Learning Styles Written Paper Rubric Content based Real Life Content A. Explain each of the eight learning styles (A2) – 15 points B. Tell me how you scored on each pair of learning styles with a full, detailed description of where your preferences. (A2) – 10 points C. Do you feel your results are an accurate reflection of you? Why? (B3) – 10 points D. Describe classroom situations that you recognize each of the eight learning styles being used (C1) – 15 points E. How could you improve your study habits now? (C1) – 15 points F. For each of your scores, what occupations would best suit your learning styles and why? (B3) – 15 points Format – 20 points 2 pages Typed Double-spaced Title page Must contain an opening paragraph/introduction Must contain a closing paragraph/conclusion Must be written using complete and detailed sentences Created by Sheree Inman, Julie York, Jerry Hunter 106756739 Learning Styles Written Paper Rubric Category MLR Assessed 1 2 3 4 Student has defined all learning styles with complete detail and has outlined their scoring amongst the continuum. Student has defined all learning styles with overwhelming detail and has outlined with complete thoroughness their scoring amongst the continuum. Student has also demonstrated a complete understanding of their limitations and successes in relation to their learning styles. Accomplishments & analysis Career Prep: Preparing for the future Students will analyze skills and abilities to current conditions and future career options. (A2) Student has not defined learning results or their personal scores. Student has not completed reported or defined all eight learning styles but has not completely reported their scores on each pair. Understanding of Academic Settings Career Prep: Integrated and Applied Learning Students will demonstrate understanding of the integration and application of their academic styles in their school learning. (C1) Student has not demonstrated understanding of where the eight learning styles are being used in a variety of classroom settings and does not identify how they can improve on any of their study habits. Student has not defined all of the eight learning styles being used in their classrooms, and has only partially defined how they can improve their study habits. Student recognizes classroom settings where each of the eight learning styles are being used, providing detailed examples and analysis of how they can improve their study habits. Student recognizes classroom settings where each of the eight learning styles are being used, providing extraordinary, detailed examples and clear analysis of how they can improve their study habits. Job seeking skills Career Prep: Education/Career Planning and Management Guided by their selfassessments students will assess personal, educational, and career skills that are transferable among various jobs. (B3) Student gives little to no thought of their personal skills to those amongst various jobs. Student states their personal skills and somewhat determine careers that are suitable for these skills. Student clearly demonstrates an understanding of their personal skills and clearly states the occupations they are suited for and why. Student gives highly detailed information to their own personal skills and gives qualitative connections to the thought of those skills in the occupational environment. Created by Sheree Inman, Julie York, Jerry Hunter Score 106756739