Parallel between Romeo and Juliet and the Israeli

Romeo and Juliet Project-Portfolio
Essay by Amit Tzabari Febuary 2001
For Jack Pillemer
Question (30 points)
The Israelis and the Palestinians have an ancient
(perhaps not so ancient) grudge, which leads to constant
"feuding". Find lines in the play that you can relate to
people's attitudes or behavior in this conflict in the
Middle East (at least three quotes). Explain the lines
and then relate them to the conflict. This essay should
be approximately 200 words
Assessment criteria: Relevance of quotes (10), coherence
and organization of essay (10), accuracy in writing
(spelling and grammar.)(10)
I find a big similarity between the grudge that the Israelis and the Palestinians hold
towards one another and the grudge held by the two families: Capulet and Montague
in the play Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare.
The base of the conflict is different in both cases but has one big resemblance:
The conflict of interests leads, in both cases, to a huge hate which its background is
not personal. Moreover, the hate between these two groups is fed by prejudice and
ignorance which increases the grudge.
An example for that is When Tyblat hears that a Montague member comes to their
solemnity, he automaticly arrives to the conclusion that this montague wants to
destroy their party and that of course, without even knowing him.
”Uncle, this is a Montague, our fow, a villain that is hither come in spite to scorn
at our solemnity. "
The consequences of this enormous hate is the demonisation of the other group.
This leads to the destruction of morals which causes, under these circumstances, to
killings without any guilty fealings.
We can see this idea when Tybalt says about Romeo: Now, by the stock and the
honour of my kin, to strike him dead, I hold it not a sin.
Luckily, there are, in every society, some people who are peacemakers and want to
put an end to the anger and hate.
Romeo is one of those people, and we can see it by his attitued towards Mercutio
and also by the way he trys to stop the fight between Tybelt and Mercutio: …
Mercutio: Come, sir, your passado.
(They fight)
Romeo: Draw, benvolio; beat down their weapons.
Gentleman, for shame, forbear this outrage!
I would like to sum up this essay with a quote
of Juliet , which includs all my main ideas about the meaningless of this hatred:
” `Tis but thy name that is my enemy;
Thou art thyself, though not a montague. What`s Montague? It is nor hand , nor
foot, Nor arm,nor face, nor any other part
Belonging to a man. O, be some other name!
What`s in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;
So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call`d
Retain that dear perfection which he owes
Without that title.“
This quote questions the meaning of a name and the meaning of the hate which is an
outcome of the difference in the names.
In the Middle East, the conflict and the hate are based on different religions.
I agree with Juliet who does not think that the essence of a person is in his religion,
nor in his race family.
In this book, both Romeo and Juliet don`t attach significance to their family names,
and for this I`m totally sympathize with them.