File - Cairo British College


The History of Britain / Answer Keys




Answer the following questions:


What did the first men and women came to Britain do for living?

They were gatherers and hunters.


What do you know about Celts?

The Celts were the first people to live in Britain. They came from different places of Europe and settled down in Britain during the Iron

Age. They made their daily tools and weapons of iron and they were known as Keltoi or Celts which means barbarians, because they were disorganized and didn't follow any rules in their lifestyle.


Why were the Celts given this name?

The Celts were given this name by the Romans because they were disorganized and didn't follow specific rules.


What did Romans call the Celts?

They called them Keltoi which was changed into Celts and it means barbarians.


To which age belong the Celts? Why was it given this name?

They belonged to the Iron Age. It was given this name because this was the age when iron was discovered and everything at this time was made of iron.


Describe how the Celts made their daily tools?

They made all their tools from iron.



Answer the following questions:


Where did the Celts come from?

They came from everywhere in Europe. They moved from south to all over

Europe till they settled down in Britain.


What do you know about the Iron Age?

This is an old age when iron was discovered. Everything in this age was made of iron. Celts lived in this age .

The Romans



Answer the following questions


Who were the Romans? Where did they come from?

The Romans were powerful warriors who invaded many countries.

They were the first to invade Britain. They came from Rome which is the capital city of Italy.


Where is Rome?

Rome is the capital city of Italy. It is in the south of Europe.


Why did the Romans invade Britain?

The Romans were cross with Britain for helping the French fight against the

Roman general Julius Caesar.

They came to Britain looking for riches - land, slaves, and most of all, iron, lead, zinc, copper, silver and gold.


Why did the Romans leave Britain?

Their homeland was invaded by other armies and every Roman soldier was asked to get back to Italy.


Mention some of the Roman's achievements in Britain


The Romans built London, they made the calendar, they set laws and legal system and they built bridges and strait roads.

Critical thinking questions:

Answer the following questions:


Why do you think London is the most important achievement of the Romans?

London was the center of most Romans achievements. The palaces, castles, roads, bridges were in London. It was surrounded with forts and it was enlarged to be the capital of Britain .


Imagine how Britain would have been if the Romans hadn't lived there?

It wouldn't have been a real country, but some islands with some barbarian tribes. There wouldn't have been any castles, buildings, roads. There wouldn't have been a calendar or an organized life.

The Anglo Saxon



1. Use the following Venn diagram to compare and contrast the Romans to the Anglo-


Please refer to the study packs. The Venn diagram is already drawn

2.Use the following table to determine what was the cause of the Anglo-Saxons to invade Britain

Please refer to the study pack.

3.Back to the Roman era, use the following table to determine what was the effect of the Romans' invasion to Britain

Please refer to the study pack.



Answer the following questions:


What does the term Anglo-Saxon mean?

It refers to two Germanic tribes. Anglo and Saxon.


Use the following lines to describe the Anglo-Saxons. How did they look like?

What were their famous activities? How did they affect the life of British?

The Anglo Saxon were warriors and farmers. They came from North of

Europe, from Germany. They totally affect the lifestyle in Britain, as they considered it their homeland. They called it England which means the Anglo land and they used their Anglo Saxon language which is the origin of the

English language.


Describe England when the Anglo-Saxons came to it?

By the end of the Roman age, most people were farmers and lived in the countryside.

The Vikings



Answer the following questions


How did the Vikings invade Britain? Describe what happened between the

Vikings and the Anglo-Saxon.

The Vikings came from north of Europe across the North Sea. They fought the

Anglo-Saxon and beat them. They gained control on all Britain and allowed the Anglo-Saxon to live in some parts of Britain.


Where did the Vikings come from?

They came from three countries in Scandinavia which are Denmark, Norway and Sweden.


Give another name to the Vikings? What does this name mean?

The Vikings were also known as the Norsemen, which means people from the north.



Answer the following questions:


Use the following lines to describe the lifestyle of the Vikings.

The Vikings were north European tribes who were warriors, farmers and travellers. They loved adventures. They were also traders, fishermen, craftsmen and weavers.


Why did the Vikings decide to invade Britain?

For three reasons

They were looking for better lands to farm, as the land in north Europe was either covered with forests or hilly and not suitable for farming.

They were looking for more lands, as their lands were overcrowded and there weren’t enough lands to be farmed.

They were looking for treasures .

Use the following table to compare the life style of the Vikings to that of the Anglo-



They were warriors, farmers, fishermen, craftsmen, travellers, weavers and traders.

They came from Scandinavia


They were warriors and farmers only.

They came from Germany


The Middle Ages




Answer the following questions


What does the word Norman mean?

It means people from north.


What is common between the Normans and the Vikings?

They both came from north of Europe. The Normans were just new generations of the Vikings.


Answer the following questions:


Why do you think the Norman era is very important in Britain? Give examples.

The Normans built impressive buildings and castles. One of them was the tower of London which was used as palace, prison, arsenal , fortress and even a zoo.


Based on the passage about the tower of London, why do you think this tower was built?

It was built for many reasons, as it was huge as used for many purposes. It was a royal palace, a fortress that guarded the capital city London, a prison, an arsenal and a zoo.





Use the following Venn diagram to compare and contrast the lifestyle In England in the beginning of the Tudor era and during the Tudor era.

Please refer to the Venn diagram in the study pack.


Answer the following questions:


Who were the Tudors? Why were they so famous?

The Tudor refers to a Welsh Royal family. They came from Wales. They were so famous because they did important things in Britain. They gained control on Britain and turned it into a united kingdom. They built roads, schools, colleges and bridges. People travelled to the new world in America. Art and music were flourished. There were many artists, musicians and writers in this age.


Mention some of the Tudors' achievements in England?

They gained control on Britain and turned it into a united kingdom. They built roads, schools, colleges and bridges. People travelled to the new world in

America. Art and music were flourished. There were many artists, musicians and writers in this age.




Answer the following questions


Why was the Victorian age given this name?

It was named after Queen Victoria .


Why are the Victorians so famous?


They were famous due to the great achievements in this age. This is the age that prepared Britain to the modern history. It was the time when electricity was used for the first time in Britain. This led to building factories. People left the villages and lived in big cities where they worked in factories, shops and offices. Railways were used to take goods from factories into stores and markets. People became rich and they had servants and used to go to the seaside for their holidays. Britain became modern.


Describe some of the changes that happened in England during the Victorian age? Mention at least two changes.

Electricity was used for the first time in Britain. This led to building factories.

People left the villages and lived in big cities where they worked in factories, shops and offices. Railways were used to take goods from factories into stores and markets. People became rich and they had servants and used to go to the seaside for their holidays. Britain became modern and invaded other countries, so it became a great empire.


Use the following table to compare the lifestyle in the beginning of the Victorian age and the lifestyle during the Victorian age.

The beginning of the Victorian age During the Victorian age

People were farmers and lived in villages.

There were no cars. People walked or travelled by boats or coach horses.

Britain was just a kingdom.

People were workers and lived in big cities.

There were trains and cars.

Britain was a big empire.


Critical thinking questions:

The Victorian age was a change in the lifestyle of British people. They turned from being farmers to workers and they moved from Villages to towns and cities. Imagine how the lifestyle of British People would have been if the Victorians hadn't built factories and caused too many changes?

They would have been the same as they were in the Tudor Age. Britain would have been just a kingdom instead of a great empire. People would have worked as farmers and lived in villages, which means that there wouldn't have been modernity in Britain.

There wouldn't have been big cities, modern cars, shopping stores, offices or any other modern things.

