Subject Description Form Subject Code ISE316 Subject Title E-Business for Engineers Credit Value 3 Level 3 Pre-requisite/Corequisite/Exclusion Nil Objectives This subject provides students with Intended Learning Outcomes Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus 1. a broad-based knowledge foundation in e-Business, emphasizing the integral role of information systems in e-Business; 2. ability to understand and evaluate the structure, operation, and development of intra-organizational and inter-organizational information systems, especially in the context of e-Business; 3. awareness of the e-Business environment, the identification of contemporary e-Business issues, and the evaluation of their implications for organizations; 4. the ability to analyze the potential impacts of different e-Business strategies; 5. the ability to evaluate the effects of business issues in relation to various eBusiness models. Upon completion of this subject, students will be able to a. identify, understand, and analyze the role of information systems in eBusiness, as well as evaluate the latest development in e-Business in Hong Kong; b. examine different e-Business models and evaluate their impacts on individuals, organizations, and the society as a whole; c. select an appropriate e-Business application and apply it to the relevant eBusiness category and e-Business model; d. outline the security cryptography for online payment systems and evaluate its strengths and limitations; e. identify existing e-Business strategies, assess their benefits and drawbacks, and design an appropriate implementation approach. 1. Introduction Introduction to information systems concepts; General concepts and 18.3.2014 terminologies for contemporary e-business; Categories of e-Business, Benefits of e-Business to stakeholders; Local development of e-business 2. Business to Consumer (B2C) E-Business Categories of B2C e-Business; Existing models of B2C e-Business; Critical success factors of B2C E-Business; e-Business applications for B2C e-Business 3. Business to Business (B2B) E-Business Categories of B2B e-Business; Existing models of B2B e-Business; Cybermarketing technologies for B2B e-Business; Critical success factors of B2B e-Business; E-Business applications for B2B e-Business 4. Security of E-Business Security protocols for e-Business; Online payment security issues; Online privacy concerns 5. E-Business Strategies Various e-Business strategies and their implementation approaches Teaching/Learning Methodology Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes A mixture of lectures, tutorials, in-class exercises, and projects are used to deliver the various topics in this subject. Lectures are conducted to help students to understand fully the concepts and techniques. These are then reinforced by in-class exercises. Projects are used to help students learn how eBusiness can be transformed into application-oriented projects; students are instructed to design an appropriate implementation scheme. Practical problems and design cases are raised as a focal point for discussion in tutorial classes, some of which are covered in problem-based formats and exercises in order to enhance the learning objectives. Others are covered through directed study in order to enhance the students’ ability of “learning to learn.” Quizzes help students to periodically review their knowledge sets, as well as evaluate how students have understood the topics. Specific assessment methods/tasks % weighting 1. In-class Exercises 20% 2. Projects 40% 3. Quizzes 40% Total 100% Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed a b c d e Continuous assessments consist of in-class exercises, projects, and quizzes. These are designed to help students to achieve the intended learning outcomes. 18.3.2014 All assessment components require students to apply e-Business concepts delivered in class to real-life cases. Projects require students to identify a reallife application of e-Business, identify its business model and security policies, assess its benefits and drawbacks, and structure and represent the e-Business application. Quizzes are designed to help students review, as well as to assess the breadth and depth of their understanding. Student Study Effort Expected Class contact: Lectures 2 hours/week for 11 weeks 22 Hrs. Tutorials 1 hour/week for 11 weeks 11 Hrs. Case Study/Presentation 3 hours/week for 2 weeks 6 Hrs. Preparation for the project presentation, the project report, quizzes, and in-class exercises. 77 Hrs. Other student study effort: Total student study effort Reading List and References 18.3.2014 116 Hrs. 1. Turban E, King D 2012, Electronic Commerce 2012: Managerial and Social Networks Perspectives, Prentice Hall 2. Awad, E 2006, Electronic Commerce: From Vision to Fulfillment, Prentice Hall 3. Li, F. 2006, What is e-business? : How the Internet Transforms Organizations, Wiley-Blackwell