Stage 2
Sample questions for
oral communication assessment
Please note: This document includes examples of focus questions related to visual stimuli
used in Part B of the Stage 2 English as an Additional Language or Dialect practical
examination and also examples of questions related to the recommended contexts in the
Stage 2 units of the course which may be asked in Part C of the practical examination.
Teachers may choose to refer to these when teaching the course and administering a range
of oral communication assessment tasks. This list is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive.
English as an Additional Language or Dialect: Stage 2 Sample questions for Oral communication assessment
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English as an Additional Language or Dialect: Stage 2 Sample questions for Oral communication assessment
Stage 2 EALD sample practical examination questions, Part B
Some examples of focus questions related to a visual stimulus are shown below. The questions
shown are neither prescriptive nor exhaustive.
Giving her dog a drink
Focus questions:
 This young woman is taking care of her thirsty dog by offering him a drink. In what
other ways do owners of pets care for the needs of their pets?
 What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a pet dog?
 Do modern pet owners spend too much money on their pets? Why do you think
that? Give examples.
 Why do you think many people who live in cities want to keep pets?
Cooking in the open air
Focus questions:
This young woman looks very happy with her freshly baked bread. What are
some of the pleasures of cooking and eating outdoors?
In what ways would a modern picnic /barbecue look different from this
scene?What factors might spoil a meal in the open air?
Describe a meal in the open air and its significance to you.
Stage 2 EALD sample practical examination questions, Part C
Some examples of questions on Stage 2 course work in part C of the EALD examination interview
are provided below. The questions relate to the 2AELD unit focus, Ways of Life and the 2BELD
unit focus, Making choices. Students should be able to discuss texts they have studied related to
these unit focuses and to provide examples which they can link clearly to them. The questions
shown are neither prescriptive nor exhaustive.
Ways of life
 What issue related to ways of life did you learn about?
 Did you study a text on this issue? What was it? Who wrote this text/
Who directed this film? What is the main idea of this text?
 Who is the main character or group in the text? Can you describe an
aspect you noticed about their way of life? What do you think about it?
Why?How does this compare with the way people behave in your own
 What have you learned about your own culture and way of life from
studying this course?
 People often think the way of life in the past was simpler and better.
Do you agree? Why?/Why not?
 Can you describe one thing you have learned about the Australian
culture and way of life during your course? Did you notice any
differences from your own culture? Please explain what you think.
English as an Additional Language or Dialect: Stage 2 Sample questions for Oral communication assessment
Do you think any one culture has a perfect way of life? What can we
learn from one another?
What kinds of choices did you study during your EALD course? What
was the most important choice? Why?Is this choice important for most
young people today?
 Did you study a text on this issue? What was it? Who wrote this text/
Who directed this film? What did the writer or director tell you about
the issue? What was the writer’s/director’s opinion about this issue, do
you think?
 If a character makes a choice, what kind of choice did he/she make?
Is that shown to have been wise or a mistake? Please explain. Has
reading this text/ viewing this documentary/film influenced you in the
choices you will make yourself?
 We make choices as individuals and as groups or societies. Give
some examples of group decisions. What do you think is a good way
for a group to make a choice together?
 Does everyone have freedom of choice? What are some factors which
limit people’s power to make a choice? Can you give any examples?
 Australians have the freedom to make many different choices. From
your studies, what have you learned about the kinds of choices an
Australian teenager can make? Is this power to choose always
English as an Additional Language or Dialect: Stage 2 Sample questions for Oral communication assessment