This form can carry anger and plots. I will use devise for this one. xys, siyach has the following acceptations: to put forth, mediate, muse, study, commune, to talk, speak, complain, consider, ponder, put forth thoughts; sing; to complain. This form is more of a construction of ideas and simplification of complexities. I will use meditate for this word. Meekness Same as humility. Spiritually, utter dependence on Yehovah, Rom. 13:7 Meetznephet, tpnum, meetsnefet, from Pnu, tsanaf, having the acceptations Mitznephet, Winding wrap or wind up together, wind around, a ball. While this is a turban, a hat made of wrapped cloth, I will use Winding. Members Parts of a body Menstruation The noun hdn, niddah has the following acceptations: impurity, filthiness, menstruous, set apart; of menstruation; of idolatry, immorality. It comes from the verb hdn, nadah having the acceptations exclude, drive away, thrust aside; cast out, put away and 66 Bible Definitions 2013 is related to another verb ddn, nadad having the acceptations to retreat, flee, depart, move, wander abroad, wander, stray, flutter; be chased. The noun form is used 24 times in what appears to be various ways, but all the ways always come back to menstruation regardless of how translators rendered it. One text in particular caught my attention: Lamentations 1:17 Zion spreads forth her hands, and there is none to comfort her. Yehovah has commanded concerning Jacob that his adversaries are round about him! Jerusalem is to menstruation among them! Yehovah viewed Jerusalem as menstruation in the view of these adversaries, the blood that is sloughed off. Mercy Unmerited favour, to cherish as a mother does a child. ( Grace is often improperly rendered mercy) Messiah An anointed one; also, Christ—Israel’s promised Redeemer Messiah Messiah is a transliteration (making a word in one language that sounds similar to the word in another language) of Meshiakh, the Hebrew being . It literally means one anointed, referring to the act in which a prophet pours olive oil (in large amounts) over the head of someone to designate that that person has been chosen and empowered to do a task (whether good or bad). It is drawn from what some shepherds do with their sheep, using oil to keep bugs and problems from the sheep’s ears and face so that the sheep can graze with little distraction. Mighty Mighty-one Migvah Tough, strong, resolute, valiant (where see) The Hebrew word , el literally means mighty-one, and can refer to a human as well as to God. It is only indirectly related to elohim (which normally refers to God/gods). A mighty one is known for great deeds of power and other abilities. I am not familiar with el referring to females. The word hebgm, migvah is made of two words. The first (bg, gav) has the following acceptations: convex surface, back; mound (for illicit worship) boss (convex projection of shield) bulwarks, breastworks; brow, eyebrow; rim (of wheel). Anything that takes an arc shape can be described by this word. The second (heb, baah) has the following acceptations: to seek out, swell, cause to swell, boil up, enquire; to bulge. This also describes a convexing surface. The two words together describe a bulging arc. This is the shape of a kippah, but it doesn’t use the word kippah. It will describe some event. 67 Bible Definitions 2013 Minister To serve (verb), one who serves (noun). It is one who serves another by doing needed tasks, by giving aid, by taking notes, and by just being helpful. Miracle A miracle is an occurrence that cannot happen, and that does a beneficial work while pointing to the importance of the message of the one through whom the miracle is done. Miracles are always impossible, defying science. They are never tricks (but tricks can appear as miracles). A lying wonder is a miracle that communicates a message that is a lie! Yehovah’s miracles always do a beneficial work even if that work is quite harmful! Miracles Supranatural Mischief Evil, wickedness; Missile hqyz, zeekah has the acceptations spark, missile, firebrand, flaming arrow; fetters. I propose that the correct root is qqz, zakak carrying (impossible) phenomena used either to draw attention to the miracle worker’s message or to deceive. Signs and wonders are usually miracles. occasionally calamity the acceptations to purify, distil, strain, refine; to purge. These weapons (sparks, missiles, firebrands, flaming arrows) are very good at purging from the ranks! They will also be very good for removing defenders of evil kings and getting them to surrender for trial. Missionary A person sent to a specific people to teach them, form a taught assembly, bring them to independence. Same as Apostle. Month A month is a complete cycle of the moon. Do not mix these months with the months of our calendar. A moon cycle will be 28 days. Because of the number of days in a year (365) and a remainder always being present (since 18 does not evenly divide into 365), calendars based on 28-day months must have both leap months and double leap months over a period of decades! Morality Right actions and behaviour in the treatment of others—whatever is proper and helpful to others who are doing right, and therefore is not sinful or destructive. Morality must always include a god/God, since only a god/God can define what is good and what is right. (Different gods differ on what is right.) Mortal Subject to death; certain to die (if no intervention occurs) Moved: Dislodged jwm, mowt has the acceptations of shaking, wavering, pole, bar of yoke; tottering; to slip; be moved, be overthrown; to dislodge, let fall, drop. While it is normally rendered to be moved, its real idea is found in being dislodged, severely moved out of place. One who is moved is dislodged from a position (of power, of a stand regarding faith or gods, of a location, etc.). If a location is the subject, being moved 68 Bible Definitions 2013 results from an earthquake doing the dislodging. Yehovah promises no earthquakes in Israel (and perhaps the world) during the Millennium. Myriads Myriads is constructed of the Hebrew word multiplied, but doubled (thus, double multiplied). Mystery Some aspect of the plan of God, His Character or an important issue that was formerly hidden and is now revealed (still unrevealed things are called hidden things) Mystery The word mystery in both Greek and Hebrew are directly related, and directly come to the English word, mystery. The Greek word is musthrion, musterion. The Hebrew word is rtom, meestar having the same flavour. It is from the root meaning secret (in Hebrew). A Biblical mystery is always a solved mystery. It is never something that awaits a solution, but rather has with it a solution. Mystery Mysticism Na Naah, Scenic The word , meestareem, from sayter (secret), sounds like its Greek (musthrion, musterion) and English (mystery) relatives. Thus, secret and mystery are directly related. 1) A recognition of the spiritual, invisible, hidden things of the universe, with the belief that the spirit–world (including God) directly interacts personally with man in everyday things, the believer of which is practical in Godliness and in the affairs of the world (rare). 2) Concentration on the spiritual, invisible, hidden things of the universe, with the belief that the spirit–world (including God) directly interacts personally with man in every–day things such that the person takes an occult view of happenings in life. (For example, one who believes that God has led him to sing for God, because two different individuals told him that they felt the presence of God when he sang, is living by an occult mystical view.) The Hebrew particle , na, usually rendered pray or pray thee, has nothing to do with prayer. (A particle is a part of speech that carries no other forms; it can’t be plural; it can’t be feminine or masculine; it has no tense; it takes no adjectives.) It does not mean please. I can be used in entreaty (making an urgent request). I view it as a softener. Hebrew wording is very blunt. Requests are often in the imperative form, and can appear as demands. For example, “Give me some water” sounds like a demand, and is how the Hebrew would seem to an English reader. Yehovah designed Hebrew for children, and the bluntness of Hebrew reflects how children naturally speak even when they are making a request. The particle na softens a statement: “Give me na some water.” han, na’ah has the following acceptations: pasture, abode, abode of shepherd, habitation, meadow. This word also has the flavour of to be 69 Bible Definitions 2013 comely, be beautiful, be befitting. Thus, it describes the beautiful scenery that some sections of land hold. When the word scenic is used in English, it holds this meaning. Nachon The word nachon in Hebrew is used for ‘true’ in modern Hebrew. It really means established, however, from the root to establish. Nadav, Nadiv; Give Nadeev, The verb bdn, nadav has the following acceptations: to incite, impel, Liberally- make willing; to volunteer; to offer free-will offerings; offer freely. The ideas of generosity and liberality are built into this word with bestowing, endowing, granting, since one willingly gives for the benefit of another. I will use liberally-give for now. Nagar, Precipitate rgn, Nahal, Channel lhn, Name I capitalize Name in texts where I have some degree of personal certainty that it refers to the Messiah. Name of Yehovah A person, the Messiah Nation Race Natar rjn, natar means to maintain. Nazar (From which comes Nazarite and the Nazarite vow): to separate as if being gone. Thus, is it a separation. Needy Lacking necessities, very poor nagar is to precipitate. nahal has the acceptations to lead, give rest, lead with care, guide to a watering place or station; refresh; to journey by stations or stages. I saw that the best combination was the word channel, a word that implies water combined with a particular course or way that is rigidly maintained. Neged, straight in The Hebrew word , neged, indicates straight in front of. It is front of not the same word as to the faces of, and comes from the same root as to tell. Anything that is straight in front of something else holds the direct field of view, and thus the entire attention. Neighbour Any person physically present in one’s life (or on Facebook) at any particular time, saint or non-saint, for whom one is ethically and/or morally responsible before God is a neighbour. The Hebrew word er, ray-a has the following acceptations: friend, companion, fellow, another person; intimate; fellow-citizen. A companion is one who accompanies another and is helpful. A companion tends to know the other person and participates with the other person in life’s issues. It is not the same as a coworker. Translators usually rendered this as neighbour. One can have very bad relations with neighbours, however, and therefore this is not a 70 Bible Definitions 2013 good acceptation. Yet it would appear to be the best acceptation because of the following text in which it is used: Leviticus 19:18 Thou shalt not avenge nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. I am Yehovah. Every Israeli is obliged to recognize every other Israeli as a companion and a member of the same Body. When one sees this word as meaning neighbour, it then changes the meaning of the command so that an Israeli is only obliged to help direct neighbours— that is, neighbours who truly live next to them. Yehovah gave no such command. Yeshua demonstrates this when answering the question, “Who is my neighbour?” He shows that this is not the right question. A sojourner in Israel becomes a neighbour to the Israelis, or better, the Israelis are obliged to ‘neighbour’ the sojourner. Nephesh Every person’s being is feminine, whether the person is male or female. Yehovah designed the Hebrew language so that every noun would have either a masculine or feminine gender. This doubles the possible pronoun distinctions, and it also accomplishes other vital linguistic tasks. The Hebrew word , nephesh has the following lexicographic acceptations: soul, self, life, creature, person or individual; appetite, mind, living and/or inner being (with life in the blood), desire, emotion, passion; that which breathes, the breathing substance or being; the man himself, self, seat of the appetites; seat of emotions and passions; activity of mind; dubious; activity of the will; dubious; activity of the character; dubious. (When you see “dubious”, that isn’t an acceptation, but is a lexicographic comment that the lexicographer was not certain about the previous acceptation.) I have distilled the acceptations down to the following: the being is the body, soul and spirit of a living creature, or it is any two of the three (body, soul and/or spirit) or any one of the three (body, soul or spirit), depending on how it is used in a text. Translating nephesh as ‘soul’ is a great disservice since another Hebrew word ( , neshamah) covers soul alone, and the nephesh generally includes more than the soul (the soul being the real person apart from the body and spirit). New Moon Beginning of the month New Song A previously non-existent song that will be sung in the End Times Nose, heat The nose is most often used to describe great anger. It is often combined with a word having the following root meaning: to be hot with vexation, furious, burn, become angry, be kindled, be incensed. 71 72 Bible Definitions 2013 The heat of the nose is a ‘childism’ (a word or expression that a child can understand more easily than an adult), since a child held close can feel the heat of an adult’s nose. This also pictures an angry bull on a cool day, with the heat of its nose being one of the major symptoms of its anger. The English expression, “He has his nose out of joint” at least brings the nose into the picture, and “Man, is he hot!” combines heat with anger. Yehovah’s anger is shown through His nose. No fire-breathing dragon can match! Numb gwp, poog has the idea of numbing, of losing feeling. Number, Numbers When the number of objects or persons becomes very large, Biblical Hebrew switches to the singular, as it does in this verse (with chariot). Oath The pronouncement and desire, normally under the auspices of or in the name of a god, of great harm toward another or toward god/God if something is done or not done, or if something has already occurred. Oblation A Grain offering (flour), sometimes including frankincense and olive oil; bloodless sacrifice Occult Literally hidden—that which is secretive having an unknown source, and is nearly always associated with demonism. Occupation Kt, tokh is the word midst. Thus, I propose that it indicates occupation: placing something in the midst. Offense Doing what causes another to stumble, thereby being harmed, killed or led into sin Offering That which is lifted up before Yehovah Oil Oil typifies fatness. (This doesn't mean obesity.) Fat in the Bible pictures a kind of richness that gives individuals or groups the means to continue to function (especially doing what is right and beneficial) when no external resources (like food) are available. That extra provides all that is necessary and more than what is necessary to do what is right for others. Oil does not typify the Holy Spirit. When someone is anointed with oil, this pictures the person being given all that is necessary for the person to do a task that otherwise wouldn't be accomplished. When an object is anointed with oil, this pictures the object being a special tool for accomplishing a task that would otherwise not be accomplished. Omer Baler, as used in baling hay Open the womb, Lexicographic acceptations for , peter include the following: burst through to separate, set free, remove, open, escape, burst through; to remove (oneself), escape; to set free, let out. As I considered these acceptations, I also considered other Hebrew words that remove Bible Definitions 2013 some of these acceptations, because they better cover them. For example, another Hebrew word means to set free (regarding prisoners); another means escape (as when one is running from an enemy); another means to separate; another means open. I am convinced that no two different Hebrew word roots mean the same thing. That left me with the following acceptations: remove, burst through; to remove (oneself); let out. Remove didn’t fit its usages. Bursting through, however, fit very well. Ophel This is one of several Hebrew words describing different types of darkness. It is , ōphel, and its verb’s acceptations are gloomy, dark. It isn’t used for the darkness of a regular night. It is more of a deep obscurity, making things unclear as if the sunset were advanced or as if a war had just swept through the area and a dark gloom made everything unclear. This type of darkness can lead to great fear and depression. Oppressed Unjustly hassled, pressed out, terrified, loaded down Oracle Declaration; something that is caused to be heard. The Oracles of God are the statements (Word) of God given via the Jews. Ordain To found, establish, appoint: To physically fully equip with skills, tools and ability to do a particular function. Ordinance Something which is engraved in stone; A Legal pronouncement, a rule of divine administration Orthodox Literally straight doctrine—a system or belief exactly followed by its adherents without bending or liberalizing. Ought Owe (verb), have a debt before God or man Overcomer The root of overcomer according to Gesenius’ lexicon means to excel, be bright, be preeminent, be perpetual, be overseer, be enduring; to act as overseer or superintendent or director or chief. The noun form has the following acceptations (according to Gesenius): eminence, perpetuity, strength, victory, enduring, everlastingness; endurance in time, perpetual, continual, unto the end. Biblical usage, however, directed me toward overcomer, one who is victorious and who endures. This has connected with numerous other texts throughout the Bible. One who obtains the Faith of God and is born of God, identifying Yeshua as the Son of God (1 John 5:4,5) and refusing to sin (1 John 2:14). The Overcomer in the Psalms headings (translated chief musician) points to Israel (from what we can tell). Overlords Overlords are cruel taskmasters. 73 Bible Definitions 2013 Oversight Oversight comes from the noun hpu, tsaphah having the following acceptations: to lay out, lay over, overlay, cover; to plate, stud. This in turn comes from its root verb having the following acceptations: to look out or about, spy, keep watch, observe, watch; to keep watch, spy; to watch, watch closely. I considered these disparate acceptations to see what commonality I could find. One who has been assigned to keep watch has been given oversight. Thus, I chose this for the rendering. Parable Proverb, sententious saying. This can include an artificial or true story, an event, a simple comparison or a mystery designed to bring out a vital point. Pardon The Hebrew word xlo, salakh means pardon, forgive. Yet forgive is the wrong acceptation, since that is covered by another Hebrew word. Another root that has the same first two letters is selah noted for its meaning to elevate as in an earth work for building a highway. Thus, one who is pardoned is elevated (perhaps from a prison cell) back into freedom and life. I propose that a pardon has to do with a criminal act that is now intentionally being removed from someone’s record. Therefore, pardoning and forgiving are not the same. To forgive is to agree to carry the damage of a wrong done by another in which the two who agree are the wrongdoer and the victim in order to bring the relationship to peace. Pardoning, on the other hand, is elevating a guilty person back to a normal station of life. Put another way, a pardon is a release from the penalty of an offense, a release from a vow, from a future debt due to a vow, and/or a release from a legal penalty. When folks say, “Pardon me” upon bumping a person, etc., they are not using the word in a Biblical fashion. Saying “excuse me” makes more sense, since it is requesting that the victim give an excuse of ignorance or shortsightedness for what took place. Saying “I am sorry” is more akin to saying, “I am sorrowful for what I did to you.” Unfortunately, the expression, “I am sorry” has another meaning; for one is sorry who is truly in a pitiable condition, and very dejected. Words have great meanings, and should not be confused by the careful speaker and writer. Passive versus Most translators were pleased to render these verbs in the passive active, active versus form: “no manner of work shall be done in them.” I considered this passive carefully. I fully acknowledge the presence and usage of the passive voice in the Hebrew Bible, but I maintain that it is very rare. (Only the Massorites’ pronunciation dottings distinguish between the passive and the active form in most cases.) Pastor Shepherd: Biblically, one who directs a group infallibly with the authority of the Spirit of God, being able to prophesy when necessary, to teach infallibly when necessary, to correct with the Wisdom of God 74 75 Bible Definitions 2013 infallibly, and to exercise every ministerial gift necessary for carrying out the responsibilities. A pastor must also communicate to God on behalf of the ‘sheep,’ and to the ‘sheep’ on behalf of God. Exodus 18:19 “Now, hearken via my voice. I will counsel thee. And Elohim was with thee. Be thou to the people a front to the Elohim. And thou, thou shalt bring the speeches unto the Elohim. 20And thou shalt enlighten them with the statutes and with the teachings. And thou shalt make-known to them the way they shall walk via her and the doing that they shall do. 21And thou, thou shalt choose men of an army from all the people, fearers of Elohim, men of Truth, haters of cuts. And thou shalt put over them princes of thousands, princes of hundreds, princes of fifties and princes of tens. 22And they shall judge the people in every time. And he shall be, they shall bring unto thee every big speech. And they, they shall judge every little speech. And he shall-lighten/speed-up from upon thee. And they shall carry thee. 23If thou wilt do this speech, and Elohim will command thee, and thou wilt be able to stand. And also all this people will come upon his place via peace.” Peace See Shalom Peculiar People Literally, segregated people—Israel, segregated from the world to bring truth to the other races Peer Peer (Hebrew: jbn) has the following lexicographic acceptations: to look, regard, show regard to, pay attention to, consider, to look upon. I view this word by considering a person in a tower who is on lookout for anything, then sees something at a great distance. That watchman then looks closely to see who and what is coming. The word seems to have a flavour of distance combined with careful inspection. Pele Pele, Miracle ) means miracle, but not in the ordinary form of the Hebrew word miracle (,). It refers to a person Who is the Messiah, the Miracle of Israel. Pele ( , Pele, a direct The center and root of the word miracle is reference to the Messiah found in the following text: Isaiah 9:6 (9:5 in the Hebrew) For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful ( ), Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. This word indicates a wonderful being, where wonder means miracle. A miracle is a good and beneficial occurrence that is totally outside of both science and possibility. Bible Definitions 2013 People A people, I propose, is a large group of individuals holding a common culture, including common business practices, a common language, common laws, etc. This people (singular) does not have to consist of folks from the same race. Many races can be found in one people, or one race can be found in one people. The unifying factor making a people is culture. Do not confuse people with the plural form of person; the Bible never uses it that way. People is singular; peoples is plural. The King James Version (KJV) does not make the distinction between people and peoples in nearly all cases, a great error on the part of translators. People, implications Israel was of one culture in Egypt. Since that time, Israel has become spread and has formed many very divergent cultures by adopting the cultural practices around them while keeping their own. Once Israel will be obedient to Yehovah’s Torah (His Teaching found especially in the first six books of the Bible), Israel will again form one culture even while having an unusual number of variations in such things as marriage ritual forms and spoken languages. Thus, a group can be part of more than one people at the same time. The Israeli people will have to be able to speak all the languages of the world (a few Israelis in each language) and be familiar with every culture in the world (at least a few Israelis in each culture) in order to minister. Peoples Gentile cultural groups excluding Israel Perfect To be and do exactly what Yehovah designed and desires for the person to be and do by His power. To be properly functioning according to design without deficiency. (If a Believer’s doctrines and behaviours consistently line up with the Scriptural righteousness, he is perfect.) That which is well–pleasing in the sight of Yehovah— Hebrews 13:21. Doing every good work to do His will by His power. Perfect and both indicate perfection. Modern Christian theology has almost erased this idea as being impossible, replacing it with complete, mature, blameless, etc. These cannot represent the Hebrew word since it refers to Yehovah, and would be insulting to Him. For example, if anyone replaces perfect with complete, mature or blameless in the following text, it will either make nonsense or a very weak command: Matthew 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. Even weak translations don’t alter this text, but alter every other possible text when perfect refers to a human. This is translational dishonesty. Yehovah knew how to communicate perfection, and that is what He did. It refers to a physical perfection in animals, typifying a moral/ethical perfection in humans. One who walks consistently 76 Bible Definitions 2013 righteously before Yehovah is perfect before Him. It is no more complicated than this. The makeup of perfection is shown in the following text: 2 Peter 1:1 Simon Peter, a servant and a missionary of the Anointed Salvation: to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Saviour the Anointed Salvation. 2Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God and of Yeshua our Lord 3according as His divine power has given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness through the knowledge of Him Who has called us to glory and virtue 4by which exceedingly great and precious promises are given unto us so that ye might be partakers of the divine nature by these, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. 5And besides this, add virtue to your faith and knowledge to virtue 6and temperance to knowledge and endurance to temperance and godliness to endurance 7and love of the brethren to godliness and love to love of the brethren, giving all diligence. 8For if these things are in you and abound, they make you that ye shall not be barren or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord, the Anointed Salvation. 9But he who lacks these things is blind and cannot see afar off, and has forgotten that he was purged from his old sins. 1. Faith 2. Virtue (moral propriety) 3. Knowledge (dealing well with others in light of the times and the plan of God) 4. Temperance (the ability to not break or flair when those would be unprofitable) 5. Endurance (standing firm in a beneficial way without giving up) 6. Godliness (proper ethical and moral behaviour, doing constructive and beneficial activities) 7. Love of the brethren (directed toward Israel even while the Israelis are mainly in unbelief) 8. Love (for others including those outside the brethren) demonstrating selflessly doing what is best for others who will be profited (and not abusers, directed toward non-Jewish folks) Perfect Liberty Law of Law of Moses (James 1:25 as derived from Psalm 19:7 combined with Psalm 119:44,45 Perpetual/Perpetuity See everlasting 77 Bible Definitions 2013 Perseverance proskarterew, proskartereo has the acceptations of to adhere to one, be his adherent, to be devoted or constant to one; to be steadfastly attentive unto, to give unremitting care to a thing; to continue all the time in a place; to persevere and not to faint; to show one’s self courageous for; to be in constant readiness for one, wait on constantly. The flavour is enduring toward a goal. Pestilence A pestilence is a highly infectious disease outbreak. It is not a bug attack (that is, it is not from a ‘pest’). Pharaoh Pharaoh literally means unbridled, reflecting the lack of control over this leader. He does as he chooses. Philistine Palestinian Pit Often Sheol—a place where dead non–saints await their judgment, and some arrested demons will come out. Abaddon is from this pit also known as the Bottomless Pit. Plead Fight, strive, contend; do justice Plot A plot is more than a thought; it is a plan (usually of evil) that a person or group will perform, given opportunity and equipment. Pogrom The organized killing of Jews by their neighbours with permission of authorities (Read the Book of Esther) Poor Often humble—not always poverty Position, set The Hebrew root buy, Yätsäv, has the following lexicographic acceptations: to place, set, stand, set or station oneself, present oneself; take one’s stand, stand, stand with someone. The main flavour is that of firmly positioning oneself. Pour This word has the following lexicographic acceptations: to pour out (as a libation), pour, offer, cast (metal images); to anoint. The last acceptation isn’t right, since another word (Mashakh) means to anoint. Praise Commend; give credit where due Praise Praise means commend, to give/admit credit or a job well done where such an admission is due. Prayer Prayer (of this type) comes from a root verb meaning to intervene, interpose, pray, to mediate, judge, to intercede. The main flavour can be described this way: rolling out details in order to properly determine what is appropriate. The Bible has several different words describing different types of prayer. This is the most common. Prayer The act of Rolling out a cause in detail before Yehovah. [If the prayer is answered, the Saint is given credit for having prayed, resulting in 78 79 Bible Definitions 2013 the glorification of the Saint.] Prayer The Greek word for prayer is proseucomai, prosevkhomai made up of a combination of prov, pros meaning toward and eucomai, evkhomai (to pray). This last word took me to euch, evkhay meaning a prayer, a vow. This was an important clue. Giving vows to Yehovah has always been important in the Bible. For example, Genesis 28:20 And Jacob vowed a vow to say, “If Elohim will be with me, and He will guard me in this way that I am walking, and He will give bread to me to eat and a garment to put on, 21and I will return in peace unto my father’s house, and Yehovah shall be to me for Gods, 22and this stone that I put a pillar will be House of Gods! And all that Thou shalt give to me—a tenth I will-tenth him to Thee!” Vowing is not wrong as long as the avower will keep the vow, and as long as it does not offer the possibility of a terrible and sad ending (as Jephthah’s vow of Judges 11:30). Preacher Proclaimer Precept From the Hebrew word which means all the following: 1. Visitation; 2. Examination, proving; 3. Review, mustering, numbering; 4. Looking after, caring for; 5. Falling upon, attacking, punishing; 6. Appointing; 7. Oversight, office, charge. The first and main acceptation is a visitation which is often the result of an appointment (where see). One who visits another demonstrates responsibility toward him or the conferring of responsibility to him; giving a mandate (from whence translators wrongly derived precept). If a text says “All the precepts of Yehovah are right,” it should be rendered “All the visitations of Yehovah are right.” They will include examinations, provings, providential carings, punishments, appointments, oversights, office-conferrings and chargings of responsibilities. Predestined Pre-determined—determining foreknowledge Prepare dte, atad carries the idea of to be ready, make ready, prepare. It is not the same as Nwk, coon that carries more the idea of a desired result based on establishing. A goat is therefore a type of being ready, the word for goats being Mydwte, atoodeem. Presbyter Overseer, elder, pastor Presumption Assumption with arrogance. Intentionally sinning, knowing it is sin, being self–willed Prevent Precede Prick-up This is a ‘childism’ in the Bible, an expression that a child would understand better than many adults. When some animals hear a faint 80 Bible Definitions 2013 or unusual noise that might be significant, they make their ears stand up and/or focus on the sound. This is pricking-up. Pride Demonstrating high, low, or normal self-esteem—opposite of humility. No pride is Biblically good. Therefore, it is either knowing where one stands before God and man in terms of rank and responsibility, and not living that way, or it is not knowing where one truly stands before God and man in terms of rank and responsibility, and therefore living in a way that is not true. Pride of Life The erroneous view, due to self esteem, that one deserves, has a right to, or ought to have access to something not allowed Priest An intercessor and representative between a man and his god. A priest of Yehovah oversees all sacrifices, cleanness and uncleanness, Tabernacle and Temple items and the right of approach to them, and teachings of Yehovah. Profane Not privately owned; for public use; secular—the opposite of holy Profane, secular I took the root of this word to be llx, khallal, having the following acceptations: to profane (including the name of God), defile, pollute, desecrate, begin; to profane oneself, defile oneself, pollute oneself (ritually or sexually); make or treat as common; to violate the honour of, dishonour; to violate (a covenant); to wound (fatally), bore through, pierce; to be slain; to play the flute or pipe. (The last acceptation has to do with the flute or pipe having holes bored through it.) If this is the correct root for , ‘Thy profane-[one]’ is also correct. Whatever is profane is secular, unowned. This is the opposite of holy/sanctified, which mean owned. Yet, the process of one human voluntarily becoming the slave (owned) by another is carried out by piercing a hole in the earlobe at a doorpost. That person then becomes owned (and thus holy) to the master for life. Another form of this word is used in Isaiah 53:5 ( ) of the Messiah Who “was pierced from our transgressions.” (I will leave this with you to think it through.) Profoundness , metzulah has the following acceptations: depth, the deep, the deep sea. Compare this with , tahōm and you will find no distinguishable difference. Yet I propose that all very different Hebrew words carry a very different flavour; Yehovah does not waste words by having two words carry the same acceptations. If the verb root’s lexicographic acceptations are correct, they are ocean-deep, deep, ocean depth. , tzal means shadow. , tzalal means to sink, submerge or to be or become or grow dark; to shadow. I thus Bible Definitions 2013 rendered this profoundnesses (where profoundness means extending far below the surface). Prophecy and To prophesy is to directly quote the words of a god fresh from that god. A true prophet thus quotes Yehovah. One who reads a quotation Vision compared of Yehovah is not prophesying, but is only quoting. The information must come directly from Yehovah in order for it to be classified as prophecy. The Hebrew word for prophet is a bringer. To vision a vision is to see and participate in an activity that is not part of normally seeable earthly events. A vision from Yehovah is as clear and real as anything in life can be, and the person can interact in all normal ways in that vision including obtaining responses, feeling, etc. It isn’t as if a mist were present. Both prophecy and visions are infallible if they are from Yehovah. Prophet A prophet (or prophetess) is literally a bringer (from the verb to bring). Prophets were originally called seers, because they would see visions and events outside of their times and locations. They were later called bringers because they brought the Word of Yehovah (direct quotes of Yehovah, having all the authority of infallibility). Prophet One who quotes Yehovah by direct revelation (true prophet) or falsely claims to quote Him (false prophet). True prophecy is not necessarily only spoken by a Saint (King Saul and Balaam prophesied truth). Propitiation Amelioration; calming down an angry being, a term that must never be used of God. This wrong translation should always be replaced by ‘cover’ or ‘covering’ referring to the Hebrew rpf, to cover, as in Yom Kippurim, the Day of the Coverings. Proverb Parable, sententious saying. This can include an artificial or true story or event, a simple comparison or a presented mystery, always designed to bring out a vital point. Provoke Literally, call forth—to incite, to prod one to activity. Prudence Ability to wisely handle one’s affairs Prudent, Prudence This Hebrew word has the following lexicographic acceptations: to be prudent, be circumspect, wisely understand, prosper, to look at or upon, have insight, to give attention to, consider, ponder, have comprehension. A person who is prudent is very considerate and diligent, carefully determining the best possible course of action or inaction. Thus, the person gives careful consideration using all the information available to the person at that time. Add to these reason, foresight, self-control. We previously defined it as the ability to wisely handle one’s affairs in life. Such a person shows discretion. This includes attentiveness to possible hazard or disadvantage. Again: caution and circumspection with regard to practical matters; discretion; seeing and reacting to what is virtuous, suitable or 81 82 Bible Definitions 2013 profitable; having foresight and sagacity; being attentive to possible hazard; the ability to use wisdom and discernment. Thus, imprudence means showing little or no caution or circumspection in practical matters; showing little or no discretion; an inability or unwillingness to see or react to what is virtuous, suitable or profitable; having little or no foresight or sagacity; show inattentiveness to possible hazard; showing little or no ability or willingness to use wisdom or discernment. Thus, prudence is almost the actional side of wisdom. One can have wisdom, and not use it. One can speak wisdom to another, and not be prudent in his/her own life. Psalm The root of this word ( , t-hilah) is , hallal, which means to praise, commend. A psalm, then, is called a praise. It is a commendation for something done well. Since most events mentioned in the Psalms have not yet occurred, these praises are over future events as if one were reading a history many years in advance of that history occurring! Punish To inflict damage for a crime; to take justified or unjustified vengeance (different from chastise (defined above) Punish To punish is to do bodily or person damage and/or harm for a crime that has damage that cannot be fixed. Pure Purged, refined, cleansed Purple From the word argemon, 'arag' means to weave, braid. The Greek word arachnid comes from this, weaving its web. Ragam means to heap, pile up, accumulate. It also indicates to throw, and is used to mean to translate (as in, to interpret other languages on the fly). Yet, it again has one other significance: to throw colours; to paint. Determining typology is a matter of considering what words and their pictures mean. Here is a word that means, "I will translate," that also gives the idea of weaving together, forming a web to catch, accumulating, translating, collecting colours. I propose, then, that this describes those groups that will be formed during the Tribulation, and that will be made of folks from various cultures and colours with various languages who are accumulated and whose speech Yehovah will translate. Purposes Tribulation* of TO PURIFY ISRAEL TO TEST ISRAEL TO EXALT YEHOVAH AND ABASE MAN TO DESTROY HUMANISM TO PUNISH MANY INDIVIDUALS AND RACES TAKING A STAND Bible Definitions 2013 AGAINST ISRAEL TO FORCEFULLY DEMONSTRATE WHO WILL DO RIGHT OR WRONG UNDER PRESSURE TO DEMONSTRATE THAT YEHOVAH ALONE IS GOD TO DESTROY THE ATTEMPTS OF ISRAEL’S ENEMIES AND THE ENEMIES THEMSELVES TO TERRORIZE THE PEOPLES OF THE EARTH TO GLORIFY THE SAINTS TO PROVE PROPHECY TO FINISH TRANSGRESSION OF THE LAW TO END IDOLATRY TO DESTROY ALL UPON WHICH MAN DEPENDS TO PURIFY THE EARTH’S SURFACE TO FORCE MEN TO DECIDE WHO WILL BE THEIR GOD TO DESTROY EVERYTHING PHYSICALLY AND ARROGANTLY HIGH TO GREATLY DIMINISH THE POPULATION OF THE RACES AND ISRAEL TO PROVE FOLKS WORTHY OF THE KINGDOM FOR WHICH THEY SUFFER TO DEMONSTRATE THE VALIANCE OF UNBELIEVERS WHO HELP ISRAEL Quicken To make alive; to revive from the dead Raam ראם, raam, supposedly referring to a non-existent unicorn, this word refers to an elevated animal since it is used in apposition to a calf. The question is which elevated animal. This could be the derivation of the English word ram since it is spelled the same. The bighorn ram is in the Bovid family (like cattle). Until I know differently, I will assume that this Hebrew word indicates a bighorn. Racas, Connection רכס, racas supposedly carries the significations of snares, plots, band, league, conspiracy. But the meaning is dubious, according to the lexicographer. Another dubious acceptation is roughness or bound up, impeded, the impassable or mountain chain, rough place. The verb supposedly means to bind, but another Hebrew word fits this much better. It is somewhat related to רכש, racas (with a sheen) indicating stuff, a collection of items. These things act as impediments, and are connections to one’s past acting as hindrances, 83 84 Bible Definitions 2013 obstacles, obstructions. A race is a large group of individuals who are all the offspring of the Race same ancestral mother and father. The Hebrew word , goy, only means race or nation (a nation is a race, and is always a race in the Bible; never a country). The term gentile is another way translators render goy. They are then expressing the meaning, an individual of another race besides Israel. I don’t fully disagree with this definition, but it actually means a race, and should always be viewed that way. One more way translators translated goy was heathen. They reserved this rendering for texts in which the heathen was doing an idolatrous (or some other evil) practice. I am always against the rendering heathen because it carries with it an editorial that the word itself does not carry. Rachel Ewe (Genesis 29:6) Raging heat זלעפה, zalaphah has the acceptations burning heat, raging heat, and supposedly comes from the root זעף, zaaph meaning to fret, be sad, be wroth, be vexed, be enraged, be out of humour; to be out of humour; to be enraged, be angry; to appear perplexed, appear troubled; to be sad-looking (though I don’t see how it comes from that root). I propose that it comes from two roots: זול, zool meaning to pour out, lavish; despise and עוף, ōph meaning to fly. If this is the case, it would be the flight of pouring out, despising. איל, ayil, ayeel means ram, and is also used for the following: pillar, Ram door post, jambs, pilaster; strong man, leader, chief; mighty tree, terebinth. The root is אול, ool meaning prominence, as in body, belly (contemptuous); nobles, wealthy men. In other words, it indicates leadership. A ram will therefore picture a leader. The same word also indicates a type of might, and shows rank. Thus, a ram will typify a person (or a group) with rank among the Israelis (or among the races, in some cases). Rava, Out Stretched- רבע, rava has the acceptations to square, be squared; to lie stretched out, lie down; repose; for copulation (of woman with beast); to cause to lay down (of cattle breeding); fourth. The English word revolution appears to come from this word. I have chosen stretched-out. Reach, touch The word נגע, naga has the following lexicographic acceptations: to touch, reach, strike; extend to; to be stricken, stricken (participle); to be defeated; approach, arrive; to cause to touch, apply; attain, come; to approach (of time); to befall (of fate). Its form of strike differs from another word meaning strike in that it isn’t a scourge, but more akin to running into someone or something. Touch is gentler than strike. Rebekah Multiple-Pouring 85 Bible Definitions 2013 Rebellion Taking a stand against any authority (including Yehovah’s authority), from bitterness Rebuke Correct, reprove, chastise, refute Reckon To recognize and respond to something as true (not including false assumptions). [In Arkansas, it means to suppose, often with no certainty] Reconcile To change an enmity or broken relationship into a friendship relationship Red Sea Sea, Ending The word Pwo, soof has the following lexicographic acceptations: reed, rush, water plant; rushes; sea of rushes; of Red Sea; of arms of Red Sea; of Gulf of Suez; of sea from straits to Gulf of Akaba. None of these explain the word and its derivation, however. The verb of the same spelling means to cease, come to an end. A third word of the same spelling, a noun, means end, conclusion. I thus rendered Ending Sea. Redemption, ransom, force Two different Hebrew words represent redemption in English. I have proposed that one (twdp, , pedoot) represents redemption by force; I define it as to rescue from captivity by by force. The other (hlag, ge-ulah) is redemption by payment. I define it as to rescue from captivity by paying a ransom. The word ( , pedoot) has lexicographic acceptations of to ransom, be ransomed, redeem, be redeemed, rescue, deliver. The other word (not used here) has the following acceptations: to redeem, redeem (by payment); act as kinsman-redeemer, avenge, revenge, ransom, to redeem from slavery, to redeem land, to redeem (with God as subject); individuals from death; Israel from Egyptian bondage; to redeem oneself; to be redeemed. Because rescue and deliver were used for our word, and payment was often included in the other word, I determined that this will be by force while the other will be by payment. Redeem to rescue from captivity paying a ransom Defile by to render unfit, unclean, humiliated, or sin-stained such that the item’s or person’s rank or station greatly changes This rescue radically changes a person’s station and rank. (One who is taken captive or is in captivity has a very different rank from the person’s time of This rending unfit, unclean, humiliated or sin-stained radically changes a person’s station and rank. Bible Definitions 2013 freedom.) The payment of the ransom is the means of changing the person’s station and rank. Who does the paying isn’t the issue. The ‘payment’ by the person who is now rendered unfit, unclean, humiliated or sinstained is done by the person’s own actions or by the actions of another person forcing the defiled person. Who does the paying isn’t the issue. The payment is made after the The payment is made before the fact and causes the resumed fact, and causes the new rank rank and station. and station. A bridged definition bringing the two together is: To radically change one’s state or rank in a good or bad way by paying or extracting the payment of a price (like a fine, or like humiliation). Rega, moment Rayga, The verb egr, raga has the following acceptations: to act in an instant, stir up, disturb; to stir up, disturb; to make a twinkling; to rest or repose, be at rest or repose, settle, quiet, give rest; to cause to rest (of sword, of the sea); to wink (with prep); to harden. The noun form supposedly means a moment. Regenerate Born of God/Born from above Rejoice Express an attitude of joy Remit Pay off a debt Remnant What remains after a great destruction after the faithless are subtracted Repent To confess and reverse one’s direction (turn from doing) from the Hebrew word Shuv (return or turn). When misused for Yehovah, it is from the Hebrew word Nakhum and means to obtain consolation from grief by taking consoling or retributive action for or against others. Reproach (noun) Lasting shame, whether or not deserved. (verb) Being unjustly scorned. Reproach The Hebrew word hprx, Kherpah has the following acceptations: reproach, taunt, scorn. It is a form of lasting shame (whether deserved or not) that persons place on others. A person who is innocent can be shamed. If that shame becomes a reputation, it has changed from shame to reproach. Reproof Research rqx, Khaker means to search, search for, search out, examine, investigate. It is not the normally used word, but shows a digging and 86 Bible Definitions 2013 a cave-structure (another word being used for to dig in Hebrew, and still another word indicating a cave). Thus, it indicates really digging for information. The regular word for search or research is darash, vrd, normally translated seek. While darash has the flavour of researching in order to obtain information for one’s benefit, khaker has the flavour of investigating in order to see whether one is guilty or innocent, or to determine what is there for justices purposes. The two are not at all related. Research This word is usually translated as seekers. Yet seek in English can have two very different flavours. One has to do with looking for something or someone lost, and the other has to do with research (vrd): looking deeply into something to gather information. This present word only has to do with research. Respect In ‘respecter of persons’—to esteem or approve of anyone based upon societal or supposed societal rank Rest The Hebrew word hxnm, minkhah is normally viewed as being some sort of grain sacrifice. I disagree. The root verb means to rest, not referring to Sabbath meaning to cease, but instead to be placed before another (to rest it before another) or to obtain recuperation after labour. The first acceptation that I am proposing fits this word: to place something in front of another. It is what one does with a gift. It is not the Hebrew word for gift, instead describing what is done with it (that is, it is rested before another to receive it). The word form of this rest indicates an action that a person does; in this case, the person (like a child) is resting something before another so that the other can pick it up and take it. It is a fancy way of describing an offering: the act of an offer being laid before another so that they other can voluntarily pick it up or refuse to pick it up. It is similar to the excess (the fat that is extra) that will be there for anyone to take advantage of it for benefit. If this is correct, this rest that is set down with the lambs will be there for others to take it up and to benefit still others with it. It will be the leave-overs of the innocent slaughtered ones for others to use. When Stephen was stoned, he left—not items, but thoughts in the minds of those who witnessed his stoning; those thoughts were his ‘leaveovers’ that brought others to faith. The same is true of what occurred with Yeshua. His death (I am not speaking here of His subsequent resurrection) left others who witnessed what He did and what He said with thoughts such that some came to believe in Him. Right, right hand The Hebrew word , yamēn refers to position (“to the right or left”). When it is used without modification or explanation, it refers to the right hand. 87 Bible Definitions 2013 Righteous (adjective) Right standing before Yehovah; under no accusation Righteous The Hebrew word qdu, tsadak, means straight, but not is the sense of the other Hebrew word rvy, yashar. Tsadak is straight as in plumb, as a plumb line used in construction (a weight on the end of a string). It refers to behaviour and doing what is plumb in the eyes of a god/God. The other Hebrew word yashar (not used in this text) is straight as in direction (“proceed straight on this road”). It refers to a walk in a way, in which the walker does not deviate. Righteousness (noun) The status of consistently doing right, or the gift of that status without doing Righteousness Righteous has to do with something being plumb, straight (like in a plumb line used in construction, a string with a weight on the end). The standard of righteousness comes from a supposed god or the One True God, for all righteousness goes back to some god (be it false or real). Yehovah holds the standard of Biblical righteousness. The word justified is the same word. One who is justified is viewed as righteous. To justify is either to bring a guilty person (or group) into the state of being righteous, or it is to declare an innocent person (or group) as innocent, straight (before the god/God who holds the standard). Righteousness, feminine Risk-Profit Righteousnesses ( , tzedakot) are feminine. The feminine form (by my observation) speaks more to a person’s (including Yehovah’s) acts while the masculine (not used here) refers to an object or a state. You will need to see the many texts in which both of these words are used in order to feel the distinction. Nko, sakhan has the following acceptations: to be of use or service or profit or benefit; servitor, steward (participle); to be used, be wont, exhibit use or habit, show harmony with, be familiar with, know intimately. The very same word supposedly has a totally different set of acceptations: to incur danger, to endanger oneself; to be poor; to be impoverished. Other Hebrew words cover the last acceptations, so I will not consider them. I therefore took the two sets of acceptations and joined them to make risk-profit. This is what a business person does when setting up a business. This is what a bank does in order to make a profit. This is the basis for the Stock Market. This is what a Saint will do in order to benefit others. The Saint will take a risk in order to reap a great profit. Rod, tribe The Hebrew word hjm, mätĕh, means both tribe and rod! Keep this in mind when reading texts employing either word. Ruin, destroy The word txv, shakhat has the following lexicographic acceptations: to destroy, corrupt, go to ruin, be rotted, decay; to be marred, to spoil, be spoiled, be corrupted, be injured, to pervert, deal corruptly 88 Bible Definitions 2013 (morally). Run to and fro Often, to fly through the air Sacrifice Slaughter of an animal (rarely also used of grain). Sacrifice of praise should be entirely replaced by confession. Sacrifice With some exceptions, sacrifices include blood being shed. (Some sacrifices are of grains and breads.) When a command to sacrifice occurs, the reader can know that the price is very high. Said… to said… saying say, The Hebrew expression “said… to say” (the same as “said… saying”) is commonly employed. Not all things are said using words. This expression covers things that are said using words. Saint (from חסיד, khasid) A recipient of grace. (from קדוש, kadosh) one who is owned (by Yehovah), holy. Salvation Salvation is normally feminine (as it is here). The basic noun looks (pronounced yeshuah with the accent on the ‘a’), and is related to the name Yeshua (spelled ). Its basic like this: meaning is preservation from destruction or failure; deliverance from danger or difficulty (Merriam-Webster). I would add, deliverance from harm. Since sin is the greatest killer in this universe, it is also deliverance from sin and sin’s effects. The feminine word Salvation reminds me of the feminine form of Wisdom who is the Messiah! (Yehovah uses gender for special purposes beyond those used by humans.) The status (life, health, or righteousness, etc.) enjoyed after being rescued. Spiritually, The gift of rescue from the dire consequences of sin and idolatry (everlasting damnation) through Messiah Yeshua’s shed blood to righteousness. Salvation (NT) Salvation (in Hebrew) is normally feminine. Its basic meaning is preservation from destruction or failure; deliverance from danger or difficulty (Merriam-Webster). I would add, deliverance from harm. Since sin is the greatest killer in this universe, it is also deliverance from sin and sin’s effects. Deliverance from destruction, danger and/or difficulty fit best in this text. Sanctify Render holy, cause to be privately owned Sanctify, holy Both sanctified and holy mean exactly the same thing, coming from two different languages. To sanctify is to cause or recognize something or someone as the property of another. It is the opposite of profane, which means secular, unowned, for public use. Whatever is holy is owned. These words (sanctified, holy) always indicate the status of being owned. The owner may be another person, Yehovah, or a false god. A ‘holy woman’, for example, can be a pagan temple’s 89 Bible Definitions 2013 prostitute. Judah sought such a ‘holy woman’, thinking Tamar was she. The verb sanctify means cause to become the property of. Satan Generic for adversary (not necessarily Lucifer—a man can be a satan to another) Savar שׂבר, savar means to contemplate: to consider. Scarlet** The colour of purple or bright red from a desert shell of the Mediterranean. Typologically, it pictures sin. Scorner One who expresses contempt for Yehovah, Spiritual things and Saints Scripture(s) Writings, things written (Biblically, infallible writings through Yehovah’s power) Scroll The Hebrew word sefer is normally translated book. Yet it always refers to a scroll. The verb root has the following lexicographic acceptations: to accurately count, recount, relate, to number, take account of, reckon, rehearse, declare. This is the purpose of a written document. A scroll differs from a book in a vital way. A book is bound in such a way that the pages can be easily turned, and several pages can be viewed together. A page can also be removed and/or lost without being obviously missing. A scroll, on the other hand, has pages tied one to another, a page to only two neighbours at the most. Pages distant from each other cannot be easily accessed. If a page is missing, the scroll falls into two segments. The scroll’s intent is to be read through consecutively, while a book may be spot-read in various places (possibly ignoring contexts). While the scroll is far less ‘handy’ for many types of study, it is far more excellent presenting data in a continuous manner. Even modern computers using scrolling. To Scroll is to record in a scroll or to recount in a continous flow as if reading from a scroll. Scroll, Scroller Scroller is one who writes scrolls. I could have put scribe, but that only designates one who writes. The Hebrew word sefer designated a scroll, and was usually translated book, giving the wrong impression of its shape. A scroll differs in format and utility from a book. One can turn to any page of a book with ease, whereas turning to a particular page of a scroll can be very laborious and time-consuming. A book is made for ease of reference, whereas a scroll is designed to be one unit that must usually be considered in page order. If a page has been removed, unless one does a fast sewing job, the scroll will fall into two parts showing the deletion. A page can be removed from a book often without notice (except for the page number and the wrong flow of a text if in the middle of a paragraph). The Word of God is in scroll form so that readers will normally have to read the scroll’s pages one page 90 91 Bible Definitions 2013 at a time in order, nothing being removed. Scourge, Leprosy Seals/Badgers Secret, sod seter It seems that identification of this animal has been temporarily lost. (It can be found if writing and a drawing are found together.) That doesn’t mean that one cannot find its type. The word takhash is the right form to mean, thou wilt hasten, thou wilt flee, along with the idea of great passion (intensity of desire). If skin typifies being awakened, aroused, be brought to excitement and action, the two together indicate being awakened and excited to action to hasten and to flee. and This secret ( ,sĕtĕr) has the acceptations covering, shelter, hiding place, secrecy; secret place; protection, and arising from the root meaning to hide, conceal. This is more associated with a location. It is mentioned a number of times in the Bible in various circumstances, but to my knowledge all the circumstances are occurring during the Tribulation. The Hebrew Bible employs another word for secret: dwo, sode, referring to a verbal secret. Sode supposedly has the acceptations council, counsel, assembly; divan, circle (of familiar friends); company; familiar converse, intimacy (with God). This comes from the root doy, yasad meaning to found, fix, establish, lay foundation; to begin; to fix or seat themselves close together, sit in conclave; to appoint, ordain. It thus represents a private meeting to communicate. The word sĕtĕr is not a verbal secret, but instead is an event secret, though the following text might give the opposite impression: Proverbs 25:23 A north wind will whirl rain, and a tongue of a secret (sĕtĕr) indignant faces. It is a revealed secret. It appears to be in conjunction with camouflage: Psalms 18:11 He set darkness His secret. His camouflage is around Him: darkness of water, clouds of dusts! Psalms 27:5 For He shall hide me in His camouflage (Ko, sokh referring to succot) in the time of Tribulation. He shall hide me in the secret <05643> of His Tent. He shall set me up upon a rock. Psalms 31:20 Thou shalt secret them in the secret <05643> of Thy faces from the tangles of man. Thou shalt keep them concealed in camouflage (hko, sukhah also referring to succot) from the fight of tongues. Psalms 32:7 Thou art a secret for me! Thou shalt bind , tetzraynee, a verb meaning to ‘tribulate’, to bind) ( 92 Bible Definitions 2013 me from Tribulation ( , metzar, meaning from a bind). Thou shalt compass me ululations of escape. Selah. Psalms 61:4 I will sojourn in Thy Tent Hiders (olameem). I will trust in the secret <05643> of Thy wings. Selah. Psalms 81:7 Thou called in Tribulation. And I delivered thee. I will answer thee via a secret <05643> of thunder! I will prove thee upon the waters of Meribah (the Fight). Selah. Psalms 119:114 Thou art my secret <05643> and my shield. I will whirl to thy speech. Seed Offspring from the same genetic source (singular or plural) Seek Refuge This Hebrew word is hox, and has the following lexicographic acceptations: to seek refuge, flee for protection; to put trust in (God), confide or hope in (God). Another word covers trust. Thus, I chose seek refuge, like a person would do when trying to get out of an intense storm. Seer, Seerah ryo, ciyr, seer is either a pot or cauldron, or it is a thorn or hook. Sometimes, use is made of both definitions in one text. A hook is used to hang such a pot or cauldron. Segregated Segregation is not always evil. Yehovah segregates for the purpose of service. He segregated Israel from the other races so that Israel can serve the other races, bringing His Word and His Truth to them by means of teachings in the form of show-and-tell. Sela elo, sela is a crag, a giant rock that juts up from the ground, and sometimes upon which a fortress is constructed. It differs from the other word for rock. Selah, cast up Selah literally means cast-up, referring to mounting road base up for highway building. Highways are built higher than the surrounding lands so that they will not easily be washed out during heavy rains. Readers have usually not considered the importance of highways in the End Times (a great mistake!). Yehovah will conduct many back to Mount Zion, routing them over highways He has prepared. Selah texts (highway texts) give vital information to returners so that they can survive on the way. They warn about what and whom to avoid. They speak about what to seek in others and in the surroundings. They are all very strong in their messages. Yet, because they are most often found in the Psalms, they are generally disregarded as being relegated to musical pauses and other such unessential things. Self–centered* Centered on what consequences one desires to fulfill without regard to Bible Definitions 2013 Self-Esteem* To view and value one’s self in terms of others Selfless* Viewing situations without assuming one’s own importance; opposite of presumptuous and self–willed (see definitions). Having a gracious servant attitude at all times, thankfully meeting the needs of others because it is right, not for personal gain, and noted for hard work and deep sensitivity with thankfulness. Self–willed* Obstinately doing one’s own will, refusing sound advice and council Send Send is very different from let go. The normal renderings have “Let my people go” instead of “Send my people.” The first (and erroneous form) is passive, while the second is active, and the result of a command: “Send!” Sending the hand Sending the hand is a ‘childism’, an expression more easily understood by a child than by an adult. Young children watch themselves send their hand; it fascinates them. Seraph A guarding angel below Cherub rank with the ability to strike fiery poison Serenade A Serenade is serenades can giving infallible nearly always occurred. Serpent a story in song that tells of a person’s acts. While be mythical, Biblical serenades are never mythical, information in their stories. Biblical serenades are future events, recorded as if they have already The word , nakhash, truly means serpent, snake. The word is onomatopoetic, meaning that it sounds like what it is. Servant A slave; one devoted to another’s interest and will Service Service and slavery are hardly distinguishable in the Bible. While slavery always has an evil connotation in English, it does not automatically carry with it that connotation in Hebrew. Everyone is a slave: some to sin, others to righteousness, but all are slaves. Some were slaves to other human masters, and some were over slaves, but all in the Bible have masters. Thus, servant and slave cannot be easily distinguished in the Bible (if at all). A hired servant does employ a different word. Seven** In typology, typical of completion Shaaf, pant Shaaph, Pav, shaaf seems to include to gasp, pant, pant after, long for, breathe heavily; snuff up; be eager for; to thirst for one’s blood (from actions of animals) (fig); to crush, trample, trample upon; to trample upon, crush. Pant appears to cover all the bases. Shaah, Regard with hev, sha‘ah supposedly has the acceptations to look at or to, regard, Acceptance gaze or look at or about; behold, to look away, cause one’s gaze to 93 94 Bible Definitions 2013 turn away; to look in dismay, gaze about (in anxiety). The general idea is that of regarding with acceptance – either from desire or the situation as it stands. Shaar, Notar ras indicates a remainder while rtn indicates an excess. Shaatnaz שעטנז, shaatnaz appears to be a combined Hebrew word. The first part, שעט, is to beat, pound into pieces, to stamp. The second part, נזה, nazah, is to leap for joy, to exult, to sprinkle, to fly out, spout, spurt. I am thinking that this describes a particular kind of rape where the victim is first beaten into submission, and then the rapist takes pleasure in spurting his seed into the victim. Shabak qbv, to leave, let alone This differs from azav, meaning to forsake, abandon. Leaving and letting alone can be terrible, but it is not the same as total abandonment and forsaking. Yet, during a crisis, the two appear the same. This will be found in the following texts: Matthew 27:46 And about the ninth hour Yeshua shouted with a loud voice saying, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” which is to say, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” Mark 15:34 And at the ninth hour Yeshua shouted with a loud voice saying, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?” which being interpreted is, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” Shabakh, Assuage xbv, shabakh supposedly means to stroke; to soothe, still; to laud, praise, commend; congratulate (the dead); to boast. Gesenius felt that this word especially described soothing and restraining, especially done through praising and commending. The flavour that I was able to derive and that fit all the texts I found was to assuage. Shabbat This word is the causative form of the verb to cease, ( , shabbat) and therefore means to cause to cease. This verb is also the root from which the Sabbath (Shabbat) comes, showing that the Sabbath means the ceasing. Shabbat* Sabbath: to cease (from labour) Shalom English would use for in this case. The expression “asked to the peace of Joab” indicates that David inquired to see if Joab had peace. English would express it this way: “Are you well? Are things going well with you?” The Hebrew question is deeper, however. Inquiring to the peace of someone is seeking a much deeper answer. “Is your life at peace?” Bible Definitions 2013 Shalom* The Hebrew word peace with the following flavours: 1. Restored relationship or newly made good relationship 2. Completion of a transaction 3. Payment of a debt 4. Result of vengeance Shalom, peace Sharar, Shorer To make peace is to satisfy all conditions necessary for a relationship to be without debt or problems. The verb for peace has the following acceptations: to be in a covenant of peace, be at peace, to make peace with, to cause to be at peace, to live in peace, to be complete, be sound, be finished, be ended, be uninjured, to make safe, to make whole or good, restore, make compensation, pay, to requite, recompense, reward, to be performed to be repaid, be requited, to make an end of. These do not yet give the flavour of this word. If a person owes a debt, peace is made when the debt is paid. If a relationship has a split, peace is made when the relationship split is entirely resolved. If a crime has been committed, peace can only come after full vengeance has been taken for that crime, and restitution has been made. Making peace, therefore, requires knowing exactly what the cause of the lack of peace is. overlord, rrv, sharar supposedly means enemies. Another word takes this meaning, however. Consider another verb with the same spelling (and thus, I consider it the same verb) with the supposed acceptations: to be or act as prince, rule, contend, have power, prevail over, reign, govern; to lord it over. This captures the flavour sought. Use overlord. Sharsharah, Chain- hrvrv, sharsharah seems quite an admixture of different meanings. Link They include the following: rws, soor, to be or act as prince, rule, contend, have power, prevail over; to rule over, govern; to make rulers, play the prince; to saw; to travel, journey, go; to see, behold, observe, regard; to watch, watch (stealthily), lie in wait; enemy; wall; ox; row; hrvrv, sharsharah, chain; wvrv, sharsho, banishment; vrv, sharesh, root. I considered what these all have in common. A prince rules over an area of land. That area is marked off by some means—usually a physical means of some sort. A chain link fence is one through which one might observe, behold and regard; watch. An enemy may be on the other side of that fence. Oxen are kept fenced in. The chain link fence will be in a row. One who is banished is kept outside of the border of an area that is somehow demarcated. Thus, I saw that all have to do with some form of chains, links that one can see beyond, but that mark off a territory. Thus, I will render it chainlink. Sheol A location in the center of planet earth divided into two compartments separated by a great gulf, one being Paradise and the other 95 96 Bible Definitions 2013 Torments. A female fallen angel in charge of this location (Isaiah 5:14) Shield This word has been made famous in ‘Mogan David’, mogan meaning shield. I do not doubt the literalness of texts. Yehovah will be a shield (like the ‘force field’ made famous in ‘Lost in Space’). This is demonstrated in Psalm 23 when Yehovah prepares a table for the sheep in the presence of his enemies. They can see the sheep and the table, but cannot touch either. Shiloh , Shiloh: A combination of shai meaning a present and lah meaning to her. These were and will be given by leaders who desire to have their cultures represented in gift forms. An alternate spelling gives a different impression: meaning, belonging to him. , normally Sign A sign is an event, a person or an item that signifies (points to) another event, person or item in a very recognizable and usually miraculous way. Someone often points out a particular sign (“And this is a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.”), describing it beforehand. In other cases, the sign is recognized as such without prior descriptions (“Jonah was a sign unto the Ninevites”). Constellations are for signs (Genesis 1:14). If a sign is not certain, it cannot be a sign from Yehovah. (Many claim things as signs that are not.) Signs must also communicate clear information, pointing to something certain in a manner that cannot be misunderstood. Silent-Dumb The Hebrew word dōm seems directly related to the English word dumb (silent); I consider their definitions the same. Silver** In typology, typical of redemption Simple Sucker, one easily fooled or taken in; gullible Sin Sin is any transgression of Yehovah’s Teaching (1 John 3:4), knowing to do good and refusing to do it (James 4:17), doing any unrighteousness (1 John 5:17), doing anything that is contrary to Scriptural faith (Romans 14:23), a high look, a proud heart, the ‘light’ of a culpable person (Proverbs 21:4). In a nutshell, any violation that causes death that Yehovah has warned to not do or to do is sin against Yehovah. (One can sin against a ruler or a king; that may or may not be sin against God.) Sin is defined in the following text: Leviticus 5:17 And if a being that will sin and will do from one from any commandment of Yehovah that they [fem.] shall not do… Since a transgression is crossing over a command’s boundary by doing more than the command allowed or by doing less than the Bible Definitions 2013 command stipulated, and a sin is not doing what has been commanded or doing what has been commanded to not do, the difference between the two is that a transgression is always what is done; a sin includes what has been done or not done according to a commandment. Thus, a person who transgresses always does so by doing, whereas a person who sins can violate by not doing what has been commanded to be done. Every transgression, therefore, is a sin; not every sin involves a transgression. Deuteronomy 26:13 And thou shalt say before Yehovah thy Gods, “I have brought away the hallowed things out of mine house, and I have also given them unto the Levite and unto the sojourner, to the fatherless and to the widow according to all thy commandments that thou commanded me. I haven’t transgressed thy commandments, and I haven’t forgotten.” To sin something is to cause it to obviously be recognizable as the guilty party and the cause of loss, or to view a situation as if one (who truly is innocent) were the cause of a violation. In the case of Jacob and Laban and the animals Jacob replaced, Jacob acted as if one of his own animals was stolen from Laban, and therefore replaced it as if it were Laban’s property. Sin Sacrifice A sin sacrifice is any being that is slaughtered—whose slaughter not only covers the sin of another, but also totally removes what is owed to justice for the sin by paying entirely for it. Yet, a sin sacrifice is also any being that is slaughtered due to the sin of another (without covering or removing anything)! The two definitions are very different. In the first case, the sacrifice is beneficial and heroic. In the second case, the sacrifice will condemn the person or persons responsible, and will bring justice down on the responsible person or persons. Yeshua is a sin sacrifice from both definitions. His slaughter and the shedding of His blood not only covered for sins, but also totally removed all the sin debt owed to justice—that is, for those who believe in Him in the Biblical sense of believe. Yet, for those who don’t believe in Him in that sense, they are responsible for His slaughter (because He did pay justice for the sins of all who ever lived and who sinned), without their obtaining a covering or a removing of the sin, making them guilty of murder (since sin breeds the death of the innocent). Now, those who are akin to children who die in the womb or who have no capacity to sin are covered by Yeshua’s redemption (payment to release one from the hold of sin), since one is only held responsible for his/her own sin. Sin Oneself The verb ajx, chata has the following acceptations according to Dr. Thayer’s lexicon: to sin, miss, miss the mark, way, goal or path of 97 Bible Definitions 2013 right and duty, go wrong, incur guilt, forfeit; purify from uncleanness or sin; incur penalty by sin, to bear loss; to make a sin-offering; to induce to sin, cause to sin; to bring into guilt or condemnation or punishment. Now, I am not a fan of a word meaning itself and its opposite; that makes the word meaningless. If this word both means to sin and to purify from sin, it means opposite things. I maintain that the feminine form of this word means sin sacrifice, so I eliminate that from these acceptations. The acceptation above with which I disagree is purify from uncleanness or sin. This should instead be to sin oneself: to either declare oneself a sinner or to become sin, whether by reason of personal guilt or by taking on the sinful guilt of another. This corresponds with the following text: 2 Corinthians 5:21 For He hath made Him Who knew no sin, sin for us so that we will be made the righteousness of God in Him. Sinless Perfection* An erroneous doctrine (Nazarene) that one who has acquired ‘entire sanctification’ loses the ability to sin in his mortal body Sinner A sinner is a city or a person or a nation or a land who does not act according to righteousness, truth and justice as revealed by Yehovah in the Bible. A sinner may sin against another person or group, but most often a sinner sins against Yehovah. A sinner is someone who commits unrighteousness against another person or group, or against Yehovah. A sinner (in the pagan, Godless sense) is a person who does acts that a supposed god or a master views as sin (though a false god sees and views nothing), or who refuses to do acts that a supposed god requires (though a false god has no power to require anything). A sinner against Yehovah is a person who does acts that Yehovah declares to be sin, or who refuses to do acts that Yehovah requires. The person may not realize that these acts are sin, but that does not relieve the person of responsibility if the person did those acts. Accidents can be sin (for example, manslaughter is an accident, but blood was still shed), but they are viewed differently. If anyone sins intending to sin as an act of rebellion against Yehovah (taking a stand against His authority), having received the knowledge of the truth, that person has sealed his own damnation. Skins of Red Rams Ram typifies might (which is greater than the strength shown by a goat; rams are much larger and more powerful). Skin typifies being awakened, aroused, be brought to excitement and action. Red is the same spelling as Adam. Put together, and looking at the Hebrew expression, it means the awakening of their might from Adams—that is, from men of various races and peoples. Skip-Over Skip-Over is not the same as the normal rendering, Passover. The verb has the following acceptations: to pass over, spring over; to skip; to be lame; to limp. It shows a particular motion that is not smooth, but rather spotty in a jumping form, touching down here, 98 Bible Definitions 2013 and then touching down there. Yehovah’s ‘touching down’ is only upon those He is slaughtering, and is very specific. All Yehovah’s violent responses against enemies are specific. He does not destroy the innocent with the guilty (as long as the innocent obey His commands). This Skip-Over equally refers to the lamb/goat and to the One the lamb/goat typifies. Smite The Hebrew verb hkn, nakhah has the following acceptations: to strike, smite, to be (fatally) smitten; hit, beat, be beaten; slay, be slain; kill, be killed; to be stricken or smitten; scourge, clap, applaud, give a thrust; attack, attack and destroy, conquer, subjugate, ravage; chastise, send judgment upon, punish, to receive a blow; to be wounded; to be attacked and captured; to be smitten (with disease); to be blighted (of plants). The basic flavour is found in to smite, with the blow being great enough to kill. Sober sound minded, self-controlled, temperate (undergoing great stress without breaking), dispassionate (waiting for the facts before making a judgment regarding an issue), circumspect (carefully inspect to see how one’s behaviour affects others), abstaining from immoderate alcohol use, curbing passions, discreet Solemnity Solemnize I translate , khäg as solemnity because it doesn’t represent some type of food feast, but rather a solemn event of great seriousness (even if it may include great joy and eating). I coined the verb ‘solemnize’ in order to give the Hebrew sense. While the word , khäg (meaning solemnity) is usually wrongly translated feast, it doesn’t represent a food feast, but rather a solemn event of great seriousness (even if it may include great joy, and even eating). Solemnizing is the act of seriously carrying out an event in its proper manner. Solomon Her Peace is Solomon in English, and is pronounced Shlōmō in Hebrew. The Hebrew spelling belies this pronunciation, however: , except for the dotting (which is not infallible) would be pronounced Shlōmàh. That would make this name prophetic (see if you can identify who her in her peace would be). Son-in-law, Daughter-in-law Soog, Repulse A sealed one by marriage or a marriage-like business relationship gwo, soog has the following acceptations: to move, go, turn back, move away; to prove recreant [cowardly, deserter, disloyal, craven] to; to turn oneself away, turn back; to be turned or driven back, be repulsed; to fence about. It seems related to gws, soog meaning also to fence about. Yet another verb relative is gsn, nasag meaning 99 Bible Definitions 2013 to reach, overtake, take hold upon; attain to, cause to reach; to be able to secure, have enough. Thus, I have chosen either repulse or repel (I think repulse). Soul Who one is—the personality and God–given character. (Most occurrences of the Hebrew word A3p£b should be rendered being, including every aspect of the person.) Sound Wisdom Not Sovereignty Complete control over something (not necessarily exercising control by force) Speak, speech logov, logos carries the following acceptations: of speech: a word, meaning sound wisdom, from vah, There is. The noun means the state of being or existing, a strong moral/ethical word for standing, uprightness. uttered by a living voice, embodies a conception or idea; what someone has said; a word; the sayings of God; decree, mandate or order; of the moral precepts given by God; Old Testament prophecy given by the prophets; what is declared, a thought, declaration, aphorism, a weighty saying, a dictum, a maxim; discourse; the act of speaking, speech; the faculty of speech, skill and practice in speaking; a kind or style of speaking; a continuous speaking discourse-instruction; doctrine, teaching; anything reported in speech; a narration, narrative; matter under discussion, thing spoken of, affair, a matter in dispute, case, suit at law; the thing spoken of or talked about; event, deed; its use as respect to the MIND alone; reason, the mental faculty of thinking, meditating, reasoning, calculating; account, i.e. regard, consideration; account, i.e. reckoning, score; account, i.e. answer or explanation in reference to judgment; relation, i.e. with whom as judge we stand in relation; reason would; reason, cause, ground. Basically, this word means speech, in what is spoken. This is the same as found in the Hebrew. It is not the same as to say. Speak and say are the same in English, but they not in Greek or Hebrew. What is spoken may not be the same as what is said. A person may speak or give a speech communicating one thing, but saying another. Speak, thing, issue Speech is the Hebrew , davar, having the following acceptations: speech, word, speaking, thing, saying, utterance, business, occupation, acts, matter, case, something, manner (by extension). The verb from which it comes means to speak, as in to issue something. Several acceptations from the Merriam-Webster are: to go, come, or flow out; to come forth; emerge; to cause to come forth; discharge; emit. Thus, I have chosen speech. For the verb, however, I will choose to speak, since to issue will confuse readers. (It has nothing to do with something coming forth like an issue of blood.) Spirit Breath necessary for life; the essential make-up of Yehovah; essence of beings in Sheol; angel; necessary element for miraculous 100 Bible Definitions 2013 ministerial gifts Spirit The spirit is what Yehovah lends to anything that will live, for the spirit gives life. Yehovah is a Spirit, and He alone must lend part of Himself to give life to any creature (including the fungi). (This does not mean that that creature is part of God, or vice versa.) When any living thing dies, that loaned spirit returns back to Yehovah. Thus, every living thing down to the smallest microorganism has a functioning spirit that is loaned from God. Regarding the spirit that isn’t the Spirit of God Himself or from God Himself: Every living thing also ‘gives off’ something that acts like a fragrance, but instead emotionally and socially affects others (like pheromones); this is also the spirit of the being or creature. One’s attitude shows one’s spirit. One’s desires shows one’s spirit. One’s hatreds shows one’s spirit. One’s unfeigned humility or arrogance shows one’s spirit. Thus, one’s character is what shapes one’s spirit. A group has one spirit that is independent of the separate spirits of the members, but is affected by the separate spirits of the members. Every angelic being is a spirit. Yeshua uses spirits (both good and demonic) by giving them assignments. Those angelic spirits have desires and fears; they have personalities, showing that they also are souls, but not of the human kind of soul. (Angels are not redeemable and cannot obtain Salvation if they have sinned, rebelling against God.) Breath, spirit and wind are the same in Hebrew, though another word better translates to breath. Several other works of the Spirit of God occur frequently in the Bible. When a person is born of God, the Spirit of God is necessary to give that person everlasting life! The Spirit of God empowers a person to do what that person could not possibly do, and that must be done for ministerial purposes. Thus, Yehovah gave Samson power to win over enemies and to demonstrate impossible strength by the Spirit of God. The Spirit of God gave him power. No person (or physical body) could do what he did. The Spirit of God can lead individuals and groups to where they are necessary for something to be accomplished (including the saving of lives). The Spirit of God can attack and kill enemies. The Spirit of God can communicate Truth to a person Spirit can be feminine in a text, still referring to the Spirit of Yehovah. Spirit can also be masculine in the Bible. A person’s or Yehovah’s 101 Bible Definitions 2013 being is always feminine (to my knowledge). Yehovah uses gender in Hebrew for His own distinguishing purposes, not to prove something silly (like that God is a woman or a man). Spiritualization* Taking something non-literally (figuratively, demonstrating unbelief when not authorized by Scripture) Spitting qyqr, rakeek means spitting. This refers to the types and ways of insulting and showing contempt. I propose that those who will be heroes and heroines of the faith will include some who will be spat upon and driven from others. Hebrews 11:36 Others had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings, yea, moreover of bonds and imprisonment. 37They were stoned. They were sawn asunder. They were tempted. They were slain with the sword. They wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins being destitute, afflicted, tormented 38(of whom the world was not worthy). They wandered in deserts and in mountains and in dens and caves of the earth. Splendour Beauty, brightness and glory (physical attributes rather than position) Spoil ddv, shadad carries the following acceptations: to deal violently with, despoil, devastate, ruin, destroy, spoil; to violently destroy, assail; to assault. It especially shows a violent spoiling of a location. Spoil(s) Goods taken after a battle Sprinkle, Shower qrz, zaraq has the acceptations to scatter, sprinkle, toss, throw, scatter abundantly, strew. I will render this shower indicating its abundance. The word hzn, nazah supposedly has the acceptations to spurt, spatter, sprinkle; to spring, leap; startle (though I disagree with startle). I am rendering this as sprinkle indicating that its amount is not as great as the other. Those who shield other innocent ones (including children) will be ‘sprinkled’ on the altar. The sprinkling thus shows that the majority will not die, but representatives of the groups will die, since sprinkling always is a minority of the total liquid. Square-Circuit ebr, ra-vah has the following acceptations: to square, be squared; square. It also is the Hebrew word for fourth, referring to the ordinal number. I have therefore rendered it as square-circuit since it represents the idea found in the similar English word revolution. Start with ra-vah, think of reva, then of revolution, making a complete turn or circuit. The Hebrew word has this flavour. Stand Stand is the opposite of fall. The same Hebrew word means stand up or arise. Anyone who stands in a judgment has been exonerated 102 Bible Definitions 2013 (viewed as not participant in any guilt, but completely justified and innocent). Stand/Arise Arising or standing takes on a particular flavour in the Bible. The word is a childism, an expression that a child can best understand. When two are on the floor and playing together, they are equal in some ways. When one of the two (like an adult) stands up, the differences become apparent. Whoever stands up against another is attempting to (or succeeding in) being victorious over the other(s). Startle, Dismay Acceptations to the word lhb, bahal include the following: to disturb, alarm, terrify, hurry, be disturbed, be anxious, be afraid, be hurried, be nervous; to be disturbed, dismayed, terrified, anxious; to be in haste, be hasty; to make haste, act hastily, be hurried, be hastened; to dismay, terrify; to hasten; hastened, hastily gained (part.); hurry, make haste; to dismay, terrify. I previously chose dismay, but I saw the idea of speed in motion being participant. Thus, I chose startled. Statute A statute (hqx, khukah) is a rule given (literally carved in stone) which, if broken, rarely results in the death penalty, and having typological implications (if the statute is part of the Law of Moses— see ordinance, the same thing). Statutes can be given to any race. It is directly related to the verb with the following acceptations: to cut, carve, cut in carved (participle) to engrave, cut a limit. This gives me an understanding of the flavour of this word. Thus, a statute is a prescribed (fixed) rule as carved in stone. Stay Staff, something upon which to lean or rely. Also to hinder or restrain. Steps , the steps are used in a number of consecutive Psalms (Psalms 120, 122-134). Psalm 132 gives the purpose for the steps; they are to remember Yehovah. Yehovah’s wife, Jerusalem, has forgotten her husband. Still Quiet, silent Storm, tempest res, saar has the following acceptations: to storm, shiver, dread, bristle (with horror), be very afraid; to bristle (with horror); to dread; to storm away, sweep away, whirl away; to sweep away; to storm away (of God’s action against the wicked) (fig); to be stormy, be tempestuous (exceedingly); to whirl away, be stormed away; to storm against, come as a storm. The basic flavour is found in tempest, violent storm. Straight This word ( , yashar) indicates straight as in direction (“proceed straight on this road”). It refers to a walk in a way in which the walker does not deviate. Straightnesses pictures a complete lack of 103 Bible Definitions 2013 crookedness and deviation (so common in man’s court cases). A straight-one is a person who is not crooked. Straight-in-front-of Stretch, incline Strike The Hebrew word neged means straight-in-front-of, but also carries with it a secondary and very important flavour: equality. Yehovah saw that Adam had no one straight-in-front-of him to help him, so He took Eve out of him. Another Hebrew word with the simple meaning of to the faces of (‘in front of’) is used far more often. The Hebrew word , which I rendered stretch, has the following acceptations: to stretch out, to be stretched out; extend, spread out, pitch, turn, pervert, incline, bend, bend down; bow; to turn aside, decline; to hold out; influence, hold out, thrust aside, thrust away. I could also have rendered it incline, as if to hold it at an angle. Strike ( , negeph) has the following lexicographic acceptations for its verbal root: to strike, smite; to be stricken, be smitten; to stumble. While most renderings refer to the noun form as a plague, this doesn’t give the right flavour. It is describing a deadly hit, but not a physical blow (as with a fist). Stroke, time Acceptations to the word Mep, paam include stroke, beat, foot, step, anvil, occurrence; hoof-beat, footfall, footstep; time, one time, once, twice, thrice, as time on time, at this repetition, this once, now at length,, at one another. Its flavour is found in stroke referring to the ticking of a clock, the clanging of a chime, the beating of a hoof or a foot. It is onomatopoetic, meaning that its pronunciation sounds like what it is. Stumble This stumbling is no minor tripping; it is a full ruination of plans compounded with fully falling. The stumbling is the initial motion in the process of falling. Submit, submission Thayer’s lexicon gives the following acceptations and comments: to arrange under, to subordinate to subject, put in subjection, to subject (Gk) oneself, obey, to submit to one’s control, to yield to one’s admonition or advice. A Greek military term meaning "to arrange [troop divisions] in a military fashion under the command of a leader". In non-military use, it was "a voluntary attitude of giving in, cooperating, assuming responsibility, and carrying a burden". I would remove the acceptation, “giving in,” since I propose that this is not submission, but surrender. I would also remove the acceptation, “to submit to one’s control,” since that isn’t helpful in our defining submit, and can be indicative of another type of an act whereby person ‘A’ assumes that person ‘B’ is fully responsible for person ‘A’s behaviour. That is also moral and ethical surrender, and is very dangerous. This word describes something good, not something inherently dangerous or evil. Submission is better rendered by the last explanation in this way: a voluntary act of cooperation, co-responsibility and load carrying in 104 Bible Definitions 2013 fellowship (working together in coordination and cooperation toward a common goal). Succah, succot A succah is normally translated booth or tabernacle, neither of which properly describes this structure. Its acceptations are thicket, lair, covert, booth. I didn’t fail to notice covert. The root has the following acceptations: to hedge, fence about, shut in, to block, overshadow, screen, stop the approach, shut off, cover, to cover oneself, defecate (euphemism), lay over, to weave together. When I read these, I thought of the training of special forces in which plants, soil and other environmental items are used to camouflage them so that they could move without being seen. I have now adopted that view of a succah and of the Biblical Holy Day known as succot. The location known as Succot is named after the above described structures. The verb indicates the same thing. Suffer To experience pain, grief, temptation and/or great labour; permit Superstition To fully lean on something without proof from an unreliable‑ source based upon destructive fear, terror or a desire for power over others Supplicate, supplication The verb Nwnxt, takhanoon comes from the Hebrew word favour. The person is strongly urging another (Yehovah in many cases) to favour him/her. A supplication is a fervently-made urgent request. Supplication A fervent request for a favour or justice Sweet Incense** In Typology, typical of Prayer Sword, eat A sword that kills eats in Hebrew. Translators found devour much more reasonable, but I desire readers to know that the word actually means eat. Swords also dry a person! The very word for sword comes from dry. (Loss of blood dries the person.) Symbol* Something of little or no value or use other than standing for something important. Symbols are rarer than types (see definition). Tabernacle Tent Tabernacle of Tent of Appointment: a structure physically demonstrating Yehovah’s appointments with Israel Takhan, Tochen Talent Taneem Tokhen, תכן, takhan: to level, to assess. A weight of gold or silver This is , taneem, one of two Hebrew words that are related and easily confused one for the other. (I researched both 105 106 Bible Definitions 2013 words, and will send you the papers on them if you desire to see the details.) I found that this animal had the following descriptors: it can live in the wilds, where humans can’t or don’t live; it can reside in Israel; it snuffs up wind; it can live on land in fields with abundant water, where reeds and rushes are; it can live in rivers and in waters; it makes a wailing sound. I could not find what this animal is beyond this, nor could I guess what it was. I knew it was a frightening animal. Because of its association with serpents, I thought it might be a very large reptile, though I don’t know of any reptiles that make wailing sounds. Taneen This is , taneen, one of two Hebrew words that are related and easily confused one for the other. (I researched both words, and will send you the papers on them if you desire to see the details.) I found that this animal had the following descriptors: it can be very large, dangerous, rod-like in shape, poisonous; it is drawn in pictures in Israel; folks watch (for) them; it can dwell in the sea or live on land, it can swallow a human, and it breastfeeds its young. I could not find what this animal is beyond this, nor could I guess what it was. I knew it was a frightening animal, and is not mythical. Tartarus* A place where some bad angels are bound Temperance Self-control, proper behaviour under all conditions Tempt Draw away from doing right; draw to sin, unethical/immoral behaviour or what appears unethical/immoral; to prod to unethically/immorally take at another’s expense/hurt Tempt Hebrews 2:18 For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succour them that are tempted. Tempt: to test another either by great difficulties such that the person may or may not succeed in doing right, or by offering something to another that is very desirable that possibly would destroy the person. Test: To put another through great difficulties and challenges such that the person may or may not succeed in doing right and gaining strength and wisdom, or by offering something to another that is very desirable, but can only be achieved with much labour and even suffering. Ten** In typology, typical of trials and testings Tenth Consider that ten typifies trials and testings (since the Israelis tested Yehovah ten times, and Jacob’s wages were changed ten times). A tenth, then, would typify one test: one trial to see if a person or a group will stand firm. The Hebrew word is issaron. Words with the ‘on’—‘own’ ending Bible Definitions 2013 indicate the state of something. Thus, issaron indicates the state of being tested or testing. I propose that this is what the word typifies. Terror, fear , nora comes from the verbal root to fear. I didn’t put fear in the text, however, because it would not bring across the intensity of the word, but chose terror to give the stronger flavour. Terror, terrorist Uyre, areetz has the following acceptations: awe-inspiring, terrorstriking, awesome, terrifying, ruthless, mighty. I didn’t buy these, so I went to the root verb: to tremble, dread, fear, oppress, prevail, break, be terrified, cause to tremble; to be awesome; awful. It is the strongest word for terror, and the person doing it would be a terrorist. To ask one to give at one’s own expense (different from tempt where see); to determine one’s stand on an issue by trial Test Test, try, bakan prove, The Hebrew word Nxb, bakhan, has the following lexicographic acceptations: to examine, scrutinize; to test, prove, try (of gold, persons, the heart, man of God). These tests can be quite tough. Testification twde is better rendered as testification since it is very directly related to eda, testimony. A testimony is an eyewitness account (not referring only to what one sees, but what one hears, smells, feels the nerve endings, etc.) A testification is the stating or declaration of the facts, of what is true. It is far more encompassing than personal testimony. Testimony A witness’s sworn statement regarding an occurrence; any description of a witness to an event; God’s revelation of his nature, purposes and plans Thank Confess Thee You, Therefore A conjunction showing linkage between the preceding and following state Think, thought Think in the Bible has a different flavour than it does in English. The English language sometimes puts an uncertainty on the word think: “I think that is what happened.” At other times, it gives the flavour of simple and powerless cogitation. Rarely does it indicate something deep and strong without being modified (“He was in deep thought”). Biblical Hebrew always assumes great intensity in thought. The word bvx, khashav has the following acceptations: to think, plan, devise, esteem, calculate, invent, make a judgment, imagine, count; account; to charge, impute, reckon, to esteem, value, regard; to invent; to consider [something as true]. The word has two flavours. One is to think which includes planning, and the other is to account which includes recognizing something to be the case. This does not have the English flavour of doubt (as in, “I think I saw her…”), but instead singular 107 Bible Definitions 2013 the flavour of certainty (as in, “Yehovah thought Avraham righteous”). Thy lives Thy lives is part of a contracted vow. Begin by thinking of it this way: “By thy lives I will not do such and such!” It isn’t quite the same, rather declaring existence (like this: “Just as thy lives exist, I will not do this thing”). Tithe A tenth of an Israeli’s crop and farm animal increase designated for a yearly or every three year party with all Levitical priests, strangers, orphans and widows from the tither’s land to learn to fear Yehovah (Deuteronomy 14:22) To To indicates possession. This serenade was prophetically given to David to give to Israel and to all readers. To act The verb lep, means to act—not in the sense of an actor, but in the sense of action. It is the Hebrew word upon which Hebrew verbs rely for their forms. This, it is the ultimate action word. It is not the same as the verb meaning to do or to make (in spite of lexicographic acceptations to the contrary). To be, to become, The Hebrew verb to be also means to become when a change is indicated. Lot’s wife was a pillar of salt, but better, Lot’s wife became be, become a pillar of salt; she wasn’t always a pillar of salt. To his faces To the faces of To their faces To his faces ( , l’phänäv) has the idea of in front of him, and normally also means in his sight. Yet, it isn’t the same as to his eyes, another frequently used expression. Modern Hebrew translates to his faces as before him or in front of him, but to his faces is a ‘childism’: an expression that a child would better understand. Children know how to play and move to the faces of adults. The adults may not always be looking at them, but they know when they are still to their faces. To his faces ( , leephnay) has the idea of in front of, and normally also means in the sight of. Yet, it isn’t the same as to his eyes, another frequently used expression. Modern Hebrew translates to his faces as before him or in front of him, but to his faces is a ‘childism’: an expression that a child would better understand. Children know how to play and move to the faces of adults. The adults may not always be looking at them, but they know when they are still to their faces. To their faces ( , lēphnāhem) has the idea of in front of them, and normally also means in their sight. Yet, it isn’t the same as to their eyes, another frequently used expression. Modern Hebrew translates to their faces as before them or in front of them, but to their faces is a ‘childism’: an expression that a child would better understand. Children know how to play and move to the faces 108 Bible Definitions 2013 of adults. The adults may not always be looking at them, but they know when they are still to their faces. This also portrays that the one who is to their faces is walking in front of them and before them. To, usage ‘To’ anyone is the Hebrew way of expressing either ownership or use. Hebrew has one absolute expression of ownership: holy (sanctified). The English expression, “I have,” does not exist in Hebrew. “There is to me,” or “There is to you,” etc. express usage and responsibility, not ownership. “He is to me” is similar to “He is mine,” but it isn’t the same thing. A person who is using another’s automobile can say in Hebrew, “It is to me” without claiming ownership. The expression is one of usage, but always carries with it the idea of responsibility for proper usage. Mere ownership doesn’t automatically carry responsibility with it. Torah Teaching; Torah, Teaching Teaching is the literal meaning of Torah. Many have held its meaning to be ‘law’, but this is never the case. A law is a set of rules with specific goals either given by a ruler or agreed by men in order to run and conduct society in peace and/or in order. While the Torah seems to fit this description, this is not its main purpose, but instead is a secondary purpose. Its main purposes are (a) to teach the Israelis how to live until they come to faith, (b) to teach the Israelis of things to come, (c) to teach the Israelis Yehovah’s character, (d) to teach the Israelis Yehovah’s righteousness, justice, will, Grace, etc., (e) to teach the Israelis how and what to teach the non-Jewish peoples and individuals about these items listed above. It also (f) teaches the Israelis to be a ‘show-and-tell’ people, physically living these teachings so that others can learn by watching them, by eating with them, by doing business with them, by asking them questions, etc. Yehovah has not assigned other peoples, races or cultures these ‘show-and-tell’ responsibilities. Individuals from other races may voluntarily join the Israelis in their assignment, and thus come under the Teaching in participation of the ‘show-and-tell’ assignment, but that is not necessary for non-Jewish folks and/or groups to become righteous before Yehovah. Replacing faith by living a ‘show-and-tell’ life ruins the point of the Teaching! This Teaching (Torah) is intended to lead to faith, not to supplant it. In the same way, replacing the Teaching by faith, so that the Teaching is ignored or considered abolished, ruins all understanding of Biblical faith, and leads to a pagan faith that uses Biblical terms and claims to follow the Biblical God, but does not, turning the Biblical God’s Word into a lie. The Teaching was entrusted to the Jews. It is still entrusted to the Jews. It is for the benefit of all. Any individual or group who attempts to steal Israel’s assignment, claiming it as his or her own, is participating in Replacement Theology, making Yehovah a liar. Anyone who looks into the Torah and believes all of it as it is given, and who fears God, the first six books of the Bible, often extended to the entire Tenakh (‘Old Testament Bible’) 109 Bible Definitions 2013 turning to Yehovah and His Word (including His promised Messiah) in faith, has properly understood the Torah and its objectives. Tower Before sliding past this word without considering it and its implications, think about a tower, its usage and its form. A tower was used in castles. It was usually made of a stone outer wall, and was very tall so that enemies could be observed in safety. It gave offensive advantage, since arrows (and other objects) could be shot from it, doing devastation to attackers. If Yehovah is a tower, He is impregnable, and is perfect in His attacks on enemies. Transgression Mva, asham is often rendered as transgression. A transgression is crossing over a command’s boundary by doing more than the command allowed or by doing less than the command stipulated. Trans means cross, and gress means go. The term transgress is only used for violations of commands that amount to sin (against God or against a ruler). The Hebrew word actually means guilt. This indicates a violation of the Torah. It is similar, but different from the word iniquity because iniquity refers to the state of a person who has sinned, the sin never having been removed. Thus, the person is guilty before Yehovah with a pending sin. The word asham refers to guilt and offense due to a violation of Yehovah’s commandment and His Teaching. The asham guilt is immediate, and a person can turn from that. The iniquity type of guilt lasts regardless of a person turning from the behaviour that is the asham until the person has that iniquity and its accompanying sin removed. The Hebrew word פשע, pesha, is actually the word for transgression. This word means to cross over a boundary that one was commanded to not cross. It is a violation of the Teaching (Torah). One can disobey by not doing what was commanded; I am not aware that this is a transgression; it is an act of disobedience. The transgressions of which I am aware are actions that cross over a definite boundary. Treasure Treasure, conceal Trees To lay up or cherish highly valued items This Hebrew word ( ) has the following acceptations: to hide, treasure, treasure or store up; to lie hidden, lurk; hide from discovery. They are the opposite of gold: they typify the ability to rot, decay; therefore trees picture mortality and corruptibility. Also, a tree is a picture of a stable, well-rooted person (distinct from a briar that can be ‘whacked’ down with ease) who is able to give shade and bear fruit. Trees of Acacia The word for acacia in Hebrew, shōt, means to fly at high speeds. It describes the end of a whip or of a flagellum (a microscopic whip of a one-celled creature that uses its whip to swim). (I propose that the 110 Bible Definitions 2013 branches of the acacia are very good for making a scourge/a whip!) If this is correct, trees of acacia join what a tree typifies with what acacia typifies, and therefore typifies stable, potentially fruit-bearing mortals (humans who could be killed) who will be able to travel at very high speeds (and, if the whip enters in, will be quick and strong to chastise those who don’t cooperate!). Tremble drx, Kharad has the following acceptations: to tremble, quake, move about, be afraid, be startled, be terrified; to tremble, quake (of a mountain); to tremble (of people); to be anxiously careful; to go or come trembling (with prep); to cause to tremble; to drive in terror, rout (an army). Its basic flavour is to tremble in terror. Trespass lem, ma‘al has the following acceptations: to act unfaithfully, act treacherously, transgress, commit a trespass. This word is intimately related to the Hebrew verb that means to ascend—to go up and over. A person who trespasses goes up and over a boundary without having the authority to do so. Thus, the person is behaving as if that boundary does not apply to him/her. This act is often done from arrogance and inconsideration, though it can be accidental in nature; it is still a trespass. If it is from imprudence, it can be forgiven. If it is done out of arrogance with all intention, there is no forgiveness; that is a crime of rebellion against Yehovah. If the one who owns the item in question doesn’t see the act as a trespass, it isn’t a trespass. Thus, when David acquired the bread of faces from the Holy chamber of the Tent of Appointment, Yehovah, the owner, did not see it as a trespass, and therefore David was not accounted as a sinner. Tribulation Tribulation Long–term or recurring great trouble often referring to the 7–year wrath of Yehovah with terrible destruction, death and horror. He humbles man, cuts down everything high and all idols, and judges and redeems Israel. It ends with His coming. The Hebrew word , tzarah, means tribulation. Lexicographic acceptations include the following: straits, distress, trouble. The verbal root’s acceptations include to bind, be or make narrow, be in or cause distress, besiege, be straitened, be bound or bind, tie up, shut up, to be scant, be cramped, be in straits, press hard upon, be vexed or vex, to show hostility toward, treat with enmity, harass. I saw the way the word was used throughout the Bible, and it came down to the coined verb, to tribulate, coined from tribulation. It is much stronger than to trouble, which can have a very light connotation. If the mentioned tribulation is not modified to be referring to a time other than the seven-year Tribulation, it always refers to the sevenyear Tribulation that occurs before the Millennium (the 10-century reign of Messiah over the earth). 111 Bible Definitions 2013 Tribulator A tribulator is one who puts others into a squeeze (like in the expression, ‘putting the squeeze on’ someone). One who is suffering tribulation is under continuous pressure to live and do what is not pleasant (like run, hide, withstand terrible treatment or die, etc.). While persecution can be intermittent, tribulation continues day and night until it ends. Trouble xld, dalakh carries the following acceptations: to stir up, make turbid, trouble. Trust Having confidence In something or the willingness to rely on someone or something; being confident that one can and will keep his word, or can and will take care of a situation. Trust has to do with a continuum; faith has to do with a specific target. Truth That which is absolute, correct and unchanging Truth Truth is what is absolute from the perspective of a god/God. (The Bible acknowledges no false gods as truly being gods, but are termed vanities—nothingnesses—or rollers—excrements!) Truth is always complete; a ‘partial truth’ is a tool for error, and therefore does not represent the Truth. (This does not mean that one must always disclose all of the truth in order to be doing right; such a full disclosure can cause Truth to become a weapon of evil, and this is also contrary to Truth!) Truth does not change with time or circumstance. What may be true at one period of time may not be true at another (for example, automobiles are truly the most popular transportation of today, while they were not 2,000 years ago), but Truth is in another category, declaring what is absolute and unchanging (for example, all humans fall short of the true God’s glory). Truth must be obtained from a True God. Man cannot ‘discover’ Truth, since man can only know in part, and man cannot create or invent Truth, since he would be putting himself as god, and his ‘Truth’ wouldn’t be absolute. ‘Personal truth’ isn’t Truth, but is opinion based on incomplete observations and assumptions. Tsvi ybu, tsvi has the flavour of splendour, shining, brightness, projecting, prominence, swelling, beauty, decoration. I will propose to use the word radiance. Tuchas Tuchas (tush) is a person’s rear end, the buttocks. It is a Yiddish word derived from the Hebrew word used here: takhat meaning under. Turn To turn (hnp, panah) and faces (Mynp, paneem) are nearly the same thing, the noun faces being directly derived from to turn. Faces are made of turns, and faces can indeed turn! Turn, return, repent This one Hebrew word (bwv, shoov) has the following acceptations: turn, return and repent. All indicate a complete reversal, going in the 112 Bible Definitions 2013 opposite direction. (This word is not rightly used for turning left or right in direction.) If a person turns from doing right, it is because that person has turned, has returned from doing right to doing wrong, and has repented of doing right. The same is true if the person turns, returns or repents from doing wrong. Turtledove The Hebrew word tor which is a turtledove describes a bird that is very gentle and dove-like, but is a different species with different markings and attributes. The Hebrew word itself is directly related to another word with the same spelling that means circlet, plait, turn (of hair or gold); succession, order; to seek, search out, make a reconnaissance, to go about, spy out, explore; select, find out how to do something; and thus defines a merchant, trader (participle). This word must be the root of the word tourist, one who travels to see and seek out new sights of interest. The relationship between a turtledove and a tourist isn’t obvious. Yet, it should become obvious when considering a person who is seeking out the goodness of Yehovah and is finding out how to live and obtain life, as well as seek Mount Zion. Thus, a son of a dove is by type a son or daughter of Yehovah; a turtledove is by type a seeker of Yehovah who is willing to give his/her life and is sacrificed for saving the life of another. Twelve In typology, representing government (as in the twelve tribes) Type An item, person, time or event depicting a Spiritually far more important and more valuable necessary item, person, time or event. It is like a living picture that depicts something similar to it, but far more important. For example, the Passover is the lamb or goat that is sacrificed at that time for that purpose. That animal (lamb or goat) typifies Yeshua. The parallels are in the following ways: Both Yeshua and the lamb/goat are living beings. Both are sacrificed, and thus killed. Both are perfect. The lamb/goat is physically perfect; Yeshua is perfect in all ways of ethics and morality, obedience and propriety (He wasn't physically perfect by any means) The blood of both is shed: Yeshua's blood was shed, and the lamb's/goat's blood is shed Neither one fights being sacrificed Both are food--Yeshua by His fruit, and the lamb/goat by the meat that folks eat The animal is therefore a type, and Yeshua is what is called the 113 114 Bible Definitions 2013 antitype. That doesn't mean that He is the opposite of the type, but rather that He is the fulfillment of the type (since the prefix anti doesn't only mean opposite, but can also refer to the reflection). Tzeetz Flower Tzinah The meaning of the Hebrew word (tzinah) seemed shrouded in mystery. Lexicographers and translators thought it was a defensive weapon, like a shield. Yet, it also seemed to be like a barb of some type. The following text shows the difficulty: Psalms 35:2 Take hold of shield and buckler (tzinah), and stand up for mine help. If Yehovah will stand to help, He will not have two defensive weapons, but at least one offensive weapon. A buckler is a small shield. Will Yehovah stand up with two shields? But the next verse (Psalm 35:3) states, Psalm 35:3 And draw out the spear! Thus, He could use more than one form of shielding for the sake of the speaker. I considered the root of the word tzinah, looking at tzin and tziah, the latter referring to dryness. (Mount Zion’s name comes from this.) I thought of the Hebrew shin, the word for tooth, and it seemed related (because in Hebrew, similar-sounding words are often related). The lexicographer’s acceptations of tzinah were the following: something piercing, hook, barb; coolness, cold (of snow); shield. I saw that a shield and a barb were opposites in weaponry, unless a shield was constructed with a barb. I could not easily reconcile coldness of snow with these, until I considered one thing in common to all: dryness. Whatever pierces the body (in weaponry) causes bleeding; if that bleeding is not stopped, the person bleeds to death; it is as if that body is being dried. A body that is exposed for a long time to frozen conditions will become dry. A shield of any type is designed to keep its bearer dry from blood loss. In this Psalm 5 text, Yehovah is crowning the righteous-one with desirability as a tzinah. If a tzinah (whatever it means) is used to keep one ‘dry’ (from attempts to ‘bloody’ the one being attacked to death), it is a very desirable item; for it can keep one safe in the heat of battle or attack. Since magan means shield, I did not desire to use the same meaning twice. Thus, I put shielding-umbrella to give this idea. Tzinah, Tantalizer Tsinah: hnu, tsinnah is a tantalizer. It acts like a hook, grabbing attention, then holding its victim. Ululate, ululation Listed acceptations for Nnr, ranan are to overcome; to be overcome; Bible Definitions 2013 to cry out, shout for joy, give a ringing cry (in joy, exaltation, distress, praise); to cry aloud (in summons, exhortation of wisdom); singing out (passive); to cause to ring or sing out (for joy); rejoicing (participle). A better English word that covers these things is ululation, the sharp, loud, high-pitched vibrated sound that folks make in numerous countries when expressing the greatest joy or the greatest sorrow. Unclean Physically, contaminated by anything that disallows an Israeli’s participating in a congregational event (such as contact with semen; a human corpse; a dead unclean animal or being spat upon by one’s father) This is not the same as dirty—covered with soil, grease, sweat, etc. Unclean, uncleanness Uncleanness is a type in the Bible (something that is real and important, but pictures something else that is also real and far more important). Being unclean is not being in sin, but being in sin is always being unclean! Anyone who is unclean is not in an appropriate state to come into a Biblical congregation (which took place normally at the Temple/Tabernacle). Uncleanness can be caused by normal occurrences (a woman on her menstrual cycle is unclean; a couple is unclean after sexual intercourse; anyone who has touched a dead human body or the body of an animal that died on its own is unclean, etc.), or by sinful acts. Texts explain how an unclean person can become clean. Sometimes it is a matter of washing one’s flesh and clothes, and waiting until the evening (which starts a new day). Sometimes it requires a priest to verify, and sacrifices to be given (as in the case of so-called leprosy, which is really a different type of a scourge unknown to modern medicine). Sometimes it requires a sacrifice that only Messiah can provide (as in the removal of sin and iniquity). Understanding It is a combination of insight into a particular topic, area, or field, plus discernment (in order to know the difference between something pertinent and something not pertinent), always in agreement with Biblical Truth, and often compounded with experience in the same or like topic, area, or field. The word understanding in Proverbs often refers to Yeshua Himself; it depends upon whether the Hebrew word is Binah, the person, or tvunah, the characteristic. Unrighteous gain/gainer This word has the following lexicographic acceptations: to cut off, break off, gain wrongfully or by unrighteous violence, get, finish, be covetous, be greedy. I have chosen unrighteous gain or unrighteous gainer for this word. Unto under to “Unto under to” is another Hebrew form that doesn’t go well into English. Try “Come underneath the Cherub,” though this gives the impression that the Cherub will be on top of the person! “Unto under to” specifies location: “to the position of being under the place where the Cherub is located.” 115 116 Bible Definitions 2013 I leave these absolutely literal renderings in the text so that you can get used to them, and get a feel for the Hebrew. The footnotes will be repeated where the constructions repeat, so you will be able to learn the feel. Upon The English language would normally use against instead of upon, but this lessens the intensity. The idea of upon shows direct physical attack. Upon the faces of Upon the faces of indicates being located on the surface of something, or straight in front of it. Faces is always plural in Hebrew; every living thing has more than one face (depending on the being’s rank, responsibility, mood, etc.), and the singular of face would mean turn (as in “He turned a corner”). Even items have more that one face (facet). Upright Lifestyle straight in the eyes of Yehovah (opposed to crooked) Vain Empty, purposeless, false, idolatrous Valiant Demonstrating integrity, internal fortitude, sound ethical judgment, strength; valour Vanity A reference to an idol Veil The veil is from the Hebrew word tkrp, poreket meaning curtain, veil, but coming from the root verb Krp, perek meaning harshness, severity, cruelty. This has been what has kept may Israelis from seeing into the Tabernacle, the Tent of Appointment. Yehovah’s hand has been viewed as cruel, and those who have stood with Yeshua have been viewed as perpetrators of cruelty and violence. Thus, seeing Yeshua has been almost impossible because of the cruelty, harshness and severity of history as if those who stood with Yeshua brought that on Israel. Romans 11:22 Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God— on them who fell: severity, but goodness toward thee if thou continue in His goodness. Otherwise thou also shalt be cut off! Verse splits Via I will re-split verses when I see that verse endings are not appropriate, as I have done in this case. I could not reconcile or make sense of the ending of verse 6. I saw that it meshed well with the beginning of verse 7. I will always try to keep the verse numbers where they are, although that will sometimes be impossible with the new splitting. I often use via in translations for the Hebrew prefix (the letter beit). Normally, this prefix supposedly means in, into, with, through. It often shows the means of something occurring if it isn’t showing location (in, into, with). While through can show the means, it can also reflect piercing (which is changing location from the outside to the inside). The Latin/English word via best declares by means of, and this is a 117 Bible Definitions 2013 very useful and appropriate rendering for many cases of the prefix (the letter beit). Vile Ethically and/or morally disgusting, perverted Vinegar Gensenius’ lexicon gives the thing leavened and leaven as the only two acceptations of , Khamaytz. Its verb root has the following acceptations: to be leavened, be sour; to taste something leavened; to be embittered, grieved; to be cruel, oppress, be ruthless; to be red. Thus, I understood this to refer to vinegar rather than leaven. No two Hebrew words mean exactly the same thing. It pictures cruelty in violence. Virtue Consistently doing right with integrity and strength Vision When one has a vision, that person can see and is able to fully participate in what is being seen using all the senses (touch, taste, smell, feel, hear, see, converse). Thus, the person could hug another who is in the vision. Now, a vision in the Bible isn’t some sort of foggy event; it is extremely clear to the participants! Visit(ation) Fulfillment of an appointment to destroy or judge, bless, free, redeem or help or tell a woman she’s pregnant Visit, Visitation Visit and visitation are the best renderings of this word ( , päkäd) I have discovered. Too many supposed acceptations exist for this word, including the following: oversight, care, custody, mustering, visitation, store; punishment, charge, office, overseer, class of officers; and from the verb (which constitutes the ‘root’ in Hebrew, showing what words really mean) come the following acceptations: to pay attention to, observe; to attend to; to seek, look about for; to seek in vain, need, miss, lack; to visit; to visit upon, punish; to pass in review, muster, number; to appoint, assign, lay upon as a charge, deposit; to be sought, be needed, be missed, be lacking; to be visited, to be visited upon, to be appointed, to be watched over, to muster, call up, to be passed in review, be caused to miss, be called, be called to account, to set over, make overseer, appoint an overseer, to commit, entrust, commit for care, deposit. Any word that means that many things doesn’t really mean much. I considered the texts and the various acceptations, and found that visit and visitation fit nearly all (perhaps all) texts. This visitation is an event in which the visitor (usually Yehovah) personally comes to interact with a person or a group (often with Israel, if a group) either to turn a bad situation around and to benefit, or to bring wrath. If Yehovah is visiting a person, if that person is a woman, He is sometimes bringing her into pregnancy (Mary, Yeshua’s mother, Hannah, Samuel’s mother); if that person is a man, 118 Bible Definitions 2013 Yehovah will sometimes empower him to rescue Israel. Always associate an appointment of Yehovah with a visitation! Void (adjective) Chaotic, a mess Void (verb) To make (or cause to be viewed as) not effective, useless Wages Earned results of work(s) whether good or bad Wail hhn, nehah means to wail, lament; to go mourning after. Since another word covers lament, I chose wail (as in a strong and loud form of weeping or expressing grief). Wail hhn, nehah means to wail, lament; to go mourning after. Since another word covers lament, I chose wail (as in a strong and loud form of weeping or expressing grief). Walk One’s continual manner of life and behaviour; conversation Walking, going Walking and going appear to be exactly the same in Hebrew. Yet, walking is the better translation, since other words (like riding, falling, running) are also employed. Walking shows a regular pace of life or a journey made of actual footsteps. Warlock, witch A warlock is a male witch. Witchcraft is an ‘occult art’ that deals with spells, drugs and potions designed to alter behaviour so that one can have power over another. Watch-guard 19 run, natzar has the following acceptations: to guard, watch, watch over, keep; to preserve, observe; keep secret; to be kept close, be blockaded. It does not have the same meaning as , shamar that means guard, keep, and is used far more often. Natzar more concentrates on personally guarding an object or a person, while shamar refers to guarding or keeping a teaching or a commandment (though it can be used in other ways). Thus, I have chosen ‘watchguard’ for natzar to distinguish it from guard, keep. Way Way The direction and behaviour anyone follows pursuing goals and god/gods Way is a very important Biblical word. It is (derekh) in Hebrew, and appears directly related to the English words direct, directly, direction. The Bible often uses way as if the reader would already know that there is only one possible way being discussed. Do not confuse this word with paths (which I will discuss when we come across that word). A good rendering will be to traverse. Weep Mourn What?What? To what?what? oneself is to be consternated, asking a string of 119 Bible Definitions 2013 questions: “What about such-and-such?” “What about so-and-so?” “What am I going to do with such-and-such?” It shows confusion and shock. The word is a verb compounded of what and what! The Israelis did not even have time to do that! They had had a large lamb dinner, and were full and likely very sleepy when the loud announcement came to leave their homes and walk! Wheat , Whirl This word carries the following lexicographic acceptations: to twist, whirl, dance, writhe (in travail with), bear, bring forth, fear, tremble, travail, be in anguish, be pained, to wait anxiously, suffer torture, to wait longingly, to be distressed. It is often associated with the type of experience and pain a woman has when a baby being born finally comes out. White Robe** Typical of the Righteousness of Saints Wield spt, taphas means to wield; to handle with skill. Wine** In typology, typical of wrath, joy or blood Wisdom Skill applied in the art of living. Spiritually, “Skill in the art of living according to divine rules.” It is the proper use of knowledge adapted to a particular circumstance. Thus, wisdom always requires judging circumstances and persons in order to make beneficial decisions based on that knowledge. Wise men Wise men are usually astrologers in the Bible. They ‘know the times’, determining when events will occur. Yehovah’s prophets always knew more and were more accurate than these occult practitioners, unless they also feared God. The wise men (astrologers) who came to visit Yeshua in His youth had accurate information from the constellations. Yehovah placed information in the constellations. Most did not take that information literally, just as most Bible readers today don’t take its information literally. Witness kheeteem, wheat is derived from , khoot, meaning to repair, to join, and, thread, cord, line, string. Thus, it shows connections, just as each grain of crushed flour connects to the grains around it once water has been supplied and heat has been applied. Since the word for wheat is plural, it shows connections that are akin to cords, lines, strings. The word , aydah comes from a verbal root with the following acceptations: to return, repeat, go about, do again; to surround, go round and round; to restore, relieve; to be restored; to bear witness; to say again and again; to testify, cause to testify, take or call as witness, invoke; to protest, affirm solemnly, warn, exhort or enjoin solemnly, admonish, charge; to protest, give warning. As a Bible Definitions 2013 noun, it indicates a singular entity that is a witness. Wizard Anyone knowledgeable and adept in occult arts (not recommended) Woman, wife The same word in Hebrew means both woman and wife, only the context making a difference. (Another word specifically meaning wife is rarely used in Biblical Hebrew.) The slang, “She is my woman” perfectly matches the Hebrew expression for a wife. The alternate expression is of the same construction: “He is my man.” Wonder The Hebrew word , mōphet, derives from the root verb hpy, yaphah, having the acceptations to be bright, be beautiful, be handsome, be fair; to beautify. Thus, it is a beauty, like in the English expression, “That’s a real beauty!” It isn’t quite describing a miracle, since a miracle is totally impossible, but it is something dazzling to the eyes. Wood** In typology, typical of mortality: it grows, can be shaped, can be cut down, can rot, can be alive or dead Word Information or command dealing with a specific circumstance (distinct from Torah which is teaching) Work out The word katergazomai, katergatzomai has the acceptations of to perform, accomplish, achieve; to work out i.e. to do that from which something results; of things: bring about, result in; to fashion i.e. render one fit for a thing. It describes accomplishing something. A group that works out (accomplishes) its own salvation is living and doing benefit to others as that group’s salvation will prod it to do. Everyone born of God will do works that benefit others and will demonstrate the Salvation that that person has obtained. It is like a fruit tree bearing fruit. It is not a text commanding to acquire Salvation, but rather to live it out. Worker of Iniquity One who makes himself guilty and leads others to become guilty before Yehovah Works What anyone does, whether good or bad Works Works are ethical/moral responsibilities and/or actions (including unethical and immoral in nature) that a person does in terms of a god/God. (Whatever is ethical or moral is always in terms of a god/God.) Works are subdivided into good works, bad works, dead works and evil works. The person might not know that this has anything to do with a god, but it always does. Regular occupations by which one earns money for a living that do not involve ethical/moral things are not normally part of works. Labour is a person’s occupation, often accompanied by difficulty, toil, wearisomeness, etc. The differences between works and labour are that works have to do with ethical/moral responsibilities and/or 120 Bible Definitions 2013 actions, while labour is the person’s occupation. They can be one in the same, but that is not normally the case. World 1. The planet, and sometimes Including the universe, often distinguished from its inhabitants (all creatures of the planet). 2. Those inhabitants with a non- or anti-spiritual mindset (antagonistic to Godliness) Worm, Worms I propose that elwt: tōlä, helwt: tōläh, telwt: tōläät and telt, tōläät, all meaning earthworm, derive from ewl, luwa meaning to swallow, swallow down. The following text shows the noun form of this verb: Proverbs 23:2 And put a knife to thy throat <03930> if thou be a man given to appetite. Earthworms are ultimate swallowers known for swallowing almost anything. The verb form is used in the following text: Obadiah 1:16 For as ye have drunk upon my holy mountain, so shall all the heathen drink continually, yea, they shall drink, and they shall swallow down, and they shall be as though they had not been. The combination , shnee [I propose shnay] toläät [I propose toläōt] would then mean two swallowers and would indicate those who have swallowed Yehovah’s wrath. Worship To fall prostrate before, signifying surrender, humility or need Worship Worship, without exception, means to prostrate (lay flat, face down) oneself before another. This act can be performed for several reasons including: (a) to show humility before another, (b) to make an urgent request, (c) to demonstrate the willingness to fully serve another, (d) to surrender to another, (e) beg for mercy, (f) express appreciation. Wrath Fury, often combined with hatred Ye You, Yea Indeed, in addition (not only that, but) Yehovah From abbreviated Hebrew forms of to be—He will be, He is, He was (Yehiyeh, Hoveh, Hayah) Yehovah Yehovah is a contraction (abbreviation) of the three tenses of the Hebrew verb, to be: plural—subject of a sentence or phrase He will be, He is, He was Yēhēyĕh+Hōvĕh+Häyäh Take just the bold letters (if your program allows you to see bold), and 121 Bible Definitions 2013 you will have Yĕhōväh which is the correct pronunciation of His Name, and which means He will be, is, was. This also defines part of His Character (changelessness) and existence status (He always was, is and always will be). Yehovah lives This is part of a vow, though it appears as a declaration. Saying “Yehovah lives” followed by a statement is like in English, “As Yehovah lives, I will do [or not do] such and such!” It is bringing the lives of Yehovah into the picture of whatever is being said. If Yehovah is alive, then the following statement is true! This is a true oath, a vow. You You, Zaret, Zarah, [Hand]-Span trz, plural—object of a sentence or phrase zaret is supposed to be half a cubit, or about 9". It is directly Zeal related to hrz, zarah meaning to scatter, fan, cast away, winnow, disperse, compass, spread, be scattered, be dispersed; to scatter; sift. It takes the idea of spreading and dispersing, making a measurement of them. I will render this a [hand]-span. Intense fervency and dedication to a cause and/or a truth Zeez, Mammal zyz, zeez indicates a full breast. Since the actual word for breast is covered by other words, and since this is also said to mean abundance, I realized that it describes mammals. Zion One hill in Jerusalem also called the City of David where a portion of the Temple stood; the great mountain in the same location where Yehovah will build His Temple and place His throne after the Tribulation Zoolati, Dispensing hlwz, zoolah, or ytlwz, zoolati seems to have the flavour of with dispensing or dispensing with something: removing it from one place, whether to move it into another place or not. Names Database Reuben They-Saw-A-Son Hanoch Dedicated Pallu Miracled Hezron Trumpet-Blast/Walled Carmi My-Vineyard Shimon Hearkening 122 Bible Definitions 2013 Jemuel A-Day-And-A-Mighty-[One] Jamin Right Ohad Attack-[or Victory]-Shout Jachin He-Will-Establish Zohar Dazzling-Heat Shaul Asked Levi My-Joined-[one] Gershon Expelling Kohath Thou-Hast-Dulled Merari My-Bitterness Libni To-My-Son Shimi Hearken-Thou [fem. Sing.] Amram Elevated-People Izhar He-Will-Press-Oil Hebron Friendship Uzziel My-Strength-Is-A-Mighty-[One] Mahali My-Piercer Mushi He-Groped-Me Jochebed Yehovah-Glorified Aaron, Aharon Oy!-Conception! Moses, Moshe Draw Korah Bald Nepheg Tottered-Feebled Zichri He-Remembered-Me Mishael Who-Asked Elzaphan My-Mighty-[One]-Hid Zithri He-Secreted-Me Elisheba My-Mighty-[One]-Vowed Amminadab My-People-Was-Generous Naashon Enchantment 123 Bible Definitions 2013 Nadab He-Was-Generous Abihu He-Is-My-Father Eleazar A-Mighty-[One]-Helped Ithamar Where-Is-A-Palm-[Tree] Assir Prisoner Elkanah A-Mighty-[One]-Acquired Abiasaph My-Father-Gathered Korhites My-Bald-[one]s Putiel My-Bow-Is-A-Mighty-[One] Phinehas My-Mouth-He-Rested-Refuge 124 They-Saw-A-Son Dedicated Miracled Trumpet-Blast/Walled My-Vineyard Hearkening A-DayAnd-A-Mighty-[One] Right Attack-[or Victory]-Shout He-Will-Establish Dazzling-Heat Asked My-Joined-[one] Expelling Thou-Hast-Dulled My-Bitterness To-My-Son Hearken-Thou [fem. Sing.] Elevated-People He-Will-Press-Oil Friendship My-Strength-Is-A-Mighty-[One] MyPiercer He-Groped-Me Yehovah-Glorified Oy!-Conception! Draw Bald Tottered-Feebled HeRemembered-Me Who-Asked My-Mighty-[One]-Hid He-Secreted-Me My-Mighty-[One]-Vowed My-People-Was-Generous Enchantment He-Was-Generous He-Is-My-Father A-Mighty-[One]Helped Where-Is-A-Palm-[Tree] Prisoner A-Mighty-[One]-Acquired My-Father-Gathered MyBald-[one]s My-Bow-Is-A-Mighty-[One] My-Mouth-He-Rested-Refuge They saw a dedicated, miracled son. My hearkening Vineyard trumpet-blasted a day, and a right Mighty One attacked. He will establish dazzling heat. My expelling joined one asked. Thou hast dulled my bitterness to my Son! Hearken-thou! [fem. Sing.] An elevated people will press oil of friendship! My strength is a Mighty-[One]! He pierced me. He groped me. Yehovah glorified! Oy! Conception! Draw bald, tottered, feebled! He Who asked remembered me. My Mighty-[One] hid; He secreted me. My Mighty-[One] vowed. My people was generous; enchantment! He was generous! He is my Father! A mighty-[One] helped! Where is a palm tree? A Mighty-[One] acquired a prisoner! My Father gathered my bald ones! My bow [Egyptian word] is a Mighty-[One]! My mouth rested; refuge! 125 Bible Definitions 2013 Table of Types (Do not use these; I have greatly modified them since I wrote them.) Fat The rich excess and increase to Yehovah (Leviticus 4:8), and the excess and the richness that blanket-covering Saints have accomplished. The fat will be those whom they have saved. Fats from the bull They signify the rich excess and increase to Yehovah in the same way that a child would hold up a designed item to a parent. Genesis 45:18 And take your father and your households, and come unto me: and I will give you the good of the land of Egypt, and ye shall eat the fat of the land. Yehovah values the fat because it is rich and it is an excess increase for use during lean times and for other valuable things. The fat belongs to Yehovah. From Levitcus 4:3, Every animal that is a type in the Bible always typifies a person (or a group of persons). These types are for show-and-tell, and not to take the lives of any person. (Pagan religions start out Bible Definitions 2013 with their own types and soon devolve into human sacrifices to appease and please their abominable gods who are actually non-entities being possessed by demons playing the roles of those gods. They imitate Yehovah’s types, then attempt to ruin them by appearing like the Bible, but shedding human blood for selfish, selfcentered, violent entertainment of false gods.) The bull typifies one who will be perfect, who is the son of a herd, and therefore comes from among the Israelis, and who will give his life to cover the sin of the anointed priest and the people. The bull is a larger animal, indicating a higher rank among the Israelis. Some will quickly conclude that this bull typifies Messiah Yeshua. I do not agree with this conclusion unless it is backed up with proof. I know that the Lamb of God is Messiah Yeshua, and is typified by the Passover lamb or goat. But I have learned that assuming answers to types is a good way to never find the right answer. A group can be the antitype of this bull, or a high-ranking person can be the antitype. We must await more information before concluding. Consider the following text: Psalms 22:12 Many bulls have compassed me. Strong-[ones] of Bashan have beset me round. Persons are being called bulls in this text showing readers that bulls can picture (typify) persons. Though these bulls are bad guys, still the picture does show persons like bulls. The bull in our text is good and is perfect. If the bull typifies a group of leaders in Israel who will be perfect before Yehovah and who will be sacrificed (slaughtered) because of their righteous stand, the priest’s dipping his finger in the blood of this bull will portray two results. The priest will participate in this slaughter/sacrifice of 126 Bible Definitions 2013 righteous Israeli leaders, and thus will be culpable, and the priest will be saturated with this blood (as if drinking it), turning the heroism of those represented by the bull into a life-saving act that will lead to the Salvation of the priest, the priesthood, and the rest of the Israelis. Yehovah will ‘saturate’ them with the innocence of this blood, and they will turn from the work of their violence to faith in Yehovah through the innocence of this sacrifice, an effect that the stoning of Stephen eventually had on Saul of Tarshish. The fats of the bull will be those who come to faith after the sacrifice of the bull, being the excess of the results of sacrificing the bull. They will also be sprinkled upon the altar, thus flaming the fat and giving a savour of restfulness, a very good smell. Thus, others who become righteous, seeing these sacrifices of innocent humans will likewise be sacrificed. (Not all will be sacrificed, of course; that would eliminate Saints from Israel.) my-mighty-[one]-is-Yah Strangely translated rump or fat tail most Bibles, the Hebrew word means what I have placed in the rendering: “my-mighty[one]-is-Yah.” This is an identification of those sacrificed, since they will be averring that their Mighty One, Yeshua, is none other than Yah, than Yehovah. The word is made of two Hebrew words: Eli (pronounced ay-lee) and Yah, an abbreviation of Yehovah. This Eli was quoted by Yeshua: Matthew 27:46 And about the ninth hour Yeshua shouted with a loud voice saying, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” which is to say, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” Mark 15:34 And at the ninth hour Yeshua shouted with a loud voice saying, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?” which being interpreted is, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” 127 Bible Definitions 2013 The first pronunciation is Ashkenazi Hebrew while the second is Sephardi Hebrew. Thus, both Hebrew forms are in the text, and Yeshua’s words were heard by hearers in the manner of Hebrew with which they were familiar. A better rendering of what He said is this: “My Mighty-One! My Mighty-One! Why has Thou left me/left me alone?” Yeshua wasn’t speaking of Himself. He again was prophesying using wording that will be used by the speaker whom His prophecy represents. It could easily be Israel, Jerusalem or Mount Zion. When the Leviticus type in verse 19 is fulfilled, those who strongly claim that their mighty One is Yah will also be sacrificed just as Saul of Tarshish sacrificed them when he slaughtered Jews who were caught believing that Yeshua was the Messiah. Ram The root verb from which ram is derived has the acceptations pillar, door post, jambs, pilaster; strong man, leader, chief; mighty tree, terebinth. The root is lwa, ool meaning prominence, as in body, belly (contemptuous); nobles, wealthy men. In other words, it indicates leadership. A ram will therefore picture a leader. The same word indicates a type of might, and shows rank. Thus, a ram will typify persons or a group of rank among the Israelis or among the races. I will use well-connected for this type. Both the ox and the ram are similar in their types, showing two different kinds of leaders. The first is considered more of an enemy while the second more of rank. Blanket-covering From Leviticus 4:8, this word, covering, is not the same as the one wrongly rendered atonement, but is akin to a blanket-type covering that one would use to keep out the cold or the rain or whatever for comfort or protection. The following texts will give examples of the usage of this type of 128 Bible Definitions 2013 covering: Genesis 7:19 And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the high hills, that were under the whole heaven, were covered <03680>. Genesis 9:23 And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered <03680> the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father’s nakedness. Genesis 18:17 And Yehovah said, “Shall I hide <03680> from Abraham that thing that I do…” Genesis 24:65 For she said unto the servant, “What man is this who walks in the field to meet us?” And the servant said, “It is my master.” Therefore she took a veil and covered herself <03680>. Genesis 37:26 And Judah said unto his brethren, “What profit is it if we slay our brother, and conceal <03680> his blood?” This type of cover has to do with concealment and/or protection. This fat is somehow directly related to the concealing blank-covering. Remembering that these things speak of events to come, especially of events in the Tribulation, will give us clues or answers to our questions. All parts of these animals represent Saints. Thus, the blanket-covering for concealment will be made of Saints, and the fat of this blanket-covering will be the excess and the richness that these blanket-covering Saints have accomplished. Since they are practicing concealing (I suspect to save lives), the fat will be those whom they have saved. This fat could be representing children and others whom the blanketcovering folks have saved and have therefore been the ones to elevate the saved children, etc. before Yehovah even as they themselves gave their lives. If this is the case, those who shield other 129 130 Bible Definitions 2013 innocent ones (including children) will also be sprinkled on the altar. The sprinkling thus shows that the majority will not die, but representatives of the groups will die, since sprinkling always is a minority of the total liquid. (See Leviticus 4:17 to see a discussion of sprinkling.) Vessels Leviticus 4:9, While they are kidneys in the pictures of the animal parts, they are a type, a representation. Vessels in general are known for storage and containment. The Bible usage of vessel has to do with a tool that is made and placed for a specific usage. Every human is a vessel. Each vessel is both a tool and a container. Consider the following text: Romans 9:14 What shall we say then? “Unrighteousness is with God”? God forbid. 15 For He says to Moshe, “I will favour whom I will favour and I will womb whom I will womb.” 16 So then, not of him who wills nor of him who runs, but of God Who wombs. 17 For the Scripture says unto Pharaoh, “And silenced—I stood thee for the sake of this and for the sake of thybeing-made-to-see my power, and so that a scroll of my Name is in all the land!” 18 Therefore He wombs whom He will womb, and He hardens whom He will. 19 Thou wilt then say unto me, “Why does He yet find fault? For who has resisted His will? 20 No! But who art thou who replies against God, man? Shall the thing formed say to Him who formed, “Why hast thou made me thus?” 21 Hasn’t the potter power over the clay to make one vessel unto value and another unto valuelessness [inexpensive] from the same lump, 22 if God endured the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction with much longsuffering, willing to show wrath and to make His power known, 23 and that He might make known the riches of His glory on the vessels of wombing that He had previously prepared unto glory— 24 even us whom He has called—not of the Jews only, but also the races? P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Bible Definitions 2013 Since there are two vessels, and every normal human body has two kidneys, these vessels may represent a body of Israelis and a body of non-Jewish folks. These vessels in the human body work together. Kidneys behave as filters, and some Saints in the bodies or Body of Messiah are gifted with discernment, the ability to filter truth from error. The function of these two bodies, that of non-Jewish Saints and Jewish Saints, will be vital for separation of truth from error and true folks from deceivers. These two bodies will become one body as Ephesians 2:15 describes. Excess of the glory/Excess from the The wording is a little different from “excess from the glory” found in verse 10 above glory/Excess upon the glory (Leviticus 9:10). What we said in verse 10 was this: We said in Leviticus 4:9, An excess is anything that is left over. This excess is upon the glory, the heavy and important part of the Body that functions in regulation. Yet, I have textual evidence that the Glory of Yehovah is also a reference to the Spirit of Yehovah and to the cloud that was over Israel by day, fire by night. I propose that this excess consists of those who have the Spirit of God and are not necessary born of God at this time, seeing the functions of the discernment, justice and regulation of the others in the Body in that manner. They will see that lives are saved and that justice is perfect. Since the Bible mentions this excess as if it is separate, it necessarily represents a separate group. Every part that is viewed from a separate angle in any sacrifice represents a separate group of individuals. In this Leviticus 9 text, the wording is a little different. It refers to excess from the glory, from the sin-sacrifice. Thus, it is not exactly the same representation as that found in Leviticus 4:9. This group has moved from (referring to source) the Glory and is now functioning separately in a good manner. This excess is also being part of the slaughtered, and is being sent into the 131 Bible Definitions 2013 heavens via ascension. Here in Leviticus 9:19, the excess is now of the glory, showing a change. The excess went from being upon or over the glory to being from the glory to now being of the glory or importance. The excess thus used to be over the importance, then became from the importance, and now is of the importance. We did not establish yet what this glory/importance is. We suspected that it had something to do with children. 132 Bible Definitions 2013 133