Status Last name First name Referred journal articles Other articles in print International Business Alumni Bansal Sangeeta Alumni Dilyard John Alumni Dilyard John Alumni Dilyard John Alumni Dilyard John Alumni Dilyard John Alumni Dilyard John The Cultural Sensitivity of the Eclectic Paradigm: References John Dunning, Sangeeta Bansal Towards a general paradigm of foreign direct and foreign portfolio investment (with J.H. Dunning), Transnational Corporations, vol. 8, no. 1, April 1999, pp. 1-52. “A Variant of the eclectic paradigm linking direct and portfolio investment” , Chapter Two in Extending the Eclectic Paradigm in International Business, H. Peter Gray, ed., Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2003 “Foreign Direct and Foreign Portfolio Investment: Two Sides of the Same Coin?”, Global Economy Quarterly, Vol. II, No. 2, April – June 2001 Financial Markets in Transition: Globalization, Investment and Economic Growth by Lars Oxelheim. Reviewed in Transnational Corporations (December 1997) Increasing the Contribution of Foreign Invest. to Sustainable Development: Domestic and International Policy Measures”with H. Peter Gray, in Fin. for Sustainable Development: Testing New Policy Approaches "Ups and Downs with MIPS", Treasury & Risk Management, Papers posted publicly on web Status Last name First name Referred journal articles Other articles in print November-December 1994. Alumni Dilyard John Alumni Dilyard John Alumni Dilyard John Alumni Dilyard John Alumni Alumni Alumni Hamalainen Timo Kim ZuKweon Kim Changsu Alumni Lin Jyh-Der Foreign Direct and Foreign Portfolio Investment: Two Sides of the Same Coin?”, Chapter Five of International Business at the Turn of the Century, Volume I: International Finance and Investments, Khosrow Fatemi and Susan E. W. Nichols (eds), 2002. State Institutions, Private Incentives, Global Capital by Andrew S. Sobel. Reviewed in Transnational Corporations (December 2001) "Wrong Assumptions Hinder A/L Management", ABA Banking Journal, December 1985. Global Financial Instability, edited with H. Peter Gray, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, (2004). John H. Dunning, Chang-Su Kim, Jyh-Der Lin, Incorporating Trade into the Investment Development Path: A Case Study of Korea and Taiwan, Oxford Development Studies, Volume 29, Number 2/June 1, 2001 John H. Dunning, Chang-Su Kim, Jyh-Der Lin, Incorporating Trade into the Investment Development Path: A Case Study of Korea and Taiwan, Oxford Development Studies, Volume 29, Number 2/June 1, 2001 Papers posted publicly on web Status Last name First name Alumni McKaigBerliner Alison Alumni Pak Yong Alumni Pak Yong Alumni Pak Yong Alumni Pak Yong Alumni Pak Yong Referred journal articles Other articles in print The geographical sources of competitiveness: the professional business services industry (with J.H. Dunning), Transnational Corporations, vol. 11, no. 3, August 2002, pp. 1-38. Pak, Yong Suhk, Jiman Lee, and Jung Moo An. 2002. Lessons learned from Daewoo motors experience in emerging markets. Multinational Business Review, 10(2): 122-128. Pak, Yong Suhk Pak and YoungReeol Park. 2004. A Framework of Knowledge Pak, Yong Suhk and YoungRyeol Park. 2004. Global ownership strategy of Japanese Multinational Enterprises: A test of internalization Theory. Management International Review, 44(1): 3-21. Pak, Yong Suhk. 2002. The effect of strategic motives on the choice of entry modes: An empirical test of international franchisers. Multinational Business Review, 10(1): 28-36. Determinants of ownership strategy of international Franchisers approached from Dunning’s OLI envelope paradigm. H. Peter Gray(Ed.), Extending the eclectic paradigm international business: Essays in honor of John Dunning. Edward Elgar Publication. Papers posted publicly on web Status Last name First name Alumni Ra Wonchan Alumni Ra Wonchan Alumni Ra Wonchan Alumni Alumni TorresGladys Baumgarten Vyas Bindu Alumni Vyas Bindu Referred journal articles Other articles in print Papers posted publicly on web _workingpaper-1998_10.pdf, Sharing The Fruits of Knowledge Transfer 040205-news-rr68.pdf, Entrepreneurship in Korea:An Analysis of Factors Affecting SME Start-UP, Nakki Baek and Wonchan Ra, 12/01,Korea Inst. For Industrial Economics and Trade. Negotiating alliance contracts: Strategy and behavioral effects of alternative compensation arrangements,International Business Review Volume: 9, Issue: 3, June, 2000, Contractor, Farok J.; Ra, Wonchan pp. 271299 Vyas B. J. (2003), “Location determinants of foreign MNCs investing at the sub-nat’l level: the role of State gov’t,” chap. 14 in Extending the Eclectic Paradigm in Int’l Bus.: Essays in Honor of J. Dunning, Edward Elgar Pub Inc., Northampton, MA. Co-authored with Margarita Rose (2001), “Foreign Direct Investment in The State of Pennsylvania,” in Pennsylvania Economic Review, volume 10, number 1, 48-61. Status Last name First name Alumni Vyas Bindu Alumni Wallace Lorna Alumni Alumni Alumni Wood Woodley Wymbs Dermod James Clifford Alumni Wymbs Clifford Alumni Wymbs Clifford Referred journal articles Other articles in print Co-authored with John E. Spillan, and Christopher Ziemnowicz (2003), “Determinants of Poland’s Competitive Advantage in Logistics and Distribution Sector,” in Journal of East West Business, volume 9 number 2. Arkansas’ Position in the Knowledge-based Economy: Prospects and Policy Options Ross DeVol, Kevin Klowden, Jeffery Collins and Lorna Wallace, with Perry Wong and Armen Bedroussian September 2004 Wymbs, C. “The Eclectic Paradigm and The Evolution of The U.S. Public Utility Industries, 1875-2000.” (Eds.) Gray, H. P. Extending the Eclectic Paradigm in Int'l Bus.: Essays in Honor of John Dunning. Edward Elgar Publishing Inc. 2003 (225-237) Bansel, S , Dunning, J. H.,. & Wymbs, C. “The Impact of the Ocean Transportation Industry on the New York/New Jersey Port.” “New Jersey in The Globalizing Economy” (Eds.) J. H. Dunning. 1999. Chapter 9, (1-22) Wymbs, C. Journal of Services Marketing. MCB University Press. “How Electronic Commerce is Transforming and Papers posted publicly on web Status Last name First name Referred journal articles Other articles in print Internationalizing the Service Industries.” 2000, Vol. 14 (6), 463-479. Alumni Wymbs Clifford Alumni Wymbs Clifford Alumni Wymbs Clifford Alumni Wymbs Clifford Alumni Wymbs Clifford Wymbs, C. “The Impact of the Information Revolution of the Global Corporation” (Eds.) John DeLaMoth and Gilles Paquet, Information, Innovation, and Impacts. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Boston. 2000. (195220) Wymbs, C. & Pettit R. The Journal of Promotion Management. Haworth Press. “The Internet and Global Market Research.” 2002, Vol. 9 (1), 3-17. Dunning, J.H. & Wymbs, C. International Journal of the Economics of Business. Routledge. “The Challenge of Electronic Markets for International Business Theory.” 2001, Vol. 8 (2), 273-301. Wymbs, C: “Globalization of Services: Some Implications for Theory and Practice.” Transnational Corporations: Eds Aharoni, Y. & Nachum, L... August, 2003. (137-144). Wymbs, C. “Electronic commerce and its effect on service industries” (Eds.) Narula, R. Trade and Investment in a Globalising World: Essays in Honour of H. Peter Gray. Oxford Pergammon 2001.(38-54) Papers posted publicly on web Status Last name First name Alumni Wymbs Clifford Alumni Wymbs Clifford Alumni Wymbs Clifford Alumni Wymbs Clifford Alumni Wymbs Clifford Alumni Wymbs Clifford Referred journal articles Other articles in print Dunning, J. H. & Wymbs, C. “The Challenge of Electronic Markets For International Business Theory” Electronic Commerce and Global Bus. Conference sponsored by UCLA and U. of Washington CIBERs and Anderson Consulting Inst. for Strategic Change. May, 2000. Wymbs, C. and Boddewyn, J. Academy of International Business - Insights “Department Names with ‘International’ in Them.” 2004, Vol. 4 (1) , 11-12. Wymbs, C. “World Investment Report 2001- Promoting Linkages.” Thunderbird International Business Review. 2003. Vol 45 (1). (105-110). Dunning, J. H. & Wymbs, C. “The Geographical Sourcing of Technology-Based Competitive Advantages By Multinat'l Enterprises.” (Eds.) D. Archibugi, J. Howell and J. Michie, Innovation Policy in a Global Econ.. Cambridge Univ. Press. 1999. (185-224) Wymbs, C. “Spatial Determinants of Sector Investment in an Emerging Information Economy” has been selected for a chapter “New Jersey in The Globalizing Economy” (Eds.) J. H. Dunning. 1999.Chapter 7, (1-27) Wymbs, C. “Internet: Its Effect on International Trade, Foreign Direct Papers posted publicly on web Status Last name First name Referred journal articles Other articles in print Investment and Strategic Alliances” Global Networking ’97 (392-400) Alumni Wymbs Clifford Alumni Wymbs Clifford Alumni Wymbs Clifford Alumni Wymbs Clifford Alumni Wymbs Clifford Schnaars, S. & Wymbs, C. Technological Forecasting & Social Change. North-Holland. “On the Persistence of Lackluster demand – The History of The Video Phone.” 2004, Vol. 71 (3). 197-216. Wymbs, C. Technological Forecasting & Social Change: North-Holland. "Telecommunications, An Instrument of Radical Change for Both the 20th and 21st Centuries." 2004, Vol. 71 (7), 685-703 Wymbs, C. Journal of High Technology Management. JAI Press. “U.S. Firms’ entry into the European Telecommunication Market: A Question of Modality Choice.” 2002, Vol. 13, 87-105. Wymbs, C. Transnational Corporations. United Nations. “How US Public Utility Multinational Corporations Differ From Their Domestic Counterparts.” 2002, Vol. 11 (2). 35-68. Wymbs, C. “Telecoms in New Jersey: Spatial Determinants of Sectoral Investments” (Eds.) John DeLaMoth and Gilles Paquet, Local and Regional Systems of Innovation. Kluwer Academic Papers posted publicly on web Status Last name First name Referred journal articles Other articles in print Papers posted publicly on web Publishers. Boston.. 1999. (149172) Alumni Wymbs Clifford Alumni Current Student Current Student Yakova AmpaduNyarkoh Barnard Nevena Kwaku Current Student Current Student Current Student Current Student Lee Yi-Shin Li Huiping Pore Anand Xu Qiang Glac Katherina Glac Katherina Wymbs, C. & Kijne, H. Journal of Teaching in International Business. Haworth Press. “Digital Technology in the Teaching of International Business: Is a Tradeoff Between Richness and Reach Required?” 2003, Vol. 14 (1) 29-40. No Publications Helena No Publications The Rules and Resources That Generate the Dynamic Capability For Sustained Product Innovation, Dougherty, Barnard & Dunne, forthcoming, Qualitative Organizational Research "MNC technology strategy and the development of local technological capabilities" (with J.A. Cantwell), Cuadernos de Economía y Dirección de la Empresa, 2004, forthcoming. "The internationalization of R&D the Swiss case" (with J.A. No Publications Status Last name First name Referred journal articles Other articles in print Cantwell and R. Harding), Management International Review, Vol. 44, Special Issue No. 3, 2004, pp. 57-82. Glac Katherina "TNCs, locational clustering and the process of econ. development" (with J.A. Cantwell), in L. Cuyvers and F. De Beule (eds.), Transnational Corp. and Econ. Development: From Int’lisation to Globalisation, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004, forthcoming. Papers posted publicly on web