Literature II

Literature II - Enriched
Grade 8
For each of the sections that follow, students may be required to analyze, recall, explain,
interpret, apply, or evaluate the particular concepts being taught. Students will read the
following novels in a 60-day period.
A Day No Pigs Would Die
Locate and discuss background information about the novel.
Locate examples of colloquialisms and other figures of speech from the novel and
translate them into literal meanings. Create a list of those examples.
Analyze the events of each chapter.
Sequence the events in the novel by completing a plot sequence chart.
Discuss the role of religion, education, social status, and location in the novel; analyze
their impacts on characters and their choices and development.
Apply literary terms and key vocabulary in class discussion, essay questions, and
completion of comprehension questions.
Infer meaning through small and large group discussion.
Analyze and discuss the growth and maturity of the main character and the causes for that
growth. Contrast the level of maturity of the main character from the beginning to the end
of the novel.
Analyze the events of each chapter.
Sequence the events in the novel by completing a plot sequence chart.
Apply literary terms and key vocabulary in class discussion, essay questions, and
completion of comprehension questions.
Infer meaning through small and large group discussion.
Analyze and discuss the responsibility of the two main characters and the consequences
of their actions. Compare and contrast the two characters.
Analyze characters from the novel and create consistent characters in a new and creative
situation of their choice.
Complete a visual and written depiction of the events of the novel.
Complete a written analysis of conflict and its role in the novel.
Define and discuss the characteristics of Gothic and Romantic novels.
Good Night, Mr. Tom
Analyze the events of each chapter.
Sequence the events in the novel by completing a plot sequence chart.
Discuss the role of war, social perception, education, family background, and location in
the novel; analyze their impacts on characters and their choices and development.
Apply literary terms and key vocabulary in class discussion, essay questions, and
completion of comprehension questions.
Infer meaning through small and large group discussion.
Analyze and discuss the growth of and changes in the two main characters and the causes
for those changes. Contrast the main characters from the beginning to the end of the
novel. Analyze characters from the novel and create consistent characters in a new and
creative situation of their choice. Write a script and film a production of this script.