Job Hazard Analysis Construction Phase: TOTAL PROJECT Project: Contractor: Location: Contractor Number: Project Manager Estimated Start Date: Field Supervision Operation: Hazard: Action to be taken: Install piping within trenches Sides of trench sluffing and/or collapsing. Sloping and/or shoring of trenches will be done per WAC 296-155 Part N and in conjunction with excavator’s safety plan. Foreman, and Safety Director, will coordinate with the excavator on when we will shore or slope. Angle of slope will be a minimum of 1’ to 1’, unless utilizing shoring devices. People or vehicles falling into trench. Trenches will be barricaded and flagged with yellow caution tape. Back injuries All crew members will be instructed in proper body mechanics and will be continually encouraged in weekly safety meetings to practice good body mechanics. Equipment will be used where possible. Slip hazards due to water in trench Every effort will be made to minimize water in the trenches (i.e. covering and/or pumps for de-watering). Fumes Anything over 4 feet in depth will require periodic air monitoring. (at a minimum) Ladders will be regularly inspected and taken out of service if any damage is noted. Work from ladders: Installing duct, piping, hangers, equipment and misc. materials. Ladder failure Falling from a ladder All ladders will be used per the manufacturers’ recommendations. All ladders will be used per the WAC 296-155 Part J, Ladder Stds. and the Fall Protection Plan. Working from elevated work platform (scissors, snorkel lift) Lift failure All lifts will be inspected prior to their use each day. Page 1 Operation: Hazard: Action to be taken: Lift tipping over All lifts will be operated per the manufacturers operating instruction Operator error All operators will be certified as a competent person as to the operation and safe work practices of the lift. Workers falling All chains and railing will be in place before workers operate lifts. All lifts will be operated per the attached Fall Protection Plan. Working from a roof Overhead hazards All non-related workers will be kept out from underneath lifting areas. Fall from an elevated roof position The roof area will be controlled by using an awareness barrier system, not allowing employees to access closer than 15’, to the leading edge. While working within the 15’ of a leading edge, near or over sky light openings, all employees will be tied off 100% of the time. Hot torch work Fires Remove all flammable/combustible materials from the immediate area. Fire extinguishers will be located in the vicinity of all hot torch work. Fire watch will be provided, per WAC codes. Use fire retardant blankets, when possible, to control sparks and slag. Stop all hot work, welding 30 minutes before end of shift and review area for smoldering embers before leaving area. Electrical shock Use of GFCI’s and Assured Grounding Plan shall be in place and all equipment tested and marked per Company policy Daily inspection of all torch equipment prior to start of work; any Equipment found in disrepair will be immediately taken out of service. Do not weld while standing in water, or if clothing and/or gloves are wet. Ensure proper grounding at all equipment and work stations. Page 2 Job Hazard Analysis Operation: Hazard: Action to be taken: Pipes containing gases or flammable liquids, or conduits containing electrical circuits shall not be used as a ground. When electrode holders are unattended, electrodes shall be removed, holders placed or protected so they cannot make contact with personnel or objects. Explosions Do not weld or strike a torch whenever the smell of propane, acetylene, or any other fuel or gas is present: determine cause and correct. Never strike an arc on a compressed gas cylinder. Never use a compressed gas cylinder for a work bench. Disposable butane pocket lighters shall not be in the vicinity of any hot torch work. Burns Wear protective gloves, coats, etc. while welding. Avoid wearing polyester clothing (it melts) : wear natural fibers (cotton, wool). Wear high top boots to prevent slag from falling into shoes. Wear trousers without a cuff. Wear approved eye protection while welding or in close proximity (std. Sunglasses are not adequate). Flash screens shall be provided for work areas and walkways whenever possible. Never carry flammable items in your pockets. Inhalation of toxic fumes. Avoid breathing fumes by placing your head up wind from the smoke. Provide adequate ventilation. If ventilation is not adequate, respirator program with fit test will be implemented. Lifting/Hoisting onto roofs, decks, curbs and or pads. (Chillers, Rigging failure All rigging will have a safety factor built in. Page 3 Job Hazard Analysis Operation: Hazard: Cooling towers, pumps, split systems, fans and other misc. equipment). Action to be taken: Individual trade foreman are responsible to inspect all rigging to make sure it is in proper working condition. If it is damaged, dispose of it. All material lifts will be done per WAC 296-155 Part L. All rigging will be approved by the crane operator. All operators and equipment will be supplied by the General Contractor. Crane failure No picks will be made in winds over 35 mph. There will be no picks requiring multiple rigs. All rigging will be properly stored and will not be used by any other crew. Cranes will have current certifications and semi-annual inspections prior to start-up. Overhead hazards All non-related workers will be kept out of the lifting area. Pinch points Locate pinch points Review proper rigging techniques and body placement. Working on a roof Falling off of building See attached Fall Protection Plan. Electric tool use Electrocution All electrical tools will be inspected for damage prior to use. Utilize GFCI’s and the assured grounding program. Task involvement with active Equipment or system being Employees are required to follow the equipment or energized systems. activated or energized. Lockout and tagout policy. Confined space work Injury to the worker A separate confined space plan will be written to address specific hazards. Entering excavation areas Entry ways All employees are required to use established entryways into all excavations. No more than 25 feet of travel is required to exit. All excavations shall be inspected by a competent person prior to entry. Page 4 Job Hazard Analysis Operation: Hazard: Action to be taken: All excavations shall be properly sloped and/or shored prior to entry. De-watering Plan/Program Work limitations Workers will not be allowed to work in trenches where water is standing or flowing while de-watering is taking place. Utilities Rough-in Criteria Trenches for utility lines are not expected to be greater than four feet in depth. All trenches greater than four feet in depth will be shored, sloped or benched per WAC 296155-650 Part N. Warning Signs Warning lines, cones and warning signs will be utilized for utility lines protruding from the floor to avoid all tripping and impaling hazards. Elevator Pits Workers are required to clean-up scraps, debris, and any left over materials from their work area each day to avoid slipping, tripping or falling hazards. Good Faith Survey “Asbestos and Lead” existing structures. Exposure to Asbestos and Lead. Personal Protective Equipment Injury to the employee A good faith survey of the existing project buildings will be completed by the building and property owner. In the event that areas do contain asbestos and lead, the General Contracts Administrator/Owner will abate such areas, and make all work areas free of Asbestos and Lead. Hard-hats shall be required at all times. Safety glasses with side shields shall be worn at all times. Safety vests are required when working with crane lift operations and while working on job sites with heavy mobile equipment operations. Page 5 Job Hazard Analysis