5.15 C AIDOC Week Principal`s Report Our swim school started

Burke Ward Public School
Week Eight ~ Term Four
Monday, 26th November 2012
Christmas Pageant
The school will once again be entering a float in this
year’s Christmas Pageant. All students are invited to
come along on Saturday, 1st December and be part of
the celebration.
The students are required to wear Christmas themed
clothes or dress-ups to make our float really stand
out. If your child is in the band, they will need to
wear band uniform with a Christmas t-shirt instead of
the jacket.
All students will need to bring a bottle of water and
please remember to collect your child promptly from
the end point of the pageant. Information about times
and meeting places will be published in Saturday’s
Come along and be part of this great Broken Hill
PRIDE Awards
PRIDE awards will finish this week. All awards must
be in by this Friday.
Active After School
This Thursday, 29th November will be the last day of
Active After School for 2012. All the children who
have attended this year have had a lot of fun.
Principal’s Report
Our swim school started today. All children were assessed in regards to their
ability. If your child was able to swim 25m unassisted, they will not be required
to participate in the remainder of the program. A note will be sent home with
your child if this is the case. If notes were returned for the first time today,
children were placed on a waiting list as our program is now full.
Sun Safe
As the weather warms up, please ensure your child has a re-useable water bottle
that they can refill during the day. Children are allowed to drink water during
class. Please also ensure your child is wearing sunscreen when they come to
school. We have a limited supply of sunscreen available for use. If your child
does not have a hat, they are only allowed to play under the shade shelter or go
to the library.
Prefect Speeches
This week, our year 5 students are making their prefect speeches to the staff
and students. I wish all of the candidates the best of luck. Voting will take place
on Thursday with results announced on Presentation Night in week 10.
2013 Classes
Before the end of this term, we will begin putting classes together for 2013. At
this stage, I cannot confirm class make up or teachers on grades. If you would
like to discuss 2013 placements, please contact me at school. Classes will be
constructed with the aim of providing your child with the best learning
environment and to best suit learning needs of your child.
Little Burkies
Our transition to school program concludes this week. It has been a wonderful
success with our ‘Little Burkies’ ready to come to school next year. Thank you
to Kylie Paech and her dedicated band of helpers for making the program such
a success. We will conduct a bbq on Thursday with year 5 students, Little
Burkies and their parents all invited to attend.
Have a great week.
Brad Lyne
Library News
This week will be the last week for borrowing for 2012.
Please ensure any books are returned within the next
fortnight. The library stocktake will take place during the
last week of school.
Overdue Books
There are many students who currently have overdue books.
Over the next 2 weeks overdue notes will continue to be
sent home. Please look for the books and return them as soon as possible.
Thank you to those parents who have been very prompt in returning the
overdue books. There are a small number of students who have books that are
overdue by several months. These students will receive a letter this week.
Book Club
Orders for Book Club No 8 were due in today. Late orders will be accepted as
long as they are in by 9am tomorrow.
SRC News
The SRC held a mufti day a few weeks ago on Melbourne Cup Day. Students
came to school dressed in their race day finery. A fashion parade was held
during lunch time and the following winners were chosen:
Early Stage 1:
Stage 1:
Stage 2:
Stage 3:
Jordan Evans & Summa Collins
Ellie Sutton & Rory Capper
Campbell Petkovich & Cheree Whyman
Harry Trengove & Sasha Cox
High School Picnic and Orientation Notes
Year 6 students attending Broken Hill High School will go to the Picnic Day at
the Sanderson Basketball Stadium tomorrow and the Orientation Day at the
high school next Wednesday.
All permission notes and money should have been returned to school by now.
There are a number of students who are to still return the permission note and
$4 bus money for these days.
Note and money need to be returned to either Mrs McCord or Mrs Robins first
thing tomorrow morning.
Please ensure that your child is in their full school uniform. The Year 6 t-shirts
may be worn.
SRC Mufti Day
This Thursday, 29th November the SRC will be holding a mufti day to raise
money for World Vision. A gold coin donation on the day would be
5/6 Dinner Dance
Students in years 5 and 6 have received their invitation
to this year’s 5/6 Dinner Dance. The dinner dance will
be held on Wednesday, 5th December and the cost is $5
per child. Permission notes and money are due by this
Thank you to those parents who have offered to help,
either setting up during the day, or helping to serve food on the night. An
information note will be sent home next week with further information on set
up times, etc.
Barrier Boys at State Cricket
Last week, Brodin Stuart, Paddric Attard, Charlie Hastwell and Harry Trengove
all headed to Armidale to take part in the NSW PSSA State Cricket Carnival.
They proudly wore the red, blue and yellow for Barrier and had a fabulous
P&C Shopping Spree
Thank you to all the ladies who came to the
Shopping Spree last Thursday. It was a
fantastic night and was enjoyed by all. The
P&C raised $1143.85 from this night.
Bella Kain
Ashton McKenzie
Taej Baxter
Jaxon Wellington
Bella Grillett
Zara Cox
Alisi Kelly
Siarrah Olsen
Colby Schiller
Angus Baxter
Beau Ryan
Maddison Khan
Angus Bartlett
Claudia Stevens
Jack Pellizzer
Trea Paech
Indi Towns
Krystal Lithgow
Isabella Trengove
Lucas Stacey
Kiarhn Love
Lauchlan McKenzie
Tyrell Cooper
Montana McAvaney
Paul Hackett
Tate Palmer
McKinley Moroney
Rachael Ashwood
Erin Stone
Harmon Pierpoint
Summa Collins
Brooke Ryan
Georgia McConnell
Cooper Burke
Lauchlan Adams
For Your Diary
Monday, 3rd December – P&C Meeting
Wednesday, 5th December – 5/6 Dinner Dance
Monday, 10th December – Presentation Night
Thursday, 13th December – K-2 Xmas Concert
Friday, 14th December – PRIDE Party
20 AWARDS: Jasmine Smylie
30 AWARDS: Lauchie Adams, Maggie Fobister, Amber Steele, Ryan Borchard
40 AWARDS: Shakiah Salt, Rory Capper, Cohan Wilson, Alisi Kelly, Bonni
Hannigan, Tate Palmer, Evan Reiss, Angus Bartlett
50 AWARDS: Ebony-Sky Bower, Taleah O’Neil, Jameson Burke, Airlie
Brown, Jeremy Fish
60 AWARDS: Jaime McInnes, Ashton McKenzie, Taej Baxter, Mackenzie
Niarros, Holly Borchard, Ella Robson, Makybe Weekes, Hans Mendoza, Tayla
70 AWARDS: Toby Ball, Lauren Pace
80 AWARDS: Sasha Cox
Play safely in the right places: Jasmine Smylie
Respect others and their things: Lauchie Adams,
Maggie Fobister, Amber
Steele, Ryan Borchard
Instructions of our teachers are to be followed: Shakiah Salt, Cooper Burke,
Rory Capper, Cohan Wilson, Alisi Kelly, Bonni Hannigan, Tate Palmer, Evan
Reiss, Angus Bartlett
Do all your work the best you can: Ebony-Sky Bower, Taleah O’Neil,
Jameson Burke, Airlie Brown, Jeremy Fish
Expect and use your best manners: Jaime McInnes, Ashton McKenzie, Taej
Baxter, Mackenzie Niarros, Holly Borchard, Ella Robson, Makybe Weekes,
Hans Mendoza, Tayla Dellar
Lost Property
Please check if your child has lost any articles of clothing as
we again have a massive amount in our lost property box.
The lost property box is located in the school office and all
items will be disposed of at the end of term.
Netball in 2013
To all the girls who are going to be in Year 1 or Year 2
next year
Hello, my name is Jackie and I am Stef Holmes’ mum. Stef is in
1P this year and she has started playing Outdoor Netball in a
team but next season which starts in about March (I think)
she would like to play in a team of friends from Burke Ward.
If you are interested please think about it through term 4 and
let me know as the year gets closer to the end, I am happy to
coach/train one team and if we get enough girls wanting to
play maybe we could put in a second team and I am happy to
help coach/train that one as well, as long as I can get help on
the night.
Netball is played on Tuesday night and fees are normally
about $45 for the season, with games played at 6.00pm. If
you are interested in playing, or have any questions, please
feel free to contact me on 0427 333 327.
I will look for a sponsor so we can get some flash uniforms, if
not we will just go with a coloured shirt and shorts.
Presentation Night
This year we will be holding our annual Presentation Night on Monday, 10 th
December. Presentation Night will be held at the Entertainment Centre and will
commence at 7.00pm.
A rehearsal for Presentation Night proceedings will be held on the morning of
Monday, 10th December. Those Students requested to attend the rehearsal are
as follows:
All Year 6 students
Band and Senior Choir members
Prize Winners
Primary PRIDE students who reached level “E”
Dance Group members
Permission notes will be sent home this week to those students attending and
need to be returned to the specially marked box in the front office by Monday,
3rd December.
Active After School fun 2012.