Siddhartha Essay siddhartha_essay.doc

In-class essay
IB 11
This week, you will have the opportunity to plan and write an essay on the novel,
Siddhartha. Please choose from the following options:
1. Explore the relationship between “wisdom” and “knowledge” in the book as it
relates to Siddhartha’s life.
2. Explore the notion of “teacher” as it relates to issues of learning and personal
truth in the novel.
3. Explore Hesse’s message relating to individual enlightenment in the novel. What
elements seem necessary for an individual attainment of enlightenment?
4. Examine the relationship between Siddhartha and Govinda as it relates to
enlightenment in the novel.
In-class essay
IB 11
This week, you will have the opportunity to plan and write an essay on the novel,
Siddhartha. Please choose from the following options:
1. Explore the relationship between “wisdom” and “knowledge” in the book as it
relates to Siddhartha’s life.
2. Explore the notion of “teacher” as it relates to issues of learning and personal
truth in the novel.
3. Explore Hesse’s message relating to individual enlightenment in the novel. What
elements seem necessary for an individual attainment of enlightenment?
4. Examine the relationship between Siddhartha and Govinda as it relates to
enlightenment in the novel.