C6 Chemical synthesis advance planning page 1 TWENTY FIRST CENTURY SCIENCE Technicians’ advance planning sheets C6 Chemical synthesis This table shows items that may need to be ordered in advance for this module. It does not list standard items such as OHT pens and test-tubes. Full details of the resources needed for each activity are given in the Requirements section of the Teacher & Technician notes published by OUP, which also include safety information for the activity. Activity Item(s) AC6.1 Alchemy? CD ROM disc 2 Quantity per Student/group of students, or for the teacher Notes www.chemsoc.org/networks/ learnnet/alchemy.htm Data projector, computer AC6.2 AC6.3 AC6.4 Crushed rock salt or sodium chloride Conc. sulfuric acid Litmus solution /indicator Labelled samples of: Citric acid Tartaric acid Conc. sulfuric acid Dil. sulfuric acid Conc. nitric acid Dil. nitric acid Dil. hydrochloric acid Sodium hydroxide (solid) Dil. sodium hydroxide solution Potassium hydroxide (solid) Dil. potassium hydroxide solution Calcium hydroxide solid Lime water 1 Small pieces of magnesium Black copper oxide in small container Marble chips – small Dil. Hydrochloric acid 2M Dil. ethanoic acid 1 1 Access to pH meter Phenolphthalein indicator Sodium hydroxide 0.40 M Citic acid (pure) Mixture of 95% citric acid and 5% castor sugar 1 1 1 1 1 Demonstration. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Group activity. 1 1 1 Balance (reading to 3 places) 1 Class activity. C6 Chemical synthesis advance planning page 2 AC6.5 Marble chips – large 20 g Marble chips – small 20 g Dil. hydrochloric acid 2M Cotton wool Balance 1 bottle 1 1 Stop clock or similar 1 AC6.6 Magnesium ribbon Small pieces of emery paper Dil. Hydrochloric acid 2M AC6.7 Access to: Water bath containing water at about 40oC 1 Burettes containing: Potassium iodide solution 33g/l Sodium thiosulfate solution, 2.5 g/l 1 1 1 Set up before lesson. Make just before use either with solid or by diluting a conc. solution. Prepare fresh. 1 Dropper bottles containing: Copper (II) sulfhate solution, 2.5 g in 100cm3 Iron (II) sulfhate solution, 3 g in 100cm3 Iron (III) chloride solution, 3 g in 100 cm3 AC6.10 Reading to at least one decimal point. Class activity. Fresh starch solution, 0.5g in 250 cm3 solution Potassium peroxodisulfate (persulfate), saturated solution AC6.9 Demonstration – chips should be washed with dil. HCl then water to remove surface powder. Allow the chips to dry in air. 1 per group 1 per group 1 per group Weighing bottle Sample tube with label Metal oxides, hydroxides or carbonates selected in planning stage Dil. sulfhuric acid 1.0 M Balance 1 per group 1 per group Calculators Class set Can use 100 cm3 beaker. Obtain list from teacher well beforehand in case need to order. 2 C6 Chemical synthesis advance planning page 3 AC6.11 Bingo cards Class set of 1 per student Counters/small pieces of paper Enough to cover all spaces on cards 1 Table of atomic masses AC6.12 AC6.13 Burette White tile Pipette and filler Hydrochloric acid, 0.1 M 1 1 1 1 Sodium hydroxide, 0.1 M Universal indicator solution 1 1 Burette White tile Pipette and filler Hydrochloric acid, 0.1 M Sodium hydroxide, 0.1 M Universal indicator solution Datalogging equipment with a pH meter 1 per group 1 per group 1 per group 1 per group 1 per group 1 per group 1 per group May need to be copied/enlarged. Demonstration. Prepare enough acid and alkali for the following activity at the same time. Class activity. © in this format University of York (UYSEG) and Nuffield Foundation 2006 3