COM 374 McGarrity COM 374 Final Exam Study Guide Week 7: Dialects dialect dialect vs. language (linguistic vs. nonlinguistic criteria) mutual (un)intelligibility idiolect dialect continuum factors that affect dialect 3 ways dialects can differ accent regional dialect Northern, Midland, Southern, Western characteristics isogloss dialect leveling social dialect William Labov’s NYC ‘r’ study (methods, results, conclusions) registers/styles factors that affect speech situation (topic, setting, participants) levels of formality markers of style (phonology, lexicon, grammar) slang (characteristics) jargon neologisms (blends, clippings, compounds, acronyms, conversions) Readings: Pederson Roberts Macaulay Wolfram & Schilling-Estes Week 8: Language and ethnicity standard vs. nonstandard dialect hypercorrection (phonological, lexical, syntactic) overt vs. covert prestige African American English (AAE) misconceptions about characteristics (phonological, syntactic) style-shifting / code-switching linguistic profiling Oakland School Board Ebonics controversy background precedent goals (vs. wording) of resolution popular vs. intended interpretation reaction of media, African-Americans supporters Empirical studies effectiveness of correction, use of nonstandard in education Bilingual education English Only debate arguments for/against Readings: Oakland School Board Rickford Caldas & Caron-Caldas Hayakawa King Weeks 9, 10: Language, gender and power effects of gender on speaker, addressee, referent linguistic gender differences examples: phonological, lexical, grammatical behavioral gender differences (examples) gender-exclusive vs. gender-preferential differentiation Sexism in language (asymmetry btw. male/female terms, nongender-specific terms, male terms as generic) 2 views on ‘sexist’ (also racist, etc.) language politically correct language relationship(s) btw. language and power taboo words euphemism Speech codes loaded words epithet doublespeak 4 types: euphemism, jargon, gobbledygook, inflated language Readings: Talbot Johnson Tannen Kakutani Lutz