Chapter XI Investigation e Innovation in MCC Present and Future Autor: Manuel Quevedo BASIC TEXTS OF OTALORA EDUCATION AREA And COOPERATIVE DIFFUSION INDICE 0. Introduction ..............................................................................................................3 1. The Traditional Model of the Technological Approach 2. The first years of the cooperativismo 6 3. The approach traditional nológico complexion 8 4. The Ikerlan Project 11 5. Antecedents. Eskola Pliteknikoa/Cooperativas/CLP 6. Philosophy of performance 15 7. Ideko 20 8. A dynamic sector 21 9. Paper of Ideko like technological support 22 10. Present situation and future approach of Ideko 11. General policy 24 5 12 23 12. Other technological supports of Grupo 26 13. Eskola Politeknikoa 27 14. The technological research centers in the Vasco Country 30 15. The paper of the University in the technological development 16. The Internationalization of the company 35 17. The Paper of the Technology 38 18. A classification of the technologies 43 19. The concept of the Innovation like attitude 46 20. The Innovation. A specific concept and a new approach 21. The forms and the places of the innovation process 49 22. Policy of Innovation 50 23. The Quality, an encounter with the affluent work done 24. The I+D in the Corporation 25. As a summary 58 65 -2- 47 55 33 0. INTRODUCTION 0.- INTRODUCTION -3- When Jose Maria Ormaechea suggested to me collaborated in the edition of these Basic Texts of Otalora with the subject of the investigation in the world of the cooperatives, my disposition was totally affirmative, without more reflection. But later, when I put myself to work in the matter, I realized little that knew the paper that has played the investigation, and consequently the technology, in the development of the set of the cooperatives. Our culture is, and continues being, the productive one.We are "factory man", the best thing of our "knowledge to do" been always has bound to the tivo concept produc and, within this great field, our vocation has tended to the manipulation of materials, fundamentally metals. We have had a great battle area where we could have exercised the collaboration. What little transparency has had between enterprise realities and others. When one is arranged to fulfill the work assumed in this collaboration, his first reflections are directed towards all sinergia lost for the sake of an independence badly interpreted, of as much work in solitaire and so little in shared in common. It is very probable that our solitary approach is consequence of a lack of instruments that caused the creation of technological forums that as "communication bridges" could have put in contact technological realities very varied. In ahead it will be difficult to use this type of excuses: or we learn to live sharing our positive experiences and negative or the wastefulness that represents losing this opportunity can have an invoice difficult to digest and j to ustificar, given the social cost that represents all delay in the way of the competitiveness. Of this form, we were in the beginning of a new culture, being its implicit development in the organization of Mondragón Cooperative Corporation (MCC), when reuniting to the cooperatives in groupings and divisions of sectorial cut. If our vocation has that productive root, we already have fundamental parcels of communication, and consequently of sinergias, and if we added to these what represents the beginning of a developed concept of the Total Quality, integrating all the functions of the company, the field of putting in common is extended without more limits than those than put our will. The text of this notebook is based on the description of concrete realities, to which a series of partial reflections is added reason why it is easy that it defrauds to which hopes to find a philosophy coherent of the technological approach of the Corporation. It is possible that it must hope few years to be able to present/display a panel of accomplishments as a result of the initiate collaboration in technological matter. Corporation MCC has between its foundations the mission to find, and if not to cause, sinergia there where it is. And, in Technology and Quality, we have everything to share. -4- 1. THE TRADITIONAL MODEL OF TECHNOLOGICAL ENFORQUE 1.1. THE FIRST YEARS OF IT COOPERATES TIVISMO 1.2. THE TRADITIONAL TECHNOLOGICAL APPROACH 1.- THE TRADITIONAL MODEL OF THE TECHNOLOGICAL APPROACH -5- 1.1. LOS PRIMEROS AÑOS DEL COOPERTIVISMO When analyzing the paper that has played the technology in the creation of the cooperative companies we can detect, in his first time, a certain parallelism with the rest of the industrial activity of Euskadi, as much by the type of sectors that were approached, like by the size of the company. In both structures the individual commitment played an important role at the expansive time of Basque industrialization. The human factor is the base of all cooperative activity, and is the promotional equipment the turn point on which the creation of all enterprise initiative weighs. The professional formation, acquired in the classrooms of the Eskola Politeknikoa (or in the schools of the surroundings) or the acquired one in exercise of the profession in other companies, was the departure point of the professionals who thickened the rows of the incipiente cooperative movement. D. Jose Maria Arizmendiarrieta, conscious like anybody of the importance of the education in the development of the community, a jump in the process of establishment of technical education showed a vision of future when giving. It is a situation in which little has been deepened, but that supposed the strongpoint of the new reality. Then of creation of the levels of professional qualification - what later it formed the Oficialía and Maestri'a -, instead of consolidating and strengthening this educative level, that could seem logical and the sensible thing, it fomented the education of the Industrial Expert work, goal that nor the most dared could dream. This process was repeated more ahead with the creation of Ikerlan. When the common sense requested to consolidate the knowledge of just assumed Technical Engineering on the part of Eskola, a jump sticks and the creation of a Research center is approached, which in the mid term generates a wealth of knowhow that has its repercussion in own education. This point we will deal with more amplitude when describing the birth of Ikerlan. Once fact the test to study the Industrial Expert work in Zaragoza, was stated that this educative level had echo between the students, who assumed the unpublished challenge facing the long way of personal sacrifices that supposes to share the work with the study. And, with this generalized formation more, this spirit of contagious sacrifice, one obtained actually what in theory it seemed impossible: the equality of oportunidade s. This formativo process was one of the differentiating factors of the industrial surroundings in which the cooperativismo was born. What was privilege of few happened to be patrimony of which they were arranged to fight and to sacrifice themselves for that reason, and not only in the educative plane, but that took the transcendental step to create an enterprise activity. The saying "we did not know that it was impossible, for that reason we made it" gathers that wise ignorance of which turns the difficulties opinions without by ell or demands recognitions and applause. -6- The initiate cooperative experience welcomed in her rows in these new promotions of young people who, next to professionals already consecrated, assumed the commitment to create companies contributing what is traditional in the surroundings: the knowledge to produce. The cooperatives were then mainly productive organizations, the technical character arose by all the organization, the Direction, the Administration, Sales, etc., were occupied by technicians who imprimían a form to interpret the enterprise phenomenon. This culture had one long tradition and would be necessary several decades and important changes of surroundings so that little by little the product and the market adapted and assumed the protagonism that corresponded to them. In this first stage that we are analyzing, the cooperative needed a product that fulfilled a series of requirements to be coherent with its productive character. First it would have to be that to the product him an added ºvalor could be incorporated; that something made and if this something were mechanic, better - there is an historical commitment with the mechanics -. the following factors very were bound to the market concept: it had to be a stable product in the market, of average technology, that outside able to generate in its shade an enterprise activity average and that the investment by job was in syntony with the cooperative concept of selffinancing. This product came, normally, of the hand of a license, being Europe prin cipal supplier. Putting this first stone, the rest of products was elaborated by own development. The normal thing was that, given that first "pair of starting", the movement continued and the products replaced an a others impelled by nec esidades of the market, but always within the same technology; if a technological change in the product were needed, again the support was the license that covered this necessity. This process that is typical in the Spanish industrialization and that is gone s denominated "tooth of mountain range" (tooth jump = new license) did not generate a knowhow based on the product, reason why our technological culture has been developed more around the process than to the product. To the being the concept product ivo the enterprise base, occurs great importance to the investment in equipment. Within a scale of values, the productive investment in machines and elements were high-priority. From the implantation of equipment goods, often of world-wide forward edge, all a new technological culture is impregnated that, based on the process, harnessed the productivity but it did not assure the survival. This base was complemented with the social recognition that had the good professional. The different offices, and the men who incarnated the most outstanding abilities within them, were known and recognized. This social recognition, that later was deteriorated, is today one of the bases of the concept of -7- quality discovered by other latitudes. The enterprise cycle that we are describing has other important premises already developed in other texts. Of between these subjects we can emphasize the product concept. This it was conceived under the form of license, having guaranteed his regularity in rcado to me. The stability was one of the norms in which the cooperative company was based. The risk, the opportunity to generate a fast benefit, and similarly to leave the business badly, to produce a bankruptcy, did not fit like enterprise model, these "adventures" did not correspond in the style of company that was wanted to consolidate. The product must have long life, was based in the accumulated knowledge in the promotional equipment and, as it has been indicated, it had as it bases the productive concept. The commercial concept was supeditado and its mission was to sell what it took place - culture coined during decades in the Basque Country -; all it fed by a permanent reinvestment, meant a remarkable growth of the cooperative movement. 1.2. TRADITIONAL APPROACH YOU CNOLÓGICO The form to consider the technological concept intimately was bound to how the enterprise phenomenon in the cooperativismo was conceived. By concept, the type of technology that could be approached had to be agreed with the idea that the company to create most intensive outside possible in manual labor. In the exposition it was left from the principle of which a cooperative, surpassed first stage of launching, must have a minimum of people integrated within that cooperative figure. In its elementary state, they could form a cooperative, for example, fifty people. The growth had marchamo of social conquest. Another one of the premises that the type of activity fitted, and consequently the technology to acquire, was the type of necessary investment. The cooperative had as development base the reinvestment of the benefits that together with the contributions to capital of the working partners they had to be able to generate the investment necessary so that s could ubsistir like company. These frames, next to already enumerated of the stability of products and the consequent stability of the demand, gave like fruit that the product was derived from the license. The visits to different pa were very normal European íses to contact companies that could provide licenses. An idea preconceived based on the productive capacities was had and the success -8- depended to a great extent on the degree of relation, penetration and confidence of the assigning one of technology. Normally a company was taken from forward edge and it scored at stable products for his sale in the national market (market, on the other hand, little dice to demands of emergent products). Therefore, the philosophy that characterized the beginning of the cooperativismo more was oriented to the pursuit of a leader who to the obtaining of the leadership at sectorial level with novel products based on own Investigation and Development. When arriving with certain facility at the yield threshold, it was the time of the easy development, the cooperative that initiated its activity had practically insured the success. Adding the favorable factors of the demand and the capacity of delivery of the human groups (with long days of work), the competitiveness and staba assured if the sufficient money had to make investments. The convulsion that supposed that the worker acceded, for the first time, to be cocontributor of the property of the company generated a great hunger to enter in the rows of the cooperativismo. This allowed to welcome in the most qualified professionals of the surroundings, being generated a certain spiral of success. Parallelly, the technology that was accumulated in the cooperatives came from the hand of the equipment and machinery that was selected with great mimo between the first world-wide companies. Some case occurred, like is the one of Electronic Fagor, in which, by the type of product that made and by the necessity to as much dominate it at product level as of process (totally atypical), the necessity arose from the beginning from an activity of Investigation and Development, in ahead (I+D). This first experience demanded another level of professionals. In this case the classic mechanical technology was not sufficient to prevail like company, were necessary other levels of formation. Its implantation needed to recruit college students who, agreeing with other professionals of the same level which they were gotten up to the rest of the cooperatives, caused a diversification in the traditional level format ivo. This process arrived until years 70. The necessity to be much more self-sufficient in expensive technological matter to the future and the great success achieved by Popular Labor Box, in ahead (CLP) when releasing to the cooperatives of the dependency of other financial organizations, caused that it also thought about a certain degree of autarky in technological matter. It is certain that never the creation of a research center like unique element of technology generation considered, but also is certain that the necessity that was felt the cooperative companies were dominating a series of technologies of coherent and much more more direct form, necessity than ended at the possibility of creating a research center that collaborated with the companies in the product generation and at the creation of new technological expectations that allowed to give a qualitative jump in the knowledge of the own cooperatives. -9- But, to be sincere, the exposition of Ikerlan was plus a bet of certain people who a felt necessity of urgent form by the cooperative companies. The capacity to believe in the people and to bet of common form before an idea was what the creation of the Ikerlan allowed that today we know. They were moments of good results and the experience was very based like not playing with a capacity of technology generation that, more than less, was conceived could be interesting in the future. The birth of Ikerlan, which we can locate it in 1974, was formed like the necessity to create a research center that outside some form a motor of technological development of the future. The exhibition of reasons that it gave as consequence the creation of the research center said that from 1956 to 1972 had been more than 300 million pesetas those that had been consumed in the cooperatives in reception of patents and models of utility and that the cooperatives, counting some exceptions, embraced manufacturing productions of second generation or intermediate technology. It was necessary to help that industrial vocation to give the jump and to look for solutions in end more than they could be conjugated with new conceptions of which it could be the company of the future. For the creation in this new technological approach it was counted on Eskola Politeknikoa that, in addition to its traditional formativa activity from year 1968, had a I+D department. - 10 - 2.- PROJECT IKERLAN 2.1. ANTECEDENTS, COOPERATIVE ESKOLA POLITEKNIKOA/OF PRODUCTION/POPULAR LABOR BOX. 2.2. FILOSOFIA OF PERFORMANCE 2.- PROJECT IKERLAN ANTECEDENTS, COOPERATIVE ESKOLA POLITEKNIKOA/OF PR ODUCCIÓN/POPULAR LABOR BOX - 11 - In order to give a retrospective vision of Ikerlan it is obligatory to talk about to the triangle formed by Eskola Politeknikoa, a group of industrial cooperatives and Popular Labor Box. - In 1968, Eskola Politeknikoa it analyzed if ` productó that it was developing at that moment, the man that formed in the school, must not have agreed technological contents with which in the evolution of the industrial surroundings it was being detected. The possibility supposed one devises renovadora of creating a small department of I+D with the fundamental function to approach the Didactics the technological evolution; in that sense, immediate goal of this department was to translate in didactic methods or methods of education the technological evolution that was already detecting in the outer world. They were the years in which the electronics was experiencing a fort advances and still there was a computer science incipiente that had not passed the threshold of which the great computers of then could suppose. But the automatization in their different variables and the electronics in individual were glimpsing a new enterprise generation and from the creation of this department of I+D it went focusing an extension of which the permanent formation was then; the deep renovation of some lessons, fundamentally of the electronics, and the creation of a new Masters. The mechanical automatism formed a experience that stops its academic justification forced an exposition of creation of a new specialty, presented/displayed in Madrid like a formation plan that gave capacity to this new specialty that was created with general character. These first experiences also were sprinkled with some approaches to industrial applications in which the kindness of the different techniques was shaped that were tried to approach. And the one was east initial equipment that was taken as it bases for the creation of the research center on year 74. - A group of cooperative companies or singular men of the cooperatives came together with this initiative that were had boarded in Eskola Politeknikoa and with the decided will of CLP to create infrastructures which they allowed a permanent development in model or cooperative. The justification that occurred at the time of affiliating different cooperatives in the adventure to create a research center was the necessity to be surpassing the technical servitudes derived from the manufacture licenses, since, in addition, they eroded the economic results of the companies and prevented that their products were located On - 12 - guard of head, and the necessity to burst in into the market with a greater freedom of commercialization, since many of the licenses entailed l imitations of markets. On the other hand, it was wanted to create a new industrial front, in a more international plane and in that one went ahead to which soon it was the survival necessity, but already in these dawn of the years 70 the necessity was felt to burst in more within the framework international as it unfolds of the new comercializadora activity that they had to have the cooperatives. Other aspects like the type of organization or specific functions that must have the Center were enough free in their definition, although from the beginning the necessity that was marked the investigation was mainly applied investigation. A route became of which could be the purest investigation and it saw that the field was not that in which it had to move this center that was wanted to create. These premises and the consequence to physically be near the Eskola Politeknikoa, like generating source of men, gave the surroundings adapted for the study of the configuration of the present Ikerlan. In order to define in broad strokes with what type of philosophy had to act this center, different countries were visited and the activities in which studied the diverse applied research centers were working in the European surroundings. Diverse centers of France, Germany were visited, England and Italy, with the purpose of successfully obtaining data and models of operation that oriented to the direction of the center at the time of presenting/displaying to the promotional equipment the organizational model of research center applied to servi cio of industrial surroundings. - From Popular Labor Box the initiative starts up. A study made by Jose Maria Ormaechea "TOWARDS a RESEARCH CENTER. 7 AS 1973"JULIO it serves as aglutinante of initiatives and it has the potentiality to create the surroundings that later would be materialized in fact makes specific. - 13 - The exhibition of reasons and justification of the implantation of the Center that offers this study leaves seating the following ideas: 1) The necessity of the implantation of a Research center becomes patent after 17 years of industrial activity, in which the great development had been fundamentally due to the reception of foreign technique and whose cost represented more than 300 million pesetas. 2) Such Center of Inves tigación had to be supported by men of recognized was worth social professional and who integrated themselves in the cooperative context like qualified people in charge of their future development for the attainment of the reform of structures of the company and from the country to which they served. 3) A Research center needs to be supported by an educational function, since, with ordinary, the conjugación of the educative budgets of the specialists in investigation covers three purposes: - first, to show educ andos the last advances in the matter of techniques that soon have to apply in the company; - second, that the obligation to give education classes constitutes relax emotional in the permanent state of scientific saturation in which inves moves tigador; - third, that the transmission of these knowledge to the educandos is the future support of the companies to which these have to get up themselves. Eskola Politeknikoa has given samples to be in possession of this quality, since the professors are several who have arisen from the School to confront the problematic one derived from a Research center. 4) In accordance with the importance that is going to represent the financing of the Center and considering that the development of the same one must benefit to the most remarkable part of the cooperatives associated, in a detailed analysis of the cooperatives we reached the conclusion that the Research center must confront three sectors of applied investigation: Facilities for use and domestic comfort, machine-tools, components and electronic equipment. 5) The financing must be provided with the cooperatives that are going away to benefit from the Center. Their contributions will be corresponded by the - 14 - investigating action and their rights will be proportional to the support that render. The financing of the project is based on the philosophy adopted by CLP for the distribution of the Social Work Bottoms: "Once applied the Social Work Bottoms with a criterion that covered the most elementary necessities with which we were or it jeopardize, it was due to come to destine the rest to materialize it in institutions to develop by Box, of duration in the time, and that constituted the base of the socioeconomic or cultural infrastructure of the country". Tea plan, then, with very realistic vision that the paper that can and must play CLP limits to create the platform that allows the reality of the Center, but it is not committed in the support of the same one, that will have to be sustained by the industrial cooperatives that make use of him and by the own effectiveness of the people who integrate it. The idea is suggested to share the financing of the current expenses between a 50% with a quota fixes and other 50% on the basis of the works that are made. There is deci r that the study raises the consolidation of the Center with 36 people, which allows to glimpse the horizon that is perceived then. With respect to the legal form it is decided that during the consolidation stage it is acted under the trusteeship of Eskola Politeknikoa; consequently, their control systems are the own ones of Eskola, although one is created ` Together Delegadá Director with ample attributions. For this constituent time statutes and regulations are written up that, without having legal character, suppose the frame of performance of the Ikerlan east. Once surpassed this stage it would be necessary to equip it with own legal personality. Finally, it is requested to Eskola Politeknikoa that jeopardizes its men, throughout years 73-74, in a complementary study that shapes the necessities of installation and laboratories, in order that in the 75 the project is a reality. 2.1. FILOSOFIA OF PERFORMANCE First Plan of Management Based on the study made in the 74, and after visiting diverse centers of investi gación, as already saying is had, of Italy, France, England and Germany, elaborates the first Plan of Management of the then Search and development center. One of immediate goal that marked was the creation of the investigating equipment. The - 15 - transferred human equipment of Eskola to the Center was made up of 6 people (not all on time complete), considering the hiring of other 3 people, plus a group of students who worked in Alecop. In the first exposition, the technological organization was centered in the sectors of Ma'quinaHerramienta, Electronics and Use and Domestic Comfort, being the mightiest sectors and, in principle, more plaintiffs of technological support. One of the premises that were not fulfilled was the one to thicken the rows of the incipiente Center by means of pick up of personnel experienced in the company, because this type of people was scarce in the same ones. This supposed a more realistic policy of personnel and, consequently, a boundary of the areas of activity based on the real capacity to create the own knowledge of the human equipment. The necessity to form to the equipment available precipitated the dedication in novel areas of technological activity and allowed not to fall in the error to try rtos technological dominions already cubie by the companies. The first budget represented 13.500.000 pesetas, to finance in charge of the companies associated based on the number of workers of each cooperative. The contribution of the first associate companies was: Ulgor: 5.235.865 Soraluce: 298.344 Danobat: 957.513 Goiti: 182.755 Copreci: 1.207.435 Egurko: 117.151 Fagelectro: 1.077.788 Zubiola: 146.829 Arrasate: 766.320 by a total amount of 10 million pesetas. Self-financing for the first exercise stood in and l 20% of the budget. The forecasts for quinquennium 75-79 anticipated an increase of people from 10 in 25. With a budget that oscillated between the 13.5 million pesetas of year 75 and the 60.2 of the one of 1979. Predicted self-financing happened of the 20 to 30% and quotas of the companies of 10 million to 40.6 million pesetas. With this situation the activity and in parallel begins almost the construction of which would be its definitive seat. The work was developed in the beginning with the natural outside successful preoccupation so that. He was very conscious that was to gain the confidence of the companies, reason why the guarantee to give sufficient satisfaction to which it demanded a project was from the beginning of Ikerlan a basic norm of conduct. It began his activities in the premises of the Eskola Politeknikoa, since the nucleus of the initial human equipment came from this center of formation. - 16 - It was in 1977 when one settled in the buildings that occupy at the present time, contributed by Labor Box. In year 1982 an agreement of collaboration with the Basque Government was signed, by means of who this one was committed to finance a series of projects of investigation of generic technologies, that are those that locates to the center in the adapted level to respond with effectiveness to the problems that raise the companies, as it is seen more ahead. Since then, Ikerlan is a center opened to any company that asks for its services. The defined social object in the foundation of the center and that follows effective is the one to collaborate, through the applied investigation and of the technological development, in the technological and organizational renovation of the companies. In order to fulfill this objective of suitable form three phases or levels in the performance process are defined: identification and selection, assimilation and generation, and transference and diffusion of technologies, all it with the purpose of transferring technology of vanguard to the companies. Of summarized way, we could define to Ikerlan like an organization without spirit of profit and with a clear vocation on watch, dedicated to the investigation, development and application of technologies product outposts and processes by means of the execution of projects under contract in collaboration with private companies and organisms or public. Technological areas and activities The technological areas that are investigated in Ikerlan are grouped in the departments of Technologies of the Information (Automatic and Sensorial Engineering of Control, Systems and Artificial Vision, Architectures of Processing and Communications, Artificial intelligence, Electronic Design and Prototyping), Technologies of Design and Manufacture (CAD/CAM, Mechanical, Robotic Engineering and Automatization Outpost, Design and Mechanical Management of Production systems, Design and Prototyping) and Energy (Renewable Energy in Buildings, Energies, Energy in the Industry). The center tells on an ample experience in the introduction of technologies end in the industry to the developed salary more than 400 industrial projects of new products, innovation of design processes, manufacture, control, verification, etc. Its battle area includes/understands from the study and the analysis of the problem to the practical attainment of the solution. It includes the works of I+D until the prototyping and facilities pilot, special development of "software " of applications and systems, construction of components and apparatuses, as well as the systems integration, in addition to technical advisory services and advising, short courses and seminaries of diffusion and formation. - 17 - In order to be able to give a degree of satisfaction adapted to the companies in all this work the projects of generic investigation are developed that serve to deepen and to advance in the different areas before indicated, to the object to generate technologies adaptable, to acquire new knowhows and to be able to transfer them to the industry when this one needs them. These projects are financed mainly by the Basque Government and the Central Administration through the Inter-ministerial Commission of Science and Tecnologi'a (CICYT) and the Leasehold Delegation of Gipuzkoa. The rest of the activity is dedicated to the accomplishment of projects under contract with companies, logically financed by these and whose objective is to look for a solution the problem that raises the company. The works are made in narrow collaboration with this one, forming a mixed equipment of work and confidentially treating the obtained results and the used information in the development about the project. The maximum care at the time of defining the objective of these works of collaboration is observed to assure the satisfaction the company with the results that are tried to obtain, at the same time that takes shape the acionados aspects rel with the industrial property of these. International projects It is necessary to emphasize the participation of Ikerlan in the European projects of I+D, initiate in 1986, after the incorporation of the Spanish State to the EEC. The first collaboration was in project PAQO of the program ESPRIT, that culminated successfully at the end of 1988, continuing at the present time with the projects 2349 and 5136 within area CIM and 2431 in the Home area Systems, participating also in communitarian program TELEMAN, the Tm-17 project. This activity includes in addition program EUREKA, with advanced projects AMR on robots movable, FAMOS on automatic and flexible systems of assembly, and the SBS on space bioseparación that will be embarked in the Spacelab, in mission IML2. In the field of the international cooperation it is necessary to emphasize in addition the recent entrance to Ikerlan in the European Association of Organizations of Investigation under contract (EACRO). This action is framed in a process of a greater internationalization of the center facing the Europe of Mercado Unico to establish the suitable collaborations and to look for the complementarinesses that interest to offer complete solutions to the demands of the companies. - 18 - Between the zadas activities reali in year 1991 emphasizes nine projects of generic investigation, 65 projects under contract (57 industrial projects and eight international) and 34 studies and services. The volume of income by projects and services the past reached year the 1,053 million pesetas, of which 563 million correspond to industrial projects, with a growth of the 34 percent in relation to the preceding exercise. In order to be able to develop the different activities with the sufficient level from knowledge and the quality of which had answer, it counts on a human team of 112 people in group highly specialized, the 50 percent of which has superior degree and the 20 percent average degree, having in addition 60 scholarship holders and students in practices. - 19 - 3.- IDEKO 3.1. A DYNAMIC SECTOR PAPER OF IDEKO LIKE TECHNOLOGICAL SUPPORT 3.2. 3. PRESENT SITUATION And FUTURE APPROACH OF IDEKO 3.4. GENERAL POLICY - 20 - 3.- IDEKO 3.1. A DYNAMIC SECTOR The one indeed had to be the sector of the machine tool that approached a project of this singularity. From the creation of Ikerlan the sector had showed in diverse occasions its intention to give a unified content to the I+D of the cooperatives that operated in the sector of Ma'quina-Herramienta. The dynamic character that this sector has, his forced presence in the international markets, its ample knowledge of the competitors creates a mentalización of the necessity of the technology like strategic tool for the own survival. This sector, more than others, has remained in contrast to its international competitors and has known to create, through the Association of Manufacturers of Ma'quina-Herramienta, bows of union with other international Associations of the same sector. The creation of these bows has not been easy, then, although the concentration of companies of a same sector in a limited geographic area creates inevitably one sinergia horizontal, also it is certain that this same proximity generates personal competitions and separations that prevent a organico development. "pedagogía of the time" makes the synthesis of which really it exists within the people and organizations. If this one were and is a dynamic sector that believes in the technology, it had to canalize a route to give exit to that internal belief. History, as we say, has demonstrated that that dynamics really existed, that was not pure formulations of devoid intentions of real convictions. Today Ideko represents on time to have assumed which the machine tool not only has a mechanical content, that the machines are not sold like isolated elements of a productive process, that the new technologies are changing the concept of the design, etc., that everything a technological framework is changing the sector and that to this one cannot be given like answer isolated wills him, but that the only sensible form to take and serious n what it is said, often with too much facility, is to be united, to group itself around what it represents the own necessity. Clear that they do not have been single in that materialization of hunger. They have had the support of CLP, pawned on the support infrastructure creation and, like model of reference, Ikerlan it has been doing of technological support in the measurement in which it has been demanded to him. In this new walking, Ideko will be datum point for new initiatives that, as the case of Ma'quina-Herramienta, need the technology to subsist in that turbulent ocean of the international competition. - 21 - PAPER OF IDEKO LIKE TECHNOLOGICAL SUPPORT From year 1980, date in which Grupo Debako was created, a tending strategy considers to create a joint Search and development center, to give answer to a market that requested products equipped with new technologies and that at level of individual company were practically impossible to assimilate. As therefore one has confirmed 10 years later, one hoped that the technological advance would constitute the dominant aspect in the sector of the machine tool during the next years. The electronics and the computer science, that is supported by first, were going to cause an industrial revolution whose consequences were difficult to anticipate. In these circumstances, supported in the strong potential of the offices of engineering and units of I+D of the companies of Grupo Debako, a long period of formation of engineers is programmed, like step necessary and essential to raise a Research center specialized that gathers and harnesses, by means of a centralization, part of the existing I+D able to know, to assimilate and to develop new technologies. With these precedents, after previous experiences, the Search and development center is created year 1986 Ideko, that is an institution without spirit of profit, integrated by Danobat, Goiti, Izarraitz, Soraluce and Txurtxil, which they constitute Grupo Debako and Ona Pres, of Bilbao, Lealde, of Ea and Ortza, Pamplona. All these companies partners of Ideko agglutinate about 1,200 workers, with a invoicing in 1990 of 13,000 million pesetas. Ideko is born with the vocation to help to plan and to coordinate a technological policy in the field of Ma'quina-Herramienta and Bienes de Equipo de Tecnologi'a outpost, collaborating in making the companies viable and complementary that integrate it, formulating initiatives that give answer to the necessity of profitable creation of use, that demands n uestra society. The primary target of this Center is to collaborate with its partners to obtain that the products that they develop and they make are competitive at international level. For it, through a twenty of investigators who constitute the fixed group at this moment, it tries to know and to assimilate the world of the new technologies, with the purpose of developing and transmitting all those knowledge that are applicable and contribute to develop products of the partners. The projects of investigation and development in the short and mid term, with the intention of quickly transmitting the technology to the companies, the direction of projects and l is made by means of the formation of mixed equipment of work between company and Center, assuming Ideko of responsibility of the results. The Center has departments of Mechanics, Production systems, Electronics and Factory of - 22 - prototypes, that they develop activities of static and dynamic calculations, software to flexible systems of manufacture, systems integration advanced of manufacture, development and personalización of numerical controls, expert systems to the diagnosis of failures, robotics, laser technology, etc. To first from 1988, after two years of experience and consolidation, having itself demonstrated that Ideko was a valid and necessary project, the decision was taken to construct a singular building to extend the investigation departments and to have a factory of prototypes, with the purpose of shortening and optimizing the process of accomplishment of new products, from its birth, happening through the prototyping final, verification and tests, to guarantee its launching to the market. 3.2. PRESENT SITUATION And FUTURE APPROACH OF IDEKO In May of 1990 inaugu ró the new building, located in a parcel of 6,000 m2. Account with a constructed surface of 3,100 m2, of which 1,500 are destined to rooms of research laboratories and the 1,600 rest to factory of prototypes. The investments made from the creation of Ideko, in computer science means, buildings, facilities, etc., exceed the number of 400 million pesetas. Parallelly the qualification of the personnel by means of the incorporation of new investigating technicians has been harnessed, with which it has been possible to give answer in new areas of investigation working in mixed equipment, with the purpose of obtaining that the products that are developed and made are competitive in the international market. The goal anticipated in the project of Joint Unit of Investigation and development of Ma'quina-Herramienta, elaborated in January of 1986 has been reached, where the construction of a singular building was contemplated, sufficiently equipped, so that to activities of I+D and Factory of prototypes can be developed, with the purpose of analyzing and optimizing the process of development, verification, tests and validation of new products, before its launching to the market; permanent exhibition and training of personnel. - 23 - For the future, Ideko c onfigura like a valid and necessary instrument for the companies that integrate it. The companies, from now on, counted on the technological expositions and will use of progressive form the average humans and infrastructure that Ideko offers. On the other hand, the Center will continue paying special attention to obtain a greater knowledge and development of new technologies, being assimilated those that are of interest, in regard to their application in the machine tool and goods of technology equipment outpost, fomenting the quick spreading towards the companies that compose this Center. 3.3. GENERAL POLICY Ideko maintains a vocation of planning and coordination of a technological policy within the machine sector - tool and goods of technology equipment outpost and assumes, of complementary form, those functions that are not profitable at level of each cooperative, but as a whole. For the financing of specific projects one projects, every greater day, is present at in the plans of Investigation programmed by the European Community, as well as a permanent action in the set of the Administrations, so that the necessary aids for the development of the new technologies are canalized. In the technological plane, the policy of Ideko is very clear and it is framed in the development of the technologies that are of interest and have application in Ma'quina-Herramienta. The assimilated and developed technologies will be disclosed by means of the organization of short courses, presentation of infor month, etc., allowing this way to transmit to the personnel of the associate cooperatives the acquired knowledge. In the concrete projects, Ideko collaborates with the associate cooperatives forming mixed equipment of work and assuming the leadership and responsibilities of these projects. Finally, for the qualification of the personnel of Ideko the generic projects are programmed that have the objective to assimilate and to generate the technologies that later will be taken advantage of by the set empr those partners the Center. - 24 - The fast incorporation of technologies in the sector makes of the formula of Ideko a very interesting experience to acquire the technology of associative form. This formula will be guide for new sectorial groupings where the technology plays, like in Ma'quina-Herramienta, a high-priority paper of competitiveness. - 25 - 4.- OTHER TECHNOLOGICAL SUPPORTS OF GRUPO 4.1. ESKOLA POLITEKNIKOA 4.2. THE TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH CENTERS OF THE BASQUE COUNTRY. 4. THE PAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY IN THE DEVELOPMENT TECHNOLOGICAL. 4.- OTHER TECHNOLOGICAL SUPPORTS OF GRUPO - 26 - 4.1. ESKOLA POLITEKNIKOA From the descriptive point profu is not necessary to ndizar in the paper that Eskola is playing in the different levels from regulated education, and I am only going to talk about to the initiatives directed to the posgraduados ones that they lock up, to my to understand, a knowledge to undertake with success which a society with hunger of initiatives would request to an educative organization. - One of these initiatives is Saiolan. Its objective is defined as a program for "forming entrepreneurs through the development of a product, of which their technicalenterprise facets expensive to the promotion of an activity are analyzed all". In many tables it leaves the subject the lack of entrepreneurs. Often one considers that one of the problems of these vocations is the excessive compartmentation that has our education. The Saiolan project deals with this form, from young people who have finished technical engineering (also the originating ones of other races can participate), to consider a company promotion, for which they study in one first stage the theoretical aspects of economy of the company that in a technical race have not had a preponderant position but that at the time of the management they are necessary to analyze the different industrial sectors, and concludes this first stage of 4 months with the selection of a product. In the second stage, of a minimum duration of 8 months, all the factors are analyzed interdisciplinarily that affect the launching of this product until their completion like industrial activity. The success of the idea is based on the integral formation that acquires these posgraduados that, throughout a year, are seeing the paper that plays each knowledge in the enterprise life.To study the commercial area with its investigation of market and organization, the economic area with its analyses of costs and value, and to face it the technical studies of the product, give a wealth of knowledge of the set that hardly has parallelism with another experience. It is necessary to say that in these 12 months of minimum permanence in the Saiolan project the posgraduados ones work all the day and receive a scholarship that allows them to autofinanciar these studies. The idea of Saiolan is come to ruin if in addition to this formativo process it is landed with a promotion; that is to say, if these scholarship holders happen of the analysis of company on the basis of product or to the active part to commit itself with the launching of a new enterprise activity. - 27 - In its short experience, all the formativa methodology has started up and has given origin the promotion of two enterprise activities. It is an initiative that has good cover on the part of the Department of Work of the Basque Government, as well as of the Delegation of Gipuzkoa, and maintain a permanent relation with the companies of the zone, with the purpose of advising and guiding the activity of Saíolan. - Another one of the s singular initiatives is the creation of Goier. The idea, of pure simple, is almost brilliant. Part of the following premise: in the surroundings there is no capacity to give life to a variety of specialties that need at level superior education and, on the other hand, the development of the communications between the towns is so intense that today almost infinite possibilities of study in our every day more interrelated world exist. Really, Goier must by objective "make the studies in the ex- tranjero viable of whichever pos graduated own as technical engineering have demonstrated to disposition and sufficient aptitudes, face to supply to the industrial society highly qualified men". Eskola has one long tradition in the direction and shipment to foreign universities (mainly to the French), but when adding themselves the rank who provide themselves to him to this objective, the supply of study in Eskola multiplies its attractiveness and allows to be present in the more important points of technological development of the world. In addition to the technological content, this opening equips with a human wealth reason why it means the knowledge of a new country, a language different and the coexistence with another type from people and institutions. The project is conceived like a service of management that tries to coordinate the following variables: a) The scientific necessities of the industrial society. b) The aptitudes of the engineering students who foreseeably are going to be able to respond to such necessities. c) L ace universities that are going to be able to contribute the scientific baggage that is to catch. d) The economic means that allow the application of the principle of equality of opportunities. For its operation, the center of Goier management considers l ace following functions: - 28 - 1. Direction of the technologies to approach. 2. Determination of the university centers. 3. Establishment of relations and agreements with such centers. 4. Relation with the students from its entrance in the Center to conclusion d and the studies. 5. Transaction and management of the aids, scholarships and subventions that will be understood of shared in common character. 6. Relation with the public and deprived organizations, to the object to catch bottoms. 7. To maintain relations with organizations able to contribute informaci ón on technological necessities of the country, and with the possible universities that can give answer them. In course 86/87 they were the 39 posgraduados ones of technical engineering that studied in 12 university centers of France, England, Italy, Canada and the U.S.A.. The future perspective are enormous, because for Course almost 89/90 the number of students is duplicated who will happen through this formativo process. - The Iraunkor center completes the picture of actions of regulated lessons , dedicated to the permanent formation and the recycling, not adopting in the last years a very incisive programming in the new technologies. As its supply is made jointly with the School of Enterprise Technical Studies (ETEO), the fan of subjects includes all the facets that the company needs. Happening now to the lessons regulated, from a technological point of view we must emphasize the paper that are playing the projects final of race as much for formation in real subjects for the futures graduated as Technical Engineering like for the solution of problems and interrelation between Eskola and the industry. The philosophy of which the final project of race has the content of a real project, so that the student considers the materialization of a novel subject, represents a first challenge that not only faces the student books and texts, but with its own initiative and capacity to interpret. It is in this activity where the student lets be receiving of knowledge, dosed by the group of professors, to happen to a dynamic and fundamentally emitting paper, because he must program himself and take to happy term the project that has corresponded to him. As many of these projects are related to real cases of the companies, is for the first time the student faced another great subjet, the relation with the different controls from the company. In this new walking it is going to find of everything, but - 29 - all it is, without doubting it, of an important human enrichment. From a technological point of view, this finishing touch, this sour cherry of the pie of the technological race has, if we know to put into play all the abilities of the communication and mutual enrichment, impressive possibilities. With Eskola it happens that we do not know it to value in his just to size; to the being a so domestic reality, so "of house", finishes being a stranger. They are the commentaries of experts and professionals of other latitudes those that raise manifestations of astonishment when they know the ample fan concrete realities that offers Eskola, especially when it thinks that the sector of education is not, by tradition, the most given this type of initiatives, where the risk enormously makes difficult as much to the management of its directors like the work of monitors and professors. 4.2. THE TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH CENTERS IN THE PAIS VASCO 4.2.1. Origin and evolution The present reality of the research centers Ceit, Ikerlan, Inasmet, Labein and Tekniker is the result of the development of different initiatives from the private sector that occurred in the Basque Country between years 1955 and 1980 to try to give to answer to certain problems and technical-technological necessities of the companies of the industrial surroundings. Although the adopted legal forms vary of an a others, have in common the characteristic of being organizations without spirit of profit, as well as its vocation on watch to the companies in general and his commitment with the industrial development. In the beginnings of the decade of the 80 they get to harmonize his objectives and general principles of performance, which facilitates to them to establish joint relations with just created Basque Government, reaching a collaboration agreement that is shaped in an agreement orchestrated through the decree of had the charge of organizations of investigation of Department of Industry, year 1982 and later renewed at the end of 1986, making possible the financing of a series of projects of technological investigation that are used for the acquisition and involution of the knowhows of the Centers in their corresponding fields of specialty. The commitment acquired before the Basque Government represents to reinforce the will of opening to all the industrial framework in its paper of technological support of the companies. Same year 1986 the five organizations before create the Basque Grouping of Technological Centers, EITE, advancing in the way initiated six years towards a greater interrelation between - 30 - such, strengthening the figure of Technological Centers like investigation organizations under contract and to carry out a joint supply to the companies. EITE has a mission towards the outside to make a global presentation of the Centers, recently being formed like an office of transference of technology - Otri- and another internal mission like platform of relation between the centers to share management methods, to carry out calls of investigation scholarships, etc. 4.2.2. Present situation Economic and technological happening of the companies has been the motor of the uninterrupted adaptation of the integral Technological Centers of the EllE to the necessities that, to accelerated rate, have appeared during the last decade. The present potential of the EllE takes shape in the capacity of performance of 600 investigators specialized in the disciplines that repeatedly have been considered like high-priority scientific objectives by all the institutional plans of aid to the investigation, including the contemplated ones within the Marco Program of the EEC Between these preferred areas of performance of the EllE can be mentioned: Systems and processes of manufacture. Automatic industrialist and control. CAD/CAM. Communications. Microelectronics. Artificial intelligence. Applied mechanics. Robotics. New metallic, ceramic, poliméricos and composed materials. Tribología. Electrical engineering. Chemical technology. Civil engineering and of construction. Medio.ambiente. Hydraulics. Energy. The global supply of the EITE for 1990 reached very considerable numbers to all the levels and it is credited by the massive participation of the Technological Centers in the European programs: Brite-Euram, leleman, Eureka, Esprit, Race, Primary Raw Materials, Secondary - 31 - Raw Materials, That, Stimulation, Mint, Sprint, Star and others. The EITE at the beginning of 1991 was implied in 60 incursos projects within European programs of technological investigation. This participation is so considerable that it constitutes a very significant part of the global Spanish presence in such programs and has contributed to the remarkable increase of returns by this concept in the last years. 4.2.3. The technological Groups The Leasehold Delegation of Bizkaia initiated, in 1985, a consisting of innovating experience associating to usuary companies and plaintiffs of a certain technology, to the universities, technological centers and to the own Public Administration in the creation of Technological Groups of sectorial character. The work of these centers is developed in the following activities: • Development of projects of invest igación. • Services of transference of technologies. • Services to companies. • Formation and advising in fields related to the areas of activity of each group. Center Location Robotiker Mungia Qaiker Trapagaran Biotek Year of Constitution 1985 Personal Technological Areas 59 Robótica y automatización 1985 29 Nuevos materiales Trapagaran 1988 22 Biotecnología Teletek Mungia 1988 22 Telecomunicación Embiker Alonsotegi 1990 5 Envase y embalaje 4.3. The PAPER FROM L To UNIVERSITY IN The TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT Unless one has a monolithic concept of the university and a deformed vision of the educative - 32 - mission of this one and the services that the same one must lend the society, it is more and more evident that it is precise to extend the paper from the university to the industrial innovation. This does not mean that the university must replace the company, far from this. It means that being an essential member of the scientific system, the university must totally play its expensive role to the productive system. However, if on the one hand the tendency must to assimilate immediately the productive system to the set of production factors (for example, work, capital, equipment, etc.) it is precise to recognize on the other hand that to means or length term the new ideas are really a potential factor of production and that, once transformed and made specific in industrial innovation, they constitute a very important element of technological and economic progress. Therefore, the constituent elements of the innovation chain are really the factors of development of all industrial economy. Since the innovation is not more than the result of a new idea and the profit of its incorporation in a productive system, it is of the greater importance of reinforcing the interconnections between the scientific system that produces such new ideas and the productive system that it absorbs them. For it he is inevitable to happen through the "crucible" of the university, since this one must be the place privileged for the acquisition of new knowledge, preoccupation by new ideas and formation of "takers of decisions". This logic leads naturally to the conclusion that the university would fail lamentably in its paper if did not produce the dynamic elements that assure our socioeconomic progress and made our more competitive productive system in the markets of a more and more interdependent world. This beautiful rhetoric is nevertheless full of sense. How, in effect, could the university prepare the "agents of change" if she were not closely associate to the productive system and not outside evolution ferment? How to conceive the university like progress factor if she is isolated of the world of the work? How can the university be dynamic if it is not intrinsically a strong link in the chain of the industrial innovation? How the university can demand more financial resources of the contributor if their scientific works are inspired more by the onales tastes pers of the investigators who in the necessities of the market. Of course which it is not tried here to praise a vilely utilitarian vocation of the university, but rather one is to make be worth the necessary contribution from the university to the industrial innovation, but in a climate of free investigation. In a society marked with the seal of the technology in constant and irremediable evolution, he would be aberrant to cultivate an elitist or middle-aged notion of the university. On the contrary, the modern university must be not only a place of "also high-knowing" but to a place of encounter of the diverse social interlocutors and a site of participation and advantage of new knowledge. For it and without of form some dismi nuyan their norms of quality, the university it must open wide his doors. In a context of technological university like the one of Eskola Politeknikoa, it is precise that - 33 - this opening is pronounced mainly towards the companies of any stature but in particular benefit of the manufacturing PME, since these rarely have internal sources to assure their development. This opening must be also pronounced towards the technological industralists and to the individual inventors who are still more lacking that the PME. Finally, he is precise that this opening takes place in the same interior of the university towards the professors and students of type industralist, unfortunately very little numerous, who are susceptible to contribute directly to the industrial innovation. This contribution tries to show the problematic one of the university contribution to the industrial innovation and to stress the paper that the technological university must carry out please in the PME, so that it obtains that our productive system is more competitive in the national and international markets. - 34 - 5.- THE INTERNATIONALIZATION OF THE COMPANY 5.- THE INTERNATIONALIZATION OF THE COMPANY Our will from property to ampler surroundings every as much social day as politicians, is making darken a reality of competitive confrontation that is every cruder day and behaved shamelessly. We are living in these last years that initial phase on the internationalization on the markets. - 35 - All we are feeling how our competitors increase in amount and quality putting with it in danger markets that we have considered traditionally more insurances, how voices rise permanently that repeat with machacona persistence the concept of competitiveness like safeconduct that allows to elbow itself between the best ones and to leave victorious in that confrontation, but the commitment of the competitiveness have many facets and are necessary to focus the process as a whole. It is evident that it is needed to adapt the methods of internal work, giving a greater coherence them like set. The permanent confrontation between the different departments within the company entails clear a competitive inefficiency, reason why all the implied parts will have to reflect with the purpose of detecting where they are the main problems that they totally prevent us to be competitive. It will be necessary to raise a principle of "complicity" between all the mechanisms that form the enterprise concept, so that we are able to produce products desired by the different markets and with a compared quality that equals or improves our competitors, far from easy task given the mental change that represents. The approach of a policy of permanent innovation very is bound to concep to of "total quality" that, like all "slogans", can be assumed without deepening in the vast conceptual change that entails the term. On the other hand, we have the commitments that the different Administrations must assume at the time of equipping the industrial framework with necessary means that they allow to prop up the enterprise initiatives with indirect supports that represent a good technological and formativa infrastructure. The change of the direct aid to the company must turn in Eu clothes towards an indirect aid that allows to have professionals with deep knowledge that complement the action of the Research centers and Services, so that they give to cover to new advances in the product development and competitive improvements in the production process. A little while extremely delicate, it is given the low hours that the industrial sector in general is living, but is time of joint reflection if we do not want to repeat errors that we have lived years in the last. To create support infrastructure is more difficult and slow than the direct aid. Both will have to overlap themselves if we want that our enterprise framework plays an important role in our creation of wealth. The internationalization of the company supposes, in the first place, a perfect knowledge of this new surroundings, knowledge that implies to know how to catch what wants and how they love our new clients to it, and not only like an export concept, but as a presence of natural market. It is not, consequently, a style "to go" but "to be". The dominion of the surroundings supposes to conceive the enterprise project with a new relation producto/mercados with a dominion of each present country in all its shades, with a knowledge of our competitors, knowing strategies, strongpoints and weak, and harnessing our abilities to as much maintain a quality level of permanent product as on watch to the client. - 36 - The preparation from our company to this new surroundings is going to take with himself a new plan of formation of the professionals whom they have to live in situations still I am strange for us. "To move" in international forums as we know it to do in the near institutions it is a new paper that we must program for inclui rlo in ours know-to do. The participation in European partnerships, international projects, mixed participation of companies, associations, companies, etc. will not let have its initial complication, but the sooner we see ourselves it jeopardize in this reality before we will enter the game of the international competition. This presence is going to be bound to one planned option of marks within a taken care of selection of markets, where we will have to compete going with tempting products, as much by its price as by its benefits. Today there is no site for the low product in the scale of calidad/prestaciones, because the market, that knows its force, wants discharge quality to a competitive price and like a service of Maxima guarantee. To travel, know r the different languages, to dominate the different legislations, in addition to the European, it is not a reserved necessity to commercial experts, but who to all the directive estates of the company, beginning by the own management, as much technicians as of commercial design and. We know how much it costs to open each door and how this cost increases as this door is more distant. Why a well-taken care of prospection and planning of the potential market have to be careful and concientious, without no of the alternatives of relation with the native companies for the creation of pacts and alliances is eliminated "a priori". It is possible that our concepts of property must share in ampler scopes of coproperty. It is, in any case, a new dimension, where what changes they are the coordinates and consequently our datum point - 37 - 6.- THE PAPER OF THE TECHNOLOGY 6.1. A CLASSIFICATION OF THE TECHNOLOGIES 6.- THE PAPER OF THE TECHNOLOGY It is of all well-known that the Manual of Frascati, instrument which we have come using during almost two decades to homogeneizar the measurements of I+D has remained obsolete. He is conscious, on the one hand, that the borders, at his moment established to distinguish what was investigation and development of which are not, deserve to be reviewed. From another one, new activities, much have arisen in the last years certain from them difficult to quantify, that we are not measuring and who therefore we are not able to evaluate. An example that shows inadequate of our measurements consti tuye the Italian case. Italy has - 38 - traditional indicators, such as clear registered in the U.S.A. or expenses of I+D, in relation to its gross inner product, below the communitarian average; and nevertheless Italy is demonstrating a great technological efficiency that it is translated in an increase of his competitiveness in the international markets. In addition to the investigation and development, that is to say, of the efforts to generate technology own and to incorporate it to the productive process, the company can undertake different activities, all of them generating ones of technological development. It is obvious that a company when acquiring an equipment of new generation incorporates a superior technological level, soon, consequently, is improving the technological level of the production. A new concept, "humanware " is being coined, that makes reference to the existing interaction between the workers and the physical equipment with which it works; really, to the incorporation of increasing doses of intelligence of the productive processes. This bond gives rise to two extreme models: one, in that the interaction is minimum - the changes in the motivations, attitudes, qualification, etc. of the personnel have little effect in the result of the production - and another one, in that this interaction is Maxima - the productive system is tremendously vulnerable to changes in these characteristics -. Then, great part of the productive activities seems to direct itself towards this second end. Like example of these intangible activities, for which there are no indicators and that are related to that increasing contribution of intelligence to the productive process, we can mention the following ones: - 39 - a) Investments made with the objective to obtain a relaxation of the production processes. The concept of range economies, that allow to adapt the process to desires or necessities of the client, begins to replace the one of economies of scale like objectives to obtain. b) Expenses derived of changes in the organization from the production. The introduction of the strategic planning, the decentralized control, the substitution of the "fordismo" and the "taylorismo" by new principles, the involution of the work in equipment, the implication of the workers in the control of quality of each phase of the productive process, the reduction of the costs of warehouse by the use of mechanisms ` just in timι, the mobility or flexibility of the workers in the own company, etc. is all of them sample of those changes organizat ivos that in many cases is being determining of the enterprise success. c) Tending activities to produce innovations of incremental type during the productive process. These innovating activities are carried out uniting the efforts of operating ios, engineers and supervisors in an attempt to improve the capacity of the machines and the productive systems being modified or adding excellent functions; really, it is that the utility of an equipment varies of significant form depending on the quality and the characteristics of the human resources that work in this equipment. d) The expenses to improve the formation of the own personnel of the company. For groups a) and b) they do not exist at the present time indicating; nevertheless, his elaborac ion is perfectly feasible, since the company can easily identify the costs which it incurs one or another case as much. The establishment of indicator for group b) is enough more difficult, since the own companies have difficulties at the moment to define the costs in which they incur to make these organizational changes. It is very possible that new instruments and mechanisms of accounting of the enterprise expenses are necessary to be able to identify to clar this type of activities amente. With respect to group c), the situation is, if it fits, more complicated, since it is not clear that the activities that in him are contemplated give rise to costs and, therefore, for his measurement would be necessary to go to indicators of type more qualitative than quantitative. ESSENTIAL PROBLEMS OF SOME INDICATORS. THE I+D - 40 - The concept of expenses of indicating I+D as of technological development has been object of numerous critics. One of the main ones is - later we will extend with detail the one to make reference to its character of measurer of ` inputs', that is to say, of measurer of resources used in the investigating activity without it contributes no knowledge to us about the efficiency of the investigating process. It is clear that two companies can have the same volume of resources dedicated to investigation and to have better results one than another one, simply, being the first most efficient one. Another key problem that presents/displays the indicator that we are commenting is the absence of homogeneity in the calculation of I+D costs, as much at public level as private, in this aspect we could indicate that with respect to the private activity a lack of own diffusion of the manual of Frascati exists. Although in the surveys that the Spanish companies receive to provide on the I+D activities is collected some of the fundamental concepts that they are described in manual saying, the experience demonstrates that many companies do not know what concepts must be including and which must be excluded. The first conflicting idea that it arises when we tried to measure the results is the one of yield. In the first place, it has many results that is not easily cuantificables, like are majority that produces yield social, increase in quality of product or of service (is difficult for example to measure in terms quantitative improvement in quality in provision of energy electrical, which always it arrives with the intensity, which cuts in the provision do not take place, etc.). The same it happens if we want to see the beneficial effects that the results of the investigation have had on the medio.ambiente. It is equally difficult to quantify the value of the appearance of new line of work or a before nonexistent possibility. In addition, an agreement generalized in the idea that exists the simple count of innovations is a bad measurement of the results of the investigation. In other cases, the leader of an innovation process not always obtains the maximum benefits of the same one, but that is the second or third introducer of the innovation, that is to say, companies which they have not undertaken the effort of I+D, that only act as diffusing of the innovation at the initial moments can have results similar to those of the leader, with clearly smaller costs associated to the innovation. A temporary phase angle between the allegiance of the resources to the innovation and the obtaining of results of the same one also exists, that depend to a great extent on the sector or the type of activity in which we move. This temporary, uncertain phase angle, does difficult to connect both subjects quantitatively. - 41 - Nowadays a company is impossible to be autarkic technologically, and is suicidal to depend totally on the outer technology to the company. In the measurement in which both activities, generation of technology and acquisition of technology to third, are complementary, would be very difficult to distinguish the bottoms dedicated to each one of them. In a same department of I+D it can have dedicated people to generate new technology and dedicated people to adapt and to improve the technology acquired to third. The processes of generation and diffusion of technology more and more are interrelated, existing in addition one retroalimentaCiófl between both, taking place what it denominates "increasing yields of adoption". They are precise measurements of the new mechanisms of enterprise organization. The question that arises in this subject is if a new enterprise culture is susceptible to be measured and if we can apply it like criterion of analysis for all type of companies. The present reality seems to demonstrate that this last one is certain, since concepts such as control of quality, strategic planning, necessity of recycling of the workers, etc., is imperative of any type of economic unit, not only for the industrial companies but also for the companies of services and also for the companies of different size or sector from activity. What yes it is obvious is that there are companies in which exists an inclined enterprise culture to the innovation and that the same one usually is determining of the technological success of the company. A truely innovating organization is that in which the innovation is task of all, which without a doubt is difficult to translate in numbers and data. It is very possible that this enterprise culture is measurable, but is precise to look for and to present with the suitable questions it. There is a difficult situation in the small and medium companies. Most of them they do not have I+D department, they do not register patents, the volumes of purchase or sale of technology with the outside usually they are insignificant, etc. It is difficult that the same ones are represented in the indicators that we come using. As we said in the beginning, this absence can be explaining cases like the Italian. Therefore, the necessity to measure the scientific and technological activities of the small and medium company is very clear. It is suggested, in this sense, a battery of indicators that could offer an image of this group. It is possible to mention the following ones: - The use of external technological services. - The cooperation with organisms technological public of investigation and centers. - The use of services of technological diagnosis or diagnosis of innovation. - The participation in seminaries and use of external data bases. - 42 - - The subscription to scientific publications - The number of presented/displayed projects to ask for bottoms before organism you officials. An increasing network of interrelations between companies and research centers exists and companies of the same or different sector whose characteristics of effects we are not knowing to measure. They lack indicators of the networks between companies, of the interconnection and communication channels that are settling down between the same ones. As a summary we can say that the I+D indicators have remained obsolete by the new characteristics of the present company, in which what one is to measure is the repercussion that has the technological concept more than the technological concept in itself. In this sense, it is tried to measure, of a form much more activates, the innovating will of the company, more than the cold expenses in themselves. This concept of innovating will must look for in new variables, so that we pruned to easily detect this characteristic in comparison and based on objectives to fulfill. 6.1. A CLASSIFICATION OF THE TECHNOLOGIES Common terminology The terminology little needs, with meaning perhaps totally different when it applies a technical director, a director of marketing or a director to it of investigation and development, constitutes in himself a problem, anecdotal, but perhaps tremendously important at the time of obtaining a consensus between the directive equipment on a strategic planning of the technology. Pair that this concept of "technology" can be used in an analysis system, must be defined of such form that facilitates east analysis. An appropriate definition and that us has been very useful in many real cases has been the one of specific technology like "know-how "; that is to - 43 - say, everything what a company can explain in a simple phrase, expressed in the following terms could be considered like technology: We know how… (verb)… (complement). Example: We know how to design circuits semi-customs. To know to us how to join optical fibers Identification, analysis and classification of the technologies If we defined the technologies of this form, will be able to disturb each product, process or service of a company in a finite series of different technologies. Each one of these technologies has as well a greater or smaller impact on the profile of products or services in terms as much of the answers that those give to the motivations of purchase of the clients like of the potential of the company satisfying the volume with demand of the market. If we extended the analysis of the technologies of products of a company to the one of its competitors, will be able to establish the list of own technologies of a certain industry and, analyzing the impact on the profile of products, we will be able to establish a classification of the technologies according to its impact. This classification we will establish it in three levels: - Technologies nail, - Technologies base and - Incipientes technologies, In the category of technologies it nails we will include those that have a greater impact on the competitive effectiveness of the product or considered service; that is to say, those that allow to the manufacturer who holds them to be different itself from the others, by the benefits of the good produced like by their capacity through the processes of manufacture and launching to the market minimum costs as much. Within the category of basic technologies we will include all those that without them are not possible to be present in the market. They are, therefore, essential for the company, because without them it would not be possible to be tried to compete, but to the same t iempo is not key, because they do not produce between the competitors any remarkable difference. We will include within the incipientes technologies to which, although they are in an initial - 44 - stage of his development, a demonstrated potential of CAP is recognized acidad to modify the bases of the competition in a determined industry or market. In the process of identification of the technologies it is precise to avoid two standard errors: The technologies technologies base are not key The technologies base perfectly are dominated by all the competitors of the industry and are essential for all or most of products or services that that industry offers; therefore, it allows an important differentiation neither in cost nor in another type of advantage facing the market. They were perhaps in technologies the past key, but in the present situation no longer it is thus. They are even easily accessible technologies by companies without tradition in the industry. This error as far as the consideration of a technology bases as key lamentably takes to that many industries reinviertan great sums of money in trying to improve these technologies, obtaining marginal advantages without importance on the competitors. The technologies nail of today does not have why to be the morning technologies key The strategic paper of the technologies changes with time. Its strategic impact is reduced or because it increases to the number of competitors whom are assimilating it, or because they are replaced by other technologies. In relation to this last possibility, the necessity is immediate that has the companies to watch the incipientes technologies, some of which can become the technologies nails morning. - 45 - 7.- CONCEP TO OF THE INNOVATION LIKE ATTITUDE 7.1. The INNOVATION, A SPECIFIC CONCEPT And A NEW APPROACH. 7.2. The FORMS And The PLACES Of The INNOVATION PROCESS 7.3. INNOVATION POLICY 7.- THE CONCEPT OF THE INNOVATION LIKE ATTITUDE - 46 - 7.1. A CLASSIFICATION OF THE TECHNOLOGIES The innovation constitutes the first active conceptual answer to the technological mutation and the turbulent situations and of crises that have accompanied it. A positive concept. - To is concep that has put in height by its semantic wealth and its emotional load. Their importance and its englobante character have turned it a term that has great wealth of sense: the innovation can include so much the idea of a technological change generates lizado like the one of a change of articles of incorporation within the company. On the other hand, the innovation is the triumph of the new thing, is a term that praises the originality, but that also unites the invention and its economic valuation, that is, that reconciles the scope of the technological creativity with the one of economic success of the company. The concept that the society associates with the term innovation has a strong connotation of dimension of autonomy in the human creativity and this like priority factor of the creation of r iqueza.Is exists a species of "small beautiful" in this concept of the innovation. 7.1.1 The technological innovation favored by the mutation The central nucleus, in which we are going away to center here, and that recently has integrated to ` management' of the company, is the one of the technological innovation, its génesis, their stimulus and its conduct. It consists of the permanent preoccupation to generate positive a change technological and multiforms. The technological innovation in the company has become a key element since, in the context of the turbulent technological change, it constitutes greater means to improve the possibilities of survival and its results. Already in the beginning of the crisis, whole sectors of the industrial activity have been threatened of technological obsolescencia and strongly have been put in prohibition because of the competition of Third World Countries. This it was the case in individual of the sector of the textile and the preparation in the countries developed, until the moment that answers in innovation terms allowed to recover this activity with solutions as the cut by means of laser, the cut optimized by computer, or the dye in made bath of jerseys, which they allow to adapt immediately ofe rta to the demand (Benetton). - 47 - LA INNOVACIO N ES UN ENCUENTRO Investigation Products Know-how Markets INNOVATION Relations Marketing Processes Commercial pacts The technologically possible thing The economically possible thing Consequently, this new concept of the innovation represents a rupture in relation to the previous concepts of technical progress in the company, but also a new form of integration of the technology in the company 7.1.2 Integration The innovation represents a new form of integration of the technology the company since the innovation leads to diversify the sources of the technological progress and to integrate them in the diverse sectors of the activity of the company. Still more deep integration, since one is which the different services and centers of decision of the company adopt this project of innovation. The characteristic of the innovation process consists of which it will have to be derived biologically from the weave of the company and its interchange with the integrated surroundings and to his structure and its operation. 7.2. The FORMS And The PLACES Of The INNOVATION PROCESS It turns out habitual to distinguish the innovation according to the place where it is inserted: product or process, and according to the newness degree that introduces. This leads to distinguish the innovation of rupture of the adaptation innovation. In order to evaluate the amplitude of the impact of an innovation process, his organizativas and competitive - 48 - implications, it is important also to take into account the degree from newness that introduces in relation to the market. We will conclude this picture of set in this point. 7.2.1 The places of applications of the innovation The INNOVACJON OF PRODUCT or external innovation allows the company to supply better products than the existing ones in the market, since they offer more functionalities, or act lighter, less voluminous, simpler as of more effective way being, etc. Tambié n can be dealed with totally new, different products in the own concept. We can mention the diverse forms: - it can be an innovation of "function", that is to say, being based on an idea of product or tie new functionality to a new technology; - it can be based on a new form to make the "function" or to conceive the product or the machine; it can be the introduction of new materials or new components; - it can also consist of a new design, that often are more than a simple modification of forms, but of industrial solutions and ergonomic approaches; - it can be new services of support or on the contrary of the transformation in a product of which before it was a service. Tratars and of the discovery of new uses, that can sometimes often they can be obtained with a minimum modification. The PROCESS INNOVATION is destined to improve that internal capacity that allows or to reduce the times of manufacture, or to increase the quality - reducing rejections -, or improving the information systems and internal control. It is, in sum, a constant series of improvements that allows a better advantage of our productive capacities. On the other hand, the improvements of material character are inseparable of those of immaterial character. In this sense, the formation in the deepening and knowledge of the process originate an improvement spiral that allows to develop to advantages and new formativos processes. With the purpose of giving to an order of ma gnitud, according to the survey of McGraw Hill in the U.S.A. in 1977, 13% of the innovation destined to new processes and 87% to products, and within the product, 59% to the improvement of already existing and only 28% it destined to the generation of nue vos products. - 49 - 7.3. INNOVATION POLICY Corporation MCC is living, like all the industrial sector of our surroundings, a transcendental change in its exposition of future survival. The model that there are been living was based, fundamentally, in a competition of "cost". In this model, that has been generalized in our Basque industrial surroundings, the cooperatives have located themselves, generally, in a head position and this domestic market has formed a concrete enterprise character that is necessary to surpass to take step to a new more complex international situation. To the competitiveness on the basis of costs him a competitive advantage is due to incorporate more dynamics, where the technological innovation plays a fundamental role, and the increase of the quality in the development of new products and the improvement of the management techniques. The next years, nevertheless, will be the best ones for those than they learn to balance dreams and disciplines. The future it will belong to those who take advantage of the potential greater opportunities but they recognize the realities of limited resources at the same time more and find new solutions that allow to do more with less. Today it has been shown that the prosperity of the Corpor ación is going to depend every day more of its adaptation to the changing circumstances of the international competition. Our new industrial surroundings impose, we want or no, its own law. The adoption or not of strategies of market in the European scope is not a mere alternative and, if we admitted like obvious that the only strategy that can guarantee the future economic development is the one that as much articulates around the product innovation, as of processes and methods of management, we would have to be consequent s with the expositions that of these affirmations are given off. The mental change that is being called on to us to live is accelerated of all the history of the cooperativismo; this is necessary to admit it in all its depth and to analyze from the coordinates of the grouping which are the new habits to acquire and what repercussions can have the different expositions from set that are becoming. An example we can have it in the exposition of the image of Group, since taken from domestic coordinates it has a different affluent perspective to take it with European coordinates. The first conclusion to that it is arrived in this reflection is that the "internationalization of the - 50 - company" is a way without return. We cannot fall in sterile nostalgia that to the only thing that they force to us is to lukewarm positions at the time of making decisions. To grasp us to a past where we had a certain leadership and to want to plan in solitaire and in shared in common are not a little consequent attitude with ual the historical reality act. This acceptance of the term "internationalization of the company" has different consequences. From a technological point of view it is a declaration that takes implicit the acceptance of the participation in all those international forums in which something is had to obtain; it implies, also, to know the norm and its programs European and to insert to us totally in them with the same facility that we can be aimed at the actions of the nearest Administrations. From the point of view of market it represents a knowledge of the particularitities of each specific area: to know what hunger exist and how these with products or present and/or future services can be satisfied, to metodizar the engarzamiento of these potential demands with the technology, so that the union of innovation programs, of products, organizational processes or, project the company in their totality to a mentality of satisfaction to the client like slogan of quality and, in sum, securing of the super experience. Europe is delivering enormous attacks economic to increase to the competitiveness of its companies by means of shared projects and multienterprise alliances, and the cooperative world is not represented the level that could be expected by its volume of set. We are participating in the European forum of timid form and little decided. It is a pending subjet that with decision we must approach. Our condition of cooperative would not have to be an international brake in the establishment of relations and alliances, but factor that it harnesses to us and it consolidates like group. This new style is going to have important repercussions and will be necessary to initiate a campaign of knowledge, enterprise as as much cultural, at different levels from management, with the serious commitment of imbuir itself in this philosophy. The more one gains in time of assumption of the idea, the more quickly will start up the mechanisms that determine the proportions the new concept of business and the more evident pa will be the necessary collaboration between all ra to approach the new frame. Sinergia that hopes that it arises from static form and passive it will have to be looked for of dynamic form, because nobody is sufficiently autarkic as to raise single he the increasing enterprise challenge. The second base of the reflection is centered in the paper that it has to play the technology in the development of new products and processes. It is clear that, admitting the exposition of the internationalization of the company, we will have to reflect our products in this frame, doing a change of axes between the domestic surroundings and the European. In our surroundings leaderships in concrete parcels exist that respond to this international homologation. Like group mission, we will have to generalize this attitude for which the "intelligent control of the leaders" has to be a development motor that spurs the innovating - 51 - concept that we must acquire, or to complement, to obtain that "dynamic competitiveness". The message deserves a certain deepening. "Control" implies to know, to be worried by where and with what new tools and technologies are raising the leaders their presence in the market. To be ready to jump and to take advantage of the work the "pioneers" is a dynamic and terribly innovating style. The "intelligent control of the leaders" is going to us to force to have methods and mechanisms of assimilation of technologies very adapted to our reality. It implies a management of the very active innovation, so that the function "time", as much developing and putting in practice of a new method like in formation of necessary equipment, today takes a not known dimension between us. This culture of permanent adaptation is going to demand active and agile a frame of decisions, so that the actions jump as tightened crossbows as soon as a concrete way is decided. It is obvious that the information in "real time" is a key factor in this type of strategies of pursuit and control of the activities of our competitors. In our surroundings groups of experts in the handling of data bases like in the treatment and information of patents exist as much anywhere in the world. A suitable use of these means allows to make meticulous analyses of "how" and "who" it operates of more active form in a determined parcel or segment of market, as well as making the histogram of a certain company with which we want to establish relations of any type. This service can easily be generalized all the Group, with which a basic tool will be able to be had that allows to make that control; but the tool is good if use becomes of her and has with it a multiplying effect, because if no, it is a cost more than, as it ballast, it makes difficult the own yield of the company. To adopt the attitude of "intelligent control of l leaders" is going to suppose to you to assume a flexible dynamics, letter to cover hollows in the market as soon as these have been opened; it implies to have a good balance between the technological dependency and generation of technology, as well as the capacity to add ex- periencias and knowledge that in MCC, as joint of actions and presences you will multidiscipline, are had in an important degree. The philosophy that we are trying to describe is more feasible in a conception of group that as individual company and would have to allow, by the sum of abilities and knowledge, a horizontal transference, updating products and processes.One of the missions of the Department of Technological Development and Quality it will be to cause this knowledge and to prepare the way so that the technology flows in that direction. An active communication estimates the creation of a forum of permanent debate where each one can identify opportunities. By the knowledge of other realities, in MCC it must be - 52 - generated a flow of communication and support, because nobody is totally self-sufficient in anything and less in innovation, and all we are in the same race of the active survival. This innovating attitude will have to cause new currents, a flow of new possibilities within the groupings actively. For it it is needed to create a culture that implies that all partner feels the innovation like which comprises of its work and not to only depend on which a lucky innovation arises spontaneously in some corner of the company and ends up calling the attention of the director. Instead of it, to create official channels to accelerate the flow of new ideas, to cause the creativity will be an important subject in this reconstruction of the cooperative company. This last note takes step to us to raise the third reflection of the Technological Policy; . LIDERAZGO EN LO ORGANIZATIVO Y FUNCIONAL The other two previous concepts, la INTERNACIONALIZACION Y EL CONTROL INTELIGENTE DE LOS LIDERESare attitudes that come to us imposed by the force from the facts. The increasing international competition and the creation of a single market force to watch the new challenge front and to make decisions that confront the problem of the best possible way, but the third premise depends on we ourself. The cooperative can be great or small, it can operate in an increasing or stable market, but on her it depends that their organization and the will of their men is creative or passive, who the confrontation of ideas is a renovadora source of contributions or a sterile mutual cancellation. We needed to resort to the same essence of the cooperative; to cooperate in the permanent creation of a company like method shared in common to assure the necessity generation of economic resources. The commitment on which the viability of the company depends on all would have to cause a starting point that allows to create a company organizational leader in and the functional thing. Many hours will be had to dedicate to the analysis and search of that forum that does possible to file to f rustraciones at all the levels, giving a new impulse to the individual and collective commitment. From a purely technological component, this message of organizational leadership in and the functional thing can be translated in a concept of "total quality" like motor of innovation at all the levels of the company. In essence, an organizational style based on the "total quality" implies a conjunction of two ideas, often opposed, as they are: a discipline in the method and a creative mind. To unite a spirit i nnovador to the discipline and work in equipment is the new answer that it has to cause itself from the motto of "total quality". For it, it is necessary to not only add "capacities" and "abilities This concept of "total quality" must print in MCC a spirit of permanent improvement of the enterprise management and cause a generalized process of innovation. - 53 - - 54 - 8.- THE QUALITY, AN ENCOUNTER WITH THE AFFLUENT WORK DONE 8.- THE CONCEPT OF THE INNOVATION LIKE ATTITUDE He is CALIDADit fashionable. It has never been spoken as much of CALIDADas in these last two years. The Japanese myth has put our productive system against the cords and today no longer it is possible to compete with a cost concept if a reference to the quality is not had. The mutation which it underwent the Japanese company of years 60, where the product of those latitudes with the product under quality and of low price was identified, has happened with time to be a product of high quality to the most competitive price. Our products are located, of a general form, in average range: neither they are the calls "sweepings", own of the countries that are arranged to sell like is, nor are the products of high content in benefits, with excellent quality, that satisfy to a niche of very select market. Our products are in that crossroads in which the - 55 - effort has to be permanent, since the lowest products of the market want to ascend by the slope of the hunger of the clients and those of the summit want to have insured their future diversifying that elitist but little trustworthy position as it is the niche of the selective ones. Every day more competitors with falsified products leave more than they leave to stable products in the market totally obsolete. In this dynamics, that we have not chosen but she is called on to us to live, only we it has left the exit of the permanent improvement. This process of permanent improvement is so important that it has happened to be considered like a responsibility of the quality departments to be directly employee of the manager of the company; today the responsibility of the bad quality is necessary to impute it to the highest administration of the company. The messages are too many that have been sent so that the high directions do not assume the concept of the permanent improvement. Frequently h to indicated that one of the main differences between the styles of Japanese and western administration is their marks of time.Whereas the Japanese administration has a longterm perspective, the western managers tend to look for results in the short term. It is an irony of our managements that the more elevated is the manager in the hierarchy, the more worried is with the short term results, and he is not stranger who expositions of inferior levels which they focus improvements with benef icios long term potentials in the short term hit the criteria of their superior levels with perspective and criteria. The shock that has produced has left to many directions without a clear enterprise philosophy. In the years previous to the crisis of petroleum, the manager who was able to give satisfaction to a market in expansion in which she reigned plus the amount that the quality, where the resources were abundant and of low cost, the director that it had as it bases of the business the increase of sales instead of reducing the costs was crowned with the success. Today, all this that was the base of the system, the datum points, let have value and the enterprise viability considers of radically different form. The new situation is characterized by the strong increases of the costs of materials, energy and manual labor, an excessive capacity of you raise of production and little flexibility to change fast and effectively of product to make, an increase of the competition with a saturated market s or in declivity, changes of the hunger of the consumers with exigencies on quality that leave us perplex, and next to it a greater necessity to leave to the market with new products. The previous solutions today do not give answer to these new challenges, are too many problems to confront them with the typical measures of investments and displacements of personnel. Today it is necessary to imply to all in the process of continuous improvement if it is wanted to attack the problem in all the levels. It is necessary to recognize that it is not only a control problem (that also has its parcel of responsibility), but that affects to all in the measurement which we are implied in the process, and in him we are all it jeopardize by its improvement. No longer there is site for the static ones. To obtain one more a more stable customer means "to mimar" the key points of the satisfaction of the client. To know how to - 56 - identify them to transmit to all how it affects to each one in his productive paper, how to prepare new products and services that generate greater degrees of satisfaction and, really, how to obtain of that etéreo and capricious concept of client a greater identification with the company is the future guarantee. The parcels, and many of them of attitude, those that there are changes r, and not only, as often it considers, with a change of the productive system are many, but that there is to examine all the organization, because all the departments of the company are susceptible to establish permanent improvements. There is no corner in the organizational chart that is considered arrived at its fullness. He would be suspicious a department, services, warehouses, etc. that did not present/display improvements of periodic form. If in a single corner of our company there is improvement reference no every month, is that the static idea of the passivity has entered that point. There is so much to make to eliminate supérfluo, to more effectively organize the job, to improve the quality, being eliminated expenses of nonquality, etc. that the static thought does not fit of which it thinks that all this is well but the adressee is another one. Today we are all it jeopardize, we want or we are not accomplices of the success or failure of our business. We cannot appeal to more or less just reasonings of failures in the management, the organization, control, etc. They can be certain, but all we must ask to us how to improve our area of activity permanently, only premise of the enterprise success if mainly the company moves in this direction with a dynamic and positive attitude. History, like always, will say the last word on our attitudes. - 57 - 9.- THE I+D IN THE CORPORATION 9.- THE I+D IN THE CORPORATION The definition of the expenses that are due to impute to the I+D has had from its beginning a certain ambiguity. The concept of the Investigation as source of knowledge acquisition has not been questioned at the time of imputing it like cost in this chapter. More discussed it is the definition of the Development. Their limits are somewhat diffuse and is necessary a certain pact in the definition of what it enters like cost this concept and what no. At this moment we cannot say that a uniformity in the treatment of both concepts exists and, most important, do not have security in its comparison between indices of other surroundings, but in a work on the investigation in the Corporation notary's office the absence of data on the effort that the set of the Cooperatives is doing in this matter. The pictures have been grouped by divisions and in the end it exposes set d and the - 58 - Corporation. In all the pictures we visualized the amount of every year in this epígrafe of I+D, as well as its percentage on sales, more usual number to have datum points and comparison. In the interpretation of the pictures a certain discontinuity in the data appears in the year ~8. Reason fundamental is that from this year, in many cooperatives (fundamentally those that they compose Grupo Fagor), a new definition of the concepts settles down that must enter this epígrafe, representing a precision and purification of such. - 59 - - 60 - - 61 - - 62 - - 63 - - 64 - 10.- As a SUMMARY - 65 - 10.- As a SUMMARY Aspects of the technology and the innovation are had boarded in this notebook different without with it we have a vision of the paper of the same ones in the cooperative world, main mission of these texts. The fundamental problem is in which it has been had never a ordered statistic of the technological phenomenon within the cooperative world. The technology has been and continues being a strategic variable within each cooperative company and not very often a putting in common of sectorial form to altogether approach problems has been made that always have been considered that was within the exclusive scope of the unitary company.We do not have practice in sharing our problems of technological type and consequently, we have not known to take advantage of the successes and failures our fellow travellers. We can say that we did not have the organizational tool that allowed that sinergia. There is today an objective clear to live in shared in common and not in solitaire the challenge that represents to be competitive in this Europe in expansion. Of all it is responsibility. And to incarnate together one more a more alive reality, this text on technology and innovation will have a very different configuration in its next edition, because it will respond more to a technological concept of the cooperative world that to loose pieces that do not form a weave of the coherence that could be hoped of a cooperative reality that it has known in other matters to put into play his talents to make extreme the most powerful one than the simple Arithmetic. - 66 -