Quotations Worthwhile Quotes and Miscellaneous Cool Information 9/04 (See also: Thinking III (Key Thoughts), Conflict Resolution, & Effective Biblical Counseling handouts) 1. Pray as if God will do everything, work as though he will do nothing. S. Simmons 2. Give me a 100 men who fear nothing but God, and I will change the world. J. Wesley 3. The greatest people of the earth today are the people who pray. I do not mean those who talk about prayer; nor those who can explain about prayer; but I mean those people who take time and pray. They have not time. It must be taken from something else. This something else is important--very important and pressing, but still less important and less pressing than prayer. S.D. Gordon 4. Humility is the willingness to be known for who we are. YWAM Leader 5. We are too busy to pray, and so we are too busy to have power. We have a great deal of activity but we accomplish little; many services but few conversions; much machinery but few results. R.A Torrey 6. You must do four things to be on the way to true peace and liberty: 1) strive to do another's will rather than you own 2) choose always to have less than more 3) seek the lower places in life, dying to the need to be recognized and important 4) always and in everything desire that the will of God be completely fulfilled in you. Thomas a Kempis 7. Friendship is a relationship that has no formal shape. There are no rules or obligations or bonds as in marriage or the family, it is held together by neither law nor property nor blood, there is no glue in it but mutual liking. It is therefore rare. Anonymous 8. A man with a vision of God is not devoted to a cause or to any particular issue; he is devoted to God himself. Oswald Chambers 9. I want to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. Anonymous 10. He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. Jim Elliot 11. We judge in others what we hate in ourselves. This is called projection. Jim Soft 12. Get to know your Master, then your mission, then your mate. Tom from the Navs 13. Worship means to "bow down". 14. Pray, be pure, be humble. Mother Theresa to Doug Coe 15. A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still. Jim Soft 16. Relationships are like bank accounts. We must constantly be making deposits so we have something there when we make a withdrawal. Jim Dobson 17. A man who doesn't meet with other men, is an accident waiting to happen. Howard Hendrick 18. Friendships are more important than things, and integrity is more important than friendship. Dave Hagstrom and Scott Strellnauer 19. Paradox and antinomy are key principles in the Bible. 20. Eschatology is the doctrine of the last things; Apocalypse is a prophetic revelation pertaining to God destroying the ruling powers of evil. 21. The church is a "shotgun blast" meeting many needs. Para-church organizations are "rifle shots" meeting specific needs. Jay Prichard 22. 5 classes that require a miracle to help; skid row bums, the unteachable, the simple, gangsters, the mentally ill. Dave Hagstrom 23. Alexander the Great conquered the world but cursed his childhood because he had never learned self-control. Dick Halverson 24. Faith Church's Mission Statement: Exalt, Edify, Evangelize, Equip, Eject. 25. Christians can be like manure; pile them up and they stink; spread them around and they do some good. Kathy McRae 26. A father should be a prophet, priest, and king. Derrick Prince 27. How do you make a decision about moving? Consider your faith, future, family, friendships, fellowship, and finances. Stan Simmons 28. Seven ways to destroy ourselves: wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character, commerce without ethics, science without humanity, religion without sacrifice, politics without principal. Stan Simmons 29. Four symptoms of success in the world: arrogance, a sense of aloneness, a need for adventure, adultery. Gary Helsbey 30. God is the professor; the angels and demons are the students; we, the Church, are the lesson or display. Eph. 3:8-11 John McArthur/Jim Soft 31. The New Testament model is not perfection but progression. (1 Tim. 4: 15) Howard Hendricks 32. Celebrate Recovery helps us with our hurts, habits, and hang-ups. Rick Warren 33. "5 Alive" reading plan - Gen, Deut, John, Acts, & Romans 34. We were never meant to own anything but simply manage things for God. 35. Relationships are strengthened by kind words and shared experiences. 36. Remember the Chinese Pastor in the latrine. Be content, Fred. Phil 2:5-15 37. Only God not man is capable of receiving praise. 38. Non-sequitar - an inference that does not follow from the premise. 39. The Key Elements of Prayer: Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication (ACTS) 40. Martin Luther's 95 Theses - AD 1517 41. We make decisions either by emotion or by principle. 42. In Christ I am no longer defined by an addiction (a sin). Rick Warren 43. Because Jesus is always w/ him, a believer is never alone. The enslaved person needs to understand this truth. 44. Jesus called us to love our neighbor not to fix him. Rich Trees 45. Culture is a function of world view. Chuck Coulson 46. The only real tragedy in life is to die outside of Christ. FMN 47. Every human being either needs to know Jesus or needs to know Him better. 48. God wants us to be free from: grudges, guilt, and grief. Gary Matsdorf 49. Our job is to help others get saved, get well, and get going Mark 2:1-12 50. Trust God not man (Micah 7:5-7), The prayer of Jabez (1 Chron. 4:9&10), the prosperity of the wicked (Ps 73) 51. I will be most useful and most content when I grasp the truth that "my life is not about me but about God." (Jer 10:23) 52. "Do all the good you can for all the people you can." Dr. Lois Klopsch (developed the Words of Jesus in Red Bible) 53. I will concern myself with only those things over which I have some control. FMN 54. Our goal as Biblical counselors is not primarily to eliminate pain but sin. Dr. Larry Crabb 55. You know you have become a servant when people treat you like on. Howard Hendricks 56. In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, and in all things charity." St. Augustine of Hippo 57. I would rather stand against the cannons of the wicked than the prayers of the righteous. Pres. George W. Bush 58. Hell is God's great compliment to the reality of human freedom and the dignity of human choice. G. K. Chesterton via Larry Shakelford 59. Dave Hagstrom's Discipleship Curriculum - 1. read the 4 Gospels over and over 2. Make a practice of: study, prayer, memorization, and meditation 60. We must receive the Kingdom of God like a little child. (Luke 18:17) 61. Become "bullet proof": by being free from worry, anger, and the fear of death. 62. We work at our play; we worship our work; we play at our worship. Jim Soft 63. Attributes of God: omnipotence, omnipresence, omniscience, and omnificence. 64. Gratitude is the center of the Christian life. John Calvin 65. Gratitude is the mother of all virtues. G. K. Chesterton 66. You need to fire you and hire Jesus. Michele Oakland 67. Co-dependency is the state whereby a person's emotional well-being is based on the behavior of another. Leo Laptio 68. A thought becomes an act; an act becomes a habit; a habit becomes a character; and character shapes eternity. Brian Hopkins 69. Faith Chapel's Emphasis: know grow, serve, share. 70. Be more interested in your character than in your reputation. John Wooden of UCLA 71. Self-centeredness and happiness are mutually exclusive. Dave Hagstrom 72. God is good: He is powerful, perfect, passionate, and paying attention. 73. 2 Disciplines of Abstinence: solitude and silence. 2 Disciplines of Positive Engagement: study and worship. Dallas Willard 74. Every human needs both security and significance to function effectively. Dr. Larry Crabb 75. When a person's level of desperation exceeds his level of embarrassment, he is a candidate for the Kingdom of God. 76. The keys to life: High hopes and low expectations. 77. People expect you, as a believer, to have all the answers when all you have is whole new set of questions. Dr. Glenn Kreider 78. All conversations should be either edifying (Eph 4:29-30) or restorative (Gal 6:1-2). 79. 1:2 1/2 divorces to marriages unless a couple prays together everyday and attends church once/week now it improves to 1 divorce in 1120 marriages. John Hedge 80. Sin takes you further than you want to go, costs you more than you want to pay and keeps you longer than you want to stay. Stan Simmons ------81. Only 2 things have ever changed mankind: sin and grace. 82. At any one time 3% of a person's circle of family, friends, and acquaintances is angry with him. 83. If by age 40 a person is not well established in Jesus Christ, the process of insanity has begun. 84. Delayed or partial obedience are really disobedience. Rick Warren 85. The single belief most toxic to a relationship is the belief that the other person cannot change. Aaron Beck, Psychologist 86. We need: achievement, respect, fun, and freedom. Diana Shay 87. BUSY = Back Under Satan's Yoke 88. Our children want us to be authoritative without being authoritarian. Sam Summers 89. Everything in your home is either an idol or a tool. Howard Hendricks 90. I am looking for disciples who are: Faithful, Available, Teachable 91. Never do one on one what you can do in a small group. And, let your disciples pick themselves. Daws Trotman 92. Worship is a lifestyle not a "nod to God." Vern Streeter 93. Men are not psychologically suited for adulthood; most men want to be boys who get to have sex. 94. I believe that God called me early in my walk with Him to "encourage my friends." FMN 95. Items to discuss with one's mate: appreciation, puzzles, new info, complaint w./ request, hopes & dreams 96. Relationships are more important than things, but obeying God is more important than any human relationship. Modification of Dave Hagstrom and Scott Strellnauer 97. The 3 causes of anger: you hurt my feelings; you violated my rights; you goofed-up my schedule 98. How do Christian leaders fail sexually? No God time; they don't believe it could happen to them; no accountability; they aren't wise about counseling situations. Steve Strutz 99. An old black preacher described his sermon preparation this way: "I reads myself full, thinks myself clear, then prays myself hot." 100. You and I don't go to church; we are the church. God comes to church. He tabernacles or tents with us. John Fowler 101. The purpose of the Gospel is friendship. Doc Hagstrom 102. It is bar better to have a wife who will pray at the drop of a hat than one who will jump into bed at the drop of a hat; but if you can a find a wife who will do both at the drop of a hat, there is nothing wrong with that. Doc Hagstorm 103. A person in vocational ministry must be careful to keep an eye on: his character, his home, his ministry. (ie David and Bathsheba 2 Sam 11) Gary Matsdorf 104. Everyone grows old, not everyone grows up. Vern Streeter 105. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Leo Lapito 106. Every man wants to know that he is the real deal - that he has what it takes; every woman wants to know that she is lovely and worthy of fighting for. John Eldredge 107. The Stages of Grief: 1) numbness, 2) denial & isolation, 3) anger, 4) depression, and 5) acceptance. 108. The root of all sin is the suspicion that God is not good. Oswald Chambers 109. Lust: starts with a glance but can turn to a gaze or a gawk which are sin. 110. Forgiveness is a choice to cancel a legitimate debt (a pardon). 111. We look most like Jesus when we forgive. Unforgiveness = spiritual intoxication (when we are drunk, we are gullible) 112. Our relationship with Jesus is personal but not private. 113. Matt. 19:21 If you don't possess a thing, you are not required to sell it. Dave Hagstrom 114. In the OT the sheep died for the shepherd; in the NT the Shepherd died for the sheep. Stan Simmons 115. Samaritans: Mixed Jewish and Assyrian background; worshipped on Mt. Gerizim. They had the Law but not the prophets. 116. John 10:22 Jesus grabbed the opportunity of the Feast of Dedication to proclaim the Gospel. John Corson 117. The only thing in life that matters is obeying God; and obeying God is always in our best interest. 118. Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) = the Torah (Law) + Nevi'im (Prophets) + Ketuvim (Writings) - Luke 9:18-36 - The Transfiguration - vs. 34 This is my son Ps 2:7 + Whom I have chosen Is 42:1 + Listen to Him Deut 18:15. Vern Streeter 119. Solomon's three books: romance, rules, and regret. David Jeremiah 120. A miracle is an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs. 121.Christian appears twice in the NT; in Christ appears 89 times. 122. The Word (Jesus) and the Witness (Paul). 123. The fingerprint of God is found everywhere. Dr. Kreider on Rom 1:20 124. Salvation requires a "coup d' etat" ( a sudden and violent overthrow of the existing government). 125. We play to an audience of one - the Lord. Dallas Willard 126. We need the poor more than they need us. Bob Lupton 127. Mercy - NT 1656 - eleos - kindness or good will toward the miserable and afflicted, joined w/ a desire to relieve them. 128. Everyone either: 1) serves Jesus intentionally, 2) serves Satan intentionally, or serves Satan unintentionally (Eph 2:1-3). 129. Love - agape - Gr. verb - to seek the highest good in the one loved. 130. Don't be the Holy Spirit in your spouse's life. 131. Prayer does not fit us for the greater work; it is the greater work. Oswald Chambers 132. The only one who can ruin your life is you. (Phil 4:11) 133. The Kingdom of God is an "already, not yet" proposition. Gary Matsdorf 134. God's answer for addicts - Romans 6. 135. Humans need 2 things: forgiveness and goodness. Billy Graham 136. A rich person is not the one who has the most, but the who needs the least. 137. Bitterness is the sin where we intend to hurt another by drinking poison. Connie Koch 138. 4 things that make us vulnerable to spiritual assault: Hunger, Anger, Loneliness, Tiredness (HALT). Ed Mutch 139. To be saved one must be: convinced of the truth; convicted by the truth, and converted by the truth (James 2:14-26). Stan Simmons 140. You are only as sick as your secrets (James 5:16). Rick Warren 141. The world is full of "Christ-likers." 142. Relationships are the fuel that make change and growth possible. Stacey Sweigert 143. Jesus' emphasis: prayer and people. 144. The presence of a need does not constitute a "call." Doc Hagstrom 145. The homosexual agenda involves a sophisticated plan to: desensitize, jam, and convert the American public. Breakpoint 146. It is easier to break a wild stallion than to raise a dead one. Stan Simmons 147. Hurting people can be divided into one of two camps: those who make excuses and those who make progress. The first group will be victims; the second group will be conquerors. The Lord to Fred 10/04 148. Great leaders lead by responsibility and care rather than by ruler ship and control. Stan Simmons 149. God is in the business of raising the level of what makes us happy. Ken Finney 150. Many might have withered under the burdens of life had they not found a friend. Charles Spurgeon 151. Hold not earth's treasures with too firm a grasp. Our bereavements would not be half so sharp if we always viewed our friends as being lent to us. A man does not cry when he has to return a tool which he has borrowed. Charles Spurgeon 152. We have a choice each day to who we will give one of our precious days - Jesus or Satan. 153. The greatest psychological problem we have today is the passive male. Most men have lost their moral compass. 154. If we obey God for any other reason than gratitude, we will ultimately become mean spirited legalists. 155. We Americans are the only people in history who assume that becoming a follower of Christ will insure an easier life. 156. Never do one on one what you can do in a small group. Let your disciples pick themselves. Daws Trotman 157. You know you have become a servant when people treat you like one. Howard Hendricks 158. Don't be more passionate about your work than you are about the One for whom you work. Stan Simmons 159. Life without goals is meaningless. Aristotle (2 Cor. 5:9-10) 160. If you have no cause worth dying for, you have no cause worth living for. 161. God doesn't steer a parked car. Gerry Franz 162. Loose lips sink ships. Eph 4:29 163. The wheels come off for everyone from time to time; when they do, we will turn to those who last loved us unconditionally. 164. Where God guides, God provides. Steve Strutz 165. Most of our faith is caught and not taught. Howard Hendricks 166. Little right things done over a long period of time pay big dividends. (the importance of follow through) 167. Jesus saves us from 2 things: eternal damnation and the damaging effects of a misspent life. Howard Hendricks 168. We judge in others what we hate in ourselves. This is projection. Jim Soft 169. Wisdom = the art of skillful living. (Proverbs) 170. Needs are required; wants are desired. Phil 4:19 on Needs 171. When you go after Moby Dick, take tartar sauce 172. Honor is the gift you give yourself (Rob Roy) 173. Forgiveness = my face changes toward you 174. Your sword first; then your hand. Admiral Nelson (on being a safe person) 175. If we are heading to Heaven, we shouldn't be practicing for hell. 176. Re: tennis (and sloth): fat men have long arms 177. The one and only thing I desire to be "good at" is being a Christian. FMN 10/04 178. We become what the significant people in our lives encourage us to become. As parents, our job is to become significant to our kids by spending time with them and then encouraging them in the things of God. 179. Humility is the willingness to be known for who we are. Pres. of YWAM 180. Don't find fault but find a remedy. Henry Ford (Never criticize a person or a plan without a solution in hand.) 181. The enemy of the best is never the bad but the good. 182. Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine. 183. If a man wants to have a better sex-life with his wife, he need simply make a practice of protecting her. 184. The primary cause of relational problems is unmet expectations. Often these expectations are of a role rather than a person. 185. The single belief most toxic to a relationship is the belief that the other person cannot change. 2 Cor 5:17 186. He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. Jim Elliot 187. One of the greatest weaknesses of 21st century Americans is their sense of entitlement. 188. Like the child-like individuals who Jesus indicates will inherit the Kingdom of God, our primary goal should be to "have fun with our friends." (Fun - something providing amusement or enjoyment) God simply wants to raise the level of what we consider fun. 189. a. A personal walk with God comes to us through wisdom (the Logos) and revelation (a Rehma). b. Life is a war. John Eldredge in Waking the Dead 190. Someone once said to Howard Hendricks, "I would give my life to have a marriage like yours." Hendricks responded, "Good, because that's what it will take." 191. Alexander the Great conquered the world but cursed his childhood because he had never learned self-control. Dick Halverson 192. God didn't create us to be somebody, but to contain somebody. Norman Grubb 193. The only thing that matters is loving God and our fellow man beginning w/ our family. Dr. James Dobson 194. God is slow but He is never late. 195. As people who want to have great marriages, we need to lower our expectations of our spouse and raise our expectations of our God. 196. You don't know what's in a bug until you squish it. Gail Nutting 197. The 4 Stages of an Argument: Nagging, Defensiveness, Contempt (expressed in sarcasm), Stone Walling (emotional detachment). If the last stage continues for any length of time, a "divorce" is likely. 198. On racism "It's the sin in the skin." Grover Petersen 199. If we over emphasize creativity in our preaching, we will often stray from the truth of God's Word. Shawn Brookhart quoting Rob Bell 200. If Jesus is our Lord (supreme authority) then working through any marriage problem is child's play. We will read God's Word and obey. If Jesus is not our Lord, the least of our worries is a bad marriage. 201. Contempt without investigation = ignorance 202. "Do what is right. Some people will be gratified; all the rest will be astonished." Mark Twain 203. The Golden Result says that people will usually treat us as we treat them. Ken Sande 204. An idol is anything apart from God that we depend on to be happy, fulfilled, and secure. It is something we love, fear, or trust. Ken Sande 205. The only tragedy in life is to die outside of Jesus Christ 206. Aim at nothing and you will assuredly hit it every time. 207. I seldom fight, sir, but when I fight, sir, a funeral follows, sir. 208. “The remarkable thing about fearing God,” wrote Oswald Chambers, “is that when you fear God, you fear nothing else, whereas if you do not fear God, you fear everything else.” 209. WARNING TO CHRISTIAN WORKERS: If your "input" doesn't match your "output," then your "upkeep" will be your "downfall." The Navs via Frank Golden 210. We have become a nation of victims. David Jeremiah 211. We have such marriages because we are such poor Christ followers. FMN 212. The greatest cause for our neglect of the Bible is not lack of time but lack of heart. Dennis Dehaan 213. Thanksgiving is the language of heaven, and we had better start to learn it if we are not to be mere dumb aliens there. ... A. J. Gossip 214. Watch your thoughts; they lead to attitudes. Watch your attitudes; they lead to words. Watch your words; they lead to actions. Watch your actions; they lead to habits. Watch your habits; they form your character. Watch your character; it determines your destiny. 215. “What things so ever ye desire, when ye pray, believe.” Faith is the life and power of prayer. Faith is the opposite of sight. In praying, faith depends upon our living in the invisible world. Andrew Murray 216. I would rather see a sermon than hear one. Via Dr. James Dobson 217. St. Augustine said, "If I weep for that body from which the soul is departed, how should I weep for that soul from which God is departed?" 218. John Piper says that Jesus turned Judaism from a "come and see" religion to a "go and tell" religion. 219. Let your disciples pick themselves. Daws Trotman 220. Let a man set his heart only on doing the will of God and he is instantly free... If we understand our first and sole duty to consist of loving God supremely and loving everyone, even our enemies, for God's dear sake, then we can enjoy spiritual tranquilly under every circumstance. ... A. W. Tozer 221. It all boils down to choice. Either by conscious choice or by default we all choose what we want to become and do what we choose to do. As another has said, "Everyone is self-made, even if the rich are the only ones who will admit it." 222. Retirement age folks go through 3 stages: the go go stage, the go slow stage, and the no go stage. Craig Anderson 223. If David had had Prozac, we wouldn’t have the Psalms! 224. Why good things happen to bad people. David Jeremiah 225. The greatest sign of a "changed life" is a "changed life." FMN 226. Regarding those who inhabit the earth, "no one is going to get our alive!" 227. The Gospel is defined by two words. Trust Jesus. Willard It means that God is my whole life. Zander 228. The modern church's model of success involves the ABCs - attendance, buildings, and cash. 229. People will live up or down to their beliefs. Instead of counting Christians we need to weigh them. Being a true apprentice of Jesus should be the norm in the church and not the exception. 230. In most churches we are not only saved by grace; we're paralyzed by it. Grace is not opposed to effort; it's opposed to earning. 231. The spiritual disciplines help transform my habitual actions. Dallas Willard 232. The toughest sell I have ever had was convincing people that "holiness is to be preferred over happiness." FMN 233. Brad Gilbert's coaching formula: success = very hard work + positiveness to the point of unreasonableness + cheerfully doing anything, no matter how seemingly small, that makes your player feel taken care of. 234. Time is God's brush as He paints the heart of a human being. Don't be impatient, or you will look like "paint by number." 235. Do all the good you can for all the people you can. The physician who developed the Red Letter New Testament 236. Control your thoughts or they will control you. FMN 237. Work on yourself and pray for your spouse. FMN 238. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Doc Hagstrom responding to a compliment about his wise answer to a question on Scripture 239. Ravi Zacharias explains the Gospel as the "birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ." 240. If you want to avoid God, think small, dream small, and live small. Erwin McManus 241. Jesus wasn't crucified to stop you from doing something; Jesus was crucified to get you to do something. Erwin McManus 242. Christianity has not so much been tried and found wanting, as it has been found difficult and left untried. G.K. Chesterton. 243. Think of how we exclaim over and mark as rarities those who seem truly to have the power and spirit of Christ about them. Dallas Willard 244. In brief we can't expect believers to behave like Jesus in the midst of a crisis if they haven't disciplined their lives as He did when not in crisis. FMN 245. It is a good thing to talk to men about God but a far greater thing to talk to God about men. E.M.Bounds 246. At a point in the middle of long seminar say, "day 2 of the hostage crisis." 247. Jesus' death was sufficient for all and efficient for some. 248. We must cease from holding the non-believer responsible for not behaving like a Christian. Vern Streeter 249. In our teaching others to follow Jesus we must be rigorous, relevant, and relational. Jeff Carroll 250. "To insure the greatest efficiency in the dart, the harpooners of this world must stat to their feet out of idleness, and not out of toil." Herman Melville in Moby Dick 251. We are only as sick as our darkest secrets. 252. Only accurate rifles are interesting. Colonel Townsend Whelen 253. Spiritual bankruptcy comes from either legalism or lethargy. Vern Streeter 254. A rabbi once said that "it is a terrible sin to teach a man to believe in God and fail to teach him that God believes in him. 255. The purpose of Jewish education in the time of Jesus was to create a sense of "awe" for God. 256. Genetics may be my tendency but they do not have to be my destiny. Libby Schmaus 257. The following often heal broken relationships: grace, truth, and time. 258. Good sex for a woman is not about the plumbing or the performance, but about the protection. 259. As we grow in Christ we pass through stages where we want to be: prominent, then significant, and finally surrendered. Stan Simmons 260. Personal autonomy and freedom of choice for adults has become the religion of the United States. Chuck Coulson 261. AAAs motto is Anytime - Anywhere - Anything! Kate Forrest 262. Every saint has a past, every sinner has a future 263. Never leading another to Christ is like never bringing to net a big rainbow on a 4 weight rod. 264. We could run the manufactures of Prozac out of business if we could teach people to do but two things: forgive those who have hurt them and cease from trying to please anyone but God. FMN 265. I refuse to allow another human being to define failure for me. FMN 266. Be dogmatically true, obstinately holy, immovably honest, desperately kind, fixedly upright. Charles Spurgeon contrast that with this quote from Adolph Hitler that was posted on a door in the Aushwitz death camp. "I want to raise a generation devoid of a conscience, imperious, relentless and cruel." 267. Faith is the channel through which we receive God's grace. David Jeremiah 268. A wise old Christian once said, "Share your faith in Jesus everywhere you go, and occasionally use words." 269. Chaos is natural, and order is the dream of man. Joe Bloyder 270. I refused to let any one else define "success" for me. FMN 271. "You will never be disappointed by any outcome when you attempt to please God and not people." Tracy Dangerfield 272. Relationships + Resources = Regeneration (Dave Hagstrom) 273. Effective people spend 80% of their time doing what they are best at; 15% studying; 5% doing the rest. (Stan Simmons) 274. Remember you are in one of three states: you are either in a crisis; you are just coming out of a crisis; or you are about to go into a crisis. Stan Simmons 275. “We are not our own, therefore neither our reason nor our will should guide us in our thoughts and actions.” John Calvin 276. “The lack of an ongoing, dedicated prayer-life is a good indication of the presence of pride in a person’s walk with God.” Stan Simmons 277. Contract always implies limited commitment. Covenant, unlimited commitment. Contract is entered into for the sake of mutal advantage. Covenant implies the presence of a cause to which all advantages may need to be sacrificed. Richard Niebuhr 278. If I take care of my character, my reputation will take care of me. Dwight L. Moody 279. “You can do anything with force, except make someone love you." --Greg Boyd 280. Marriage was not designed by God to make you happy but to make you holy. 281. You can choose your sin, but not your consequences. Ruth Gifford 282. A person deep in sin is most to offend. FMN 283. The less I do, the more I accomplish. Andy Stanley 284. We need to reach out to "the least, the last, and the lost." Chuck Coulson 285. Fathers typically think of their children's long term interests while Moms generally think in terms of their short term needs. FMN 286. The Gospel can be presented as: sin, substitution, and surrender. Vern Streeter 287. “Zeus is passionately interested in pretty female deities and becomes inflamed with rage against those who incite his jealousy. The God of Israel is passionately interested in widows and orphans.” Heshel via Adam H. 288. “A man entirely unconcerned with his self is dead; a man exclusively concerned with his self is a beast….Human is he who is concerned with other selves….Always in need of other things to give himself to, man cannot even be in accord with his own self unless he serves something beyond himself.” Heshel via Adam H. 289.Rick Warren speaks about being "co-beligerents" (a term coined by Francis Schaeffer) with his gay friends who would partner with him to help those with AIDES in Africa. 290. "If I should die with more than ten pounds, may every man call me a liar and a thief," for he would have betrayed the Gospel. John Wesley (Rick Warren says, "it is not a sin to be rich, but it is a sin to die rich." 291. In the poor we meet Jesus in His most disgusting disguises. Mother Theresa 292. “Determine what you hate to do and quit doing it right now.” Marcus Buckingham 293. Joan is good and can be trusted. FMN 294. A temptation is a call to battle. 295. Why pray when you can manipulate? FMN 296. The more a person loves you the more truth they will speak to you. Paul Washer 297. When we promote a "seeker friendly" environment in which to present the Gospel, be reminded that the Bible teaches that God is the "seeker." Paul Washer 298. Focus on the Family states, Dr. Dobson would emphasize as foundational his strict concurrence with the biblical teaching that every child is a blessing from God ... While affirming that human life begins with fertilization (the union of sperm and egg), his interpretation of Scripture leads him to believe that the prevention of fertilization is not morally wrong. However, he would oppose any method of birth control that acts after fertilization and terminates a conceived human life by preventing its implantation in the womb ... there is enough of a possibility for an abortifacient effect [with the progesterine-only pill], however remote, to warrant informing women about it? 299. Christian discipleship in one line: You watch --- I do. I do --- you help. I help --- you do. You do --- I watch. 300. House defines "leadership" organizationally and narrowly as "the ability of an individual to influence, motivate, and enable others to contribute toward the effectiveness and success of the organizations of which they are members". 301. A question for us pastor types: Is the message you are preaching, the dominate reality of your life? Rob Bell 302. Our primary job on earth is the relentless pursuit of who God made us to be. Rob Bell 303. “It is critical to differentiate your belief system from your feelings. ”“Our emotions are a reflection of what we believe about an event, not the event itself.” “Don’t link your behavior with your emotions. Link your behavior with what you believe (healthy beliefs).” “Help people discern if they pull from an healthy or unhealthy belief system.” Nancy Clark 304. “Most marriages fail because of a genuine lack of love on the husband’s part.” Via Whitney Robinson 305. Rob Bell in Sex God Angels and animals came before man and consequently sex as intimacy was not part of the equation. Anything that is anti-human is ultimately anti-God. You are only as sick as your secrets. How we treat the creation reflects what we think about the Creator. (When a wife cares for the home provided by her husband’s hard work, she shows him respect.) With every action we are either inviting heaven or hell to earth. 306. Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God. Glenn Fournier 307. Joe Stowell: "To glorify Him means that we have the high privilege of showing Him off in a world that is totally unaware of what He is really like. Acts of mercy to the undeserving, grace to the needy, forgiveness to an offender, living wisely according to His will - all give glorious visibility to the character and quality of our God". Scripture reference: 1 Cor. 10:31-11:1 (from Elaine Egan) 308. Little right things done over a long period of time pay huge dividends. FMM 309. George Washington was trained to obey by a little acronym, "CRIJ." The acronym stood for Completely, Respectfully, Immediately, and Joyfully. That is a great picture of obedience. That really is defining obedience of the fourth dimension. 310. “I just wanted to say how much I appreciated your observation that when Satan attacks your wife that you need to become her defender and not another attacker. I believe that is a brilliant and anointed concept, and I have passed it on to several other men who are having similar issues with their wives.” My note to Steve Fourstar 5/23/08 311. I have 3 emotions: happy, hungry, horny! 312. “We were designed to live in the present.” William Young in The Shack If you live in the past, you will fight guilt; if you live in the future, you will fight anxiety. FMN 313. “Personal engagement with the Scripture is the greatest determinate of our spiritual growth.” Stan Simmons 314. Stan Simmon’s mnemonic for being more relational: LELA = L (look, smile, say a word, touch) E(encourage within the first 30 seconds) L (listen) A (ask good questions) 315. I was too ambitious in my deed And thought to out distance all men in success; Till God came, marked the place and said, 'Ill doer, henceforth, do not cross this line' And now I work among God's little ones, content. Elisabeth Barrett Browning 316. “You were made to live in the present. If you live in the past, you will be ridden with guilt; if you live in the future, you will be overwhelmed by anxiety.” The Shack & FMN 317. Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning, the devil says "Oh Crap, She's up!" 318. At the end of the day, we can never improve upon Jesus and his example. His passion was for one movement alone, the Kingdom of God, and his priority was for the raising up of disciples through sound instruction and godly example. To authentically emulate that and to carry on that mission should be the raison d’être of the Hebraic renewal community. Dwight Pryor 319. If I am going to lead others I must FIRST lead myself exceptionally well. Diana Shay 320. What God initiates, He energizes. Diana Shay 321. You talk about me as much as you please; I will talk about you on my knees. Amy Sempelton McPherson vis Stan Simmons 322. The 75 million members of the millennial generation which makes up the second largest generation in America, (after the baby boomers), is the most socially conscious, tends to be liberal minded, celebrate diversity, optimistic/realistic, self-inventive/individualistic, rewrite the rules, killer lifestyle, irrelevance of institutions, multitask fast, nurtured, friends = family. Vern Streeter via Jesse Murphy 7/09 323. “A woman wishing to attract a man who will love her as a person must dress and act with modesty. God went way overboard for Adam when He created Eve. He designed a woman’s body to radiate more beauty than any of His other works. He fully intends for a woman’s body to be physically appealing to a man. Yet God also designed a woman’s body as a sacred mystery to be unveiled only to her husband. To profane means to make common what God has set apart as sacred. A lack of modesty in a very real way profanes the sacredness of your beauty.” Stephen Wood in The ABCs of Choosing a Good Husband. 324. I came across a quote attributed most often to Rev. Sam Pascoe. It is a short version of the history of Christianity, and it goes like this: Christianity started in Palestine as a fellowship; it moved to Greece and became a philosophy; it moved to Italy and became an institution; it moved to Europe and became a culture; it came to America and became an enterprise. Some of the students were only 18 or 19 years old--barely out of diapers--and I wanted them to understand and appreciate the import of the last line, so I clarified it by adding, "An enterprise. That's a business." After a few moments Martha, the youngest student in the class, raised her hand. I could not imagine what her question might be. I thought the little vignette was self-explanatory, and that I had performed it brilliantly. Nevertheless, I acknowledged Martha's raised hand, "Yes, Martha." She asked such a simple question, "A business? But isn't it supposed to be a body?" I could not envision where this line of questioning was going, and the only response I could think of was, "Yes." She continued, "But when a body becomes a business, isn't that a prostitute?" 325. . . . "I shouldn't try to point anyone toward assurance but only point them to what the Word says is true of those who have assurance." 326. “Though God hates divorce, there are times when it is the lesser of the evils and would prevent a future and even greater spiritual catastrophe.” John MacArthur (Study Bible) 327. Kitty Routson’s definition of depression was; deep seated desire or longing for something other than Christ, can cause, create, or define depression. 328. Take note of the United States Air Force and “The Rule of Three,” which I learned from Ben Sherwood’s The Survivors Club<http://www.amazon.com/Survivors-Club-Secrets-ScienceCould/dp/0446580244>, a book every cop should own. A human being cannot survive: • 3 Seconds Without Spirit and Hope • 3 Minutes Without Air • 3 Hours Without Shelter in Extreme Conditions • 3 Days Without Water • 3 Weeks Without Food • 3 Months Without Companionship or Love In other words, watch your self-talk, employ your when/then thinking, keep an energy bar in your patrol bag, stay hydrated, and appreciate those you love. Never forget that faith, friends, and optimism are as essential to our survival as food, water, and shelter. Stay safe! Dave Punt 12/7/09 329. And that is really the essence of the Christian life: God is with us. All other religions essentially say, "Do." Do this, and maybe you will be more spiritual. . . . Do that, and maybe you will get closer to God. But Christianity could be summed up in one word: Done. Pastor Greg Laurie 330. “The risk takers have all the stories!” Dr. Tim Roehl 331. Salvation is participating in the life that God is now living on earth. Dallas Willard 332. Augustine reportedly had a sign on his wall that read, "He who speaks evil of an absent man or woman is not welcome at this table." That would have ended a lot of conversations, wouldn't it? 333. If I were a Christ following single female being pursued by a man for marriage, the two things I would be watching for are: does he push me to have sex with him (if he does, he has already told me what he thinks of God’s Word); and secondly, is he willing to be submitted to a Godly man in the Hebrews 13:17 context (if he is not, I can be assured that sometime after we marry, he will begin to run over the top of me). FMN 334. Any successful marriage is built upon the biblical truth that God designed each of us with five purposes in mind: worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry, and missions. 335. God can redeem only what we are willing to own. Derry Long 336. "we need to ignite people for Jesus, and then get out of their way". George Barna via Liz Zeller 337. The 5 Keys to Communication – Karen ? President Geroge W. Bush’s press secretary via Jeff Carroll - Clarity, conviction, compassion (this is the concrete), consistency, credibility. 338. Our success in life is a function of how well we handle the following flow of events: An event occurs --- we begin to have thoughts about the event --- the thoughts produce feelings--and the feelings produce actions. Godly people learn how to control their thoughts. 339. "I have no beef with those counselors, lay, pastoral, or professional, who with a kind heart, a keen mind, and a listening ear, use careful observation and gentile words to help those who hurt emotionally. However, I take great offense with anyone who teaches another human being who has been saved by the atoning work of Christ on the cross, that he is a victim rather than a victor." FMN 340. You cannot live beyond what you know. Gary Matsdorf 6/10 341. It needs to be said that a world of confusion results from trying to believe without obeying! A.W. Tozer 342. Good counseling like good art is irritating. FMN 343. "Success is moving from one failure to the next without a loss of enthusiasm." Winston Churchill via Stan Simmons 344. Former British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli summed up life in this pessimistic way: "Youth is a blunder. Manhood is a struggle. And old age a regret." 345. “You may talk about me all you please, but I will talk about you on my knees.” Amy Sempleton McPherson via Stan Simmons 346. No one else’s sin can ruin your life, only your sinful response to someone else’s sin can ruin your life. FMN 347. “The best way to destroy the capitalist system is to debauch the currency. By a continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens.” John Maynard Keynes 348. “Tact is the art of making a point without making an enemy.” Sir Issac Newton 348. “Do not waste time bothering whether you "love" your neighbor; act as if you did. As soon as we do this we find one of the great secrets. When you are behaving as if you loved someone, you will presently come to love him. If you injure someone you dislike, you will find yourself disliking him more. If you do him a good turn, you will find yourself disliking him less.” (C.S. Lewis in Mere Christianity) 349. If your vision is for a year, plant wheat. If your vision is for 10 years, plant trees. If your vision is for a lifetime, plant people. An old Chinese proverb via Doug Coe 350. “Of every 100 men in battle 10 shouldn't even be here, 80 are mere targets, 9 are real fighters...we are lucky to have them...they the battle make. Ah, but the one, one of them is a WARRIOR...and he will bring the others back.” Hericletus, 500 BC 351. The more we choose to lay down judgment, the more God increases our discernment, because He can trust us. Via Granting Forgiveness Handout 352. “It is God’s Word that explains to us how to be open, dependent, and responsive to God’s Spirit. Although there is a subjective side of the Christian life, without God’s Word one loses an objective standard. God’s Word is the fuel that keeps the fire of prayer and worship burning in the soul of the person yielded to the Lord.” - Bill Thrasher 353. ASKESIS (Hebrew): A time and place for confinement Chapter 27 recounts a time in David’s life when he went through a period of askesis. To help understand what it means, Pastor used the illustration of a new, infant baby who gets worked up and can’t seem to be comforted or soothed in any way. If you wrap them tightly in a blanket (I could never do it as good as the nurses) they quiet down due to the confinement. David’s confinement lasted for several months until he finally turned to God, revealing the “Wonderful, marvelous, matchless grace of our Lord.” Lord, may our confinement cause us to be still, quit squirming and allow ourselves to be wrapped in your blanket of grace. Like David, it may be months, but whatever that time frame is, may our response be to trust and rest in You in this our 'time and place of confinement.' Via Cindy Weaver 354. “…The world is the arena in which we are to live and love, witness and serve, suffer and die for Christ . . . ”-- John Stott -- via Scott Darkenwald 4/1/11 355. I notice that Christ-centered couples tend to reveal ways in which they individually contribute to the condition of their relationship rather than pointing the finger across the table toward their mate. I can't help but be reminded of Dr. Gottman's research regarding the words a couple uses during moments of disagreement or tension. The more critical a couple (or individual) becomes when stress increases, the higher predictability that the couple won't be together in the future – say, 3-5 years. Via Eric Hutch 3/11 356. My approach to following Jesus could be considered formulaic: a method, pattern, or rule for doing or producing something, often one proved to be successful. Via Doug Carr 5/11 357. Stan Simmons on Giving 5/11: Generosity is measured by what you have left! 4 levels of giving 1. An emerging giver. 1 Cor 16:1. Planned & proportional 2. An expectant giver. Mal 3:8,10 3. An expanding giver. Luke 6:38. Invest kindness in others! 4. An extravagant givers. 2 Cor 9:6-7 358. WORSHIP (VERB AND NOUN), WORSHIPING Notes: (1) The worship of God is nowhere defined in Scripture. A consideration of the above verbs shows that it is not confined to praise; broadly it may be regarded as the direct acknowledgement to God, of His nature, attributes, ways and claims, whether by the outgoing of the heart in praise and thanksgiving or by deed done in such acknowledgment. (from Vine's Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words, Copyright (c)1985, Thomas Nelson Publishers) 359. “The storms of life will either take you down; take you out; or build you up.” Stan Simmons 7/11 360. “Don’t ever let fear or comfort guide your life.” Dyanne Romeijn 7/11 361. “Like Jesus we need to see people not for who they are but for who they can become.” Stan Simmons 7/11 362. Your biggest problem is still your biggest problem. FMN 7/11 363. “It is God’s Word that explains to us how to be open, dependent, and responsive to God’s Spirit. Although there is a subjective side of the Christian life, without God’s Word one loses an objective standard. God’s Word is the fuel that keeps the fire of prayer and worship burning in the soul of the person yielded to the Lord.” - Bill Thrasher 364. God is interested much more in us understanding His identity (who He is) than in us understanding His activity. Larry Bybee 365. The measure of a man is not how he treats his equals but how he treats his subordinates. Larry Bybee 366. Most married women have a funny way of defining romance ---- “planning” by their husband. FMN 367. THE TESTIMONY OF THE NEW TESTAMENT TO THE INSPIRATION OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. Jesus has been proven to be not only a credible witness, but a messenger from God. In all His teachings He referred to the divine authority of the Old Testament (Mt. 5:17-18; 8:17; 12:40-42; Lk. 4:18-21; 10:25-28; 15:29-31; 17:32; 24:25-45; Jn. 5:39-47). He quoted the Old Testament 78 times, the Pentateuch alone 26 times. He quoted from Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, Psalms, Proverbs, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Amos, Jonah, Micah, and Malachi. He referred to the Old Testament as “The Scriptures,” “the word of God,” and “the wisdom of God.” The apostles quoted 209 times from the Old Testament and considered it “the oracles of God.” The Old Testament in hundreds of places predicted the events of the New Testament; and as the New Testament is the fulfillment of, and testifies to the genuineness and authenticity of the Old Testament, both Testaments must be considered together as the Word of God. Frank O Fuentes Church of THE King McAllen, Texas Student at Edinburg Theological Seminary Bachelor of Divinity 368. Generosity is motivated by the fact that you believe God can take better care of you than you can take care of yourself. Stan Simmons 10/11 369. People who are being counseled do best when they sense that the counselor has “unconditional positive regard” for them. Deb Speer 370. Marriage conflicts are usually a combination of “root issues” and “current behaviors.” If you and your spouse will determine to modify your behavior by being gracious and truthful, God will use the resulting calm in your life to deal with your root issues. FMN 371. Marriage is the merciless revealer, the great white searchlight turned on the darkest places of human nature.” Katherine Anne Porter via Vern Streeter. 372. Saving faith proves its genuine character by works of love. The person who lives by faith is internally motivated by love for God and Christ which supernaturally issues forth in reverent worship, genuine obedience, and self-sacrificing love for others. John MacArthur 373. Charles Darwin, after studying the eye wrote: “To suppose that the human eye with so many parts all working together could have been formed by natural selection seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree.” 374. You don’t have to be smart if you are very intentional. If you are not intentional, you have to be very smart. FMN 375. It is okay to look back, just don't stare. Unknown via Craig Anderson 376. Successful people do the things that unsuccessful people are unwilling to do? Unknown Craig Anderson 377. “In a word, live together in the forgiveness of your sins, for without it no human fellowship, least of all a marriage, can survive. Don’t insist on your rights, don’t blame each other, don’t judge or condemn each other, don’t find fault with each other, but accept each other as you are, and forgive each other every day from the bottom of your hearts…” ― Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Letters Papers from Prison 378. We feel responsible for whatever we “name.” Dr. Jeff Meyers of Summit Ministries 379. Whenever Satan feels threatened he goes after babies and children. Dr. Jeff Meyers of Summit Ministries 380. “Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted.” You are going to have to feel bad in order to feel good. Stan Simmons 381. The formula for a rebellious child: (The rebellious spirit that resides in all of us + the pressures of the world system) X a specific satanic deception that ascribes all of a kid’s problems to his or her parents who they feel fail to understand them and are too strict) = a deep sadness that requires frequent medication with alcohol, drugs, sex, rage, things, people pleasing, etc. FMN or 382. “Wholeness is brokenness acknowledged and subsequently healed.” Brennan Manning 383. The rebellious spirit in all of us + the pressure of an attractive but evil world system x satanic deception enabled and energized by long term unforgivenss = BIZZARE, ILLOGICAL THINKING AND BEHAVIOR + A DEEP SADDNESS that is often medicated with drugs, alcohol, sex, things, activities, people pleasing, or blame 384. Any two chumps can be happily married until they have children. FMN 385. Show me a man with an addiction, and I will show you a man who demands reliable pleasure and is angry with an unmanageable God. Dr. Larry Crabb 386. C.S. Lewis said, “God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains. It is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.” 387. "A woman's heart should be so hidden in God that a man has to seek Him just to find her." ~Max Lucado 388. “Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do, and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.”—General George S. Patton, from the book Pocket Patriot, Quotes from American Heroes 389. Becoming angry at the beginning of trouble simply delays the problem solving process. FMN 390. When we are willing to trade freedom for security we will eventually have neither. 391. The purpose of an education is to create a citizenry that is intelligent enough to maintain their freedom. Thomas Jefferson 392. Marriage for the public good --- sex makes babies; society needs babies; babies need mothers and fathers. Maggie Gallagher 2004 393. Your direction not your intention will determine your destination. Unknown 394. "To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a little better; whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is the meaning of success." -Ralph Waldo Emerson 395. Are you living a life worth imitating? Mike Green via Michele Oakland 396. The character of a nation is revealed by how it treats its veterans. President John F. Kennedy 397. “Anything less than gratitude and trust is practical atheism.” Ann Voskamp from 1000 Gifts 398. the SERVE principle from Ken Sande Smile Explore and empathize (show interest and compassion) Reconcile Value (express appreciation and admiration) Encourage (put wind under their wings) 399. "Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies." Nelson Mandela. 400. It asked the naïve question, “How could God oppose my nature?” when it should have asked, “How does my nature oppose God’s?” Chelsea Kolz 401. “A ‘good’ act is the right thing, done at the right time, in the right spirit, and for the right motivation. Anything else fails to be God honoring and can easily injure others.” Martin Luther via Doug Greenwold (a friend of Rich Rawlings) 402. Dallas Willard said to John Ortberg - "You must ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life." Via Adam Huschka 403. Dr. John Townsend says he would tell to a young man at 35: 1. God is everything. 2. Be very careful about who you let into your life. 3. Spend a lot of money on your growth and development. Via Adam Huschka 404. "It came as a great surprise to me as a counselor when I first discovered that children would much rather know that their parents loved each other than that they loved them." John Eldridge 405. Marriage tames men, protects women, and nurtures children. Professor Mike Adams 406. Joy, disgust, anger, surprise, sadness, and fear are the 6 basic human emotions with which we are born. All others are learned. ie gratitude. Dr. Ted Roberts 407. “If a person persists in their sin rather than choosing to repent, that person will find it necessary to blame others or revise history in order to find some peace for their souls.” FMN 408. “We Americans tend to worship our work, work at our play, and play at our worship.” Jim Soft 409. “In more than a decade of pastoral ministry I’ve never met a Christian who was healthier, more mature, and more active in ministry by being apart from the church. But I have found the opposite to be invariably true. The weakest Christians are those least connected to the body. And the less involved you are, the more disconnected those following you will be. The man who attempts Christianity without the church shoots himself in the foot, shoots his children in the leg, and shoots his grandchildren in the heart.” (Kevin DeYoung) 410. “People, your problem is you judge others by their actions and you judge yourselves by your intentions.” (Matt Chandler) 414. When leaders live from a strong, humble, center of gravity they are naturally perceived as more honest, trustworthy and capable. Because humility prevents excessive self-focus it also allows leaders to develop deeper perspectives in their relationships, which makes them more perceptive and capable of anticipating the future. They are not fooled by what they see on the surface, and are able to perceive behind the curtain of individuals and whole systems…...There’s an old saying that seems capture it: A pseudo leader always leaves you with a feeling of their greatness, while an authentic leader always leaves you with a feeling of your greatness. Via Ben Kerns 415. "People are not a problem to be fixed or a resource to be exploited but souls to be cared for!" Eugene Peterson 416. One significant purpose for marriage is that we would release our spouse toward becoming their glorified, future self. One goal of marriage should be that we would reenact the gospel over and over when it comes to loving our spouse. My spouse is perhaps the most dangerous person in my world. I love my spouse more than I love anyone else, therefore he/she has the greatest potential of hurting me. I can love my spouse well (sacrificially) as I “imitate God” and the way he has loved me. (Eph. 5:1-2) Rich Trees and Ron Todd 417. "Our wives are not a problem to be analyzed or solved, they are a mystery to be known and loved." John Eldridge 418. The full, original title of Darwin's most famous book published in 1859 was: On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life Later, in 1872, the title of his book is shortened to The Origin Of Species. 419. People almost invariably arrive at their beliefs not on the basis of proof but on the basis of what they find attractive. Blaise Pascal 420. "If you trust in money, there is never money enough. If you trust in God, there is always enough money." FMN 421. The majority of teenagers are incredibly inarticulate about their faith, religious beliefs and practices, and its place in their lives. The de facto dominant religion among contemporary U.S. teenagers is what they call ‘Moralistic Therapeutic Deism’: A God exists who created and orders the world and watches over human life on earth; God wants people to be good, nice, and fair to each other, as taught in the Bible and by most world religions; the central goal of life is to be happy and to feel good about oneself; God does not need to be particularly involved in one’s life except when God is needed to resolve a problem; and good people go to heaven when they die. Dick Pence 422. "I walked a mile with Pleasure; she chatted all the way; But left me none the wiser for all she had to say. I walked a mile with Sorrow, and ne're a word said she; But oh! The things I learned from her, When sorrow walked with me." Robert Browning Hamilton via Amber Zaino 423. "Sin" is the breaking of one of the abundant life principles given to us by a loving God. FMN 424. By discipline, I do not mean control. If I know the discipline of psychology or of economics, I have a certain control over a body of knowledge. If I discipline my children, I want to have a little control over them. But, in the spiritual life, the word discipline means "the effort to create some space in which God can act." Discipline means to prevent everything in your life from being filled up. Discipline means that somewhere you're not occupied, and certainly not preoccupied. In the spiritual life, discipline means to create that space in which something can happen that you hadn't planned or counted on. Henri Nouwen 425. Life would be very simple if we followed these rules: "We should ask ourselves three questions before we speak: Is it true? Is it kind? Does it glorify Christ? If we would always think before we speak, there would be much less evil speaking, and there would soon be a spiritual awakening that would sweep the church in America." Billy Graham 426. “Do not be deceived, Wormwood. Our cause is never more in danger than when a human, no longer desiring, but still intending, to do our Enemy's will, looks round upon a universe from which every trace of Him seems to have vanished, and asks why he has been forsaken, and still obeys.” — C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters 427. When a person experiences "their spouse’s wall" it is tempting to find ways to break through the wall. Walls are erected when a person does not feel safe. It serves as protection. When breeched or scaled, the builder will make greater attempts to reinforce and a thicker wall will follow. Another option is to “honor the wall”. This may include verbally acknowledging the presence of the wall, the need for safety and periodic invitations to discuss the fears of the spouse. While waiting, invest in creating an emotional environment that is enjoyable to you and potentially inviting to your spouse. via Kim Rowe 6/15 428. 5 Reasons the Early Church grew: The courageous martyrdoms of the Christians, the power of the miracles, the purity of the believers, the compact church organization, and the belief in future rewards and punishments. via Dr. David Jeremiah