Handout Lio Dag maandag 26 maart 2012 Workshop: The Flipping Literature Class Janneke Geursen, VU Louise Taylor, ILS RU 1 Handout Lio Dag maandag 26 maart 2012 Two Scavengers in a Truck Two Beautiful People in a Mercedes At the stoplight waiting for the light nine a.m. downtown San Francisco a bright yellow garbage truck with two garbagemen in red plastic blazers standing on the back stoop one on each side hanging on and looking down into an elegant open Mercedes with an elegant couple in it The man In a hip three-piece linen suit with shoulder-length blond hair & sunglasses The young blond woman so casually coifed with a short skirt and colored stockings on the way to his architect’s office And the two scavengers up since four a.m. grungy from their route on the way home The older of the two with grey iron hair and hunched back looking down like some Gargoyle Quasimodo And the younger of the two also with sunglasses & long hair about the same age as the Mercedes driver And both scavengers gazing down As from a great distance At the cool couple as if they were watching some odourless TV ad in which everything is always possible And the very red light for an instant holding all four close together as if anything at all were possible Between them Across that small gulf in the high seas of this democracy (Lawrence Ferlinghetti) 2 Handout Lio Dag maandag 26 maart 2012 Task 1 Reader Response Approach Bleich, David. Subjective Criticism. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 1978 1. What is going on? (paraphrase) 2. What feeling does the poem evoke? (affective response) 3. What do you associate it with? (associative response) 4. On what element do you base your interpretation? (active paragraph/key paragraph) Task 2 Circle all words related to the garbage men Underline all words used to describe the couple in the car. Task 3 The difference between each pair is strong. The poet uses words that make the garbage men seem similar to their truck and the couple seems similar to their car. Use the following chart to make a list of these words. Words connecting garbagemen to truck Words connecting couple to car Task 4 Find the quote that tells us that - the man in the car is both formally smart and casual - the life of the older garbage man has been tough - the woman in the car has an expensive appearance or casualness - there is a superficial similarity between the two young men 3 Handout Lio Dag maandag 26 maart 2012 Task 5 What would I ask my pupils to do after watching the taped discussion? Would you ask them to do this at home or in class? Could they have a similar discussion themselves? (at home or in class?) Task 6 Instructions: Choose one of the following assignments. When you have done, upload your work onto the following website: http://flippingclass.edublogs.org/students-work/ 1) Informative video = create an informative video to help your pupils with analysing the poem (e.g. how can you tell it’s American, in which period was it written, what is the literary context of the piece) I. Go to www.brainshark.com and click on the button “try it for free”. II. Log in and click on “upload content”. III. Upload the poem (as a word document or powerpoint) and narrate your story. 2) Interview = record yourself interviewing one of the characters from the poem to demonstrate your knowledge of the context of this poem. I. Go to http://voicethread.com/ II. Register via the link in the top right hand corner III. Click on “Create” IV. Film yourself using the webcam interviewing one of the main characters in the poem. V. You can upload the link to your voicethread on the flipping class site and ask participants to leave comments. 3) Pronunciation = demonstrate your skills in pronunciation and intonation using soundcloud. I. Go to http://soundcloud.com/ and sign up II. Click on the “Upload and share” button at the top of the screen. III. Click on the “record” button and record yourself reading the poem. IV. When finished, click on “upload your recording” V. You can then add images, text, tags, etc. VI. Click on “save” VII. You can then email, twitter or upload the link and ask participants to give you feedback on your pronunciation. (here’s an example: http://soundcloud.com/louisetaylor-1/2-scavengers-louise) 4 Handout Lio Dag maandag 26 maart 2012 4) I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. Literary analysis = demonstrate your skills of literary analysis using soundcloud. Go to http://soundcloud.com/ and sign up Click on the “Upload and share” button at the top of the screen. Click on the “record” button and record your analysis of and questions on the poem. When finished, click on “upload your recording” You can then add images, text, tags, etc. Click on “save” You can then email, twitter or upload the link and ask participants to answer your questions. 5) News flash = read the poem as if it were a news item or summarise the poem as if it were a news item. I. Go to http://goanimate.com/ and sign up. II. Click on the button in the top right hand corner “make a video” III. Then click on “make a short video” – election 2012 IV. Click on “go” V. Scroll right to the “news room” option VI. Click on “next” and choose your candidates VII. Then record yourself reading the poem as if it were a news item or providing your audience with a summary. . VIII. You can choose to read half the poem and have a second character read the second half – if you type in the text. (for an example, see here: http://goanimate.com/videos/0BOo6PLdfAxw?utm_source=linkshare) IX. When finished, publish your film to go-animate and upload the link to the flipping class site. 5