
__Golf ___________ UNIT
Grade Level
Length of unit: 15 days
 7th Graders
 8th Graders
 9th Graders
Written By: Laurie Woodcock
Educational Objectives & Standards
Unit Objectives
State Standards
1. To execute proper grip, stance and alignment while hitting a ball
using a ½, ¾, and full swing
1PA-E1 PO1, 1PA-E3 PO1, 1PA-E4 PO1,
1PA-E5 PO1
2. To execute a putt correctly
1PA-E1 PO1, 1PA-E3 PO1, 1PA-E5 PO1
3. To understand scoring of golf and golf courses
1PA-E4 PO1
4. Execute how to address and hit the ball using various woods and irons
1PA-E1 PO1, 1PA-E3 PO1, 1PA-E4 PO1,
1PA-E5 PO1
5. Execute how to hit a chip and pitch shot using the correct iron
1PA-E1 PO1, 1PA-E3 PO1, 1PA-E4 PO1,
1PA-E5 PO1
6. Execute how to hit the ball out of sand using the correct iron
1PA-E1 PO1, 1PA-E3 PO1, 1PA-E4 PO1,
1PA-E5 PO1
7. To understand golf terminology, golf etiquette, and rules
1PA-E4 PO1, 5PA-E3 PO1
8. Play a game of simulated golf demonstrating skills, following the rules,
and golf etiquette during the unit
1PA-E2 PO1, 5PA-E2 PO2, 5PA-E3 PO2,
9. Understand the value of golf as a relaxing lifetime activity that is
played by males and females and all races for enjoyment
2PA-E1 PO2, 3PA-E1 PO2, 3PA-E2 PO1,
5PA-E4 PO1, 6PA-E2 PO2
3PA-E2 PO2, 6PA-E2 PO2, 6PA-E3 PO1,
7PA-E1 PO2, 7PA-E2 PO1,
7PA-E3 PO1
Mastery Elements
Chip/Pitch shot
Golf grips
 Golf stance
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Golf etiquette
History of sport
Foot work
Vocabulary/ terminology
 Greens
Penalties/ Infractions
Scoring/ rules
Modified games for skills and drills
Golf Courses
Basic Math ( associated with the
game and scoring )
Daily Overview
Day 1
Grip, Stance,
Alignment, ½ Swing
Discuss Golf Safety
Day 2
Review Grip, Stance,
Alignment, ½ Swing
Day 3
Review Sand Shot
Drive Shot
Day 11
Golf Terminology
Day 7
Review Chip
Review Pitch Shot
Chip Shot
Pitch Shot
Sand Shot
Day 8
Review Drive Shot
Review Putt
Putting Games
Day 12
Mini Golf Games
Day 5
Review Swings
¾ Swing, Full Swing
Day 6
Day 4
Day 13
Modified Golf Game
Day 9
Golf Stations
Day 14
Nine Hole Game
Day 10
Golf Stations
Day 15
Golf Test
Golf Etiquette/Scoring
Partner Golf Games
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DATE: ______________________ EQUIPMENT: Seven and Nine Iron Clubs, 30 Whiffle baseballs
UNIT: Golf
Day: 1 of 15
OBJECTIVE: Today you will learn: The proper way you hold a golf club using the overlap grip,
golf stance and alignment and will practice ½, swing. We will also discuss golf safety.
Intro: Jog to the fourth tree and back
Jog at a comfortable pace around the fourth tree
and jog back. Make sure there is good space.
Fitness: Teacher led exercises
Upper Body Strength
Knee push-ups, Triceps push-ups, Regular pushups
Abdominal Strength
Knee touch curl-ups, Partial curl-ups and hold 8
Flexibility Stretches
Arm Stretches – hold each arm 8 secs, Windmills,
Side-bend twists
Lesson Focus: Golf grip, stance, alignment and ½
Please stand in front of me in your teams and
make sure you have good space to follow along
to do these exercises.
- Make sure you bend your elbows and keep
your seat level to your back when doing
- As you curl, slide your hands to your knees.
- As you are doing the windmills, make sure
you touch your toes to get the full stretch.
- On the side-bends stretch and extend to get
the full benefit of stretching.
1. Grab club with left hand (opposite for lefties)
grip in palm of left hand. Thumb is pointed down
on shaft. Right hand wraps where right thumb is
pointed down on shaft of club. Right pinky finer
goes under left index finger and wraps between
index and middle finger.
2. Slight bend in knees, arms and shoulders
relaxed, feet shoulder width apart /bend waist.
3. Backswing ½ swing- Cock wrist lift club to waist
and swing like a baseball bat. (3 swings)
Cock wrist and bring club half way back. Club
parallel to ground and swing forward to same
position in the front. On backswing, the toe of
the club should point straight up and the grip
should match the feet. On forward swing, the
toe of the club should point straight up and grip
end match the feet.
4. Alignment- Ball is in the middle of feet, shoulder
width apart. Stand to the side of ball with the
club lined up to it. Make sure you are bending at
hips with the shoulders and arms relaxed
reaching the ball with slight bend in elbows.
Partner hits (3) whiffle balls. The other partner
will critique swings and give feedback. Teacher
will also monitor and give feedback.
On cue, the students will retrieve the balls and
the other partner will hit.
swing. Discussion of golf safety
Organization (15 Iron clubs and 15 baseball whiffle
Pair up with a partner in team or
Six clubs in the front of teams of four –five students
*If there are left-handers, put them all in one group at
end facing the rest of the teams
First person will demonstrate grip
1. Me demonstrate after going over description of golf
club parts.
2. Each student will practice grip and switch or rotate on
teachers cue.
3. Students will check each other as well as teacher
giving instructional feedback.
4. Partners take turns practicing ½ swing with correct
form (five swings without ball).
5. Three whiffle baseballs per pair of partners /group.
Closure: Put all clubs and whiffle balls on the marking
1. What was our lesson focus today?
2. Show me with your hands the correct way to hold a
golf club using the overlap or v-grip.
3. What are the golf safety guidelines that are required
to be followed in our golf unit?
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DATE: ______________________ EQUIPMENT: 7-15 Irons, Whiffle baseballs, Jump ropes
Day: 2 of 15
OBJECTIVE: Today you will learn: The proper technique to execute a ¾ swing and a full swing
using a 3, 5 and 9 iron club.
Intro: Marking
Fitness: Continuity Exercises
Equipment: Tape player/Tape (30 Jump ropes)
Exercises: Push-ups, curl-ups, reverse push-ups, side leg
lifts on each side, coffee grinder, arm circling, crab walks
forward and backward, etc.
Students will do as many exercises as they can when the
music stops.
Lesson Focus: The ¾ swing is an extension of ½
swing with the club reaching shoulder height.
The full swing is an extension of ¾ swing with the club
reaching above shoulder height.
Organization (7-15) 3,5, and 9 Iron clubs (30) Whiffle
Pair up with a partner or have teams of four-five students.
One club per two partners or one club per five-six
1. Teacher demonstrate ¾ swing.
2. Students will practice ¾ swing with correct form with
partner giving instructional feedback.
(five swings without ball)
3. Teacher demonstrate full swing. (Show circle in air
with club)
4. Students will practice full swing with correct form with
partner giving instructional feedback.
(five swings without ball).
5. Teacher demonstrate ¾ and full swing hitting
baseball whiffle balls. (two swings each for ¾ and full
6. Two whiffle baseballs per pair of students or group.
Closure: Put all clubs and whiffle balls on the marking
1. What was our lesson focus today?
2. What is the difference in the ¾ swing and full swing?
3. What is the difference between the 3 iron and 9-iron
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One partner is the chaser and the runs after the other
partner trying not to get tagged. If the partner being
chased is tagged, roles switch and that partner now
becomes the chaser.
Tape intervals of music playing for 30-35 seconds and
silence for 20 seconds. Students will run, jump rope or
do any specified movement.
When the music stops, students will do the required
exercise or task with correct form.
Pick a different exercise when the music stops.
During the coffee grinder, keep your legs straight.
When performing the crab walk, keep your stomach
up towards the air.
1. Practice (3) ½ swings using the correct grip,
stance and alignment.
2. Practice (5) ¾ swings with out the ball using the
correct grip, stance and alignment. Bring your
club head back with arms extending to shoulder
height. Backswing and forward swing is at same
3. Practice ¾ swings hitting (5) whiffle balls. Partner
giving instructional feedback.
4. On cue, the students will retrieve the balls and
the other partner will hit.
Full Swing: On backswing, clubhead is pointed to
ground and shaft pointed toward the target. Visualize
circle drawn in air with clubhead. Circle starts at
backswing and complete at finish of forward swing.
5. Practice (5) full swings with out the ball using the
correct grip, stance and alignment. Bring your club
head back with arms extending to shoulder height.
- Practice full swings hitting (5) whiffle balls.
Partner giving instructional feedback.
- On cue, the students will retrieve the balls and the
other partner will hit.
DATE: ______________________ EQUIPMENT: 7-15 Seven Irons, 30 Whiffle golf balls, 10 cones
UNIT: Golf
Day: 3 of 15
OBJECTIVE: Today you will learn: The proper way to execute a chip shot and know which club to
Intro: Frozen Tag
Pick three students to be taggers. They have a
flag. If tagged stand with legs apart. To get free,
student must go through the legs.
Fitness: Walk, Jog, Sprint
1 Whistle= Walk
2 Whistles= Jog
3 Whistles= Sprint
Students start in scatter formation and listen to
whistle. On signal students either walk, jog or
Discuss safety and quick changes to the signal.
Lesson Focus: The Chip Shot is used when the
ball is slightly off the green and where the ball is ½
from the green.
1. You chip when your ball is approximately ½ from
the hole.
Organization (7-15) 7 Iron clubs (30) Whiffle golf balls
2. Practice grip and open stance with front foot open
towards target.
Pair up with a partner or have teams of four-five students.
One club per two partners or one club per five-six
students. Show students angles of irons how they differ.
3. Swing can be ½, ¾ or full swing depending how
far you are away from target.
7. Teacher demonstrate grip and open stance towards
8. Students will practice swing with correct form and
forward foot open toward target with partner giving
instructional feedback.
(five swings without ball)
9. Two whiffle balls per pair of students or group.
10. Have a target set using cones 10” from chipping
area. Have students count # balls close to target.
Have students spread out in pairs or if in teams,
one at a time to practice swings.
Have cones 10” from chipping area. Cones mark
the target.
On signal students get balls.
Signal to retrieve balls.
Goal is to have ball stop rolling close to cone.
Closure: Put all clubs and golf balls on the marking
1. What was our lesson today?
2. What is the purpose of the chip shot?
3. What are the differences in the iron clubs?
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DATE: ______________________ EQUIPMENT: 7-15 Nine Irons, 30 Whiffle golf balls, 10 cones
UNIT: Golf
Day: 4 of 15
OBJECTIVE: Today you will learn: The proper way to execute the pitch shot and know which club to
Intro: High 5’s
Each student will do locomotor movements in
scatter formation until music stops or on signal.
When the music stops or on signal students will
jump and give each other as many High 5’s they
Strength Exercises
Push ups; Inclined wall push-ups, Curl-ups; Curlups with twist; Reverse push-ups
Teacher will lead groups of five or six in teams to
do exercises.
During reverse push-ups you have to make sure
stomach is flat towards air and hands are pointed
towards the feet.
Lesson Focus: The pitch shot is used when the ball
is slightly off the green. Depending how far the ball
is away you will use a ¼, ½, or ¾ swing with the ball
having loft in the air.
4. You do a pitch shot when your ball is off the green
and you want your ball to loft in the air close to the
Organization (7-15) 9 Iron clubs (30) Whiffle golf balls
Pair up with a partner or have teams of four-five students.
One club per two partners or one club per five-six
11. Teacher demonstrate grip and open stance towards
12. Students will practice ¼,½, or ¾ swing with correct
form and forward foot open toward target with partner
giving instructional feedback.
(five swings without ball)
13. Two whiffle balls per pair of students or group.
14. Have targets 10, 30 and 50 yards from pitching area.
Have students count # balls close to targets.
Closure: : Put all clubs and golf balls on the
marking spots.
4. What was our lesson today?
5. What is the purpose of the pitch shot?
3. What are the differences in the chip and pitch shot?
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5. Practice grip and open stance with front foot open
towards target.
6. Swing can be ¼,½, or ¾ swing depending how far
you are away from target.
Have students spread out in pairs or if in teams,
practice hitting one at a time to practice swings.
Have cones 10, 30 and 50 yards from pitching
area. Cones mark the target.
On signal students get balls.
Signal to retrieve balls.
Goal is to hit the ball with loft in the air and having
the ball stop close to the desired target.
DATE: ______________________ EQUIPMENT: 7-15 Nine Irons or Sand Wedges, 15 golf balls
UNIT: Golf
Day: 5 of 15
LOCATION: Running long jump pit or sand v-ball area
OBJECTIVE: Today you will learn: The proper way to execute the sand shot and know which club to
Intro: Partner Over, Under and Around
Strength Exercises and Flexibility Exercises
Student choice of the various strength and flexibility
exercises they have learned in class.
Students will pair up in scatter formation and will go
over, under and around partner for 30 seconds. On
signal partners will switch roles and see how many
times they can go over, under and around partner.
Students will lead groups of five or six in teams to
do exercises.
Student leaders from each group will choose a
different strength and flexibility exercises that
they have learned in class.
Lesson Focus: The sand shot is used when the ball 7. You do a sand shot when your ball is in the sand
bunker and you want your ball to get out.
is in the sand bunker.
Organization (7-15) 9 Irons or wedges (15) golf balls
Pair up with a partner or have teams of four-five students.
One club per two partners or one club per five-six
15. Teacher demonstrate feet placement and addressing
ball with open club. I also demonstrate hitting behind
the ball with full swing. Show follow through will
trailing shoulder pushing ball out of sand with head
staying still. Sand will fly with swing.
16. Students will practice full swing with correct form and
club open toward target with partner giving
instructional feedback.
(five swings without ball)
17. Two whiffle balls per pair of students or group.
18. Have targets 10, 30 and 50 yards from pitching area.
Have students count # balls close to targets.
Closure: Put all clubs and golf balls on the marking
6. What was our lesson today?
7. Where do you contact the ball on a sand shot?
3. What club would you use on a sand shot?
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8. Practice digging feet into the sand with open face
at address of ball.
9. Aim 2-3 inches behind the ball and use a full
swing. Keep head down with back shoulder
pushing the ball out of the sand. On the swing you
will take out some sand with the ball.
Have students spread out in pairs or if in teams,
practice hitting one at a time to practice swings.
On signal students get balls.
On signal students hit ball out of sand with a full
swing with follow-through towards the target..
Signal to retrieve balls.
Goal is to hit the ball with loft in the air and having
the ball stop close to the desired target.
DATE: ______________________ EQUIPMENT: (7-15) 3 Woods/ 9 Irons, 30 Whiffle golf balls and
15 tees
Day: 6 of 15
OBJECTIVE: Today you will learn: The proper technique to drive the ball off a tee using a 3 wood
and 9 iron club.
Intro: Fastest Tag in the West
Fitness: Continuity Exercises
Equipment: Tape player/Tape (30 Jump ropes)
Exercises: Push-ups, curl-ups, reverse push-ups, side leg
lifts on each side, coffee grinder, arm circling, crab walks
forward and backward, etc.
Students will do as many exercises as they can when the
music stops.
Lesson Focus: The full swing is used when driving the
ball off the tee. * Talk about where the ball should be on
the tee and position of tee.
Organization (7-15) 3 Woods/ 9 Iron clubs (30) Whiffle
golf balls
Pair up with a partner or have teams of four-five students.
One club per two partners or one club per five-six
19. Teacher discuss 1,3, and 5 wood and demonstrate
the position of the ball on a tee. Instructor will
demonstrate tee positioned at inside of left heel and
hit the ball using a full swing.
20. Students will practice full swings with correct form
with partner giving instructional feedback.
(five swings without ball)
21. Students will use a tee and practice hitting two balls
using a full swing with correct form with partner giving
instructional feedback.
22. The student will have (two practice swings without
the ball). Then the students will drive (2) balls.
23. Two whiffle golf balls per pair of students or group.
Students are in scatter formation in a specific area
and everyone is it. The goal is to be the last person
Tape intervals of music playing for 30-35 seconds and
silence for 20 seconds. Students will run, jump rope or
do any specified movement.
When the music stops, students will do the required
exercise or task with correct form.
Pick a different exercise when the music stops.
During the coffee grinder, keep your legs straight.
When performing the crab walk, keep your stomach
up towards the air.
5. The woods are primarily used when you want to
drive the ball at a great distance. An 9 iron club
would be used for a shorter distance,where you
want loft in the hit.
6. Tee the ball so the top edge of the club comes ¼1/2 of the way up the ball.
7. Stance is at its widest with feet shoulder width
apart with the ball positioned inside left heel.
8. Practice (5) full swings with out the ball using
correct grip, stance and alignment. Bring your
club head back with arms extending to shoulder
height. Backswing & forward swing/same height.
9. Students will tee ball up and position it inside of
the left heel. When using a wood you should
stand a little further away from the ball. When
using an iron, stand a little closer to the ball.
10. Practice full swings hitting (2) whiffle balls off the
tee. Partner giving instructional feedback.
11. On cue, the students will retrieve the balls and the
other partner will hit.
12. Students will practice using a wood without the
tee. (2) practice swings. Students will put ball at
inside of left heel and hit (2) balls. Partners will
give instructional feedback .
13. On cue, the students will retrieve the balls and
reverse roles
Closure: Put all clubs and whiffle balls on the marking
spots. Bring the tee’s to the teacher.
1. What was our lesson focus today?
2. Where do you position the tee when you want to use
a wood to drive the ball?
3. What are the differences in the 1,3 and 5 wood?
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DATE: ______________________ EQUIPMENT: (7-15)Putters, 15 Golf balls, 15 Hula Hoops,
Circuit Training Signs and cones, Tape Player/Tape with music
Day: 7 of 15
LOCATION: Outside or inside the gym/wrestling room
OBJECTIVE: Today you will learn: The proper technique in executing a putt and how to read the
Intro: Jog five times around the gym or jog around
the basketball court two times.
Students will jog safely around the gym or basketball
court at a comfortable pace.
Fitness: Circuit Training Exercises
Tape intervals of music playing for 30-35 seconds and
silence for 20 seconds. Students do exercises at each
Equipment: Tape player/Tape (7) Jump ropes
Exercises: Push-ups, curl-ups, reverse push-ups, side
leg lifts on each side, jogging, arm circles, hamstring
stretch, bent over row, trunk rotation stretch and back
arch and sag
Students will do as many exercises as they can at station
and rotate clockwise to next station when the music
Lesson Focus: The putt is used when the ball is on the
green. A pendulum swing is used. Arms and shoulders
swing as one unit equal distance back and forth.
Organization (7-15) Putters (15) Golf balls, (15) Hula
Spread out hula hoops as targets outside or in the
teaching area.
Pair up with a partner or have teams of four-five students.
One club per two partners or one club per five-six
24. Teacher demonstrate the putt using the pendulum
swing. Show how you get behind the ball and make
an imaginary line to the target.
25. Students will practice pendulum swing with correct
form with partner giving instructional feedback.
(three swings without ball)
26. Students will practice pendulum swing keeping the
blade square to hula hoop target and low to the
ground.(three swings with the ball)
27. Students will take turns two balls per pair of partners
or group.
When the music stops, students will move to next
station clockwise and resume exercise when music
starts. Students are to have good technique while
performing exercises.
14. Practice (3) pendulum swings using the correct
grip, stance and alignment.
15. Practice short backswing hitting (5) golf balls
keeping blade low to the ground and square to the
target. Stand behind ball and make an imaginary
line from ball to target using dominant eye.
16. If the target is left of the ball, visualize a pail of
water that spilled. Which direction would the water
run? See the slant of the green and where you
need to angle the ball so it will break to the
17. Swing is from shoulders. Stroke through the ball
without stopping. Feel the putter accelerate
through contact. It is preferable to overshoot the
putt if you miss the hole/target
18. On cue, the students will retrieve the balls and the
other partner will hit.
Closure: Put all putters and golf balls on the marking
4. What was our lesson focus today?
5. What is a pendulum swing?
6. Tell me how to read the green.
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DATE: ______________________ EQUIPMENT: 7-15 Putters, 15 Hula hoops, 15 Frisbees, 30
Golf balls, 4 Cones, Tape Player/Tape, and 15 Long Jump Ropes
UNIT: Golf
Day: 8 of 15
LOCATION: Outside or inside the gym/wrestling room
STANDARDS: 1PA-E2 PO1, 5PA-E2 PO2, 5PA-E3 PO2, 5PA-E4 PO1, 6PA-E2 PO2
OBJECTIVE: Today you will learn: How to play a simulated golf game practicing putting skills and
recording scores.
Intro: Mirror Drill in Place
Students pick a partner. One person is the leader
and makes a quick movement with the hands,
head, legs or body. The other partner tries to
mirror and perform exact movement.
Fitness: Aerobic Activity- Four Corners
Skipping, jogging, sliding, running backwards,
jumping, leaping, hopping and galloping
Stretch Activities- Partner Resistance Exercises:
Arm curl-ups, fist pull-apart, butterfly, and resistance
Tape intervals of music playing for 30 seconds
and silence for 45 seconds to do partner
resistance exercises. Have four cones set up at
corners. Students can do any locomotor
movement until they get to a different cone. They
must change their movement.
-Partner resistance exercises range of motion
exercises should take 8-12 seconds to complete.
Lesson Focus: Review putting skills and pair up
with partner. Students will engage in putting games.
Discuss golf etiquette regarding the rules of putting
when you are on the green.
Organization: 15 Hula hoops spread out at various
distances around the teaching area. Have long jump
ropes be the start of the pretend green.
You do not walk in front of a putters lie.
Have half of the hoops/targets with frisbees in them
and the other half without a frisbee. This provides
some challenges for the students.
Make up a card for students to record their putts at
each target/hula hoop. Student with the lowest
score per hole wins the hole.
If you think you may hit their ball, mark their ball.
You do not pull the pin unless you are asked to.
Persons ball that is furthest away from the hole puts
first. You take turns until the ball is in hole/target.
Keep track of how many turns it takes you to putt the
ball in the hole/target. Person who has the lowest
number at each hole/target or out of all the
holes/targets wins the game.
Closure: Put all the putters and golf balls on the
marking spots.
1. Give me an example of golf etiquette while on the
2. Who is the first person to putt when everyone is
on the green?
3. How do you determine who the winner is when
you play a mini putting game?
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DATE: ______________________ EQUIPMENT: 3-Sandwedges, 3-Drivers or Woods, 6-Seven
Irons, 6-Nine Irons, 6-Putters, 6-Hoops, 18 Plastic golf balls, 12-Golf balls, 3-Frisbees, 8-Cones
UNIT: Golf
Day: 9 of 15
OBJECTIVE: Today you will be refining your golf skills using various clubs at five different stations.
Intro: Flag Grab
Fitness: Astronaut Drills: Leaping, running, jumping,
arm circles, crab walk, leaping, reverse crab walk,
body twists, upper-body stretches, and bear walk.
Exercises: Curl-ups, push-ups, windmills, lunges
Lesson Focus: Students will work on various golf
skills at five different stations:(Sand, Pitch, Driving,
Putting, Chip)
Organization- Groups of six at each station.
Discuss the stations and/or have station signs.
Station 1- (Sand Trap) Three sand wedges.
Partners alternate hitting one ball while the other
partner critiques. On signal, the balls are retrieved.
Station 2-(Pitch) Six 9 iron clubs with cones set up
at 10, 30, and 50 yards. Each student will hit one
plastic golf ball and retrieve when everyone has hit.
Station 3-(Driving) Six drivers or three woods, six
plastic golf balls. Each student will hit one plastic
golf ball and will retrieve balls when everyone has
Station 4-(Putting) Six putters, six golf balls, six
hoops and three hoops with frisbees. Each student
will practice putting to the various targets.
Station 5-(Chip) Six 7 irons with cones set up at 40
yards away. Each student will hit one plastic golf ball
and retrieve when everyone has hit.
Closure: Put all equipment back where it was set up
All students scatter with a flag belt. On signal,
students try to grab other students’ flags without
getting their flag pulled. If flag is pulled it is put
back on and play resumes. The movements can
Students can be scattered, in a circle or in a
rectangular formation. On signal students start
with a brisk walk. On next signal student does the
required activity or exercise.
Remind students that you are trusting them to work
independently and safely and to do what is required at
each station.
Remind students to ensure they have a safe distance
between team members when practicing their
particular golf skills.
On signal, before you rotate to next station, make sure
all the equipment is set up or put away for the next
group to participate.
When swinging, make sure you are holding the club
tightly and do not retrieve the balls until everyone is
done hitting.
If the students do not make it to all the stations,
remind them to remember which station they finished
before class began.
1. What was our lesson today?
2. Name the stations that were used in class today.
3. Why is it important to have safe distance when
hitting the ball?
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DATE: ______________________ EQUIPMENT: 3-Sandwedges, 3-Drivers or Woods, 6-Seven
Irons, 6-Nine Irons, 6-Putters, 6-Hoops, 18 Plastic golf balls, 12-Golf balls, 3-Frisbees, 8-Cones
UNIT: Golf
Day: 10 of 15
OBJECTIVE: Today you will be refining your golf skills using various clubs at five different stations
Intro: Jog to the fourth tree and back
Jog at a comfortable pace around the fourth tree
and jog back. Make sure there is good space.
Fitness: Teacher led exercises
Upper Body Strength
Knee push-ups, Triceps push-ups, Regular pushups
Abdominal Strength
Knee touch curl-ups, Partial curl-ups and hold 8
Flexibility Stretches
Arm Stretches – hold each arm 8 secs, Windmills,
Side-bend twists
Please stand in front of me in your teams and
make sure you have good space to follow along to
do these exercises.
- Make sure you bend your elbows and keep
your seat level to your back when doing pushups.
- As you curl, slide your hands up to your
- As you are doing the windmills, make sure you
touch your toes to get the full stretch.
- On the side-bends stretch and extend to get
the full benefit of stretching.
Remind students that you are trusting them to work
independently and safely and to do what is required at
each station.
Lesson Focus: Students will work on various golf
skills at five different stations:(Sand, Pitch, Driving,
Putting, Chip)
Organization- Groups of six at each station.
Discuss the stations and/or have station signs.
Station 1- (Sand Trap) Three sand wedges.
Partners alternate hitting one ball while the other
partner critiques. On signal, the balls are retrieved.
Station 2-(Pitch) Six 9 iron clubs with cones set up
at 10, 30, and 50 yards. Each student will hit one
plastic golf ball and retrieve when everyone has hit.
Station 3-(Driving) Six drivers or three woods, six
plastic golf balls. Each student will hit one plastic
golf ball and will retrieve balls when everyone has
Station 4-(Putting) Six putters, six golf balls, six
hoops and three hoops with frisbees. Each student
will practice putting to the various targets.
Station 5-(Chip) Six 7 irons with cones set up at 40
yards away. Each student will hit one plastic golf ball
and retrieve when everyone has hit.
Closure: Put all equipment back where it was set up
Remind students to ensure they have a safe distance
between team members when practicing their
particular golf skills.
On signal, before you rotate to next station, make sure
all the equipment is set up or put away for the next
group to participate.
When swinging, make sure you are holding the club
tightly and do not retrieve the balls until everyone is
done hitting.
If the students do not make it to all the stations,
remind them to remember which station they finished
before class began.
4. What was our lesson today?
5. What is the purpose of putting a frisbee inside a
6. Tell me two cues that make a drive successful.
Page 12 of 23
DATE: ______________________ EQUIPMENT: White board/marker, Glossary of golf terms, and
Etiquette/rules and Golf cards, Whistle, All Clubs, Irons, Putters and 30 Whiffle golf balls
UNIT: Golf
Day: 11 of 15
LOCATION: Inside/Outside
STANDARDS: 1PA-E2 PO1, 5PA-E2 PO2, 5PA-E3 PO2, 5PA-E4 PO1, 6PA-E2 PO2
OBJECTIVE: Today you will learn golf terminology, golf etiquette and how to mark a golf score card
as you play against your partner.
Intro: Pyramid Power
Students are moving in scatter formation. On
signal, if they are three whistles, they find three
partners, four whistles, four partners etc. Students
make a pyramid. Hands on shoulders and knees
on lower back by hips.
Fitness: Fartlek –( Speed Play) Aerobic/Anaerobic
Jogging, sprinting and walking
Students will jog a certain distance. On next signal
students will sprint to a certain distance. Next
signal jog again. The goal is to increase distance
and continue to keep jogging or sprinting. The
students may need to walk some.
Lesson Focus: Students will learn golf terminology
and learn about golf etiquette. They will understand
how to mark scores on a golf score card.
Hand out glossary of golf terms and golf etiquette
information. Discuss the terminology and explain in
detail about golf etiquette.
Run off a glossary of golf terms and the
rules/etiquette regarding golf.
Students can bring notebooks and pencils and take
notes on golf terminology and golf rules if you do not
have resources available for them.
Students can bring notebooks and pencils and take
notes about golf terms and golf etiquette.
Students will have a golf score card labeled with nine
separate holes and will mark scores at each hole
based on information the teacher provides for them.
Make copies of a golf card and teacher demonstrate
on white board how the game of golf is scored.
Provide a pretend scenario of three people playing
golf by writing information on the white board.
Students will write down the scores at each hole on
their score card. Walk around and check for student
Students play with one club. They can alternate a
throw and a hit with the club. The students will keep
score using golf cards and go to their own desired
Closure: Put all equipment back on the marking
Students can play partner activity games using a golf
card. They can pick their own desired target/hole in
the field. They can alternate a throw and a hit using a
club. If they are close to the target, they can borrow
another teams desired club.
This requires good sportsmanship, cooperation and
The partner that has the lowest score wins.
1. What is PAR in the game of golf?
2. How do we keep score in golf?
3. How do we determine the winner in golf?
Page 13 of 23
DATE: ______________________ EQUIPMENT: All Clubs, Irons, Putters and 30 Whiffle golf
balls, 15 Hoops, 15 Frisbees, 15 Cones or Long Jump Ropes, 9 Golf Score Cards with 4-5 name slots,
9 pencils/clipboards.
UNIT: Golf
Day: 12 of 15
LOCATION: Inside/Outside
STANDARDS: 1PA-E2 PO1, 5PA-E2 PO2, 5PA-E3 PO2, 5PA-E3 PO2, 5PA-E4 PO1, 6PA-E2 PO2
OBJECTIVE: Today you will play a simulated golf game demonstrating skills, following golf
etiquette using a score card.
Intro: Marking
Fitness: Continuity Exercises
Equipment: Tape player/Tape (30 Jump ropes)
Exercises: Push-ups, curl-ups, reverse push-ups, side leg
lifts on each side, coffee grinder, arm circling, crab walks
forward and backward, etc.
Students will do as many exercises as they can when the
music stops.
One partner is the chaser and the runs after the other
partner trying not to get tagged. If the partner being
chased is tagged, roles switch and that partner now
becomes the chaser.
Tape intervals of music playing for 30-35 seconds and
silence for 20 seconds. Students will run, jump rope or
do any specified movement.
When the music stops, students will do the required
exercise or task with correct form.
Pick a different exercise when the music stops.
During the coffee grinder, keep your legs straight.
When performing the crab walk, keep your stomach
up towards the air.
Lesson Focus: Students will play a simulated
golf game demonstrating skills, following golf
etiquette using a score card.
Organization- Groups of 4-5 students. One
driver, one five iron, one seven or nine iron and
one putter per group. Each student is
responsible for the their plastic golf ball. Watch
where your ball landed.
Groups can start at any hole. One golf card per group
and one pencil. Have 15 hoops set up with frisbees
in golf course format. Students play a simulated golf
game against players in their group. They may move
to any open hole. Use cones or long jump ropes for
the tee area for each hole. Students will write down
the scores at each hole on their score card. Teacher
will walk around and check for student
Remind the students that you are looking for safety,
teamwork and good sportsmanship while competing
against their peers.
Move to a hole that is not occupied.
Have students within the group provide feedback if
someone is struggling with hitting the ball.
As a group help each other out with which club should
be used.
Make sure you are keeping track of how many strokes
it takes you to hit the ball in the hoop and take turns
writing down each students score.
Practice using appropriate golf etiquette and playing
by the rules.
The person within the group that has the lowest score
Closure: Put all equipment back on the marking
4. What was our lesson today?
5. What clubs did we use today?
6. What is the area called where you hit the ball
down the middle of hole?
Page 14 of 23
DATE: ______________________ EQUIPMENT: All Clubs, Irons, Putters and 30 Whiffle golf
balls, 7 Hoops, 7 Frisbees, 15 Cones or Long Jump Ropes, 7 Golf Score Cards with 5-6 name slots,
9 pencils/clipboards.
UNIT: Golf
Day: 13 of 15
LOCATION: Inside/Outside
STANDARDS: 1PA-E2 PO1, 5PA-E2 PO2, 5PA-E3 PO2, 5PA-E3 PO2, 5PA-E4 PO1, 6PA-E2 PO2
OBJECTIVE: Today you will play a modified golf game demonstrating skills, following golf
etiquette, playing by the rules and using a score card.
Intro: Frozen Tag
Pick three students to be taggers. They have a
flag. If tagged stand with legs apart. To get free,
student must go through the legs.
Fitness: Walk, Jog, Sprint
1 Whistle= Walk
2 Whistles= Jog
3 Whistles= Sprint
Lesson Focus: Students will play a modified golf game
Students start in scatter formation and listen to
whistle. On signal students either walk, jog or
Discuss safety and quick changes to the signal.
demonstrating skills, following golf etiquette and playing
by the rules using a score card.
Organization- Groups of 4-5 students. One driver, one
five iron, one seven or nine iron and one putter per group.
Each student is responsible for the their plastic golf ball.
Watch where your ball landed.
Groups can start at any hole and must move clockwise to
the next hole. One golf card per group and one
pencil/clipboard. Have 7 hoops set up with frisbees in golf
course format. Students play a modified golf game
against players in their group. Use cones or long jump
ropes for the tee area for each hole.
Students will write down the scores at each hole on their
score card. Teacher will walk around and check for
student understanding.
Remind the students that you are looking for safety,
teamwork and good sportsmanship while competing
against their peers.
Move to the next hole clockwise.
Have students within the group provide feedback if
someone is struggling with hitting the ball.
As a group help each other out with which club should
be used.
Make sure you are keeping track of how many strokes
it takes you to hit the ball in the hoop and take turns
writing down each students score.
Practice using appropriate golf etiquette and playing
by the rules.
The person within the group that has the lowest score
Closure: Put all equipment back on the marking
7. What was our lesson today?
8. What is a birdie?
9. What happens when you lose your ball?
Page 15 of 23
DATE: ______________________ EQUIPMENT: All Clubs, Irons, Putters and 30 Whiffle golf
balls, 9 Hoops, 9 Frisbees, 9 Cones or Long Jump Ropes, 30 Individual Golf Score Cards, 15 Pencils
UNIT: Golf
Day: 14 of 15
LOCATION: Inside/Outside
STANDARDS: 1PA-E2 PO1, 5PA-E2 PO2, 5PA-E3 PO2, 5PA-E3 PO2, 5PA-E4 PO1, 6PA-E2 PO2
OBJECTIVE: Today you will play a nine hole golf game demonstrating skills, following golf
etiquette, playing by the rules and using a score card.
Intro: Stretch for 2-3 minutes
Fitness: Skip today to allow students to have
adequate time to play all nine holes
Lesson Focus: Students will play a nine hole golf
playing by the rules. Students will document their strokes
Remind the students that you are looking for safety,
teamwork and good sportsmanship while competing
against their peers.
at each hole on their individual score card.
Make a personal goal for your self at each hole.
game demonstrating skills, following golf etiquette and
Organization- Groups of 4 students. One driver, one
Move to the next hole clockwise.
five iron, one seven or nine iron and one putter per group.
Each student is responsible for the their plastic golf ball.
Have students within the group provide feedback if
someone is struggling with hitting the ball.
Watch where your ball landed.
Groups can start at any hole and must move clockwise to
As a group help each other out with which club should
be used.
the next hole. One golf card per individual, two pencils
per foursome. Have 9 hoops set up with frisbees in golf
course format. Students play a nine hole golf game
against players in their group. Use cones or long jump
ropes for the tee area for each hole.
Students will write down the scores at each hole on their
score card. Teacher will walk around and check for
student understanding.
Make sure you are keeping track of how many strokes
it takes you to hit the ball in the hoop and take turns
writing down each students score.
Practice using appropriate golf etiquette and playing
by the rules.
The person within the group that has the lowest score
wins or have all students add their individual scores,
the person with the lowest score in the whole class is
the winner.
Closure: Put all equipment back on the marking
10. Why do we set individual personal goals?
11. What is a bogie?
12. Why is golf considered a lifetime sport?
Page 16 of 23
DATE: ______________________ EQUIPMENT: 30 Golf Tests
UNIT: Golf
Day: 15 of 15
STANDARDS: 2PA-E1 PO2, 3PA-E1 PO2, 3PA-E2 PO1, 3PA-E2 PO2, 6PA-E2 PO2, 6PA-E3 PO1,
7PA-E1 PO2, 7PA-E2 PO1, 7PA-E3 PO1
OBJECTIVE: Today you will be measured in test format on your knowledge of the various golf skills,
terminology and golf etiquette that was taught during this three week unit.
Lesson Focus: Students will take a twenty five
question test that includes reading, writing and math. The
test will contain multiple choice and true/false questions
as well.
Remind the students that golf is a lifetime sport that is
enjoyed and played by males, females and all ethnic
Have a parent/guardian or friend take you to a hitting
range to get more practice hitting golf balls using the
irons and woods. Have someone take you golfing on a
short nine hole course.
Go to “Goofy Golf” or “Golf Land with friends to
practice your putting skills.
Demonstrate appropriate golf etiquette and good
sportsmanship while competing against others.
Make a personal goal for your self at each hole or
each time you play a particular course.
Try to get a lower number overall each time you play.
13. What is the purpose of taking this test?
14. Where is the best place to practice your strokes?
15. When can a person start playing golf?
Page 17 of 23
Name: _________________________
Date: _________________________
Golf Test
Use addition, subtraction, multiplication or division to solve the following problems. Please, read
the question carefully.
You are playing on an eighteen hole golf course and finished the fifth hole, how many more
holes of golf are there left to play? _____
You scored a three on the first hole, four on the second hole, and a five on the third hole,
what is your score thus far? ______________
Par on a nine hole golf course is sixty seven and your score is seventy nine, how many
strokes over par did you score? _________
Your score was forty five after playing nine holes, your average stroke per hole is?
The pin is two hundred and thirty yards away and the ball after two strokes is located at the
one hundred eighty five yard mark, how many yards away is the pin? _______________
Write the answer to each question using complete sentences, correct spelling,
capitalization and punctuation.
Explain what Par is in the game of golf.
When a person talks about golf etiquette, what are they referring to?
When a person has shot a “Birdie” at a particular hole, explain what is meant by that remark.
When you are on the putting green and you need to read the green, explain how you would
do that.
Page 18 of 23
Describe when would you use the driver club?
Read each of the questions, and circle the correct answer.
Which one of these clubs is not considered a wood?
A. Five
B. One
C. Three
D. Seven
Which club would you use to hit the ball out of the sand bunker?
A. Two
B. Nine
C. Five
D. Four
Which grip is not used in the sport of golf?
A. Palm
B. V Grip
C. Overlap
D. Reverse Overlap grip
If you are right handed, and you are addressing the ball off the tee,
should the ball be positioned?
A. In the middle of the feet
B. In the front of the left foot
C. By the inside of left heel
D. By the inside of right heel
When a golfer has a “Bogie” on the fourth hole, what is that referring to?
A. You hit two strokes over
B. You hit one stroke under
C. You hit two strokes under
D. You hit one stroke over
When hitting a chip shot, what should be the position of the club?
A. Open
B. Closed
C. Pointed inward
D. Pointed outward
Page 19 of 23
If you are right handed and you “slice” the ball in golf, which
likely go?
A. Ball goes straight
B. Ball curves to the left
C. Ball curves to the right
D. None of the above
direction will the ball
When using the driver which swing would use most likely use?
A. ¾ swing
B. Full swing
C. ¼ swing
D. ½ swing
The next seven questions will be True and False question. Please circle the
correct answer.
Par means one less stroke than the number on the card or sign.
True or False?
A putter is used when the ball is on the green. True or False?
The person who has the highest score in golf is the winner.
True or False?
The club that is used in a chip shot is a five iron. True or False?
Golf is a lifetime sport that is played at any age by males, females, all races and cultures.
True or False?
Golf can be played on a nine, twelve, or eighteen hole course.
True or False?
Tiger Woods is one of the best golfers talked about today.
True or False?
Page 20 of 23
Name: _________________________
Date: _________________________
Golf Test Key
Use addition, subtraction, multiplication or division to solve the following problems. Please, read
the question carefully.
You are playing on an eighteen hole golf course and finished the fifth hole, how many more
holes of golf are there left to play? __13___
You scored a three on the first hole, four on the second hole, and a five on the third hole,
what is your score thus far? ______________
Par on a nine hole golf course is sixty seven and your score is seventy nine, how many
strokes over par did you score? _________
Your score was forty five after playing nine holes, your average stroke per hole is?
The pin is two hundred and thirty yards away and the ball after two strokes is located at the
one hundred eighty five yard mark, how many yards away is the pin? _______________
Write the answer to each question using complete sentences, correct spelling,
capitalization and punctuation.
Explain what Par is in the game of golf.
When a person talks about golf etiquette, what are they referring to?
When a person has shot a “Birdie” at a particular hole, explain what is meant by that remark.
When you are on the putting green and you need to read the green, explain how you would
do that.
Page 21 of 23
Describe when would you use the driver club?
Read each of the questions, and circle the correct answer.
Which one of these clubs is not considered a wood?
E. Five
F. One
G. Three
H. Seven
Which club would you use to hit the ball out of the sand bunker?
E. Two
F. Nine
G. Five
H. Four
Which grip is not used in the sport of golf?
E. Palm
F. V Grip
G. Overlap
H. Reverse Overlap grip
If you are right handed, and you are addressing the ball off the tee,
should the ball be positioned?
E. In the middle of the feet
F. In the front of the left foot
G. By the inside of left heel
H. By the inside of right heel
When a golfer has a “Bogie” on the fourth hole, what is that referring to?
E. You hit two strokes over
F. You hit one stroke under
G. You hit two strokes under
H. You hit one stroke over
When hitting a chip shot, what should be the position of the club?
E. Open
F. Closed
G. Pointed inward
H. Pointed outward
Page 22 of 23
If you are right handed and you “slice” the ball in golf, which
likely go?
E. Ball goes straight
F. Ball curves to the left
G. Ball curves to the right
H. None of the above
direction will the ball
When using the driver which swing would use most likely use?
E. ¾ swing
F. Full swing
G. ¼ swing
H. ½ swing
The next seven questions will be True and False question. Please circle the
correct answer.
Par means one less stroke than the number on the card or sign.
True or False?
A putter is used when the ball is on the green. True or False?
The person who has the highest score in golf is the winner.
True or False?
The club that is used in a chip shot is a five iron. True or False?
Golf is a lifetime sport that is played at any age by males, females, all races and cultures.
True or False?
Golf can be played on a nine, twelve, or eighteen hole course.
True or False?
Tiger Woods is one of the best golfers talked about today.
True or False?
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