Curriculum Agenda November 17, 2008

The mission of Mt. San Jacinto College is to
provide quality, educationally enriching
experiences, programs and opportunities
designed to empower students to serve as
productive citizens in a dynamic and
complex world.
Instructional Services-Curriculum Office
Curriculum Committee Meeting
November 17, 2008 at 3:30
SJC Room 1254
13 Area Representatives
TBA, Applied Technology
D. Candelaria, Business/CIS, MVC
TBA, Business/CIS, SJC
G. Vargas, Social /Behavioral Science, MVC
TBA, Social /Behavioral Sciences, SJC
P. Ney, Math and Science, MVC
S. Roulette, Math and Science, SJC
Articulation Officer
J. McCurdy
Counselor (1)
D. May
E.T.C Liaison (1)
M. Nance
Librarian (1)
E. Anghel
J. Brown, Arts, MVC
TBA, Arts, SJC
M. Stewart, Letters and Language, MVC Faculty Co-Chair
Y. Flournoy, Letters and Language, SJC
M. Cvetko, Student Development
A. Durbin, Allied Health
T. Blake, Learning Center, MVC
Classified Senate (1)
K. Munoz Curriculum
Specialist (Voting)
R. Rowley, V P Representative (Non-Voting)
P. James, (Voting)
J. Johnson, (Voting)
Support Staff (Non-Voting)
C. Hawkins, Research
K. Di Memmo, Instructional Support
Coordinator for the Vice President
A. Seavey, Class Scheduling and Information
Evaluator, Enrollment Services
Associated Students (2)
Faculty at Large (4)
A. Schaadt, MVC (Voting)
L. Lord, SJC (Voting)
R. Goetz (Voting)
D. Peace MVC (Voting)
I. Opening of Meeting
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of meeting minutes from October 27, 2008
II. Comments of individual, groups, delegations limited to agenda items
Public comments are limited to agenda items and shall be no more than five (5) minutes per speaker and
twenty (20) minutes per subject unless further time is granted by the Curriculum Committee.
III. Consent Agenda - Action Items
1. Final Approval – New Course Proposals-Second Reading
A. CSIS-182 Computer Forensics-Level 1
2. Final Approval – Major Course Revisions-Second Reading
3. Final Approval – Mandatory Review Course Revisions-First and Only Reading
4. Final Approval – Minor Course Revisions-First and Only Reading
5. Final Approval – Prerequisite/Co requisite/Advisory Proposals-First and Only Reading
A. BIOL-125 Microbiology
Prerequisite: CHEM-107 Chemistry of Life
B. CAPP-140 Using Microsoft Office-Level 2
Prerequisite: CAPP-120 Using Microsoft Office-Level 1
C. CAPP-140M Using OpenOffice-Level 2
Prerequisite: CAPP-120M Using OpenOffice-Level 2
D. CAPP-141 Using Microsoft Word-Level 2
Prerequisite: CAPP-121 Using Microsoft Word-Level 1
E. CAPP-143 Using Microsoft Access-Level 2
Prerequisite: CAPP-123 Using Microsoft Access-Level 1
F. CAPP-160 Using Microsoft Office-Level 3
Prerequisite: CAPP-140 using Microsoft Office-Level 2
G. CSIS-182 Computer Forensics-Level 1
Prerequisite: CSIS 181 Computer Hardware-Level 1
H. MATH-110 Pre-Calculus
Prerequisite: MATH-105 College Algebra
I. ENGL-062 Basic Writing Skills
Prerequisite: ENGL-061 Basic Grammar and Usage
J. ENGL-098 English Fundamentals
Prerequisite: ENGL-062 Basic Writing Skills
K. ENGL-101 Freshman Composition
Prerequisite: ENGL-098 English Fundamentals
L. ENGL-103 Critical Thinking and Writing
Prerequisite: ENGl-101 Freshman Composition
M. ENGL-106 Introduction to Literature
Prerequisite: ENGL-101 Freshman Composition
N. ENGL-200/THA 150 Survey of Drama
Prerequisite: ENGL-101 Freshman Composition
O. ESL-051 English as a Second Language II
Prerequisite: ESL-050 English as a Second Language 1
P. ESL-056 Advanced Conversation and Pronunciation
Prerequisite: ESL-046 Intermediate Conversation and Pronunciation
Q. ESL-062W Basic Writing Skills
Prerequisite: ENGL-061 Basic Grammar and Usage or ESL-051 English as a Second Language
R. ESL-064R Advanced Academic Reading and Vocabulary
Prerequisite: ESL-63R Intermediate Vocabulary
S. ESL-098W English Writing Fundamentals
Prerequisite: ESL-062W Basic Writing Skills or ENGL -062 Basic Writing Skills
T. MUL-214 Practical Production-Entertainment
Prerequisite: Approval through resume, portfolio and interview process by two multimedia instructors
required for enrollment
U. READ-100 Critical Reading and Thinking
Prerequisite: ENGL-062 Basic Writing Skills, ENGL-098 English Fundamentals, READ 064
Intermediate Reading
V. SOCI-101 Principles of Sociology
Corequisite: SOCI-095 Survey of Human Services
W. SOCI-140 Introduction to Applied Human Services
Prerequisite: SOCI-095 Survey of Human Services
X. SOCI-141 Case Services and Advocacy in Human Services
Prerequisite: SOCI-095 Survey of Human Services
Y. SOCI 150 Introductory Field Work in Human Services
Prerequisite: SOCI-095 Survey of Human Services
6. Final Approval – New Program Proposals-Second Reading
7. Final Approval – Major Program Revisions-Second Reading
A. Revision of Certificate in General Track
Rationale: Adding CSIS-182 (Computer Forensics Level 1) to the Computer Forensics Employment
Concentration under the General Track Certificate Program
8. Major Procedure Revisions – Second Reading
9. Final Approval – Honors Addendum Proposals-First and Only Reading
A. ENGL-101H Honors Freshman Composition
B. ENGL-103H Honors Critical Thinking and Writing
C. ENGL-106H Honors Introduction to Literature
D. GEOG-115 Introduction to GIS
E. GEOG-120 Intermediate GIS
D. SOCI-101H Principles of Sociology
E. SOCI-105H Social Psychology
IV. Open Agenda - Action Items
Final Approval – Distance Education Addendum Proposals- First and Only Reading
A. BADM-157 Principles of Salesmanship
B. CAPP-120 Using Microsoft Office-Level 1
C. CAPP-120M Using OpenOffice-Level 1
D. CAPP-121 Using Microsoft Word-Level 1
E. CAPP-122 Using Microsoft Excel
F. CAPP-123 Using Microsoft Access-Level 1
G. CAPP-124 Using Microsoft PowerPoint
H. CAPP-126F Microsoft Publisher
I. CAPP-126G Using Adobe InDesign
J. CAPP-131 Using Microsoft Outlook
K. CAPP-135 Using Microsoft Project
L. CAPP-140 Using Microsoft Office-Level 2
M. CAPP-140M Using OpenOffice-Level 2
N. CAPP-141 Using Microsoft Word-Level 2
O. CAPP-143 Using Microsoft Access-Level 2
P. CAPP-160 Using Microsoft Office-Level 3
Q. CSIS-112A Visual Basic Programming
R. CSIS-113A C++ Programming-Level 1
S. CSIS-113B Java Programming-Level 1
T. CSIS-113C C+ Programming Level 1
U. CSIS-116F Ruby Programming-Level 1
V. CSIS-118B Computer Organization and Assembly Language
W. CSIS-120A Action Script Programming-Level 1
X. CSIS-123A C++ Programming-Level 2
Y. CSIS-123B Java Programming-Level 2
Z. CSIS-123C C+ Programming Level 2
AA. CSIS-202 Networks and Data Communication
BB. ENGL-061 Basic Grammar and Usage
CC. ENGL-062 basic Writing Skills
DD. ENGL-098 English Fundamentals
ENGL-101 Freshman Composition
ENGL-103 Critical Thinking and Writing
GG. ENGL-106 introduction to Literature
GEOG-101 Physical Geography
GEOG-102 Cultural Geography
GEOG-105 Intro to Cartography
GEOG-108 World Regional Geography
GEOG-115 Introduction to GIS
GEOG-120 Intermediate GIS
MUL-125 Interactive Motion Media
MGT-133 Productivity Management
OTEC-145 Keyboarding and Document Formatting II
OTEC-146 Keyboarding Speed and Accuracy
OTEC-180 Research Analysis and Presentation
SOCI-101 Principles of Sociology
SOCI-105 Social Psychology
Conceptual Approval – New Course Proposals- First Reading
A. CAPP-081 Introduction to the Vista Operating System
B. CAPP-082 introduction to File Management
C. CHEM-107 Chemistry of Life
D. CSIS-116F Ruby Programming
E. CSIS-118B Computer Organization and Assembly
F. CSIS-120A Action Script Programming Level
G. ESL-046 Speaking, Listening, and Pronunciation
H. ESL-62W Basic Writing Skills
I. ESL-063R Reading and Vocabulary 1
J. ESL-064R Reading and Vocabulary 2
K. ESL-098W English Writing Fundamentals
L. FREN-152 Intermediate French Conversation I
M. FREN-251 Intermediate French Conversation II
N. GEOG-103 Field Studies in Geography
O. GEOG-106 Climate and Weather
P. GEOG-107 Urban Geography
Q. MUL-214 Practical Production Entertainment
R. MUS-212 Instrumental Chamber Music
S. NURS-248 Preceptorship
T. OTEC-146 Keyboarding Speed and Accuracy
U. OTEC-180 Research Analysis and Presentation
V. READ-100 Critical Reading and Thinking
W. SOCI -101 Principles of Sociology
Conceptual Approval – Major Course Revisions-First Reading
A. AUME-112 Bureau of Automotive Repair (State of California) 2009 Update Course
B. BADM-157 Principles of Salesmanship
C. BIOL-101 Chemistry of Life DEACTIVATION
D. BIOL-125 Microbiology
Previous course outlines of record for the CAPP courses will not be included in the agenda as the course
revisions are name changes only.
E. CAPP-039 Software Applications
F. CAPP-080 Introduction to Technology
G. CAPP-120 Using Microsoft Office-Level 1
H. CAPP-120M Using OpenOffice-Level 1
I. CAPP-121 Using Microsoft Word-Level 1
J. CAPP-122 Using Microsoft Excel
K. CAPP-123 Using Microsoft Access-Level 1
L. CAPP-124 Using Microsoft PowerPoint
M. CAPP-126F Using Microsoft Publisher
N. CAPP-126G Using Adobe InDesign
O. CAPP-131 Using Microsoft Outlook
P. CAPP-135 Using Microsoft Project
Q. CAPP-140 Using Microsoft Office-Level 2
R. CAPP-140M Using OpenOffice-Level 2
S. CAPP-141 Using Microsoft Word-Level 2
T. CAPP-143 Using Microsoft Access-Level 2
U. CAPP-160 Using Microsoft Office-Level 3
V. CSIS-113A C++ Programming-Level 1
W. CSIS-113B Java Programming-Level 1
X. CSIS-113C C+ Programming Level 1
Y. CSIS-120A Action Script Programming Level 1
Z. CSIS-123A C++ Programming-Level 2
AA. CSIS-123B Java Programming-Level 2
BB. CSIS-123C C+ Programming-Level 2
CC. CSIS-201 Systems Analysis and Design
DD. CSIS-202 Networks and Data Communications
ENGL-061 Basic Grammar and Usage
ENGL-062 Basic Writing Skills
GG. ENGL-098 English Fundamentals
HH. ENGL-101 Freshman Composition
ENGL-103 Critical Thinking and Writing
ENGL-106 introduction to Literature
KK. ENGL-200 Survey of Drama
ESL-050 English as a Second Language 1
MM. ESL-051 English as a Second Language
OO. ESL-053A Academic Writing DEACTIVATION
ESL-054A Academic Writing and Research DEACTIVATION
QQ. ESL-055 English Pronunciation DEACTIVATION
RR. ESL-056 Speaking, Listening and Pronunciation
GEOG-080 Geographic Systems Practicum
UU. GEOG-101 Physical Geography
VV. GEOG-102 Cultural Geography
WW. GEOG-104 Physical Geography Lab
XX. GEOG-105 Introduction to Cartography
YY. GEOG-108 World Regional Geography
GEOG-111 Geography in California
AAA. GEOG-115 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
BBB. GEOG-120 Intermediate Geographic Information Systems
CCC. GEOG-125 Advanced Geographic Information Systems
DDD. GEOG-130 Geographic information Systems: Science, Business and Government
EEE. GEOG-298 (A-Z) Special Topics in Geographic Information Systems
FFF. GEOL-100 Physical Geology: The Dynamic Planetary Systems of Spaceship Earth
GGG. GEOL-103 Environmental Geology: Natural Hazards and Disasters
HHH. GEOL-105 Historical Geology: Evolving Earth, Dinosaurs and Homo Sapiens
GEOL-107 Scenic Adventure Field Trips in Geology
GEOL-111 Planetary Astronomy
KKK. LEG-140 Bankruptcy Law
LLL. LEG-150 Probate Law and Procedure
MMM. MATH-110 Pre-Calculus
NNN. MGT-133 Productivity Management
OOO. MUL-112 Interactive Media Design
PPP. MUL-125 interactive Motion Media
QQQ. MUL-218 Dynamic Web Design
RRR. OTEC-145 Keyboarding and Document Formatting II DEACTIVATION
SSS. PE-110 Prevention and Care of Injuries
TTT. SOCI-095 Survey of Human Services
UUU. SOCI-101 Principles of Sociology
VVV. SOCI-102 Contemporary Social Problems
WWW. SOCI-103 Marriage and the Family
XXX. SOCI-105 Social Psychology
YYY . SOCI-106 Intercultural Relations
ZZZ. SOCI-108 Human Sexuality
ZZZ. SOCI-110 Media and Society
AAAA. SOCI-112 Gender and Social Interaction
BBBB. SOCI-115 Contemporary Chicano/a in Society
CCCC. SOCI-125 Crime and Society
DDDD. SOCI-130 Sociology of Aging
EEEE. SOCI-140 Introduction to Applied Human Services
FFFF. SOCI-141 Case Services and Advocacy in Human Services
GGGG. SOCI-150 Introductory Field Work in Human Services
HHHH. SPAN-051 Elementary Spanish Conversation I
SPAN-052Elementary Conversation II
JJJJ. THA-117 Stagecraft
KKKK THA-122 Stage Makeup
Conceptual Approval – New Program Proposals-First Reading
A. AA Degree in Geography
Rationale: An AA in Geography provides students a pathway form transferring to CSU or UC and
promotes enrollment in the “sister” program Geographic Information Systems As and Certificate
Conceptual Approval – Major Program Revisions-First Reading
A. Revision of AA Degree in Physical Education
Rationale: Update course to reflect concepts, current research, growing trends and medical advances in
the areas of Athletic Training and Sports Medicine
Catalog inclusion date: 2009-10
Term effective: Fall 2009
B. Revision of AS Degree in Office Administration
Rationale: Propagating title changes for course(s) supporting this degree
Catalog inclusion date: 2009-10
Term effective: Fall 2009
C. Revision of AA Degree in Music
Rationale: This course fulfills a need for students who wish to transfer to a 4-year institution with a
concentration in classical music. This course fulfills the need for students to refine their musical ability
by providing musical ensembles at MSJC. We currently offer only one type of instrumental
performance ensemble for credit: Jazz Ensemble. While the Jazz Ensemble serves students who have
interest in jazz and other contemporary styles of music, the surrounding community and feeder schools
contain a large number of musicians interested only in performing classical genres.
Catalog inclusion date: 2009-10
Term effective: Fall 2009
D. Revision of Certificate in Business, Clerical
Rationale: Addition of course OTEC 146 Keyboarding Speed and Accuracy to current electives in the
Certificate Business Clerical
Catalog inclusion date: 2009-10
Term effective: Fall 2009
E. Revision of Certificate in Business, Office Administration Technician
Rationale: Addition of course OTEC 146 Keyboarding Speed and Accuracy to current electives in the
Certificate Business Clerical
Catalog inclusion date: 2009-10
Term effective: Fall 2009
Revision of Certificate in Business, Clerical
Rationale: Addition of course OTEC 180 Research Analysis and Presentation to current electives in the
Certificate Business Clerical
Catalog inclusion date: 2009-10
Term effective: Fall 2009
G. Revision of Certificate in Business, Office Administration Technician
Rationale: Addition of course OTEC 180 Research Analysis and Presentation to current electives in the
Certificate Business Clerical
Catalog inclusion date: 2009-10
Term effective: Fall 2009
H. Revision of Certificate in Business, Clerical
Rationale: Update Certificate to stay current with industry standards and include new courses. Added to
required coursework: OTEC 131 Filing Techniques, OTEC 178 Office Procedures and Systems, CAPP
131 Using Microsoft Outlook 2007, and MATH 051 Foundations of Mathematics or higher and remove
CAPP 120 Using Microsoft Office 2007-Level 1. Added to elective coursework: OTEC 144
Keyboarding and Document Formatting, OTEC 160 Creating and Managing the Virtual Office OTEC
163 Operating and Marketing the Virtual Office, OTEC 150 Records and Information Management and
MATH 090Elementary Algebra
Catalog inclusion date: 2009-10
Term effective: Fall 2009
I. Revision of Certificate Microsoft Applications Specialist
Rationale: Propagating title changes for course(s) supporting this certificate
Catalog inclusion date: 2009-10
Term effective: Fall 2009
Conceptual Approval – Major Procedure Revisions-First Reading
A. Stand Alone Course Requirement
B. Program Page Criteria
V. Comments of individual, groups, delegations limited to agenda items
Public comments are limited to agenda items and shall be no more than five (5) minutes per speaker and
twenty (20) minutes per subject unless further time is granted by the Curriculum Committee.
VI. Information/Discussion Agenda
1. Employment Concentration Certificate/Accounting and Tax Preparation
2. Employment Concentration Certificate/Microsoft Applications Developer
3. Employment Concentration Certificate/Microsoft Applications Specialist
4. Employment Concentration Certificate/Data Analysis and Modeling
5. Employment Concentration Certificate/OpenOffice Specialist Certification
6. Employment Concentration Certificate/Office Technologies Concentration
7. Employment Concentration Certificate/Office Communication Concentration
8. Employment Concentration Certificate/Virtual Office Professional
9. Employment Concentration Certificate/Management Communications
10. Employment Concentration Certificate/ Resource Management
11. Employment Concentration Certificate/ Production Management
12. Employment Concentration Certificate/ Project Management
13. Employment Concentration Certificate/ ESL Advanced Certificate of Successful Completion
14. Employment Concentration Certificate/ ESL General English Competency Certificate of Successful
VII. Adjournment
Additional information or available background material regarding any item on the Curriculum Committee agenda
may be obtained by contacting Kass Munoz Curriculum Specialist San Jacinto campus (951) 487-3403, prior to the
Next Curriculum Committee Meeting Monday December 8, 2008 3:30 CCCConfer