CIS 429 - Missouri State University

CIS 429
Fall 2007
Review for Comprehensive Final
Business-to-Business (B2B)
• Electronic
marketplace (emarketplace) –
interactive business
providing a central
market where
multiple buyers and
sellers can engage in
e-business activities
• Generating revenue on the Internet (cont.)
– Search engine optimization (SEO) - a set of
methods aimed at improving the ranking of a
Web site in search engine listings, such as
Google or Yahoo
– Spamdexing - uses a variety of deceptive
techniques in an attempt to manipulate search
engine rankings, whereas legitimate SEO
focuses on building better sites and using
honest methods of promotion
• Enterprise resource planning (ERP) – integrates
all departments and functions throughout an
organization into a single IT system so that
employees can make decisions by viewing
enterprisewide information on all business
• ERP collects data from various key business
processes and stores the data in a single,
comprehensive data repository, usable by other
parts of the business
• Supply Chain Management (SCM) – involves
the management of information flows
between and among stages in a supply chain
to maximize total supply chain effectiveness
and profitability
• SCM integrates supplier, manufacturer,
distributor, and logistics processes.
• Reengineering the Corporation – by Michael Hammer and James
Champy - recommends seven BPR principles
Value Creation
Value Chain
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
• Intelligent system – various commercial
applications of artificial intelligence
• Artificial intelligence (AI) – simulates human
intelligence such as the ability to reason and
• How do e-commerce and e-business differ?
– E-commerce – the buying and selling of goods
and services over the Internet
– E-business – the conducting of business on the
Internet including, not only buying and selling,
but also serving customers and collaborating
with business partners
Association Detection
Association detection – reveals the degree
to which variables are related and the nature
and frequency of these relationships in the
– Market basket analysis – analyzes such items as
Web sites and checkout scanner information to
detect customers’ buying behavior and predict
future behavior by identifying affinities among
customers’ choices of products and services
Association Detection
Association detection – reveals the degree
to which variables are related and the nature
and frequency of these relationships in the
– Market basket analysis – analyzes such items as
Web sites and checkout scanner information to
detect customers’ buying behavior and predict
future behavior by identifying affinities among
customers’ choices of products and services
• Data warehouse – a logical collection of
information – gathered from many different
operational databases – that supports business
analysis activities and decision-making tasks
• The primary purpose of a data warehouse is to
aggregate information throughout an
organization into a single repository for decisionmaking purposes
Multidimensional Analysis
• Databases contain information in a series of
two-dimensional tables
• In a data warehouse and data mart,
information is multidimensional, it contains
layers of columns and rows
– Dimension – a particular attribute of information
• Common forms of data-mining
analysis capabilities include:
– Cluster analysis
– Association detection
– Statistical analysis
Application Software
• Most common types of application software
– Browser: surfing the Internet
– Database management system: directly access
large numbers of data records
– E-mail: communication
– Presentation graphics: slide shows
– Spreadsheet: performing complex calculations
– Word processing: creating documents
• Primary keys and foreign keys identify the
various entities (rows) in a table
– Primary key – a field (or group of fields) that
uniquely identifies a given row in a table
– Foreign key – a field or fields in a table that is a
primary key of some other table and acts to
form a logical relationship between the two
The Interrelationships of Efficiency and
Effectiveness IT Metrics
• Efficiency IT metrics focus on technology and
– Throughput
– Transaction speed
– System availability
– Information accuracy
– Web traffic
– Response time
The Interrelationships of Efficiency and
Effectiveness IT Metrics
• Effectiveness IT metrics focus on an
organization’s goals, strategies, and
objectives and include:
–Customer satisfaction
–Conversion rates
• Web site traffic analysis can include:
– Cookie
• A text file placed by a web site on the user’s hard
drive to track user information and activities
– Click-through
• A count of users who click on a web site ad
– Banner ad
• A small ad on a web site
– Interactivity
• Visitor interactions with a target ad
• Ethics – the principles and standards that guide
our behavior toward other people
• Issues affected by technology advances
– Intellectual property: intangible creative work
– Copyright: legal protection afforded intellectual
– Fair use doctrine: legal use of copyrighted
– Pirated software: unauthorized use of software
– Counterfeit software: Software manufactured
to look real and sold as such
Detection and Response
Virus - software written with malicious intent to
cause annoyance or damage
– Worm: spreads itself among files & computers
– Denial-of-service attack (DoS): flooding web sites
– Distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS): attacks
from multiple computers
– Trojan-horse: hides inside other software
– Backdoor program: open a way for future attack
– Polymorphic virus and worm: change their form as
they propagate