Ballet Folklórico - Fullerton College Staff Web Pages

Fullerton College – Physical Education Department – Dance Division
DANCE 110 F: Ballet Folklórico (1 unit) / Course #12002
OFFICE: Physical Education – Dance Division Office
OFFICE HOURS: By appointment only.
OFFICE PHONE: 714/309-1103 or 714/992-7126 office
CLASS MEETS: Thursday 8:00 – 9:50 p.m.
ROOM: PE 1238 (Dance Studio)
WHAT IS FOLK DANCE? Folk dance is not only the oldest form of dance; it is also the basis
of all other dance forms. People have always used dance for communicating their emotions
through rhythm and movement.
Folk dancing is a type of traditional, communal dancing, passed down from generation to
generation in a social or recreational atmosphere. Folk dance uses traditional costumes and
accessories, which aids in preserving our link to our cultural heritage. The types of dances
include war dances, contest dances, courtship and wedding dances, holiday and religious dances
and dances for the fun of movement alone. Many different steps are used in folk dance walking, running, hopping, skipping, leaping, sliding, and jumping. The way these steps are
performed depends on the traditional style of the region, the kind of musical accompaniment,
outfits worn by dancers, climate, and the history of the country. Folk dance is an extremely
popular recreation and is often taught in schools and colleges. Many dances would probably have
been lost if communities had not carried them on from generation to generation.
MEXICAN FOLK DANCE aka: BAILE FOLKLÓRICO: Many of the folk dances still
performed in Mexico originated in pre-Columbian times; others were brought from Europe but
have been changed and developed into many regional variations.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Mexican Folk dance or baile folklórico allows students from all
backgrounds to experience and understand dance as a component of the Mexican heritage, giving
Mexican-American students particularly a special opportunity to identify with and learn about
their culture and to interact with Mexican-Americans and Latinos on campus.
COURSE CONTENT: The class includes principles of Mexican folk dance including basic
movement techniques, rhythms, regional dance forms and styles, and cultural context.
90 – 100
80 – 89
70 – 79
60 – 69
59 – below
EVALUATION: You grade is based upon the following:
Participation / Effort (based on attendance)
40 pts.
Mid-Term Exam (taken as an audition practice)
20 pts. (Oct. 11th)
Final Exam
20 pts. (Dec. 6th)
Written Dance Critique via
20 pts. (by Dec. 11)
100 pts.
 Dance Performance Credit (only if you perform representing your college includes
Musicals) 3 POINTS per event.
 Extra Dance Concert Written Critiques (related to class subject) 3 POINTS each. See
 FJC Dance Concert Performance Credit
Program must have your name to obtain full credit. 5 POINTS per dance piece.
 On-Campus Dance Workshops. Must turn in the original ticket. 2 POINTS.
 3-4 pages Research Paper related to class topic. All papers must have a bibliography
page. Submit to by the deadline assigned. 5 POINTS per research.
3 tardies = 1 absence
0-2 absences = 40 pts.
3-4 absences = 30 pts.
5-6 absences = 20 pts.
7-8 absences = 10 pts.
9+ absences = 0 pts.
NO CLASS/ HOLIDAYS: Nov. 22 (Thanksgiving)
No “make-ups” for missed classes. It is imperative that you arrive to class on time.
OBSERVATION NOTES: If you sit out, notes must be taken throughout class and a copy must be turned in by the
following day of class in order to get full points for participation/effort. Notes should be on things you learn while
watching class versus physically taking class. You will only be allowed 5 (five)-observation days, unless excused
by an official doctor’s note. NO NOTES, YOU WILL BE MARKED AS ABSENT.
ADD/DROP: Adding or dropping a class is the student’s responsibility.
REQUIRED: (due by the 3rd week of class)
Any hard-heeled shoes that make noise.
WOMEN: Mexican folk dance practice skirt or any long full circle skirt
MEN: Long pants or athletic shorts, T-shirt, handkerchief.
SPECIAL NOTE: In the explaining of movement material I will employ verbal and tactile cues. If you should feel
in any way uncomfortable in having me, your instructor, touch your body to make physical corrections in regards to
position and alignment – Please inform me of this right away! I am sensitive to the fact that there are some
individuals who are not comfortable being touched when receiving personal corrections in class. If you should be
such a person, voicing your discomfort will in no way jeopardize the teacher/student relationship or your grade.
However, you must inform me or otherwise I will assume it is permissible for me to employ tactile cues.
Please note you must register first on line. Class ID #: 1908363 (Mexican Folk Dance). Password: dance