HAFTA SAAT AY EYLÜL EKİM KASIM 4 2 1 2 2 KAYSERİ KOCASİNAN ATATÜRK TİCARET MESLEK 10. SINIFLAR 2011 – 2012 EĞİTİM ÖĞRETİM YILI İNGİLİZCE DERSİ ÜNİTELENDİRİLMİŞ YILLIK PLANI ( UNIQUE-10 ) LANGUAGE TASKS AND MATERIALS FUNCTIONS TOPICS STUDY ARAÇ VE HEDEF VE DAVRANIŞLAR KONULAR SKILLS GEREÇLER TEKNİKLER UNIT-1 SOCIETY AND LIFE Meeting people Talking about friendship Knowing yourself FRIENDSHIP (Simple Present,Simple Past,Present Prefect and Present Progressive Tenses,may,if,when) Eclectic Method Role-play Question-answer Demonstration Sample event etc. Textbook Workbook Real objects CD Meeting people Talking about friendship Knowing yourself FRIENDSHIP (Simple Present,Simple Past,Present Prefect and Present Progressive Tenses,may,if,when) Role-play Question-answer Demonstration Sample event etc. Textbook Workbook Real objects CD 2 Talking about love and social relations Describing a house 3 2 Talking about love and social relations Describing a house LOVE (Simple Present,Simple Past,Present Prefect and Present Progressive FutureTenses,Passive (Simple Present and Past,if,may,but) LOVE (Simple Present,Simple Past,Present Prefect and Present Progressive FutureTenses,Passive (Simple Present and Past,if,may,but) Role-play Question-answer Demonstration Sample event etc. Role-play Question-answer Demonstration Sample event etc. Textbook Workbook Real objects CD Textbook Workbook Real objects CD 4 2 Role-play Question-answer Demonstration Sample event etc. Textbook Workbook Real objects CD 1 2 SOCİAL LİFE (Simple Present,Simple Past,Present Prefect and Present Progressive FutureTenses,Passive (Simple Present and Past,can,and,but, because,or,if) The celebration of Repuclic day SOCİAL LİFE (Simple Present,Simple Past,Present Prefect and Present Progressive FutureTenses,Passive (Simple Present and Past,can,and,but, because,or,if) 1.Yazılı Yoklama Role-play Question-answer Demonstration Sample event etc. Textbook Workbook Real objects CD Finding the main idea of a text Answering a questionnaire Giving personal information Talking about cultural values Summarising a text Finding the main idea of a text Answering a questionnaire Giving personal information Talking about cultural values Summarising a text EVALUATIONS DEGERLENDİRME FIRST EXAM TML, 10.Sınıflar, 2011-2012-İngilizce Yıllık Planı- Sayfa-1/5 KASIM ARALIK OCA K 2 2 3 2 4 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 UNIT -2 SUCCESS AND UNSUCCESS Doing a questionnaire Discussing achievement and failure Expressing ideas Talking about Atatürk’s life ACHIEVMENT AND FAILURES (Past Passive,Reported Speech,if2,could Past Progressive) 10th December Atatürk’s Week Atatürk’s life Doing a questionnaire Discussing achievement and failure Expressing ideas Role-play ACHIEVMENT AND FAILURES (Past Passive,Reported Speech,if-2,could Question-answer Demonsration Past Progressive) Sample event etc. Textbook Workbook Real objects CD Learning the functions of the brain Doing aquestionnaire about personality Writing a short paragraph Talking about the problems LEARNING STYLES (Simple Present, Simple Past,Past Progressive Tenses,Reported Speech,Present Perfect Tense Role-play Question-answer Demonstration Sample event etc. Textbook Workbook Real objects CD Learning the functions of the brain Doing aquestionnaire about personality Writing a short paragraph Talking about the problems Talking about daily routine and stress Finding the main idea of a text Expressing feelings LEARNING STYLES (Simple Present, Simple Past,Past Progressive Tenses,Reported Speech,Present Perfect Tense STRESS ( Past Progressive,Simple Present Tenses,If,must,may,can, frequency words) Talking about daily routine and stress Finding the main idea of a text Expressing feelings STRESS ( Past Progressive,Simple Present Tenses,If,must,may,can, frequency words) 2. Yazılı Yoklama MAGAZINE( FutureTense( will ),if-2 Present Perfect Tense,should,wish, Pronouns ) Role-play Question-answer Demonstration Sample event etc. Role-play Question-answer Demonstration Sample event etc. Role-play Question-answer Demonstration Sample event etc. Role-play Question-answer Demonstration Sample event etc. Textbook Workbook Real objects CD Textbook Workbook Real objects CD Textbook Workbook Real objects CD Textbook Workbook Real objects CD UNIT-3 COMMUNICATIONS Finding a title for a text Guessing the main idea of paragraph Making a quiz and evaluating the result Role-play Question-answer Demonstration Sample event etc. Textbook Workbook Real objects CD 4 2 5 2 Finding a title for a text Guessing the main idea of paragraph Making a quiz and evaluating the result MAGAZINE ( FutureTense( will ),if-2 Present Perfect Tense,should,wish, Pronouns ) Role-play Question-answer Demonstration Sample event etc. Textbook Workbook Real objects CD 1 2 Talking about the television Making predictions about the future Guessing the main points of a text TELEVISION ( Present Progressive, Future (going to),Present Perfect Tenses ,would,would like,may,might ) Role-play Question-answer Demonstration Sample event etc. Textbook Workbook Real objects CD SECOND EXAM TML, 10.Sınıflar, 2011-2012-İngilizce Yıllık Planı- Sayfa-2/5 OCAK 2 3 2 2 Talking about the television Making predictions about the future Guessing the main points of a text TELEVISION ( Present Progressive, Future (going to),Present Perfect Tenses ,would,would like,may,might ) 3. Yazılı Yoklama Role-play Question-answer Demonstration Sample event etc. Textbook Workbook Real objects CD Learning reflexive pronouns Expressing obligations Talking about the rules Expressing wishes Writing a letter LETTERS(FutureTense( will ),must, Reflexive Pronouns,I’d like,wish about the future,prepositions) Role-play Question-answer Demonstration Sample event etc. Textbook Workbook Real objects CD Learning reflexive pronouns Expressing obligations Talking about the rules Expressing wishes Writing a letter UNIT-4 ART Talking about the poems and poets of Turkish literature Finding the emotion in a poem Describing the feeling about a poem Talking about the poems and poets of Turkish literature Finding the emotion in a poem Describing the feeling about a poem LETTERS(FutureTense( will ),must, Reflexive Pronouns,I’d like,wish about the future,prepositions) Role-play Question-answer Demonstration Sample event etc. Textbook Workbook Real objects CD LİTERATURE( must,could,Reported Speech,Past Perfect Tense,common connectors Role-play Question-answer Demonsration Sample event etc. Textbook Workbook Real objects CD LİTERATURE( must,could,Reported Speech,Past Perfect Tense,common connectors Role-play Question-answer Demonstration Sample event etc. Textbook Workbook Real objects CD THIRD EXAM MART ŞUBAT YARIYIL TATİLİ- 22.01.201105.02.2012 2 2 3 2 4 2 1 2 Expressing ideas about a film Talking about a film Interviewing someone CINEMA( Past Perfect Tense,Reported Speech) Role-play Question-answer Demonstration Sample event etc. Textbook Workbook Real objects CD 2 2 Expressing ideas about a film Talking about a film Interviewing someone CINEMA( Past Perfect Tense,Reported Speech) 12th March The Approval of National Anthem MUSIC ( although,so ) 18th March Çanakkale Victory Atatürk's military life Role-play Question-answer Demonstration Sample event etc. Role-play Question-answer Demonstration Sample event etc. Textbook Workbook Real objects CD Textbook Workbook Real objects CD 3 2 Learning the names of musical instrument Finding a title for a text Talking about Atatürk TML, 10.Sınıflar, 2011-2012-İngilizce Yıllık Planı- Sayfa-3/5 NİSAN 4 5 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 1 MAYIS 2 2 3 2 2 2 Learning the names of musical instrument Finding a title for a text Talking about songs and singers MUSIC ( although,so ) Role-play Question-answer Demonstration Sample event etc. Textbook Workbook Real objects CD UNIT- 5 SPORTS Talking about health,food and sport Expressing obligations Expressing preferences HEALTHY DIET ( Present Perfect Progressive,may,pronouns,have to) Role-play Question-answer Demonstration Sample event etc. Textbook Workbook Real objects CD Talking about health,food and sport Expressing obligations Expressing preferences HEALTHY DIET ( Present Perfect Progressive,may,pronouns,have to) Learning the names of the sports Expressing opinions and wishes Summarizing a discussion Giving and asking advice Learning the names of the sports Expressing opinions and wishes Summarizing a discussion Giving and asking advice EXTREME SPORTS ( Present Progressive,should,wish(past) Role-play Question-answer Demonstration Sample event etc. Role-play Question-answer Demonstration Sample event etc. Role-play Question-answer Demonstration Sample event etc. Textbook Workbook Real objects CD Textbook Workbook Real objects CD Textbook Workbook Real objects CD Talking about indoor and outdoor sport activities Expressing personal preference Talking about the rules SPORTS ACTIVITIES( can,might,if-3, Pronouns ) 23rd April National Sovereignty and Children’s Day Role-play Question-answer Demonstration Sample event etc. Textbook Workbook Real objects CD Talking about indoor and outdoor sport activities Expressing personal preference Talking about the rules SPORTS ACTIVITIES( can,might,if-3, Pronouns ) Role-play Question-answer Demonsration Sample event etc. Textbook Workbook Real objects CD UNIT-6 HISTORY AND TOURISM Talking about traditional food, İnstruments,clothing and vehicles Writing a report about something Getting and Giving information Talking about traditional food, İnstruments,clothing and vehicles Writing a report about something Getting and Giving information TRAVEL( Relative pronouns,prepositions Role-play Question-answer Demonstration Sample event etc. Textbook Workbook Real objects CD TRAVEL( Relative pronouns,prepositions 19th May Youth and Sport Festival Atatürk’s Principles Role-play Question-answer Demonstration Sample event etc. Textbook Workbook Real objects CD 1. Yazılı Yoklama EXTREME SPORTS ( Present Progressive,should,wish(past) 2. Yazılı Yoklama FIRST EXAM SECOND EXAM TML, 10.Sınıflar, 2011-2012-İngilizce Yıllık Planı- Sayfa-4/5 4 HAZİRAN 1 2 2 2 2 Describing a place Learning about London Expressing opinions Making offers and suggestions LONDON’S ATTRACTIONS (Relative Pronouns,shall,the one, prepositions) Role-play Question-answer Demonstration Sample event etc. Textbook Workbook Real objects CD Describing a place Learning about London Expressing opinions Making offers and suggestions LONDON’S ATTRACTIONS (Relative Pronouns,shall,the one, prepositions) 3. Yazılı Yoklama Role-play Question-answer Demonsration Sample event etc. Textbook Workbook Real objects CD Expressing opinions and preferences Describing aplace Talking about the problems Preparing a poster TURKEY,THE WONDERLAND (If-3,so that,might,the others) Role-play Question-answer Demonstration Sample event etc. Textbook Workbook Real objects CD THIRD EXAM Bu yıllık plan Unique-10 kitabına paralel olarak hazırlanmıştır. Atatürkçülük konuları 2104-2488 sayılı T.D’de yayımlanan Atatürk İlke ve İnkılapları Öğretim Esasları Yönergesine gore yıllık planda dağıtılmıştır. Yıllık plan, 2551sayılı T.D.de yayımlanan Eğitim ve Öğretim Çalışmalarının Planlı Yürütülmesine İlişkin Yönerge ve yıllık plan örneği dikkate alınarak hazırlanmıştır. Davut SAYDAM Ingilizce Öğretmeni Serkan AKSOY Ingilizce Öğretmeni Azize DAŞTEMİR Ingilizce Öğretmeni UYGUNDUR 07 / 09 / 2011 Coşkun FEYZİOĞLU Okul Müdürü TML, 10.Sınıflar, 2011-2012-İngilizce Yıllık Planı- Sayfa-5/5