Teaching and Assessing Teamwork in Engineering and Computer Science Robert W. Lingard California State University, Northridge Northridge, CA 91330-8281 ABSTRACT Teamwork is an identified student outcome for Engineering and Computer Science students, but most programs don’t teach students how to work in teams. Keywords: Teamwork, assessment 1. INTRODUCTION Although it is commonly recognized by educators and scholars alike that to be successful in today’s workplace, high levels of teamwork and communication skills are necessary, instruction in these areas in Engineering and Computer Science is minimal, if undertaken at all. During the past four semesters, we have introduced students to the study of group process and have assessed the value of such instruction. In designated sections of Computer Science 380, "An Introduction to Software Engineering," we provided some specific, but limited instruction in group communication and administered the Kolbe A Index.1 The Kolbe A Index is an instrument that measures conation, or a person’s inherent talent or natural way of doing things and predicts what a person will or will not do, given the freedom to act. Widely used in the corporate world, the Kolbe A Index is valuable method for putting together synergistic teams. It has long been recognized that engineering and computer science students need to learn communication and collaboration skills. In his 1992 article on "Educating a New Engineer," Peter Denning states that "a student must learn not only the technical side of engineering, but also skills of listening, completing and communicating."2 Although engineers and computer professionals are stereotypically viewed as introverted independent specialists, it is important that students in these fields "learn the skills for working effectively as members of groups."2 More recently ABET has emphasized both communication and teamwork skills in the 2000-2001 criteria for accrediting engineering programs. Specifically, the guidelines state that "engineering programs must demonstrate that their graduates have . . . an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams . . . [and] an ability to communicate effectively."3 Unfortunately, as Simon McGinnes states in regard to teaching information technology, "the skills of communication and collaboration . . . have often been undervalued in computing courses."4 Similarly, Karl Smith observes that in engineering courses, "seldom is there explicit attention paid to helping students develop teamwork and project management skills."5 Although many universities have recognized the need to assign group projects and have begun efforts to improve engineering and computer science curricula in this regard, students seldom receive any training on how to function collaboratively before such assignments are given, and little attention is given to how teams are formed. Consequently, teams often fail to function effectively. Furthermore, students do not learn much from participating on dysfunctional teams and often develop negative views about the value of teamwork.6 Simply assigning more team projects is not sufficient in addressing the need for students to learn teamwork skills. In order for students to benefit from these team projects, efforts must be made to ensure that the teams are well formed and given the knowledge and tools necessary to operate effectively. This paper summarizes the recent activities associated with attempts to improve group project experiences among software engineering students at CSU, Northridge. The study described draws on data collected over the last three years regarding team composition and team achievement for students in an introductory course in software engineering. In particular, this study looks at gender, age, cultural diversity, group viability, and previous work experience in the field of software engineering as potential factors influencing team achievement. Additionally, the degree to which work is equitably shared among team members is evaluated as a factor contributing to success. Some background and motivational material are provided along with a summary of previous results. The approach taken and the important results from the current effort are described. Based on the study results, some guidelines are outlined for team formation and suggestions are made for designing effective assignments to enhance the teamwork skills of students. 2. BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATION It has long been recognized that engineering and computer science students need to learn communication and collaboration skills. In his 1992 article on "Educating a New Engineer," Peter Denning observed that employers felt that new hires did not know how to communicate and that they had insufficient experience and preparation for working as part of a team [1]. Unfortunately, as Simon McGinnes states in regard to teaching information technology, "the skills of communication and collaboration . . . have often been undervalued in computing courses." [2] "Computer science education too often focuses on individual contributions rather than on managed group efforts that depend on defined standards, methodologies, and software processes; however, such groups are the norm in the software industry," according to Hilburn and Bagert. [3] Although many universities have recognized the need to assign group projects and have begun efforts to improve engineering and computer science curricula in this regard, students seldom receive any training on how to function collaboratively before such assignments are given, and little attention is given to how teams are formed. Consequently, teams often fail to function effectively. Students do not learn much from participating on dysfunctional teams and often develop negative views about the value of teamwork. [4] Simply assigning more team projects is not sufficient in addressing the need for students to learn teamwork skills. In order for students to benefit from these team projects, efforts must be made to ensure that the teams are well formed and given the knowledge and tools necessary to operate effectively. 3. RESULTS First, the results showed a correlation between the teams' ratings of their effectiveness and the scores on the projects. The correlation was statistically significant at the 0.025 level [r(21) = 0.451, p < 0.025]. This is consistent with other studies, such as one at Brigham Young University (BYU) described by Swan [4], which showed that team process effectiveness was the major factor accounting for the success of group projects. This suggests the importance of teaching group process skills as part of the regular curriculum. Team Name F98-C S00-4 F98-5 F98-F F98-E F99-A F99-C S99-2 TABLE I Study Results Project Score 95.5% 91.5% 90.5% 90.5% 90.0% 90.0% 89.3% 88.0% Effective ness 4 4.5 4.5 4 3 4 3.75 4.25 S00-1 S99-E S99-D S00-7 F99-1 S00-6 S99-5 F99-3 S00-2 F99-2 S99-3 F99-B F98-B S99-A S99-B F98-A S99-4 F98-2 F99-D F98-4 S99-1 F99-E F99-F S99-7 S00-3 F98-D S99-C S99-6 F98-1 S00-5 F98-3 88.0% 86.5% 85.5% 85.5% 85.3% 85.0% 84.0% 84.0% 83.5% 82.7% 82.5% 82.0% 81.5% 81.0% 80.5% 80.0% 79.5% 79.0% 78.7% 78.5% 78.0% 78.0% 76.0% 75.0% 74.0% 73.5% 73.5% 72.5% 71.0% 67.0% 66.0% 4.25 4.2 4.4 3.8 4 4.5 3.8 4.5 4.25 4 4 3.8 3 4.4 2.33 4.5 3.6 4 4.8 2.75 4 4.8 4.25 4 2.6 3.33 3.5 3.5 3.67 2.5 2.33 One part of the survey given to students at the end of the semester asks them to evaluate the other members of their team. In particular, one question asks them to rate each team member’s contribution to the team project as a percentage of the total effort. That is, they are to give each team member, including themselves, a value from 0% to 100% such that the sum of such numbers is 100%. If a student felt that all members of the team contributed equally, a value of 20% might be given to each person on a five person team. A measure of equality of participation was calculated as minus the variance of the average scores of the individuals on a team. That is, the scores each team member received from the other members of the team were averaged and the variance among these average scores was calculated. Since the greater the variance the more unequal was the participation among team members, the variance was negated to serve as a measure of equality of participation. This measure of participation correlates significantly with project scores [r(37) = 0.3276, p < 0.025]. Additionally, this measure correlates even more significantly with the teams' self ratings of their effectiveness [r(37) = 0.4691, p < 0.005]. This last results probably reflects the fact that team members see a relationship between team ineffectiveness and a lack of participation by one or more team members. Overall, these results suggest that team success might be increased if better participation among the team members could be achieved. The next section discusses teaching strategies to encourage greater participation by all team members during group assignments. 4. CONCLUSIONS Serious attention should be devoted to teaching teamwork skills in engineering and computer science education. The importance of teaching communication and teamwork skills in engineering and computer science is well understood, but finding effective teaching strategies is challenging. Our earlier work demonstrated the value of carefully choosing teams to maximize synergy, but analysis of the natural action modes of software engineering students using the Kolbe instrument has shown that this collection of individuals lacks some of the problem solving approaches needed for productive synergistic teams. The challenge is to find ways of teaching some of the necessary group communication skills that may not come naturally for this group of students. As we continue to explore effective pedagogy for improving the communication and teamwork skills of engineering and computer science students, we will design assignments that are practical and realistic. Use of the Kolbe index has provided an excellent positive way to raise students’ awareness of their potential as well as their need to understand others’ ways of doing things. When people strive toward a goal using their natural talents they will function most productively. We must design assignments that take advantage of their natural talents and encourage them to explore ways of expanding their capabilities. 5. REFERENCES [1] Robert Lingard, “Teamwork”,