Role Descriptions for Existing Staff

Role Descriptions for Existing Staff
(This document was prepared by the Transition Board Northern Ireland for
discussion on 28 October 2008.)
Help the Aged and Age Concern Northern Ireland currently
use different methods to describe the role which employees
undertake. It is viewed as important by the NI People
Workstream (NIPW) that a consistent format for defining
roles is developed and used. This paper outlines the
suggested process and guidance on completing role
Draft - for discussion, comment and input.
Confidentiality level:
For Transitional Board Northern Ireland.
That the Transitional Board comments on the paper and
give agreement for the NI People Workstream to progress
this area of work.
Role Description Process
A key recommendation from the UK People Workstream approved by the
Transition Board UK is to develop a library of all current roles in both charities.
This will provide greater understanding and clarity around the nature of each
role’s activities and responsibilities, along with what skills and knowledge are
required for each role. The NI People Workstream would ask tor similar
approval to be given.
Age Concern Northern Ireland and Help the Aged use different methods to
describe the role which employees undertake. Age Concern Northern Ireland
adopts a Job Description and Person Specification, while Help the Aged use a
Role Profile. Therefore, a common document has been created, called a
‘Role Description’, and this format will replace the current Job Description or
Role Profile. If this approach is agreed by the NI Transitional Board, we will
consult with the Staff Consultative Group, Trade Union and NI Team Forum.
At first glance, this may appear to be a time consuming task, but it will form an
essential step in the development to becoming NewCharity NI and this cannot
be achieved without employee input. The main purpose of this exercise is to
gather information to ensure we have up to date information on all roles within
both charities and that these are described consistently throughout both
Following the appointment of the Chief Executive and Directors within
NewCharity Northern Ireland, the Role Descriptions will be used to give them
a clear sense of the roles undertaken within both charities including
similarities and differences. New roles created as a result of any department
evaluation/restructuring, will also adopt the Role Description format, enabling
agreed processes to be consistently and fairly applied.
In addition, NewCharity Northern Ireland will adopt the Role Description
format for any future external recruitment, until a full review on how roles
should be best described is completed.
Full guidance has been provided in the ‘Step by Step Guidance on
Completing a Role Description’ document, to ensure staff members of are
fully equipped and confident to carry out this exercise. The Role Description
should be based on current Job Descriptions or Role Profiles. It should be
completed in a consultative manner with the employee and line manager
agreeing the version which is submitted to the HR department. All roles
should be revised into the new format, including roles that are currently
vacant, and any that are in the approved staff establishment / resource plan.
All roles must be captured in this exercise and therefore should any
employees be on Maternity leave or long term sick, it is advised that the line
manager completes a draft Role Description, which is then forwarded to the
individual for their agreement.
Completed Role Descriptions are to be sent to ACNI HR department, with a
target date of 31 December 2008. The HR Department will then review the
documentation and provide feedback as necessary. Queries on how to
complete this documentation will be addressed by the HR department of both
ACNI and HtA.