Cashmere General Meeting Notes

Washington State Good Sam General Meeting
Cashmere, Washington
September 21, 2013
Meeting was called to order by Dale Davis, WA State Director at 0902 hrs, followed by
the Pledge of Allegiance.
A short announcement was made regarding the status of Chuck Brooks, Military Sams
President and long-time WA State Good Sam member. During the middle of the night
last night, Chuck fell in his motorhome. He was transported by ambulance to
Harborview Hospital where an MRI indicated that two vertebra in his neck were broken.
Fortunately, there is no paralysis. Ann’s family has come and will take her and the
motorhome back home. Dale asked for a moment of silence for Chuck and his family.
The following guests were introduced:
 Wayne and Mary Swanson-Northwest Regional Directors for Good Sam Club
 Dave and EJ DeWitt-former WA State Good Sam Director
 Barry Armbrust and his wife-BC Provincial Good Sam Director
 Erv Schmidt and his wife-BC Provincial Good Sam Chaplin
 Iva Metz-Wife of former WA State Good Sam Director
Ron Belden, WA State Secretary, asked Dale Davis if he could take a few minutes to say
a few words and Dale agreed. The following is what Ron said:
Well, here we go again with another State Meeting and for the first time in four
years I’m not sitting next to Dave DeWitt. Out of frustration at not being able to
get clear answers to the questions being asked by the chapters, Dave made
comments in his latest emails to headquarters to the effect that “you might as well
fire me now”. At the direction of Headquarters, Dave was suddenly, without
warning, removed from office and Dale Davis has taken over the WA State
Directors responsibilities. So I asked Dale if I could take a few minutes and give
everyone my insight on Dave DeWitt.
When I look back at Dave’s tenure as Director, the most obvious thing that I see
is the health of the Washington State Good Sam Organization. The State is much
healthier and stronger because of Dave. While other states have seen a decline in
chapters, WA State has stayed pretty even over the last four years. We have lost
some, but Dave has also been instrumental in creating new ones. The health of
the state organization can also be seen by the increased attendance at the State
Meetings and Samboree. Lynden grew 6% from 77 American rigs to 82
American rigs. Cashmere grew 44% from 97 rigs to 140 rigs. And the Samboree
at Moses Lake grew from 114 rigs the year before Dave took over to 252 rigs this
year. That’s an increase of 121%, more than double in four years. That’s
impressive. Dave has done an excellent job of promoting the State Organization
and getting members to participate.
But I have seen other, less obvious things that also stand out to me. He has been
unwavering on his stance that he represents the Washington State Organization
and its members, not headquarters. He was elected by the State members and he
fought for the members right up to the end.
The last trait that I always admired is his honesty. Dave always told it like it was,
good or bad, and never distorted facts or the details. He may not have always
been “Politically Correct”. He may not have always been clear in his
communications. But he was honest to the core. This applied to members, staff,
headquarters, chapters, vendors, contract negotiations, you name it.
So in short what I’ll always remember of Dave is his passion and dedication to the
Washington State Good Sam Organization and its members, his honesty when
dealing with everyone, and the fact that I’m proud to call him my friend.
So as I say goodbye and thanks to Dave for the outstanding job he did, I also say
welcome to Dale. You’ve got some big shoes to fill Dale. But I happen to know
that you wear a size 14 shoe, so I have no doubt that you can handle it.
I’ve asked Dale to print this in the next Happy Wheels for everyone in the state to
Thank You
Dale Davis made a couple of announcements while everyone was together.
 First, the Apple Decorating Contest would be open for entries until 4:30. The
entries will be judged at that time.
 Second, the Flea Market will be held between the Kitchen and the 4H Bldg.
 Third, there are still 6 rigs that need to register. Please see Joyce Stricklin after the
Meeting Minutes Minutes of the previous June 2013 Presidents Meeting in Moses Lake,
WA were read by WA State Secretary Ron Belden. There was one correction to the
minutes. The due date for Chapter roster updates and dues is November 1, 2013, not
October 1, 2013. The minutes were approved and accepted during the Presidents
Meeting yesterday.
Dale Davis made three updates on issues discussed in the minutes just read:
 The dump station at Moses Lake is being set up and Dave DeWitt had to inform
them which side of the RV the dump valves are on. Hopefully they will get it
 Set up for Chapter Raffles at Moses Lake
o Only vendors can set up on Wed.
o If chapters come on Wed they will be asked to leave. If they refuse or
argue, they will not be allowed to set up at all.
o Chapters can start selling tickets when the registration desk and Good Sam
Store open and they can sell at any time after that.
Dave Dawson has agreed to be the sound person. But we still need to find people
to haul and store the equipment.
Treasurer’s Report Ron Stricklin, WA State GS Treasurer, gave his Treasurer’s
Report. He first presented a breakdown of income and expenses for the Samboree this
year. He then presented a summary of the bank statement. Both are attachments to the
Presidents Meeting minutes that can be found on the WA State Good Sam website.
Ron then stated that we had received a refund of $4500 from the Grant County
Fairground. It was a miscalculation on their part, and Dave DeWitt had brought it to their
attention. But they said they wanted us there and to keep it. This means the Moses Lake
Samboree made a profit of $6384 this year.
The Treasurer’s Report was approved and accepted during the Presidents Meeting.
Dale Davis then discussed an idea that he presented at the Presidents Meeting. He
suggested that we take a portion of the $4500 windfall and give a one-time $100 stipend
to current staff members to help offset the cost of new shirts and pants as a result of
changing the staff uniform colors. The Presidents will discuss this with their members
and it will be discussed at Lynden.
Old Business
1. 2014 Samboree Contract with Grant County Fairgrounds (Moses Lake). Dave
DeWitt had made a counter offer to them as directed by the Presidents at Moses
Lake Presidents Meeting. The offer was for a flat fee of $3000, $21.98/night/rig
camping fee, with a guarantee of 150 rigs for 3 nights. There would be no charge
for tables and chairs. The fairground Board accepted the offer. A motion was
made and passed during the Presidents Meeting authorizing Dale Davis to sign a
one year contract for June 2014.
2. The Washington State Good Sam Standard Operating Procedures were reviewed
during the Presidents Meeting. A motion was made and passed to accept the WA
State SOPs as corrected.
3. Lynden 2014 Theme will be Bridge to Happiness
4. Moses Lake Samboree 2014 Theme will be Clowning Around
5. Cashmere 2014 Theme will be Apple Crisp
6. Dale Davis gave a big Thank You to Wayne and Mary Swanson for all their help
with the Chapter SOPs.
7. A request has been made to have sign-up sheets at Registration for the different
activities such as Bean Bag Baseball, Pinochle, etc. The Lilac City Sams
volunteered to take care of Bean Bag Baseball at Moses Lake.
New Business
1. Sound System. A question was asked whether some of the $4500 windfall could
be used to upgrade the sound equipment and make it easier to haul and store. It
was agreed that further information was necessary before anything could be done.
2. A question was asked about whether the Good Sam Club was trying to separate
from the chapters? Dale Davis indicated that that was not the case at all. They
were just trying to make things simpler and less risky from a legal standpoint.
3. It was noted that there is information on the Good Sam website about chapters
and their locations. The location selected is the city where the President of the
chapter lives. This can be changed if it is not accurate.
4. Good Sam Rallys. There has been no announcements made about where the 2014
Rallys will be held. There are also some Regional Rallys in the works for 2014.
5. Wagonmaster Ron Adams and his wife Doreen and their helpers were thanked for
the wonderful job they did and the great amount of patience they showed in
executing their duties. Dale Davis announced that in order to help Ron and his
crew out, it will be a first come, first served approach in the future. If you want to
park together, arrive together. Ron Adams stated that getting the chapter signs
out as soon as possible would help him and his staff to identify who was where.
6. Outside lighting. It was asked if it was possible to rent portable light plants to
light the pathways when leaving the buildings at night. It was suggested that
people should bring their own flashlights. It was also suggested that a reminder
be put in the program to remember to bring a flashlight at night.
7. A reminder was made to please pick up after your pets.
8. First Timers were introduced and welcomed. There was a pretty significant
amount present which is wonderful.
9. Staff Changes
a. The following are leaving at the end of 2013: Janice McMahan, Bob and
Louise Henkel, Bud and Ramona Dazey, Darlene Horst.
b. Jennifer Bockstruck will no longer do the Good Sam Store, but will take
over Ronald McDonald House from Darlene Horst.
c. Dave Dawson will no long do Dogs for the Deaf, but will take over the
Sound Coordinator responsibilities.
d. Bob Holley will replace Bud Dazey as Assistant Director and his wife
Roxie will take over Dogs for the Deaf.
e. Eileen Ferguson and her husband, Jim, will take over the Good Sam Store.
f. Allen Ferguson (Donna) has already taken over as the new WebMaster.
10. Good Sam Days. October 4-14 will be Good Sam Days at Camping World and it
would be a good opportunity for chapters to attend and help educate customers
(and employees) about Good Sam and Chapters. And maybe enroll some new
chapter members.
Adjournment A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The motion
was passed. The meeting was adjourned at 1005 hrs.
Submitted by Ron Belden, WA State Secretary