INTRODUCTION YEAR 10 BUSINESS SEMESTER 1 – Term Spring WEEK CONTENT 2 Why Business? TASK/LEARNING ACTIVITIES Lesson 1 Introduction & Rules One person talks at a time Respect others and their property Do your best Do as the teacher instructs STRATEGIES Think, Pair, Share - Write: Why did you choose business & what do you want to learn about? Share with the class Think Pair Share Direct Instruction Intro PPT Handout: Term & Assessment Outline Overview of Topics - Intro PPT Term outline 3 Business Types RESOURCES Computer Bingo Activity – Find someone who? – Handout: Bingo Game Activity Handout: Bingo Game Chocolates Bullseye chart activity – students look at business studies bullseye chart and choose an occupation that suits them. Students create a one page brochure advertising that occupation. Bulleye chart: Lesson 2 Who’s parents work for wages? Who’s parents own their own business? Think Pair Share: Which is better to own your business or work for wages? Research & Present - Tools and Resources, Learning Tools for secondary students, Bullseye charts, Business What is a business? A business is any organisation that produces and sells for a profit, the goods and services that satisfy needs and wants. Activity – Concepts Intro PPT Questioning Worksheet 1: mics/goods-and-services_WMZTR.pdf Students complete worksheet 1: Goods and Services Can you just start a business? Class Brainstorm – what do you need to start a business? For Example Hairdresser. Start a business you need: Capital, Equipment, etc Read through Fish Tank Business Start Up – Discuss what is needed for this business Brainstorm Online Game Fish Tank Business Start Up: ex.html Discuss Profit, Income and Expenses Students do Worksheet 2 – Matching Definition Activity – Definition Worksheet 2 – Matching Definition PPT – sole trader & partnership definitions Students fill in worksheet Glossary terms – unlimited liability, liability Direct Instruction Intro PPT Worksheet 3: Comparison of business ownership Students research the advantages and disadvantages of a sole trader and partnership on the internet Internet Research If finished: Online activity – starting a business 3 3 Business Types Franchise Fish Tank Business Start Up: ex.html Lesson 3 Worksheet 4: Going into business – Students complete questions Read and Understand PPT: Private and public companies Students research public and private companies Direct Instruction Clickview: public company Clickview Lesson 4 Students write down from PPT – Franchise Agreement, Franchisor, Franchisee Direct Instruction Worksheet 4: Going into business Intro PPT Intro PPT Clickview: Boost juice franchise. 4 4 Franchise Franchise Research Franchise Lesson 5 Worksheet 6 Case study: QLD p. 9 Video and answers Clickview Worksheet 5: Clickview questions Case Study Worksheet 6: Case Study: VIP Lawnmowing Internet Activity & PowerPoint Activity: Students create a PPT based on the article: Are you Franchise Ready? Lesson 6 Internet Students research a top ten franchise and present Research answers to class: Computers s/ What products or services does this business provide? Why join this franchise? Is their training available? What is the initial investment? Are there ongoing fees? 5 Franchise Lesson 7 Students read and complete questions in the Worksheet 8: Buying a Franchise 6 7 PowerPoint: Agenda Slide & Hyperlinks PowerPoint: Charts Read and answer questions Lesson 8 PowerPoint PPT Lesson: Worksheet 9 – The Adventures of Wonder Dave. Show students how to do a Agenda Slide and Action Buttons Lesson 9 PowerPoint Worksheet 7 Worksheet 8 7-8 Research Franchise of choice and persuade potential franchisee 8 Present Assessment PPT Lesson Worksheet 10 - The Ice Cream Company Show students how to do Charts Lesson 10 – 14 Students work on assignment Lesson 15 – 16 Students present assignment Due Date: 3rd and 5th Dec Student Work Presentation s Term Summer 1 Accounting – Balance Sheet Lesson 1 Rules PPT: Personal Finance Information What is accounting process PPT: Definitions Assets Liabilities Owner’s Equity Accounts Receivable Accounts Payable Direct Instruction Complete handout Unit 12 Activity: Classification of assets, liabilities and owner’s equity p. 321 Q4 Classify activity PPT: Accounting Equation Complete handout Unit 12 Activities: p. 320 Q1, 2, 3 PowerPoint Handout: The Accounting Process for a Sole Trader Unit 12 Handout: Nelson Business Education Lesson 2 Class Revision Unit 12 p. 321 Q6 Questioning Unit 12 p. 321 Q8 Students label as A, L, OE Add all Assets, Liabilities, OE Students do Formula Activity PPT: Balance Sheet Narrative and T Form – Unit 12 p. 322 Students copy example on p. 322 Copy and learn Complete Unit 12 p. 323 Question 2 together Activity Unit 12 PPT T form, column paper Lesson 3 Complete Unit 12 p. 323 Q 3, 4, 5 2 Balance Sheet Income Statement Extra Exercises Lesson 4 Financial Transactions Unit 12 Discuss p. 324, 325 Unit 12.3 p. 325 Q1 do together Discussion Activities Students complete Unit 12.3 Q2, 3 Lesson 5 PPT: Income Statement Students copy Example on p. 327 Unit 12.4 p. 328 Q 1, 3 Discussion Activities Answers for Act 12.2 3 Balance Sheet Income Statement Nature of Accounts Lesson 6 Unit 12.4 p. 328 Q 5 – Start together Q6 Direct Instruction & Discussion Lesson 7 Extra Exercises Activities Lesson 8 PPT: Nature of Accounts Unit 12.5 p. 332 Q 1 Students complete Q2 Complete together Direct Instruction Activities Q3 Students complete 4 Nature of Accounts Lesson 9 PPT: General Journal General Journal PPT: GST General Journal Students complete Unit 12.6 Q 1 p. 339 Complete together Unit 12.6 Q 7 p. 340 5 General Journal Lesson 10 Unit 12.6 Q9 p. 340 Student complete General Journal p. 347 (Scenario) Students complete Lesson 11 General Journal p. 350 Q3 Students complete Extra Exercises Lesson 12 Direct Instruction Activities Extra Exercises 6 Revision & Test Lesson 13 & 14 Test Human Resource Mangement Lesson 15 Lesson 1 Pre-questions When might a business need to employ staff? How would a business owner go about recuiting staff? What strategies could the owner use to motivate and reward staff Handout p. 4 & 5 – VCE text Discuss the employment cycle Define HRM Newspaper Article p. 4 & 5 Garbo doesn’t want to be alone Students create the employment cycle in Word in a different format Questioning Direct Instruction Article 7 Job Lesson 2 Descriptions Job Description – written outline of a job, Job including the tasks and responsibilities Specifications related to the job Job Ads Job Specification – person attributes required for the job, such as the skills, knowledge, Recruitment abilities, and experience. & Selection Look at examples of job description & job specification Questioning Job Ads to analyse Job Ads and table Direct Instruction Article Job Advertisement Information about the company Tasks of the job Skills required – Personal skills, computer or specialised skills Qualification required Application process with a deadline Show students some jobs advertisements – What is good about these ads? What needs improvement? Handout: complete a table looking a job ads and writing down details Students are given a Job Description and Job Specification and need to create a Job Ad Lesson 3 Recruitment is the process of locating and encouraging potential applicants to apply for a specific position of employment Recruitment methods: Noticeboards/newsletters – internal Newspaper advertisements Employment Agencies Networking Newspaper article: How to find the best staff Clickview Previous Applicants Work Experience students Newspaper article p. 10 VCE Text How to find the best staff Selection is the means by which the employer chooses the most suitable applicant for a vacancy. Selection methods: Written application Testing Interviews Background Checks Clickview: Rebel Sport HRM – show only the first part, stop after the selection process 8 Recruitment & Selection Lesson 4 Overview of recruitment & selection Employment Arrangement s Case Study p. 13 & 14 VCE text Students also need profile/job description of Restaurant Manager Induction & Training In pairs students create: job advertisement, 10 general questions, 4 specific questions for each applicant Case Study p. 13 & 14 VCE text Job Profile of Restaurant Manager In pairs Q 3 & 4 Lesson 5 Students research employment arrangements in pairs and create notes to teach the class about employment arrangements. Must have a definition, 2 benefits and 2 disadvantages for the employee. Worksheet for students to take notes from others presentations Fulltime, Part time, flexi hours, casual, contract work, work from home, Lesson 6 Induction: a form of training usually carried out at the beginning of an employment relationship. It provides employees with basic background information about the business and information on how to preform the job. Formal induction: tour of facilities, handbook – working hours, performance reviews, payroll arrangements and leave entitlements. Employee benefits, policies & procedures, mission statement, OHS, organisational structure Group Activity: If a teacher was starting at IMCC – what needs to be included in the induction? 9 Motivating Staff Clickview: Rebel Sport: Training Lesson 7 Case study: Workplace benefits may be waste of money Motivating Staff Internal Factors (Personal) & External (factors in the business) PPT Students think of how to motivate staff at Coles. Case study: Workplace benefits may be waste of money p. 16 Term Autumn 1 Revision for HRM Lesson 8 – 10 Revision 2 Test Lesson 11 Test 3 New Topic: Marketing Lesson 1: Follow PPT What is marketing? Students write down an answer. Share with the class Definition Research: 3 Job Advertisement of Marketing Manager. What are their tasks/duties / Article: Hits and misses for 2001 Students answer questions 1, 2, 3 Direct Instruction PPT Class Discussion On-line research Article - Photocopy H/W One hit and one miss – paragraph on why they were a hit or a miss 4 Marketing Research Lesson 2 Check H/W Individual Activity New Prodcut Individual Activity: Students think of 3 product being advertised to them – positive point and negative point about each advertisement. Group work Market Segmentation PPT Data Collection Methods Table – Photocopy Discussion PowerPoint: Marketing Research Definition Group Work: Students need to mix and match the advantages and disadvantages of primary data collection methods Lesson 3 In Pairs: Create a new product and a market research survey (see ppt) Show students how to insert a symbol Lesson 4 PPT – Example of Market Segmentation – for Ipod Nano PPT: Target Market Definition Group work Investigation Computer work PPT Example of Marketing Survey – Photocopy PPT Activity 7.12 Handout: Market segmentation and examples Activities Handout: Market segmentation and examples Activities 5 Market Lesson 5 Segmentation Marketing mix - PPT Product Strategies and Example – PPT Innovation – See computer innovation (see Julie about books) Online Activity: Find the inventor Marketing Mix Product Strategies Innovation Class Discussion Individual work Computer Innovation document Online Activity: Find the Inventor (save on portal) Lesson 6 Brands names: PPT Direct Instruction PPT Online activity: Are you an advertisement guru? On-line activity Online Activity In Pairs: Design your own app for the App Store & SWOT Brand Name PPT Lesson 7 In Pairs: Design your own app for the App Store & SWOT Design your own app for the App Store handout photocopy Direct Instruction Research 6 Packaging Lesson 8 Packaging Definition PPT What is on packaging? Bring in 6 products. In groups students look at the packaging and write down all the items on packaging. As a class write down all the items on packaging Creative Activity Brainstormin PPT g 6 products – packaging Direct Purpose of packaging: hold the product, give instructions, state the ingredients, promote the product Activity: Create new packaging for a product Price Lesson 9 Price Price Strategies – See handout, Class discussion on examples Instruction Creative Activity Class Discussion PPT Price Strategies handout Promotion Strategies – see PPT Discuss each strategy Why Advertise? – PPT 7 8 Promotion Strategies Advertising Lesson 10 Taking Pairs: Students construct a table with the advantages Notes/Resea & disadvantages of Television, Radio, Newspaper, rch Magazine, Direct Mail, Outdoor Advertising Analysing Analysing TV commericals & magazine advertisements – Target Market, Good Points, Improvements Activity What form of advertising would you use for the following: Health & Fitness magazine, uno cards, Wiggles video, ski yohurt, fuss hair salon, trish’s home cleaning services Create a magazine advertisement for a new product Exams PPT TV commericals Magazine advertisements 9 - 11 Distribution/ Place Lesson 11 Channels Distribution issues – transport, warehousing, inventory control, technology - PPT Direct Instruction Clickview/Scootle Lesson 12 – 18 Assessment 4: Major Assignment Design a new mobile phone – complete drawing Design & execute Market Research survey & collate results Create a magazine advertisement Write a report introducing the new mobile phone to management. Report include: brand name, slogan, product features, price, target markets, market research of 4 mobile phones on the market and why your compete with those, results from market research, promotion avenues and how the phone will be distributed. Assignment Work PPT Clickview/Scootle TERM WINTER WEEK CONTENT 1 Business Venture & Business Plan Business Roles Brainstormin g TASK/LEARNING ACTIVITIES Lesson 1 Business Assessment 5 Students choose groups STRATEGIES RESOURCES Video Assessment 5 Class Discussion Business Roles – Role Descriptions handout Students have a meeting and choose roles Role Descriptions handout You tube video: Brainstorming PowerPoint: Brainstorming rules You tube Video: How to Brainstorm Video: How not to Brainstorm PowerPoint – with notes on brainstorming rules 2 Brainstorm Lesson 2 Business Plan Brainstorming revision Brainstorm: Ideas for Year 10 Social Brainstormin Video: Creating a Business Plan g Group Brainstorm for Assignment & then choose an idea. Who is doing what? Lesson 3 Video: Creating a Business Plan 3 Business Plan Lesson 4 – Business Why create a Business Plan? Profile Business Plan should demonstrate the skills and abilities of the owner, and be presented professionally so that it can be used confidently to sell and support the business idea to financial institutions, potential investors and even future purchases of the business. The Business Plan Writing Guide Section 1.0 Direct Instruction Group Work Business Plan Writing Guide Photocopy of text: Business Education (Nelson) Text Business Profile: read through p. 130 & p. 132 (SWOT) Lesson 5 Work on Assignment 4 5 Lesson 6 The Business Writing Guide Section 2.0 Text Market Analysis p. 131 Students need to complete a marketing survey Lesson 7 Work on assignment Lesson 8 Work on assignment Group work Group work Lesson 9 The Business Plan Writing Guide 3.0 Students complete Marketing Plan Lesson 10 The Business Plan Writing Guide 4.0 & 5.0 Text Operation Plan p. 159 & HR Plan p. 161 & 162 6-7 Lesson 11 Start working on micro business Brainstorm what needs to be done? Lesson 12 - 16 Working on micro business & finishing assignment 4th September – Stall Day Group work 8 Lesson 17 The Business Writing Guide 6.0 Text Financial Plan p. 163 & 163 Group work Lesson 18 Work on assignment 9 Lessons 19 – 21 Students write reflection Assignment Due 10 Lesson 22 Individual Reflection TERM 4: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS WEEK CONTENT 1 International Business & Advertising TASK/LEARNING ACTIVITIES Lesson 1 Give back assignments and marks STRATEGIES RESOURCES Last terms assignments Introduce the topic International Business Think Pair Share: Students write down all the businesses that trade internationally PPT: Advertising Blunders PPT Advertising Blunders Class Activity: Students create a PPT for business people wanting to do cross cultural advertising Lesson 2 Online quizzes Class Activity: Continue PPT re-tests.html Lesson 3 Watch movie: Working Class Man Students take notes on how Japanese do business and how the Americans do business 2 Cultural differences Lesson 4 & 5 Watch movie: Working Class Man Students take notes on how Japanese do business and how the Americans do business Lesson 6 Group Activity: Students discuss differences in Japan & America and create a poster. Present to the class Movie: Working Class Man Posters 3 4 Smart Traveller Assignment & New Oral Presentation Assignment given Lesson 7 & 8 Start Assessment 6 Part B Lesson 9 - 11 Work on Assignment – Part B 5&6 Lesson 12 - 15 Work on Assignment – Part B 7&8 Yr 10 Exams Oral Presentations